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Telling Time

Excuse me. What time is it?

Can you please tell me the time?


To (hora Past (hora

15 – quarter
seguinte) 45 - quarter

30 – half

“O” lê-se “óu”

Hora Forma Americana Forma Britânica
1:05 One O Five Five past one
3:10 Three ten Ten past three
4:15 Four fifteen Quarter past four
5:20 Five twenty Twenty past five
6:25 Six twenty-five Twenty-five past six
7:30 Seven thirty Half past seven
8:00 Eight o’clock Eight o’clock
9:35 Nine thirty-five Twenty-five to ten
10:40 Ten forty Twenty to eleven
11:45 Eleven forty-five Quarter to twelve
12:50 Twelve fifty Ten to one
1:55 One fifty-five Five to two

AM – manhã

PM – tarde

3 am – 3 da manhã

3 pm – 3 da tarde

12h00 – 12 o’clock - midday

24h00/0h00 - 12 o’clock – midnight

2001 – two thousand and one OR two o o one twenty O one

2010 – two thousand and ten OR twenty-ten

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