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Consumer Behaviour

Student name: Rina Alshubrumi

Student Id: 1906865
Q1. A marketer must decide whether to incorporate rational or emotional appeals in its
communications strategy. Describe conditions that are more favorable to one or the other.

A successful marketing campaign can kick-start your company's growth. Some pundits favor the rational
approach, while others appeal to the customer's emotions.

A rational appeal in advertising means a greater focus on presenting accurate facts and precise data
about product benefits. Is especially effective When a product, service, or concept has a lot of features
that appeal to someone's sense of purpose. Also, it allows you to demonstrate the usefulness of your
product or service to your target market by appealing to logic and sensibility. The emotional approach to
marketing takes a totally different approach. The emphasis in this form of campaign is not about what
the product does, but rather on how it makes you feel, or the emotional needs it satisfies. It's a strategy
that works with a wide range of products and services, especially those that provide pleasure at a
reasonable price. Emotional marketing often utilizes a range of strategies to evoke the target audience's
emotions. People are compassionate, loving, and empathic, so these types of ads are also very
successful. To promote the product, the most successful campaigns blend rational and emotion.

Emotional appeals will be more effective in these conditions:

1-Immediate Decisions(if your customer has limited time to decide, then target their emotion.)

2-Independent Decisions(Emotional appeals are more effective when customers are deciding alone.)

3-Uncertain Decisions(When people are uncertain, they use “constructive thinking” which acts like a
emotion )

4-Acquisition Framing(Emotional appeals are more effective when you describe what your product
provides, rather than what it prevents)

5-Older Demographics(Emotional appeals are more effective for older demographics.)

Rational appeals will be more effective in these conditions:

1-Non-immediate decisions(If the customer has unlimited time to make a decision.)

2-Group decisions(Rational appeals are more effective when customers are group.)

3-certain Decisions

4- Rejection Frames(Rational appeals are more effective when you describe what your product

5- younger Demographics
Q2. Explain in brief what consumer research is and explain in detail consumer research process.

Consumer Research: is a form of fundamental research that is undertaken to learn about consumers
tastes and preferences in order for the company to sell goods that are customized to their evolving
tastes and preferences.

Consumer research process:

1- Identification or Formulation of problems or opportunities: This is the first step in the consumer
research process, and it entails conducting research in order to analyze and formulate consumer
behavior issues and opportunities. This move will assist in defining the problem's causes, advantages,
goals, and corrective steps.

2- Establishing the Design for Market Research: This is the secondary consumer research process and it
means, It is a pre-determined theme that the researchers would use to address the research questions
and it is a tool for evaluating the solution to a specific problem. Also, it has two styles of design that
assist researchers in performing market research: descriptive design and casual design.

3-Choosing a Basic Techniques of Research: This is the third consumer research process and it means
choosing a word determines the targeting. It includes various techniques for solving the problems like
Market Survey and Observations.

4- Select the Best Sampling Procedures: This is the fourth consumer research process and it means The
sample is a portion or subset of the entire word. There will be two forms of sampling used in this, one is
probability and the other is non-probability.

5- Collection of Data: This is the fifth consumer research process. Data collection is the method of
collecting information from different sources in a systematic manner. The researchers would gather
information from a variety of sources, including Creating surveys in a specific target market to collect
the knowledge required to solve their problems and Via direct marketing such as, surveys on websites,
email marketing surveys, survey advertising. Also, Through market mediators and government reports
or personal interaction of public.

6-Analysis of Data: This is the sixth consumer research process. It consists of or analyzes the relevant
data and converts it into useful or objective knowledge. The collected data is analyzed using statistical
tools such as Standard deviation, correlation, regression, Keyes square test, e-test, f-test, and ANOVA
(Analysis of Variants).

7-Preparing the Report: This is the seventh consumer research process. The researchers should
communicate their findings to the team and managers in this final phase of the project in the form of
oral or written. And, as a result, the researchers produced a market analysis study to address questions
and find solutions to a specific issue. The reports also provide information such as: Approval Letter,
Table of Contents, List of Examples, Methodology research, Research Goal, Techniques, Results,
Hypothesis, Conclusions.
Q3. Why do you think applications of Consumer Behavior in Marketing are crucial for
marketers? Explain with an example.

Study of consumer behavior is most important for marketers as they can understand the
expectation of the consumers. It aids in comprehending what motivates a customer to purchase
a product. It is important to determine the types of goods that customers want before
introducing them onto the market. Marketers should learn about their customers' preferences
and dislikes and adapt their marketing campaigns accordingly. For example, consumer buying
behavior is studied by consumer researchers and their aim is to know why women buy
moisturizers (to reduce skin problems), the most preferred brand (Olay, L’Oréal), how often do
they apply it (twice a day, thrice a day), where do the women prefer to buy it (supermarkets,
online) and how many times do they buy it (weekly, monthly).

Q4. What do you mean by post purchase behavior?Explain this with the help of suitable

The way a consumer thinks, feels, and behaves after buying something is referred to as post-
purchase activity. This is the point at which a customer evaluates whether or not they are
satisfied with their purchase. How they feel can determine whether or not they buy from your
company again. Also, Customers will influence whether or not others buy from you after they
make a purchase. It's normal for people to brag about their recent purchases, whether on social
media or in person. For example a customer buys toothpaste and doesn’t like the taste, this will
cause dissonance and he will discontinue the product and use some other brand or a customer
purchases toothpaste, enjoys it, and plans to purchase it again.

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