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Soles dai laa ae a eee Noneacane een ee a Pec ec oN a : SSeS cea g eer cet TI Tee eee bear es re eee tera os ens pores teste Be reer betes Ee apne coe dee oe pet See 8 set eerie s Saeed Bae be el syle tae oS tee Sty eet See reo to S Ps) srs | 4 ea Pe fee eee ee oe eet ee Saeed oe Po sees elas 2 ees Cree Sore eee tS ok bes Peers toe Cer beet ar ot oe z net hee ier Stab-2 ei see eee ee eto tare ee eae yet toe Ge pee eee boo 3 Ey 3 ae Fa Ee cot B Songs Rae: holes ae oper ol tach rey teeta Ppa tee keller oun ee tenors et ey osce Fa Serres “Toate et ant TTT Pe TeT taal oe an Ce te ea Ce a eo cer socks Tne ies, eee pee aird pained ae TL I rt eared ST LUT On eee Spates OR eee one eae? RPE Reno Chet eat ee Ce [oat pd all rear camera octet phan or eee set Maat teltet epee a ait res pon OS pate a = BBs Es ae i ao ‘ a | ry x % hans rete Lae a2 3 3 i lone Ue eh ad of ets mehkeme foo onagt nd Oe So emery epeererttel = rete —t I eee tetera Special rT ptece ne P= epee ae ree ri paeteoae iat prope heee Le te a eC ae Te ke ec soca a Tae is, pbb ttrerd pple etree pened ASTOR'S DIGITALLECTURE NOTE 2018 am not really afan of sight of hand magic. Therefore most of my tricks are easy tofolow, based on easy todosiow moves. itamagician has teacher ora mentor hecan learn magic easier and aster, but usually he wil perform n hs teachers, or mentor tye. ecause never had 3 teacher, | lke to share only methods, instead of presentation. So will not Influence the style of the person who would ike to perform ane of more my OPENERPREDICTION ‘The trickcan be performed with anormal complete deck of cards, $4 cards with 122 Jokers. Even I named this trck Opener Prediction” usualy | use it as @ closer Ofcourse the Wick can be used like an opener, or can be perform in the ‘middle ofanacttoo. include this trickin my act, | prefer to begin and close my close-up act with this trick. That means that, | start my act placing a‘card, as a prediction face ownonthetable, but |revealitonlyatthe endof my lose-up show. EFFECT The performer stats his show placing card, as prediction face down fom the Gecko che table. Thea later one ofthe spectators, freely choose any card from the deck spread face down onthe table. Depending on the spectators chosen card, thereare2endings ofthe trick, f the spectator chooses the top card ofthe face down spread, the prediction cardwilperfectly much withthe chosen care Ithe spectator doesn't chooses the top card the chosen cards signed on the face. Thenisinsertedinthe middle ofthe deckanc loasedintnedeck. \While the performer dribble the cards from the right hand tothe left hand, he 53s, tha the chosen signed card wiljump tothe top ofthe deck Unfortunately, when the performer turns aver thetop cara ofthe deckit's one ofthe Jokers, of the chosen car, The performer excuses himself because he forgets to take out ‘the Joker from the deck. He drops the Joker face down an the table. Then he cribbles the deck again, but now the secand otersjumpstathetapof the deck ‘Then the performer asks the spectators If they remembe, that there is @ preciction card under te lass. One ofthe spectatorsisaskedta lit up the glass fromthe precition car While the performer saying that he wouldn'ttouch the precition card, holcing the Jokers face down, each ina hané, he inserts the rection card between the 2 ace down Jokers Finally when he turns the 3 cards face up the spectators realize, that the presition card between the 2okersis inexplicable the spectator signed card PREPARATION The only small preparation needed is to change one of the Jokers, so that both Jokers tobe thesameinthe deck(pic.1) merHoo The trick starts with placing one of the Jokers, without to showing it to the spectators, face down on the table under 2 glass. This will be the prediction card Placing a glass on the prediction care, you can prevent the turing of the preection card by one of the spectators before you fare ready to reveal Another possiblity isto place the prediction card in closed envelope and place the enveloge on the table, OF ask one of the spectators to place the envelope inhis pocket Usually place the prediction card on the up right corner of the close-up pad, oF close up table, saying thisis my precetion {pie.2-3. So, 1 will nave enough place to perform the other treks, tl reveal the precition care Then | perform other card ané close-up tricks. I the deck