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A single folded prediction is passed to your participant to hold. The

participant is shown three objects, they are then told in advance that they
will decide where the objects will be placed. The participant makes their
choices where these objects will be placed and they can even change their
mind. The magicians prediction matches perfectly.

The participant really does decide which object goes where and the
prediction unquestionably matches their three free choices.

In my opinion this is the best take on the free will principle. This adds
additional elements, dimensions and subtleties which make it deceptive and
very clean.

This is simple, there are no cheesy props and there is no equivoque.

In Joel's take on the the Three Will Principle your participant is told about
the decision they will make before the effect begins and his choices are his


You need five business cards in total. On three of these predictions write the
word OTHER, on one you will write THIS and on the final one you will write
the word THAT.

On the design of the card with the word THIS you will make a small mark on
the design of the card, for example a small pencil dot. This should not be
visible to your participant. If however you are using blank double sided cards
a nail nick will suffice.

You will need a manila envelope the size which holds business cards

You will also need a prediction, the prediction will read:

"I am holding THIS
You are holding THAT
and the OTHER is in the envelope"

I usually write the prediction on a business card and fold it into four and
secure it closed with a paper clip. Though the paper clip is not essential.


Before performing...

Place the cards with THIS and THAT in your left trouser pocket with the
words facing away from the participant.

Place the three OTHER cards in your envelope along with your folded


Remove your envelope from your pocket once you are ready to perform.

Place the folded prediction on the table. Whilst placing it down explain "I
won't touch this again until we are finished".

You will now remove the business cards being sure to not flash the words.
Mix these cards with the words face down whilst explaining

"In a moment you will select one of these cards to place in the envelope,
then one for you and one for me, so which one do you want for the

Your participant will now select a card, tell your participant to not look at its
face but to slide it into the envelope and place it in their pocket. As you
explain this you will casually switch the two cards in your left hand for the two
cards in your left trouser pocket. This is done as you gesture for the
participant to place the envelope in their pocket. It's very easy and takes just
a moment. I do this as I state "place them all the way in to your pocket". As
my hand goes in I leave my two cards behind and remove the two cards
which are sat in my pocket. Don't look at your hands, instead focus on your
participant's. This should b practiced until don smoothly.

I now pass the two remaining cards to the participant whilst telling him or her
not to peek at the other side and to mix them and to pass one for me to
keep and they will retain the one which they are left with. Once they have
done this give them the option to change their mind.

You will now watch for the pencil dot/marked card, whoever is holding the
marked card you know they are holding the card with the word THIS and
they will read the prediction. The prediction has a double meaning.

Before reading the prediction I have a nice bit of script which cements the
prediction wording.

If you are holding the marked card then you will read the prediction whilst
stating :

"I placed my prediction down and I said I wouldn't touch it until the end.
Now you've made your choices. I am holding a card, you are holding a card
and a card is in the envelope. Think about this, you made the choices and
you could have placed these cards anywhere, I'll read my prediction now..."

All you are left to do now is read the prediction aloud and ask for your
participant to verify what you are saying is accurate. Whilst you read the
prediction a nice subtlety is to point towards yourself as you read the words
'I am holding THIS' and then point towards your participant as you read 'You
are holding THAT' and as you read "the OTHER is in the envelope" you will
point to your participant's pocket. I now place the prediction in my pocket
and have all cards revealed and read aloud.

If you are not holding the marked card your participant will read the
prediction but before they do you will state :
"I placed my prediction down, I said I wouldn't touch it again and I really
won't but before you read it think about this, you made the decisions as to
which card will go where didn't you. Please read the prediction aloud.."
Your participant will now read the prediction, simultaneously reveal the word
on each card as your participant reads the prediction.


The wording of this, that and the other work very well within the prediction
and add another little layer of trickery. It feels right to say those words,
therefore whoever says the words make it appear natural.

