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Ares(2018)4463559 - 30/08/2018

Copernicus Access Platform Intermediate Layers Small Scale Demonstrator

D4.2 Dissemination, communication and

networking Plan & Report v1

Document Identification
Status Final Due Date 31/08/2018
Version 1.0 Submission Date 30/08/2018

Related WP WP4 Document Reference D4.2

Related D4.1 Project website Dissemination Level (*) PU
Lead Participant ATOS ES Lead Author Juan Alonso
Contributors ATOS FR, TAS, DLR, IRIT- Reviewers Jose Lorenzo (ATOS ES)


Dissemination, communication activities, networking, dissemination material

This document is issued within the frame and for the purpose of the CANDELA project. This project has received funding from the European
Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No. 776193. The opinions expressed and arguments
employed herein do not necessarily reflect the official views of the European Commission.
The dissemination of this document reflects only the author’s view and the European Commission is not responsible for any use that may
be made of the information it contains.
This document and its content are the property of the CANDELA Consortium. The content of all or parts of this document can be used and
distributed provided that the CANDELA project and the document are properly referenced.
Each CANDELA Partner may use this document in conformity with the CANDELA Consortium Grant Agreement provisions.
(*) Dissemination level: PU: Public, fully open, e.g. web; CO: Confidential, restricted under conditions set out in Model Grant Agreement;
CI: Classified, Int = Internal Working Document, information as referred to in Commission Decision 2001/844/EC.
Document Information
List of Contributors
Name Partner
Juan Alonso ATOS ES

Document History
Version Date Change editors Changes
0.1 03/08/2018 Juan Alonso (ATOS ES) Draft version with the table of contents
0.2 22/08/2018 DLR, TerraNIS DLR and TerraNIS contributions
0.3 24/08/2018 Juan Alonso (ATOS ES) Section 2 updated
0.4 28/08/2018 Juan Alonso (ATOS ES) TAS contributions; Section 3 updated
0.5 29/08/2018 Juan Alonso (ATOS ES) QA version
1.0 30/08/2018 Jose Lorenzo (ATOS ES) Updated initial per-partner strategy for
CloudFerro in Annex II
Coordinator approval and submission

Quality Control
Role Who (Partner short name) Approval Date
Deliverable leader Juan Alonso (ATOS ES) 29/08/2018
Quality manager Juan Alonso (ATOS ES) 29/08/2018
Project Coordinator Jose Lorenzo (ATOS ES) 30/08/2018

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Report v1
Reference: D4.2 Dissemination: PU Version: 1.0 Status: Final
Table of Contents
Document Information ............................................................................................................................ 2
Table of Contents .................................................................................................................................... 3
List of Tables ............................................................................................................................................ 4
List of Figures........................................................................................................................................... 5
List of Acronyms ...................................................................................................................................... 6
Executive Summary ................................................................................................................................. 7
1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 8
1.1 Purpose of the document........................................................................................................ 8
1.2 Relation to other project work ................................................................................................ 8
1.3 Structure of the document ...................................................................................................... 8
2 Communication strategy .................................................................................................................. 9
2.1 Partners’ strategy and role ...................................................................................................... 9
2.2 Target groups audiences ......................................................................................................... 9
2.3 Relation with other initiatives ............................................................................................... 10
2.4 Communication and Dissemination management ................................................................ 12
2.4.1 Dissemination of results, publications and presentations ................................................ 12
2.4.2 EC Acknowledgement ........................................................................................................ 13
2.4.3 Publication of PU deliverables ........................................................................................... 13
2.5 Time schedule of CANDELA dissemination activities ............................................................ 14
3 Dissemination tools ........................................................................................................................ 16
3.1 Logo ....................................................................................................................................... 16
3.2 Project website ...................................................................................................................... 16
3.3 Social Media (Twitter account) ............................................................................................. 17
3.4 Newsletter ............................................................................................................................. 18
3.5 Dissemination material ......................................................................................................... 18
4 Events, Workshops and Conferences............................................................................................. 20
5 Define goals and objectives ........................................................................................................... 23
6 Conclusions .................................................................................................................................... 24
References ............................................................................................................................................. 25
Annex I Project presentation template ................................................................................................. 26
Annex II Partner’s strategy .................................................................................................................... 28

