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10/4 Clinical Interviewing Class

Outlines what the interview intake will look like.

P. 282 - what the full structure of an intake will look like. It’s very important of the things
they say upfront. You want to open preregistration information upfront.

Inform them of the session limit. Tell them about the time frame. It’s very important that
the Frame of therapy is changing. The idea of being able to text your therapist.
Establishing the frame of therapy is important.

Allow them speak but than after the 10 minute mark ask them questions. Things can be
therapeutic but are not therapy. In order for something to be therapy…it is science. That
there is a structure, a client, and that there’s specific goals and outcomes. The
interventions that you are using are aligned with that client and purpose. That is why a
client…they’re looking for something to be therapeutic. You have to help them about the
process of beginning therapy. I have to ask you about things that you weren’t prepared
to talk about.

Summarize client’s problem…so it seems like your coming in for…is it okay for us to talk
about that.

Help clients reframe their problems into treatment goals.

Do brief history: how long have you been in treatment…what have you been doing…any
antecedents..things that have brought on the problem.

History of the problem - understand the current problem and what they are coming in for
help with. It might be relationship, want to discern and be clear about

Past tx history and relevant medical history: generally most things are relevant. If they
are taking something that can effect their hormones and side effects that may mirror

Developmental history: includes any delays in development. We’re looking at walking,

talking, and potty training. Any delays with that.

Social family history: They include everything..

P. 285 When working with adolescent’s query about sex.

Since we’re talking about family..what did your household look like growing up.
Sometimes you interrupt them…did your mom every tell you whether you were born full
term or premie.

Current situation and functioning - what are they doing currently and on a daily basis.
Formal assessment data -

Diagnostic impression - Need to be able to diagnose people after the first sitting.

People can only get you hooked when you don’t have your own personality in order.

Chapter 7:

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