Is mixed during the previous tricks cut otner Joker secretlyto the top ofthe face down deck. You can be use any method. Usually | prefer to ask one of the spectators to shuffle the eck. Then turn the deck face up. While showing tat the deck's well shuffled fam lookingfortheJoker Then divide the deckntwo plies, sotnattheJokertobe {he bottom cardof te rian pie), When place the pile together practically Ioker wil bethe bottomcardofthe face up deck Ic) Next the deck is spread face down on the table and one of the spectators is asked to touch any card rom the face down spread (pie) I the spectator touches the top card of the spread, he is asked to turn face up ‘touched card and the prediction card too. Sa the preston Is both car perfect(p¥7) ifthe spectator touch one ofthe other cards thanthetopcardhelsaskedto sien the face ofthe chasen card (pic 8). The performer holds the face down deck In hislefehand in dealing postion and takes tle finger break above the bottom cardofthedeck(pic9) Then transfer the eft litle finger break toa right thumb break (pe. 10). Keeping ‘the thume break do aSwingeur,cutingthe top half ofthe cecktoyourleft hand (pic3, ‘Then as the spectator to place his signed card face down onthe top ofthe| inthelefthand (ie 12), Practeally onthe topo the Joker, Thenturnthe signed card face upwith thepile fom theright hand pictues 13- For the spectators i looking lke you inset the 14) chosen car in te midle ofthe fan. In realty [= the inserted card in the fan isthe card dropped fn the chosen card fram the bottom of the pile romtheright hand Next pena brake with yourleft thumb aboutin ‘the midle of the alle and insert the fan in your fight hand I the middle ofthe pile inthe let hand (pict8), So, now the top cad ofthe deck isthe chosen Signed card and under the chosen card Is the Joker (pi.39), Then again face down, butthstime while turning the signed card face down secretly drop the bottom card under the break on the top of the chosen card (oie5) Dribble the face down cards fom the right to the let hand. While you adjust the drbbled cards in your left hang, hold a break under the Then make an one hand fan from the secandeardfram the top (ple. 20-21). cards from yourrignt hand and insert card the pile nyour left hand inthe middle ofthe fan (oi. 26). ‘Then pushitwith thepilein yourleft hand totallyinthefan p17}, Joker (p22). Next turn the double cars face down (pie23} and drop the top card, the signed cardace dawn onthe table (ple Dribble the deck again ané tur the top card, the Joker face up (p25). Then tumit face down and pushing it under the chosen cara onthe table it up bath cardswith your right rand pie. 26}, Then doa Flushtration count, showing the chosen card and the Jokeras Jokers, lie this. Hold the 2 cards face down, with the Joker on the bottom in Bide position in your righthand (pi¢.27). Then turn the cards face up (p28) and face ‘sown again pie27), == # Vv Dig veo: fin Next take the top card the signed car from yourrighthandto the et hand pic 29} Then turn the Joker in your right hand showing its face. Finally turn the Joker face down and place itn your left hard on te top of the signed cards. if you do this moves ‘luentlytlooks like both cards arelokers, Toke the top card the Joker in your right hand and leave the chosen signed card in your left hand (pie 30), serene ta eae ota he eeens oh pes te Insert the face down prediction card between the the 2face down cadsin your hands, Pace the card in your leRt hand, the signed card under the preition| card and the card in your right hand the ether Joker an the prediction card (pic 31). Hod the 3 cards in your right hand withthe prediction card sticking out inthemidae pie 32), Finally doa Trevor Louis turnover move, reveling that the prediction card betweenthe Jokers, inexplicably ithe signed chosen card, ke this, Take the et 2 cards with yourlefthand with your thumb under and the other &ingerson the ‘ace down cards (pie 33) Then turn al 3 card face up inthe same time. But While you turn the cards, push te signed card with your lft thumb to the left. ‘Then placethe cardin your right hand on thecardsinyourefthand oie 34) FIND THE BILL erect \While the performer isturnedaway, the spectator hides the performer's bil ball (a piece of paper currency formed into a ball) under one of the several Pontransparent paper cups. After the performer turns back, he knows exactly \wherethe bilorballislocsted. ‘The