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‘ I Il t 1 l t l 1 1 1 l 1 ' I ! 1 i L I l i 1 l 1 Il i I I 1 \ peers ° Summer Packet < Date x 7 Name. anaes \ NONFICTION TEXT FEATURES | ! I stort hank, I boldface, caption, diagram, glossary, heading, highlighted text, index, map, photograph, sidebar, table of contents, title I Label all the text features shown. I t Leopard Fro 1 > I 7] fr Bs Habitat = Did youkrowe | What they ect 4 a oe t where they ive Belial North america 7 wewine | Mexico 8 aumaizepes | | Seuthemteopartog || haverospot. | Glossory a9 ———--] i Leopard frogs, also called meadow frogs, are the archetypal “grass frogs" of North America, a 1 collection of about 14 species within the true frog genus Rana. They are genereily very similar, t ‘een wih prominent tiackspoting tough ectsly marelke Rey ra ae ee eh Steopard, hey cen be fd apa by ok cstbuien cna carne aehence sea | behavioral mephologes ond genele ras Thorange extends ougheutionteccccand | 4 sibhopicalNat Aneicalonamen anc winsome pecestanderen tek | | Once abundant in North America, their Bppulation has deciined in recent years becouse of pollution and deforestation. <.. 1 t North America removal of aforest. |} Hoptat ait |] Genetic: the Mexico: sj I Genetcmakeup ot || noth America 7] | Sooeee i | group of organisms | | Species TAL I ‘Subtropical: ce || locate between : - temperate areas. ¥] L / | A ‘ iz s Maureen Kinney 2012 an RJ. 2.6 Author’s Purpose Read the following text and determine the author’s purpose. How do birds keep their eggs and baby birds safe? Most birds bulld nests, but ‘all nests are not alike. Some birds Different kinds of birds build different kinds of nests. One thing that is the same is that all birds build their nests to keep their eggs and babies safe. 2 The next time tt rains, watchthe water run down your street. First, it goes down a drain or into a ditch. Next, it Joins with water flowing from other drains and ditches. Then, it flows into a stream or river. Finally, the water that ran down your street flows into the ocean, To explain how birds keep their eggs safe To answer how birds keep their eggs safe To describe how birds keep their eggs safe a. To explain how water getsto the ocean b. To answer how water gets to the ocean ©. To deseribe how water gets to the ocean There are more than (,000 kinds of bats. Like birds, bats have wings and can fly However, bats are not birds. Bats have fur; not feathers. ve To explain how bats fly To answer why bats are not like birds To describe bats Stained glass is an old Form oF art. One cf the main ingredients in glass is sand, First, the sand is heated to such a high ‘temperature that it becomes a liquid Then, after itis cooled, the colored glass is cut into pieces. Finally, the glass shapes are placed into a frame. To explain how stained glass is made To answer what stained glass looks like To describe stained glass How to Get Organized |. Keep a daily planner. 2. Keep all of your important papers in one place. 8. Use shoeboxes to store small things 4. Every hight, get your backpack ready ‘ond lay out your clothes for the next day. 5. Clean out your backpack every Friday after school To explain how to get organized To answer who needs to get organized To describe being organized What are moles? Moles have rounded bodies and thick, soft fur that’s usually black or gray. They are about six inches long and weigh about six ounces. Their eyes are tiny because they lve underground, where they don't need to see well a. To explain how moles live underground b. To answer what moles are c. To describe moles Fairy tales usualy start with the phrase "once upon atime." They are often told to children as made up stories that have happy ending. Fairy tales give kids a way to Imagine being a princess, a king or a dragon! ‘a. To explain how fairy tales are told b. To answer why fairy tales are told ©. To describe Fairy tales Gan people ve on the moon? The moon is quite different from Earth. The moon's ground is covered in [0 to 50 feet of dust. There is no air that people can breathe. A day and a night there each last two weeks, and the ‘temperatures are very cold. a. To explain how people live on the moon b. To answer if people can live onthe moon ¢. To describe living on the moon Dolphin Talk | Dolphins are mammals just like you and I. They breathe air, have babies and their babies drink milk from their mothers. The female dolphins are called cows, the male dolphins are called bulls and young dolphins are called calves. Dolphins usually live in groups, or pods, with around 10- (2 other dolphins. 2 Do dolphins tak? They actually do have their own special language that they can understand. To humans, these noises sound like squeaks, whistles, chirps and clicks. They also make a special sound that we cannot even hear with our ears! Dolphins talk in their special janguage by biowing different amounts of air through their blowhole 3 Dolphins also "talk" or communicate in other ways too. They do things like shaking their heads, clapping their jaws and blowing bubbles. Dolphins also use their fins and 0868 to rub, slap and poke one another. These are ways that they communicate without actually making noises |. Select 4 sounds that dolphins make Part A when they communicate 4 [s the author answering, explaining or a describing in paragraph 2? a pqueak a. Answering J hiss b. Explaining le ©. Desoribing J chirp Part & Sa 5. What is the author answering, explaining or deseribing in paragraph 2? 1 click What is the author describing in aragraph 3? The way dojphins communicate without making nose The way dolphins communicate by making noises The way dolphins blow air through ‘their blowholes What Is the author NOT deseribing in ragraph |? 7. List « way dolphins communicate The names of females, males and without making noises. young dolphins Dolphins ive in groups Dolphins talk by making noises {During October, many people think of pumpkins! This may be because this is the month that many farmers harvest their ripe pumpkins, The farmers usually plant the pumpkin seeds ih May. it can take up to {20 days or until around October for a pumpkin to grow and turn into the bright orange color we know so welll 2. Is a pumpkin a fruit or vegetable? Many people think a pumpkin is a vegetable but they are wrong! If you ask a botanist, or a scientist who study plants, a frutt is ‘the part of the plant that grows from a flower. A fruit is also the part of the plant where the seeds are found, So, a pumpkin is a fruit! 