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Reference: D4.2 Dissemination: PU Version: 1.0 Status: Final
List of Tables
Table 1: Dissemination activities & partners’ role ................................................................................... 9
Table 2: Related projects ....................................................................................................................... 10
Table 3: Events Dissemination Report Template ................................................................................... 12
Table 4: Time schedule of CANDELA dissemination activities ............................................................... 14
Table 5: List (initial) of upcoming relevant events to disseminate CANDELA ........................................ 21
Table 6: Candela dissemination activities, indicators and expected value ........................................... 23

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Reference: D4.2 Dissemination: PU Version: 1.0 Status: Final
List of Figures
Figure 1: Standard acknowledgement .................................................................................................. 13
Figure 2: Downloads section for public deliverables ............................................................................. 13
Figure 3: Statemen for public deliverables ............................................................................................ 13
Figure 4: CANDELA logo......................................................................................................................... 16
Figure 5: CANDELA project website [2].................................................................................................. 17
Figure 6: Twitter account ...................................................................................................................... 17
Figure 7: Newsletter section in the project website .............................................................................. 18
Figure 8: Download section in the project website ............................................................................... 19

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List of Acronyms
Abbreviation / Description
EC European Commission
DoA Description of Action
Dx.y Deliverable number y belonging to WP x
Mx Project month x
OGC Open Geospatial Consortium
PU Public
Tx.y Task number y belonging WP x
WP Work Package

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Reference: D4.2 Dissemination: PU Version: 1.0 Status: Final
Executive Summary
The main objective of the dissemination and communication plan is to provide the comprehensive
strategy to facilitate the dissemination and communication activities aiming to raise awareness about
CANDELA towards target groups.
The plan has been defined taking into account the partners’ strategy and the identification of target
groups of audience. Procedures have also been established to facilitate the dissemination of the
project following the EC rule. In addition, the document also describes how public deliverables will be
make available in the project website to disseminate project results.
The initial set of dissemination and communication tools are detailed in this plan. The document also
includes the reviewed plan of events and conferences that have been identified as relevant for
CANDELA by project partners.
All planned activities are gathered in the time schedule and the expected value for each activity has
been established to measure the success of these activities during the project life.
The first version of this deliverable has been produced at month 4 of the project, providing the
dissemination and communication plan and strategy from the beginning until the end of the project.
However, this document will be updated in October 2019 (M18) considering the evaluation of
communication activities carried out during the first half of the project.

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Report v1
Reference: D4.2 Dissemination: PU Version: 1.0 Status: Final
1 Introduction
1.1 Purpose of the document

The objective of this document is to define the dissemination and communication plan to be
followed by project partners in order to maximize the impact in relevant scientific and end-user
The document will also include summary reports on the concrete activities performed during the
project lifetime, including networking and community building activities.
Next versions of this deliverable (v2 and v3, D4.3 and D4.4) will include dissemination material such
us the project brochure or newsletters.

1.2 Relation to other project work

This deliverable gathers the work developed in task T4.1, leaded by ATOS ES with the collaboration of
all partners. According to WP41 description [7], this task comprises Dissemination, Communication
and Networking:
- Dissemination manages and produces publishable material such as scientific publications
about the results of the project and defines the overall approach of the project to
dissemination activities.
- Communication task will organise all activities necessary to raise awareness about CANDELA,
inform about the project progress and supports the communication between the project and
- Task T4.1 will facilitate networking activities towards professional and scientific groups and
networks, especially regarding the links with other big data initiatives.
Before the release of this deliverable was set up the project website (see section 3.2 Project website
and deliverable D4.1 [2]).

1.3 Structure of the document

This document is structured in 4 major chapters:

• Chapter 2 presents the Communication strategy which includes a set of actions to ensure
efficient dissemination of the project’s activities and results at European dimension.
• Chapter 3 presents Dissemination and communication tools selected by the project.
• Chapter 4 presents the list of relevant events, workshops and conferences identified by
project partners.
• Chapter 5 presents the indicators defined to measure the success of the planned
dissemination activities.

