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Calculation for difference in cost of material, labour and fuel

The estimate have been prepared on the basis of schedule of rate 2012, Sikkik PWD ( Roads & Bridges),
Government of sikkim ant the rates have not been updated since 2012. As such, price escalation on the
cost of estimate is necessary and this evaluation is calculated as below:-

i The basis for working out the escalation is considered as the date of effect of the schedule of rate
2012, Sikkim PWD ( Roads & Bridges), Government of sikkim.

ii Component of material, labour and POL shall be as under.

a) Material - 50%
b) Labour - 30%
c) POL - 5%
Total - 85%
Escalation is calculated for an estimated cost of Rs. 100 Lakhs
A The escalation for materials is workout as follows:

VM = W x X x MI - MI0
100 MI0
85 x 50 x 152.60 - 142.20
100 142.20

= 3.11 Lakhs

Vm = Variation in material cost

W = 85% of cost of estimate as indicated in sub-cl (ii) above

X = Component of material expressed as percent of value of the estimated indicated in

Sub- cl (ii) above of industry and commerce for the above

Avarage index number of wholw sale price for group (materials) as published weekly
MI & MI0 = by economic Advisor of Government of India, Ministry of Industry for thr period
Reckoned i. e. march 2012 and dec 2015.

B The escalation on prices of POL will be as per the formula given below:

VF = W x Z x FI - FI0
100 FI0
85 x 5x 176.80 - 174.00
100 174.00

= 0.07 Lakhs

VF = Variation in POL cost

W = 85% of cost of estimate as indicated in sub-cl (ii) above

Z = Component of POL expressed as percent of value of the estimated indicated in Sub-

cl (ii) above

Avarage index number of wholw sale price for group (Fuel, Power light and
FI & FI0 = lubricants) as published weekly by economic Advisor of Government of India,
Ministry of Industry for thr period Reckoned i. e. march 2012 and dec 2015.

C The compensation for escalation for labour will be as per the formula given below:-
VL = W x Y x LI - LI0
100 LI0
85 x 30 x 220.00 - 200.00
100 200.00

= 2.55 Lakhs

VL = Variation in labour cost

W = 85% of cost of estimate as indicated in sub-cl (ii) above
Component of labour expressed as percent of value of the estimated indicated in
Y =
Sub- cl (ii) above.

LI0 Minimum daily wage of an unskilled male mazdoor (labour) as provided in Schedule
= of rate 2012, Sikkim PWD, Government of Sikkim

Minimum daily wage of an unskilled male mazdoor (labour) during the preperation of
LI = this estimate as per Government notification.

Hence, total amount of escalation on estimated amount of Rs. 100 Lakhs

On material = Rs. 3.11 lakhs
On POL = Rs. 0.07 lakhs
On Labour = Rs. 2.55 lakhs
Total = Rs. 5.73 lakhs Say 6 Lakhs

Thus if the total project cost as per SOR 2012 comes to Rs. 100 lakhs, then after escalation it will
be Rs. 106.00 Lakhs on dec 2015. Accordingly, different of cost for the scheme based on SOR
2012, Sikkim PWD, Government of sikkim, would be 6% of the project cost.

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