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The Typewriters

Name: ________________

TASK 1: Read the story.

Typewriters are the old machines for typing. They are used to
type letters, documents, stories, and everything else. The
first typewriters were introduced in 1874, but they were
uncommon to use in offices until the mid-1880s. The
typewriter soon became a useful tool for writers, offices,
letters, and writing assignments for students. The typewriters
do not have a backspace button. To erase the error, you’ll have
to use a typewriter eraser. The typewriters also have ink,
which is called "Typewriter Ribbon". They are often used to
replace ink from a typewriter. They are dried out eventually
because the typewriter is not used for a long time. However,
you do not need electricity to use a typewriter. Some schools
might still use the typewriter for typing classes. But in
today's world, not many people use typewriters. They use
computer keyboards instead. You might be interested in a
typewriter if you have never tried one.

TASK 2: Answer the questions.

1. What is a typewriter? ___________________________________________

2. What are they used for? _________________________________________
3. When were the first typewriters introduced? _________________________
4. Do typewriters have a backspace button? _____________________________
5. What do you use if you made an error when typing? _____________________
6. What are the inks for typewriters called? ____________________________
7. Do you need electricity to be able to use a typewriter? __________________
8. In today’s world, do many people use typewriters? ______________________
9. Do you like typewriters? Why or why not?
10. Will you use typewriters instead of computers? Why or why not?

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