1 WP4 Dissemination, Communication & Exploitation

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Reference: D4.2 Dissemination: PU Version: 1.0 Status: Final
2 Communication strategy
This chapter describes the Communication and Dissemination strategy defined at the beginning of
the project. The strategy includes a set of actions to ensure efficient dissemination of the project’s
activities and results at European dimension.
This chapter has been divided in the following sections:
• Partners’ strategy according to the role of the project partners
• Target groups of audience identified
• Relation with other initiatives, such as approved projects under the same topic
• Communication and dissemination management including procedures for publications and
• Time schedule of CANDELA dissemination and communication activities, the section presents
the planning to develop these activities during the project lifetime

2.1 Partners’ strategy and role

Project partners have a dedicated role to disseminate the project results. In the consortium there are
two main groups according to the partners’ background:
• End-user oriented partners
• Commercial partners
The following table shows the material and the means to disseminate the project considering these
groups (as it was presented in the DoA, section, [1]).

Table 1: Dissemination activities & partners’ role

Role of partner End-user oriented partners Commercial partners

Material to The material produced will be specific and The material produced will be
disseminate oriented according to the end-user activity commercial
Means to Future customers and their respective Market sectors of the commercial
disseminate the user communities will be the basis to partners will be the means to
project disseminate the project disseminate the project

“Annex II Partner’s strategy” includes the initial strategy that each partner defined. This strategy was
included in the Description of Action (Section, [1]) and it will be updated in the following
versions of the Dissemination and communication plan.
More details about partners are available under the project section of the CANDELA website

2.2 Target groups audiences

The communication strategy must include the identification of the target groups audiences. The
following target groups were identified in CANDELA (see section 2.2.2 of DoA Part B[1]):

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Reference: D4.2 Dissemination: PU Version: 1.0 Status: Final
• Space data professionals
• Researchers in the areas covered by the project reference scenarios
• Data scientists
• Investors
• Space Industries
• Policy Makers
• Potential end users
• Big-data consortiums
• General public
Once that target groups audience have been defined, the consortium can identify and use different
methods, but in particular the most useful and cost-effective ways, of reaching different categories
of stakeholders. Partners will select the optimum means of effectively addressing each category of
stakeholders the project wish to target and to encourage an amplification of this engagement
through relevant channels.

2.3 Relation with other initiatives

In order to provide linking opportunities with CANDELA, some related projects have been identified.
The following table shows the basic information (such as project website, objective or duration)
about other projects funded under the same topic (EO-2-2017 - EO Big Data Shift). The CANDELA
website also includes a specific section for related projects (http://candela-
This section will be updated during the project lifetime adding other related projects. Any visitor can
contact the project representatives through the website contact section (http://candela- in order to propose other related projects.

Table 2: Related projects

BETTER Website / twitter account Date (start) Date (end)

Big-data Earth observation 2017-11-01 2020-10-31
Technology and Tools
Enhancing Research and
The main objective of BETTER is to implement an EO Big Data intermediate service layer devoted
to harnessing the potential of the Copernicus and Sentinel European EO data directly from the
needs of the users.
EOPEN Website / twitter account Date (start) Date (end)
opEn interOperable Platform 2017-11-01 2020-10-31
for unified access and
analysis of Earth observatioN