trick can be performed not only with ils but with many other objects that wil ft under the cups. Aso, you can perform this trick with identical objects with one being ctferent. For example, you can use paper napkin balls and one billbal asthe nifferentitem or white ballsand onebiack bal The tick can be performed with any number of cups. n my opinion, the best choiceisto use between five-seven cups. thnk he wick set strong enought less than five cups are used, and itcan become boring performing with more thansevencups PREPARATION Independently the number of cups Used in the performance only :wo cups must bemarked with thesame ‘marking. The marking must Be e95) to recognize by the performer, but indiscernible ta the spectators. | ‘marktwo cups making fiat the edge (ofthe cups, pushing between my ‘thumb and index finger (pi 11The top cup is a marked cup, the cup under the marked cup is an lunmarkeeone pic. 2) ‘METHOD The principle of this trick is very close to the principle of Max Maven's wonderful KUROTSUKE Actually, my idea comes from the principle ofthe KUROTSUKE. Therefore | ask Max Maven to give his permission toincludethistrickin mylectures, andhevery kindly gavelttome. Butlets see how it works. Lt'ssay thatin the performance seven cupsareused; ‘womarkedcupsandfive unmarked cups Hold the seven cups nested within cach other ke a tower, withthe two marked cupsonthe ope! the tower (pic3), Tumaway fromthe spectator and give him the twomarked cupsandthebllball ‘Then ast him to drop the ballin any ofthe two cups. Then ask him to turn the cups upside down and mixthe 2 cups onthe table. Then gve the other five cups to the spectator one by one, asking the spectator to mix the cups each time When he receives acupSo, finally there will be seven upside down mixed cups onthetable. ‘When the performer turns back he doesn’t know exactly under which cup contains the bl all. The only thing he knows, that the ill ball is under one of the marked cups. Therefore he its up one ofthe marked cups. There are two cendingsof the routine. ifthe performer ifts up the marked cup which hides the bil he tricks finished, He found the il! ifthe performer its up the empty marked cup, he says immeslately, “empty ‘Then he lifts up one by one all the other unmarked cups, but this times he declares, that te cups are empl before tohe touches them. Final, heiftsup the cup which shiing the bil ball. In thiscase, he eliminated lithe empty cups, insteadliftupthe cup hing thebil ball. PROFESSIONAL 21 CARD TRICK + A 36 CARD VERSION EFFECT WITH 21 CARDS, This isa professional version ofthe classic 21 card trck. The itference between the classe wick and ths professional version is that inthe classe version the ‘eatds must be placed 3 timesin 3 columns on the tale to reveal the thought of card. Inthisverson tis only necessary once to place the cards in3 columns, and the thought of card is revealed in an incredible way. If performing the 36 cara version the cards are placed on the table only once in 4 columns to revel the thought ear. ‘METHOD The trek works with 21 cards. Forabetter understanding let's say that, 14 black cards with blue backs and 7 red cards witnred backs are ured. The cards are placed face down in piles of 7 cards. Then the spactatoris asked to choose any fof the 3 piles and to select mentally any one of the 7 cards of the chosen pile. essay the spectator choice isthe ree cards with redbacks and the cards Othe ‘other two piles which wasn't chosen by the spectator are black cards wth blue backs (pict), Performer collects the two piles not chosen by the spectator from the table While asking the spectator to shuffle his pile, te performer shuffles the other 2 pileswith overhand shui asyou demonstrate tothe spectator how tshuffe his cards. Then place the spectators pile face down onthe tp of the face down, piles in your hand. Telling, that you cut the spectator’ pile inthe middle, In realty double undercut the ton cardof the ple, Nowon the topof the pile there sreGred cards withredbacks, ‘On the bottom of the deck there sa rect card wit cards there are 14 blackcarde with blue back (pc 2. red back. Between the red ‘Te performer starts to place the cards from the op ofthe face down pile, Face upin3 columns onthe table. is very important todo this horizontally instead (of vertically That means that the 3top cards are placed next to eachother, then the fourth car is