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Jemeah Ann M.

Ethics - Exercise 1

Please follow the instructions strictly especially on the limit of the sentences of
your answers.

1. Give the real definition of Philosophy.

- Philosophy is defined as the science of ultimate reason of being
acquired by the aid of human intellect alone.

2. In your own words, explain the four important elements of the real definition
of philosophy. (Limit your discussion for each of the four elements in two
sentences only)
Science - Based on Aristotelian and Thomistic idea, there is a
requirement for a date to be considered as science. (1) it must be certain and
transmittable, (2) it must be organized and not just a mere collection of
knowledge, and lastly, (3) it should explain the cause and effect of things.
Ultimate Reason - Philosophy concerns itself with the “whys” of the
world. It concerns itself with why a certain phenomena, event, laws, etc, exist.
Being - It means the things or the people that exist. It also means the
essence of a living thing.
By the aid of human intellect alone - This means that our Philosophy is
all through the effort of our own thinking capacity. Our Philosophy mainly
depend on our minds and thoughts.

3. In your own words explain the distinction between the human act and act of
man. (Limit your discussion in five sentences)
- Human act is an action done consciously and intentionally. It means
that when we do something that we know, that we are aware of, and by
choice that is a human act. For example, if we choose to ignore a homeless
man instead of helping, then that is a human act. While Act of Man is an
action done voluntarily or naturally. It is the things done by our body without
our awareness, intention, and choice.

4. In your own words explain the three postulates of ethics. ( Limit your
discussion in 5 sentences)
- The three postulates of ethics are the existence of God, immortality of
the soul, and the freedom of the will. Existence of God is acknowledging that
existence of something bigger and divine that human beings and that He is
our beginning and end. Immortality of the Soul is believing that when we do
good while living in our earthly bodies, we will experience immortality in the
form of soul or life after death. This belief will motivate people to live life on
earth peacefully and kindly. The last postulate is the Freedom of Will or the
ability of human beings to think for themselves and do actions without the
exertion from other human.

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