2 Objective summary from CORDIS

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One of the main objectives of EOPEN is to fuse Sentinel data with multiple, heterogeneous and
big data sources, to improve the monitoring capabilities of the future EO downstream sector.
Additionally, the involvement of mature ICT solutions in the Earth Observation sector shall
address major challenges in effectively handling and disseminating Copernicus-related
information to the wider user community, beyond the EU borders.
openEO Website / twitter account Date (start) Date (end)
A common, open source 2017-10-01 2020-09-30
interface between Earth
Observation data
infrastructures and front-end
The capabilities of the latest generation of Earth observation satellites to collect large volumes of
diverse and thematically rich data are unprecedented. For exploiting these valuable data sets,
many research and industry groups have started to shift their processing into the cloud. Although
the functionalities of existing cloud computing solutions largely overlap, they are all custom-made
and tailored to the specific data infrastructures. This lack of standards not only makes it hard for
end users and application developers to develop generic front-ends, but also to compare the
cloud offerings by running the same analysis against different cloud back-ends. To solve this, a
common interface that allows end- and intermediate users to query cloud-based back offices and
carry out computations on them in a simple way is needed. The openEO project will design such
an interface, implement it as an open source community project, bind it to generic analytics front-
ends and evaluate it against a set of relevant Earth observation cloud back offices.
Perceptive Sentinel Website / twitter account Date (start) Date (end)
BIG DATA knowledge 2018-01-01 2020-06-30
extraction and re-creation
PerceptiveSentinel project will deliver PerceptiveSentinel platform - an intermediate EO service
that will through seamless access to highly pre-processed DATA provide:
- Modelling and Publishing capabilities for
- Design, Exposure and Exploitation of EO-processing chains for
- Forecasting, Monitoring and Historical Analysis in different domain fields, based on
- Multi-Temporal and Multi-Spectral EO-Data and Non-EO Data Modelling.

3 Objective summary from CORDIS

4 Objective summary from CORDIS
5 Objective summary from CORDIS

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2.4 Communication and Dissemination management

2.4.1 Dissemination of results, publications and presentations

During the project lifetime and for a period of 2 years after the end of the project, the procedure to
disseminate own results by one or several partners including but not restricted to publications and
presentations, shall be governed by the procedure of Article 29.1 (Obligation to disseminate results)
of the Gran Agreement [3].
According to this article, a partner that intends to disseminate its results must give advance notice to
the other partners (at least 45 days). In addition, the partner must provide sufficient information on
the results to be disseminated.
After informing the other partners, detailed information must be updated in the file
“CANDELA_Dissemination_Activities_List.xlsx” available in the project repository
(CANDELA\Events\External Events).
In addition, after each event it will be gathered relevant information such as the “Relevance to
Candela” or the “Conclusions”. This additional information will be included in the following versions
of this deliverable (v2 D4.3 and v3 D4.4) using as a basis the template showed in Table 3.
The material produced to disseminate the project will be publish in the project website6[2](see
section 3.5 Dissemination material).
Table 3: Events Dissemination Report Template

Name of the event

URL Link Location, Date

Partner participant Link to Publications / Presentation

Short Event Description

Relevance to CANDELA



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2.4.2 EC Acknowledgement

Any dissemination of results must (1) display the EU emblem and (2) include the following text:

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020
research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776193

Figure 1: Standard acknowledgement

According to Article 29.4 of the Gran Agreement [3], if the EU emblem is displayed together with
another logo, the emblem must have appropriate prominence.
This obligation is mandatory including communications, publications, presentations or any type of
information or promotional material make by the consortium about the project.
All partners should use the project presentation template available in the “templates” folder of the
project repository (see Annex I Project presentation template).

2.4.3 Publication of PU deliverables

All public7 deliverables produced by the project will be published in the project website under the
“Downloads/Deliverables” (see Figure 2)

Figure 2: Downloads section for public deliverables

These deliverables will include the following statement in the first page:
The dissemination of this document reflects only the author’s view and the European Commission is
not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains. This deliverable is
subject to final acceptance by the European Commission.
This document and its content are the property of the CANDELA Consortium. The content of all or
parts of this document can be used and distributed provided that the CANDELA project and the
document are properly referenced. Each CANDELA Partner may use this document in conformity
with the CANDELA Consortium Grant Agreement provisions.
Figure 3: Statemen for public deliverables

7 Project deliverables classified with the dissemination level “PU” (Public)

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2.5 Time schedule of CANDELA dissemination activities

The following table shows the timetable of dissemination activities planned initially. Details of this
activities are reported in sections 3 Dissemination tools and 4 Events, Workshops and Conferences.
The main activities planned are:
• Disseminate CANDELA through events, conferences and workshops (see details in section 4)
• Project website and Twitter profile that allows the consortium continuously advertise
CANDELA (see sections 3.2 and 3.3)
• Traditional media such as national and regional newspapers or TV
• Project newsletters that will be produced every 6 months (see section 3.4)