placed on the first card (see the sequence in picture below, dnd continue the sequence tillonly one card will remain in the performers hand. So the fist two cards of each column wil be red cards, followed by 5 biack cards 9 the Mest 2 columns and by & black cards in the last column The last re card is held face down by the performer (pie.3) Now the performer asks the spectator in which column he sees his card. Thee are two endings. f the spectator doesnt see his car, you performed a miracle because the card thought of by the spectator is exactly the cardinyourhand . + + The second endingis if the spectator sees bis cardin one of the columns, inthis case ecard from your hand face up on omar the lastelumin (pe) Paes ‘After the spectator reveal which column contains his card, collect the columns face up In your left palm, starting with the pile which contain the spectator's card. let's say thatthe spectators cad isin the mile pile, The only thing he performer knaws, that thespectator'scardisone of thered cards from the top Of the middle pile. So the spectator card can be the 7 of Hearts or the 4 of Diamonds, Therefore is good to memarize the top card af the pile, the 7 of Hearts, ut i's not necessary. Star the collection ofthe face up piles with the ‘middle ple andplace ther faceupinyourhand, Turnface down the collected ples. Now the top cardisthe 7 ofHeartsandunder| the 7 of Hearts isthe 4 of Diamonds. Double undercut the top card the 7 of Heartstothe bottom ofthe pile, and place the cards ace downon the table. Askthe spectator tocut about half ofthe lle an place it next to the remaining ‘ards on the table (pi 5). Marking the place ofthe cu, place the remaining pile ‘onthe top of the pile cut by the spectator (oie 6). Like you do a Cras Cross Cut Force. So the chosen cards can be the top card ofthe bottom pile the 4 of Diamonds, or the bottom cardofthetoppilethe 7of Heats, Now askthe spectator toname his ard IFhenames the cardmemorized by you, the 7 of Hearts, afk him to reveal the bottom card ofthe top ple (pe 7) fhe namethe other redcara, askhimto lift up the top pileand reveal the top cardof the bottom card, the éof Diamonds(pic 8) \fyou forget or you don’t want to memorize any card aftr the spectator names hiscard fe up the top pile, then tit ita itle eet and peek the bottom card of the pile. If you see that it's the spectators card reveal it. If it srt, ask the spectator ttuen the topcardof theremainingpleon the table, Solin the second case the tricks also very strong, beceuset' ike the spectator cutthe pile exactly at is card Do not forges that you can use any 21cards from the deck, ofcourse allwith the sume back, The 14 black cards with blue backs and the 7 red cards with red ‘ards, was sed only to be more understandab ehow it worksthe rick EFFECT AND METHOD WITH 36.CARDS This version works onthesame principle. Inthiscase, the spectator must choose his eard mentally from one of the four 9 card piles, The pile containing the spectators card willbe on the top of the face down eolected plies. Then the cards are placed going verscallyin columns tlhe last card whichis hel Face down in hand, From here the performances the samelike in the case ofthe 21 cards, LADIES & GENTLEMEN ‘The basic idea | have seen in one ofthe books ofthe great Hungarian magician Rodolfo, edited in 1965, eFFECT The performer tears an A& sheet of paper into pieces. Four pieces of paper are given fo women and the other fourta men. The performer asks the spectators lho have the piece of papers to place thelr fingerprint on thelr piece of paper: ‘To allow the performer to recognize correctly the fingerprints. Performer asks the women to write onthe piece of paper letter, “LIke Lady and the men to write attr, °C" like Gentleman Final the spectators fold the pieces of papersinto quarters, so thatthe writing can'tbe seen and then mixtheplecesof papers. ‘The performer turns away and holds his hands behind his back. He asts one of the spectators to place one ofthe pleces of papers in his hands. Holding the plece of paper behind is backhe turns backan he recognizes very fas, th the finger prints froma agar romagentiemen. ‘MeTHoD ‘The method s very simple and ingenious inthe same time. fa sheet of paperis tom inte 8 equal pieces of paper, there willbe 2 diferent kinds of pieces. Four pieces will have 2 edges straight, and the other 2 edges wavy, because of the tear, marked with The other