S2-LP2 - Communication and Globalization in Multicultural Settings

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Ateneo de Zamboanga University

School of Liberal Arts

Learning Packet #2
PURCOM – Purposive Communication
2nd Session, SY 2021-2022

Learning Packet Activity Sheet No: 2 Date: October 11 – 15, 2021

Topic: Communication and Globalization in Multicultural Settings Week: 2 Session/s: 1
Learning Intent
At the end of the Week 2 session, the students should be able to:

1. Explain how cultural and global issues affect communication by

(a) identifying the different communication problems affecting the society and the world, and (b)
describing the impact of technology on interpersonal communication; and

2. Adopt cultural and intercultural awareness and sensitivity in communication of ideas by

(a) describing various cultural and intercultural modes of communication used in a particular region,and
(b) using culturally appropriate terms, expressions, and images (sensitivity to gender, race, class,etc.)

I. Concept Notes

Understanding cultural communication differences

Communicating in a Multicultural World and Society

Studying varieties of English


II. Checking for Understanding

Instructions: After the synchronous class meeting, you will take a multiple-choice quiz as part of your
checking for understanding. The google form link will be provided by the teacher.
III. Analysis
Instructions: Read and answer the question. Share your answer in the forum and during our synchronous class meeting.

What criteria would you consider in identifying the ways of becoming a good multiculturalist in the
globalized world and society?

III. Integration
Instructions: Read and answer the question. Share your answer during our synchronous class meeting.

1. Recall an instance in which you have to use your multicultural skills in dealing with people of
different background, ethnicity, religion, and color, how did you deal with the differences and
similarities. Share your experience.
2. Now that we have discussed communicating in a multicultural world and society, what are any of the
practices and ways you are looking forward to apply in your life?
In our synchronous class meeting, I want to be clarified about:

IV. Independent Work

Option A
Instructions: After our synchronous class meeting, you will be tasked to watch Outsourced (2006). Write a
reaction paper which tackles the different concept of communicating in a multicultural world and society.

Option B
Instructions: After our synchronous class meeting, you will be tasked to research on the cultural dialectics
of a particular country. Follow these guidelines:
1. Work with a partner.
2. Research on the cultural dialectics of the assigned country.
3. Present your research in a 5-minute multimedia presentation (e.g., powerpoint). Use the sample as
your guide.
4. Submit your multimedia presentation on the designated space in the E-class.

Gamble, T., & Gamble, M. (2012). Communicating in a multicultural society and world. In Communication
works (11th ed.), (pp. 23.41). McGraw.Hill Higher Eduation.
Verghese. T. (2016, January 17). Understanding cultural communication differences.

Studying varieties of English. (2020). https://www.uni.due.de/SVE/

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