Table 4: Time schedule of CANDELA dissemination activities

#8 date Events9 Activity
M1 may-18 Project logo
M2 jun-18
Set up the Project website and Twitter
M3 jul-18
M4 ago-18 Dissemination and communication Plan
M5 sep-18 4
M6 oct-18 3 Project Brochure
M7 nov-18 3 Newsletter Issue 1
M8 dic-18 1 • Project website
M9 ene-19
• Twitter profile
M10 feb-19 3 maintenance
M11 mar-19 • Dissemination on
M12 abr-19 Newsletter Issue 2 national and
M13 may-19 1 regional
M14 jun-19 2 newspapers
M15 jul-19 1 • Dissemination in
M16 ago-19 the SIG
M17 sep-19 1
M18 oct-19 Newsletter Issue 3
M19 nov-19
M20 dic-19
M21 ene-20
M22 feb-20
M23 mar-20
M24 abr-20 Newsletter Issue 4

8 Project month M1=May-2018; M30=October-2020

9 Number of events initially identified by month (see section 4)

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M25 may-20
M26 jun-20
M27 jul-20
M28 ago-20
M29 sep-20
M30 oct-20 Newsletter Issue 5

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3 Dissemination tools
This section includes dissemination and communications tools selected by the project. These tools
will be used following the planning presented in section 2.5 (Table 4) in order to communicate the
project activities and results.

3.1 Logo

The following figure shows the project logo which will be used to create the project brand and

Figure 4: CANDELA logo

3.2 Project website

The project website will be one of the main communications tools. The website was set up in July
2018 and it is accessible at (see Figure 5). A short report describes the
initial structure and content (see D4.1 [2]) which includes the following sections:
• Project: this section provides overall information about the project and partners (Overview,
Objectives, Approach, Consortium and Reference Scenarios)
• Downloads: dissemination material will be available in this section. Project newsletters and
public deliverables will be published here
• News and Events: these sections will contain project news and events
• Related Projects: information and links of related projects
• Contact: through this page, any visitor can contact the project representatives
ATOS ES has designed and published the website using Drupal CMS, a content management system
that can be used by regular users to publish and update the site’s content without involving technical
users in the process.
The website will be continuously updated adding new content to sections “Downloads, News and
Events”. In addition, the website will evolve including new functionalities when needed.

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Figure 5: CANDELA project website11 [2]

3.3 Social Media (Twitter account)

Twitter will be used as social media tool to disseminate the project findings. The Twitter account was
set up in the third month of the project (July 2018). Figure 6 shows the twitter profile
(@CANDELA_h2020) which use the same background that the project website. The account is also
available at

Figure 6: Twitter account12

11 August-2018
12 @CANDELA_h2020 August-2018

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Twitter also allows to be in contact with related projects (see section 2.3), below are listed the
accounts of project under the same CANDELA topic (also included in Table 2: Related projects).

3.4 Newsletter

Project newsletters will be published every six month (first issue will be produced in November, see
planning in Table 4) including articles, news, project events and detailed information about project
Each newsletter will be designed and produced by ATOS ES with the collaboration of all project
partners which will provide suggested content such as articles or news related to the project.
The newsletters will be published by ATOS ES in the project website (see downloads section in Figure 7), and all partners will also disseminate the
Although the newsletters will be released electronically trough the project website, hard copies could
be printed to be distributed in relevant events.

Figure 7: Newsletter section in the project website13

3.5 Dissemination material

Dissemination material will be produced to communicate and promote the project.

• Templates: the presentation template is available in the project repository (see Annex I
Project presentation template). New templates could be produced, for instance, a poster
template would be useful if CANDELA is presented in events or conferences, so all partners
would use the same layout to produce posters to disseminate the project. Templates include
at least the project logo, partners’ logo and the EC Acknowledgment.
• Project brochure/leaflet: the project brochure/leaflet will be used to deliver project
information by partners at events and conferences. First version will be produced by month
six (October 2018) and will include information about:


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Reference: D4.2 Dissemination: PU Version: 1.0 Status: Final
o Introduction to the CANDELA project
o Project overview and approach
o Reference scenarios
o Project and partners’ logos
o Project details (duration and funding)
o Contact information and links (Twitter and project website)
• Publications and press releases produced by project partners
Dissemination material produced by partners will be published in the project website
(, see Figure 8), including public presentations, posters, articles,
press releases, etc.