four pieces willhaveonly one straightedge anc 3 wavymarked [oie 1), ive 4 pieces with 2 stright and 2 wavy edge to the women and the other 4 pleces with 1 straight and 3 wavy edge tothe men or vice-versa, but remember lwhich piecesare given tothe womenand which aregiventothe men, ‘Then turn awayandaskone ofthe spectatorsto place one ofthe folded piecesin your hands behind your back. Then stil with your hands behind your Back urn Dackto the spectazars and unfold the piece of paper and smooth the edges of. Next foldback the piece of paper. Then reveal that t'sa woman or a man finger print. Finally prove your statement unfolding the paper showing theletteronit. ‘The book suggested to perform the trick by writing on A pieces of paper names cof writers and on the other 4 names of composers. think that this was 2 mistake, becouse the spectators can ask you, if you can tell the name of the \weter of composer too In my opinion tis tricks good to perform only wring fon the paper only? choices, like hot and cla, or heavy and light, or Black and whiteete LiGiGic LiGiGiL 10 POKER HANDS errect Even the trek is # parlor trick, works in close-up condition too, For 2 bigger ‘number of spectators in parlor condition you can use Jumbo Index cards, oF parlor size cards. The performer gives 10 numbered piece af cardboard to 10 Spectators. Then one ofthe spectators shuffles the complete deck of 54 cards Inclucingthe2okers. Onthe able, there are glasses. The performer deals the first poker hand, one catdin each ass. Then he asks the fst spectator to choose mentallyone ofthe 5 cards from the glasses and write the chosen card on the empty side of his cardboard ‘Then the performer deals 2 second poker hand in front ofthe first spectator's card, and he asks the second spectator to write his mentally chosen caré on his teatdboard too, Then the performer asks the remaining 8 spectators to do the same things. ‘The 5 ples of 10 cards fom the gasses are collected in the order chosen by spectators and are placed.on the top ofthe cards which wasnt dealt, Then t Performer shuffles andeutsthe deck. Next, he takes about 45 ofthe deck from the top ofthe face down deck and spread the cards facing to the spectators between his hands, He asks the Spectators who see his card to doesnt say anything, but only to lift up his ‘numbered cardboard without show the mentally chasen cardwritten ont one or more spectators see his card in the fist fan, the performer name exact the mentally chosen cards. After the performer names the mentally chosen card ofa spettator, he aks the spectator to show the ard written on his cardboard proving that the performed correctly named the card ‘Then he spread again about 18 of the deck and name exactly the mentally selected cad af the spectatoror spectators who se their card among the cards ofthe second spread. The performer repeats this action 3 more times, til he Spread ll the cards ofthe deck and name exactly all 10 mentally selected cards ofthe spectators MerHop For 2 better understanding, | wll use for the explanation a specaly designed eck, Lot's say that after the deck was shuffled by the spectators the performer deals thefollowingeards fistspectator:1A,18,16,10,16 Secondspectator: 2828,2C.20.2E thiedspeetator: 34,30,3¢ 30,36 fourthspectator: 44,48, 40,48 “fithspecater: 5A.58,5C5D.5E setnspectator 6,68,60,60,56 seventh spectator: 7A 78,76, 70,7E andthementally selected card's 1A andthementallyselectedcardis 28, andthe mentallyselectedcardis 3C andthementaly selected card's 40. andthementallyselectedcardis5E. andthemenaly-selectedeardis 68. andthementaly selected cardis 78, eighthspectator: 8A888CRD.8E _andthementallyselectedcardis 8 inthspectator: 9499,80,85,90 __andthementallyselected card's 80. tenthspectator: 108,208,20C,100,208 andthe menallyselectedardis 108 Thementalychosencardare cicledwithre ‘Theperformerstartsplacing theirs spectator cardsin the glasses pi.) Then he asks to write his mentally chosen card ,1A on his cardboard numbered witha ‘Then the performer deals a second poker hand in front ofthe frst spectators cardin the glasses (oie. 2},andne asks the second spectatortowrite his mentally chosencardan hiseardocardtoo, Then he turns the deck face down. The deck can be shuffled with any false shuffle, which doesn’ change the order of the cards, for example, Push Thru shuffle. Qrany false shuffle which has the effect ofa complete ext, for example