The script it's self does not have to be followed exactly, make it work best for

The switch is very simple and takes a matter of seconds. Try it, it's very
cheeky, easy to do and satisfying.


This is currently my favourite impromptu business card effect to perform, it's

unique, impossible and leaves your participant and spectators with a
memorable effect. Three business cards are passed face down to a
participant to mix. After deciding which card will go where, your participant's
actions where predicted well ahead of time.

Your participant is given complete control of the cards, they are informed
before hand that each card will go to a different location. This is as fair as it

This is self contained, no special gimmicks are required, it's impromptu and
this leaves your audience with no logical explanation.


You require five business cards or double sided blank pieces of card.

You will have words wrote on the backs of these cards. Three will have the
word 'POCKET'. One has the words 'Right hand' and the other has the words
'Left hand'. The card which contains the words reading 'Right hand' will
require a marking on the design side of the card. I place a large nail
impression on the top left and bottom right corner of the card. That way it's
easily located.


Place the cards with the words 'left hand' and 'right hand' in your left trouser
pocket with the words facing away from your participant. Place the three
'Pocket' cards in a spare pocket, or an envelope or where ever you want to
store them.


For the duration of this effect you need to stand directly opposite your
participant. Remove the three 'pocket' cards and pass them to a participant
to mix. Explain 'one card will be placed in your pocket, so pass me the two
cards and which ever you're left with place in your pocket'.

Place your left hand out to retrieve the two cards which will not go in your
participant's pocket. You will now secretly switch the cards in your left hand
for the two in your pocket. This is very easy to do and happens under the
guise of an instruction. State to you your participant 'Please place your
selected card in your pocket'. You will simultaneously demonstrate placing
the card in your pocket which will be the moment to secretly switch the two
cards in your hand for the cards in your pocket. As your hand goes in to the
pocket simply ditch the two cards and come back out with the alternative
cards. Don't draw attention to the fact your hand is in your pocket, focus
your attention on your participant's actions.

You will now hand the cards to your participant and state

'You consciously placed that card in your pocket, your next decision will
happen any moment. Without looking at the back of the cards please mix
the cards and separate the cards once it feels like the right moment.' as you
state this final sentence you will simultaneously and casually place both of
your hands out in a palm up gesture.

As your participant separates the cards they will be left with one card in each
hand. You will now watch for the marked card and if it ends up in your
participant's left hand you will proceed by stating.

'Now without changing the order of selection you have made please place
the cards on my hands.'

Your participant will now automatically place the card which says right hand
into your right hand and the card which reads left hand into your left hand.
All you are left to do now is reveal these results.

Here is the script which I use:

'Nobody could have known you would have selected this card for my right
hand, and this card for my left hand or that card for your pocket. What if you
did know all along. In my right hand this card reads right hand and in my left
hand it reads left hand. And you placed one of these cards in your pocket,
please remove it and read it aloud.'

Now let's take a look at the alternative scenario, which will leave the right
cards in your participant's correct hands. If this is the case casually drop your
hands from the upward gesture and state :

'You did all the mixing and you made decisions both consciously and
subconsciously. Nobody could have known where these cards would end up
wouldn't you agree? What if there is somebody who did know, and that
person is you. In your right hand would you please turn the card over and
read it aloud. Now, in your left hand please read the card aloud and finally
remove the card from your pocket and read that aloud.'

Take your applause.

A nice subtlety is to have the two cards in your pocket ready to switch, but
start the effect with three blank cards and a pen. Then tell your participant
you are going to write down three surprise predictions, one on each card
which will be revealed at the end. You will write the word 'pocket' on each
card. However your participant will believe you have wrote three different
predictions, this helps strengthen the effect at the end when your
participant's try to back track the effect.


After sharing this effect with a good friend of mine he has had cards
laminated for a longer lasting version of this.

This effect will work well on a stage as a suggestion based effect. This is.
Lovely little effect and I hop you enjoy performing this.

Many thanks for supporting my work.

Joel (

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