Figure 8: Download section in the project website14


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4 Events, Workshops and Conferences
This chapter includes the list of relevant events (see Table 5) identified by project partners. All
partners will follow the procedure described in section “2.4.1 Dissemination of results, publications
and presentations”.
Although the initial list was presented in the Description of Action (Part B) [1], the list has been
updated to be included in this deliverable. In any case, updated information of events will be
available through the project website

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Table 5: List (initial) of upcoming relevant events to disseminate CANDELA

Place (City,
Title /Event name Partner Date URL Link (http://…)
OGC (Open Geospatial Consortium)
Technical Meetings. September'18 OGC Stuttgart,
TC/PC ATOS FR 10-14/09/2018 Germany
EuroGEOSS Workshop 2018 12-14/09/2018 Switzerland
INSPIRE Conference ATOS FR 18-21/09/2018 Belgium
AC2018 EFI (European Forest Institute)
Annual Conference SGIS 26-28/09/2018 Alghero, Sardinia
17th International Semantic Web Monterey,
Conference (ISWC2018) IRIT-CNRS 08-12/10/2018 California, USA

EUGENIUS Project Final Meeting TerraNIS 21/10/2018 Brussels, Belgium

GEO-Week 2018 & GEO-XV Plenary ATOS FR 02/11/2018 Kyoto, Japan
SAGEO 2018 Conference: Spatial Analysis Montpellier,
and GEOmatics IRIT-CNRS 06-09/11/2018 France
European Big Data Value Forum
(EBDVF2018) ATOS FR 12-14/11/2018 Vienna, Austria
EKAW 2018, 21th International
Conference on Knowledge Engineering
and Knowledge Management IRIT-CNRS 12-16/11/2018 Nancy, France

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OGC Technical Meetings. December'18 Charlotte, North
OGC TC/PC ATOS FR 10-14/12/2018 Carolina, USA
Munich., ePortal/2019-conference-on-big-data-from-space-
Big Data from Space (BiDS 2019) DLR 19-21/02/2019 Germany bids19/bids-2019

SIMA 2019 ATOS FR 24-28/02/2019 Paris, France

OGC Technical Meetings. 25/02/2019

February/March’19 OGC TC/PC ATOS FR 01/03/2019 Singapore

ESA Living Planet Symposium DLR 13-17/05/2019 Milan, Italy

OGC Technical Meetings. June’19 OGC
TC/PC 17-21/06/2019 Leuven, Belgium

MultiTemp 2019 DLR June 2019 TBD TBD

IGARSS 2019, International Geoscience DLR, TAS 28/07/2019

and Remote Sensing Symposium FR 02/08/2019 Yokohama, Japan
OGC Technical Meetings. September ‘19 Banff, Alberta,
OGC TC/PC ATOS FR 09-13/09/2019 Canada

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Reference: D4.2 Dissemination: PU Version: 1.0 Status: Final
5 Define goals and objectives
In order to measure the success of the dissemination activities planned in this document, it has been
established the following indicators at months M12, M18 and M30. As the second version of this
document (D4.3) will be released by month 18 (October 2019), Table 6 includes the expected value at
that month.
Activities and indicators will be reviewed before the end of year 1 and values will be updated during
the project lifetime taking into account the figures gathered for each period.