Charlier shuffle. The deck can be cut bythe spectators so many times as they tke Next, the performer turns the deck ace up. Whileheis showing thatthe deck's very wel shuffled, he locking forthe orignal top ear ofthe face-up deck, In ‘ur case the "10C" Nex, the deck s divided so that, the memorized card to be the top card ofthe pile inthe lefthané. Then the deckiscutso, that the “10C" to beagainon the topof the face-up deck Finally he turns the deck ace down, Then the performer places other 8 poker hands in the glasses and asks the Now the top cards ofthe deck are remaining spectatorstodothesame tings pi 3) the 4 cares which weren't deat, marked with black "x. Pushing back andfourth the top 2 cards the deck, 10 10 hold a thumb break under the top 2 cards (pi. 5} and double undercut Cc = . ‘them tothe bottom of the pile.At this moment 2 of the eards marked with "¥" arwon the top andthe other 2are onthebottom ofthe deck CCount the top 12 cards of the face down deck without changing. the frder of the cards and spread them facing othe spectators between your hands, forming. fan The5 plies of 10cards from theglasses are collected inthe order chosen by fe cele n he order shot by Fokthespetetorstliftup their cardboaré wthoutshowingthewrtencardon ihe sacar ard paced face up On {soon esd of he ardour acne spent wer cr and whichweren'tdealt, marked with .X: 4 1 0 ‘on the other side is a number. The number on the cardboard indicatesto you stich peers caemustyoureveal ets sy that the ls ae cote Wonermorespecatasste scare los thea, urthe cards fengto You aceupinthe folowing ode Sadogentncminatanctas The tst2cndsomistcrign researc s « ‘weren't dealt. Thereforethese 2 cards mustnot be counted. So the counting of pile “108%, fourth ‘ile "108" and finaly the last collected pile "10C ", The performer must memorize the top care ofthe face-up deck, inthis caze, the "0C"(pc4. the cards starts with the third card which will be the Tist spectator card, followed bythe second spectator card the thre spectatar card and soon ithe last card which isthe tenth spectator card. Sof the frst spectator sees his card among the cards ofthe spreag, his car willbe the ist caré from eft in the fan, without counting the 2 cards marked with "x" As you can see the mentally selected cards selected by the second and seventh spectators who will Its up their cardboard numbered with the numbers 2 and 7, are in the rght position. Youcan better see the postion ofthe cardsinthe picture below, asthe cards are spreadonthetable. In realty thecards are heldinafanby the performer pie. 6), High Quality Magic by ASTOR ‘Ten show the next 10 cards from the top of the deck, proceedingin the same way ike incase of the fst 12 cards. Butbecausethereareno cards marked with x" the counting of the cards starts from the fist card from the left. Inthis ase, the fourth and ninth spectators wl see thelr card and ft there cardboard with the number 4 and 9. Re you ean see thelr mentally selected cards are in the feurthandninth position pie. 7) RRL aL Cee a awd KO) Repeatthe previous action two times showing thenexttwo 20cards fun, Finally show the remaining 12 cards, in these case the counting ofthe cards when you ar looking for the spectators chosen card starts from the fist card {rom thelet ike inthe ease ofthe 20 cards an, The marked cares with X" don't influence the counting ofthe cards because they are Inthe last positions from thelettofthe an (pic Ree a eee ASTOR The chosen cardcan be revealedin diferent ways Yeu can simply name them, then ask the spectator to show the card written on hiscardboard| (Oryou can take out the chosen cad from the fan holding with t's back tthe spectators and askthe spectator who its his cardboard to turn the cardboard Showing the card written ont. Then turn the chosen card from your hand and Showittothe spectators (oryoucan place the chosen cards inthe glasses. The fis inthe ematy glasses andthenexts inthe onto the cards which ae alreadyintheglasses, COrusing onlyone giassand place thefistchosencardin the empty giaseand the other Sin frontofthe previous ones RING & CHAIN PLUS ne of my bestsellers isthe Ring & Chain trick. You receive a normal and = fimmicked purse, aing anda chain. use this routine to switeh the Ring & Chain Ungimmicked to gimmicked purse to show the powerful trick with the fimmicked purse | show this very simple, sef-working, but inthe same time ‘very visual ik