Presentation or Visualization Cloud Computing File Management

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LESSON 1 – What is Information and Communications Technology?

Used to communicate
Presentation or Prezi, Canva, SlideShare,
information clearly and
Visualization Google Slides
Google Cloud, Microsoft Storage of data, program
Cloud Computing
Azure and files using internet.
Used for the storing,
Dropbox, Google Drive,
File Management naming, sorting, and
Google Docs
handling of computer files.
Transformation taking the
Google Map, Google Earth, points of one space into the
Foursquare points of the same or
another space.
Sites allow you to connect
Facebook, Messenger, with other people with the
Social Networks
Instagram same interests or
Sites that allow users to
Slashdot, News vine, Hacker post their own news items
Social News
News, Reddit or links to other news
Sites that focus on short
updates from the user.
Microblogging Twitter, Tumblr, Friend feed Those subscribed to the
user will be able to receive
these updates.
Websites that allow users to
WordPress, Joomla, Wax, post their content. Other
Blogs and Forums
Weebly users can comment on the
said topic.

1) The outcome of using technology especially in our generation is no joke. It became too
ingrained in our systems: lives, businesses, work, study and society. Even at home, as simple
as talking to the other family member personally, people tend to just chat using the internet
because of the striking laziness. We undeniably became independent with technology.
Technology dependence have an underlying effect (pros and cons) and it will likely affect the
person who will utilize it in either good or bad way.
2) Now that we can learn most of the things using the internet, online platforms are very
efficient. As a student, online platforms allow me to enhance my knowledge because I have
resources. It became a tool for me to keep a track on my progress. YouTube is the online
platform that I often use. As from it helps me from gaining new learnings, it is also convenient
and easy to use.

LESSON 2 – Online Safety, Security and Netiquette

As our generation become more engaged with medias, our safety is also being at risk.
Think before you click is a powerful message that every online user should be aware of. It will
be a huge help if we keep important details and events in your life private. The importance of
knowing what will the outcome be is as important because there are things that we do in the
internet that can never be taken back. Security and safety should always be the first on the list.

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