Table 6: Candela dissemination activities, indicators and expected value

Expected value
Activity Indicator
Month 12 Month 1815 Month 3016
Website Number of sessions ≥2400 ≥3600 ≥6000
Website Number of news and
≥20 ≥30 ≥50
events published
Website Number of public
14 9 8
deliverables published
Twitter Number of followers ≥100 ≥150 ≥250
Twitter Number of Tweets ≥150 ≥250 ≥400
Brochure Number of brochures
1 1 2
Brochure Number of events
≥3 ≥5 ≥8
where distributed
Newsletter Number of publications 2 3 5
Events and Number of events
≥3 ≥5 ≥8
Conferences attended
Events and Number of
≥2 ≥3 ≥5
Conferences presentations/posters
Events and Number of persons
≥100 ≥150 ≥250
Conferences reached

15 Total number at M18 from M1

16 Total number at M30 from M1

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Reference: D4.2 Dissemination: PU Version: 1.0 Status: Final
6 Conclusions
This document defines the first version of the dissemination and communication plan to be followed
by project partners during the project lifetime. The plan has been stablished in August 2018 (M4),
although some activities started from the beginning of the project.

• CANDELA website was officially released in July 2018 but initial content was published in the
first month of the project, May 2018).
• Twitter was chosen as social media tool, and the project profile was set up in July 2018.
Twitter will be used as a complementary tool to publish relevant information about the
project, such as events, conferences or project results and materials.

The document also includes a complete list of relevant events and conferences identified by project
partners. This list will be continuously updated in the project website under the events section17.

Dissemination and Communication activities and strategy will be reviewed and updated in the
second version of this deliverable (D4.3 to be released in October 2019). D4.3 will also include:

• Summary reports of attended events by project partners

• Report of networking and community building activities
• Dissemination material produced by the project (public presentations, project brochure and

17 CANDELA events section

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[1] CANDELA Annex 1 to the Gran Agreement, Description of Action, Part B v1.5
[2] J. Alonso, “D4.1 Project website”, Deliverable of the CANDELA project
[3] Grant Agreement number: 776193 — CANDELA — H2020-EO-2017
[4] H2020 Programme Guidance Social media guide for EU funded R&I projects, v1.0 6/04/2018,
[5] Participant Portal Online Manual,
[6] Communicating EU research and innovation guidance for project participants, v1.0 25/09/2014,
[7] CANDELA Annex 1 to the Gran Agreement, Description of Action, Part A

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Annex I Project presentation template

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Annex II Partner’s strategy
Initial per-partner strategy (Annex I Part B, Section pages 31 to 33)[1]
ATOS: In the case of ATOS, as soon as outcomes that can be exploited or commercialised are ready to
be demonstrated and used, and IPR issues are clearly established, the strategy is to prepare
marketing materials to present R&D results in a way that speaks to potential customers. In a first
step, the main objective is to take advantage of the company’s sales force and use the established
channels to reach customers.
- Elaboration of factsheets and other printed materials with information about project results
(asset/product), to be shared though the company’s sales portal. The current solutions
deriving from R&D outcomes are officially published in the Atos Sales portal and some of
them are connected to Atos Portfolio of key offerings, thus facilitating their integration to
solutions provided to our customers.
- Internal meetings with Atos account managers who have direct access to customers and who
can organise meetings and workshop with customers.
- Internal webinars are organised to raise awareness at international level. Those can be
combined with the presentation of other solutions of the Atos portfolio.
- Audio/video conferences are organised to convey results and transfer knowledge to other
GBUs of the Atos group, including overseas locations. Occasionally those telcos involve
customers as well.
- In general, the sought outcome is an agreement for the realisation of a first step pilot - or
Proof of Concept (PoC) - in which both Atos and the customer are active players. Atos, in
partnership with Siemens, also provides opportunities to finance such PoC under certain
conditions, such as the alignment with themes currently studied by the Atos Scientific
Community or a convincing business plan.
- Participation in meetings and workshops with customers at local and international level (e.g.
innovation workshops at the official Business Technology & Innovation Centre located at
Atos Head Quarters in Paris, France) when requested.
- Direct contact with customers, for example at shows and events, in which Atos is
Concerning Thales Alenia Space dissemination, the objective will be to reach relevant persons inside
Thales group who have access to policy makers and potential end users, and also to reach the
general public and R&D activities actors of the Big data domain:
- Policy makers and potential end users: Internal meetings with ground station managers,
regional booster PACA manager and Telespazio Geo-Information unit. This will lead in
particular to meetings and workshops with customers, policy makers and potential end
- General public: information will be accessible though Thales group web portal and
- R&D activities: Within Thales Alenia Space, R&D Managers will be informed though internal
conferences and poster sessions. A wider public (Thales and its research partners) will be
concerned through the participation to JPAL conferences at the Thales group R&D center
(TRT, Palaiseau, France). Finally, the dissemination of R&D will be done through Thales Alenia
Space participation to the Thales group Key Technology Domain (KTD) on big data and