using only the ring andthe chain include thstrckin my lecture fortworeasons. First because this switch ideas notincluded in the explanation ofthe Ring & Chain rick Second because if you have a ring & chain routine you caninclude thisetfetin yourroutineas wel PREPARATION Place the rng and the chain in the normal purse and bth purses in the same pocket. EFFECT ‘Te chain passthrough the spectator’ finger andthroughthering ‘MeTHOD Star the routine by giving the normal purse with the Ring & Chain to one of the spectators, Then ask the spectator to drop onte the table the content of the purseanétoinspectthe ingand the chain, \While the spectator checks the ring and the chain, place back the normal purse nextto the gimmicked purse, in your packet. Close the ends of the chain and insert the chain inthe ring. Then askthe spectator tohold his index fingers open andtoclosealithe ther fingers. Then place the chain rele wth thering fn the index fingers of thespectator (pie). Then holding the ing, askthe spectat (pic2}. ‘ouch his fingertips, through the ing, Finally hold one ofthe loops ofthe chain and pull the chain away from the spectator hands (pic. Thechainwilremaininyourhandandtheringon the spectator’ fingertips Performing first the routine only withthe ring an the chain, you have reason toput the normal purse backinto your pocket. Making the swith of the purses natural and easy to do later. So after you perform the trick, take out the {gimmicked purse, instead ofthe normal one. Like you would to put the ring and the chain away. Then say, let me show you one more thing, using not ony the fing andthe chan, butthe purse too, THE LEONARDO MIX Next tur the pile face down in your left hand. Then take the cards with your right hand and spread them facedown onthe table. Fora better understanding, Another bestseller is my Packet Illusion. The basic idea is from atrick foundon _thevalueof the cardsis written on the back ofthe cards (pic:4), the OVD lecture by 3 French magician Franky, have his permission to use the trek to mix the Pocket Ilusion’s cards. Starting from the French trick | workee fon different mses with my magician friend Leonardo. Finally, named the mix adapted tothe Focketlusionas the LEONARDO Mik. EFFECT 4 The trick can be performed with an odé numberof cards. You can perform it Thenextstepisthemixingof the cardswith the Leonardo mix. with even 13 same suit cards, from Ace to King. In my opinion, the best choices to use 5 or 7 cards. Ifyou prefer to use more then 7 cards you will need to LEONARDOMIX perform the trick onalarge close-up pad, ora close-up table. utitcan become boringperformingitwith morethan 7 cards. In caze of cards the mixisa very e257 mixwith 3 steps, The first stepisto move ‘the eard from one end to the ather end You can move the behind the Aee, oF ‘METHOD the Aceinfrontof thes. l'suptoyou.Let'smovetheS behind the Ace (pic). Let's use forthe explanation of cards ‘old the five Spade cards face up in order from Ace to Sin your right mand, In Biddle postion, The Ace of Spades is onthetopof the face-up pile, anc the ‘sonthe bottom pie.) Take the cardsone by one with yourlefthand, fram yourrghthand starting ith the ce and finshingwiththeS of spades (pie 2-3). The order of the second and third step can be changed. That means that fist you can switch the 3 with the 2, then the Ace withthe 4. Doig this mix t looke Tike you mietne cards, butin reality, you change the arder ofthe cards rom Sto ‘Ace, to Ace to 5. Fnaly turn the cards one by ene face up revealing, hat even aftermixing the cards, they are in perfectorderfromAce ts. f you would ike to perform te trick with more than 5 cards, then the mix wil have more steps. Te fist step is always to move the cad from one end tothe ‘other For example, inthe ase of seven cards, the cardsare spreac face down on the table from lett right rom 7 to A You can start asa fist step moving the 7 behing the &, or the in font ofthe 7. Ifyou move the 7 behind the A sa fst stop, then the second stepistoswitch the with A. Thethird step stoswitch the Swith2, Finally thefourthstepistoswiteh the withthe 3. In the case ofthe Pocket Ilusion this mix s mare deceptive because the cards aren't symmetrial. That means that even the cards are in order fram leg to hhead, oF vice versa, depending onthe direction ofthe spreading, they look in order, or mixed pie) UME ASOT

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