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Machine/Deep learning. All this R&D dissemination will widely enlarge the public that will
know about the project.
DLR; Dissemination of the results will be done by DLR through scientific presentations to conferences
or in peer review articles in our field; dedicated in house seminars, domos during scientific
workshops, EO image annotation contests, and newcomers’ researches (e.g., master students, Ph.D.,
IRIT-CNRS; As a research lab, IRIT-CNRS will use the three classical channels used for the
dissemination of scientific results: paper publication, workshop organization and taking part to
national and international SIG in geomatics. Regarding paper publication, IRIT-CNRS will target
conferences and workshops in two scientific areas: knowledge engineering, semantic web and
information retrieval (such as IC, INFORSID, and CORIA in France, ESWC, EKAW, ISWC, and CLE
international conferences) and geographic information systems (such as SAGEO in France, AGILE,
ACM International Symposium on Advances in Geographic Information Systems, International
Conference on Geographic Information Science, SIGSPATIAL, …). After the semantic annotation and
indexing solution will be implemented and evaluated, results will be published in one or several
journal papers in the same domains (like IJSW, semantic web, geomatics, International Journal of
Geographical Information Science or Transactions in GIS). Because the research community in
Geographic Information Systems is more and more interested in semantic approaches, various
workshop series are co-organised together with larger conferences. We plan to be involved in the
scientific and organization committees of such workshops. Among the French special interest groups
are the CNRS working group (GDR) MADICS18 about big data research, GDR MAGIS19 about
Geographic Information Systems. International special interest groups in which we would like to
promote our work will be the W3C GeoSemWeb20 group, SIGSPATIAL21.
TerraNIS; The project outputs will be disseminated within the EUGENIUS network22 which gathers (as
of March 1st 2017) 9 SME located around Europe, acting in the field of EO-based services. TerraNIS,
as founder and coordinator of the network, will have the opportunity to share the CANDELA project
outcomes with the other members of the association with the objective to show them how the
developed technologies can contribute to boost their business. In addition, TerraNIS is regularly
invited to provide keynote speeches during conferences (e.g. organised by EC about the Copernicus
programme) where the project outcomes will also be presented.
SmallGIS; The project outputs will be disseminated within the polish forest community during the
internal meetings, audio conferences and the workshops organised by the SmallGIS company. Also
the information about the project will be disseminated during the annual forest conference in 2018
and 2019.
CloudFerro is the operator of CREODIAS and EO Cloud platforms. It delivers EO Copernicus CORE and
CCM data (Sentinel-1. Sentinel-2, Sentinel-3, Sentinel-5P and ESA/Landsat-5/7/8 and Envisat/Meris)
with cloud processing to be able to use this data. CloudFerro also has elements of data and
application marketplace - ready to sell proprietary data and applications. It is of great importance to
CREODIAS to add new resources to the platform - such as new algorithms and new data resulting

22 EUGENIUS network presentation:

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from application of such algorithms to the Sentinel and other data. All such elements can increase
attractiveness of EO Cloud platform to potential users and customers. To achieve such effects
CloudFerro will:
- add descriptions of selected new processing engines and algorithms coming from CANDELA
and placed at the CREODIAS platform to its Third Party and Application Catalogue, currently
available at;
- add chosen new data resulting from the CANDELA processing to its EO Data repository and if
it could be purchased by third parties - to its data marketplace - so that it can be purchased
by the potential customers;
- add selected new data resulting from the CANDELA project and placed at EO data repository
to the CREODIAS databases including search engine at so that it can be
easily searched by the CREODIAS users and general public;
- promote CANDELA project to CREODIAS users community add Candela resulting front-ends
to Third Party Catalogue in CREODIAS;
- present the results of the project at the Polish and international conferences; and
- market the results of the project to the local Polish customers.

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