3 Ittakes about [20 days for a pumpkin to grow. First, the farmer plants the pumpkin seed inthe spring. Then, a sprout begins to grow out of the ground. The sprout grows into a vine. Next, little yellow flowers begin to bloom onthe vine. Those flowers change into small green pumpkins. Finally, these small green pumpkins keep growing larger and larger and change colors. Many pumpkins are orange but some kinds are white, dark green, red or even blue! {. Select 2 colors that pumpkins do NOT change to. orange blue gold red green black ooO0000 2. What is the author answering in paragraph 2? «a. If a pumpkin has flowers b. If a pumpkin is « Fruit ©. If a pumpkin is always orange ‘8. What is the author NOT describing in paragraph (? @. Allthe colors that pumpkins grow b. The time it takes for a pumpkin to grow ¢. The month we usually find ripe pumpkins Part a fs the author answering, explaining or describing in paragraph 3? a. Answering b. Explaining ©. Describing Port B 5. What is the author answering, explaining or describing in paragraph 37 7. How many days does it take for @ pumpkin to grow? Bats | _Are bats just a different kind of bird? There are more than {,000 kinds of bats. Like birds, bats have wings and can fly: However, bate are not birds. Bats have fur instead of feathers. Also, baby bats drink milk from their mothers. They dont eat worms or seeds. 2 Most bats sleep during the day and fly at night to search for food. Many bats eat bugs. Some eat up to 2,000 bugs in one hour, or 33 bugs in one minute. Other bats eat fruit. Vampire bats feed on small amounts of blood from animals ike pigs and birds, 3 Bats cannot see well, but they can hear well. Bats make a clicking sound as they ‘ly. The clicking sound echoes off walls, trees, and insects. The sound bounces back and help keep bats from flying into things. These echoes also hielp bats find food and stay safe, I. Select 6 things bats eat/drink Part A Sen 18 fathe author answering, explining or describing in paragraph (? A bugs a. angering ©. explatnn TI worms ©) Deserbing oJ Fruit Parts ae 20. What is the author answering, J] fish explaining or describing in paragraph (7 7. What is the author deseribing in aragraph 3? The way a bat uses echoes The way a bat sees The way a bat searches for Food 21. List 2 ways that bats are similar or the same as a bird 3. What is the author NOT describing in aragraph 2? How many bugs a bat can eat What things bats eat/drink Where bats live 22. List 2 ways that bats are different than a bird. ; ; Name. A Glowing Bug (Fireflies are not really flies. They are beetles! You can find fireflies mostly in ‘warm, moist areas all around the world. They live near ponds, streams, rivers, lakes and other areas filled with water. Like all insects, they have three body parts, head, thorax, and abdomen. They have six legs. They also have two sets of wings, How do fireflies glow? 2 The yellow glow that a firefly makes is caused by chemicals in their bodies. Inside the firefly’s stomach are five kinds of chemicals. The firefly glows because whet oxygen gets inside its body, those five chemicals mix together and make a glowing light. A few seconds later, another chemical mixes with the other five chemicals and the glowing light flashes off. Why do firefies flash their light? 3 Fireflies glow to communicate with other fireflies. Each kind of firefly has its own Flashing pattern that is different than others. The color, the number of flashes, and how long the giow stays lit are some of the things that make each kind of firefly different from all others. 4. Select 4 places where fireflies live. Part A {2. Is the author answering, explaining or C1 ponds describing in paragraph 2 Cl streams a. Answering a b. Explaining ae do e. Deseribng rivers Part & LE) deserts 18. What is the author answering, O takes ‘explaining or describing in paragraph 27 (0. What is the author answering in paragraph 3? ‘a. Wheh the firefly flashes their light b. How fireflies glow ©. Why fireflies flash their light {1. What is the author NOT describing in paragraph 1? ‘a. Where fireflies tive b. What fireflies eat ©. What body parts a firefly has IH. Hlow many chemicals are inside the fireflies’ stomachs? 15. Why do fireflies Flash their light? a. To find food b. To mix chemicals ©. To communicate CONTEXT CLUES 16 READING ‘Tho folowing stories have make-beleve words Use the ces in the sentence fo figure aut the meaning of the make-believe Se vee Last summer | went fo the beach with my grandma. She loves fo look for snarbles hidden in the sand. Her favorite kind of snaroles are the ones that have no broken pieces. The coolest snarples | found sfil had a smal crab living inside. left that snorples on the beach instead of putting it in my collection. 20 Lucy and Susia decided fo soll some refreshing blarling on the street outside thelr house. They sold cups of the ice cold blaring outside their house. Susie picked fresh fruit from a tree in her yard and Lucy wos in charge of getting ice trom her house. The drink was a ifle sour, so they had to add some suger. Ii was the hottest day of the summer What de you think snaroles ore? What words help you figure out the meaning of the word snamples? what do your think blaulina i What words help you figure out the meaning of the word blating? “Don't forget fo put some clinket on’ before you go outside" said Claucio's mother. Claudio did not ke to wear Clinket because the lotion sometimes gels in his eyes and stings. But, cinket is important so that you do not get sunburn so he rubs it all over his skin, Claudio had @ painful sunbum last summer so now he has learned his lesson and wears clinket whenever he Is playing in the sun. ‘What do you think clinket are? What words help you figure out the meaning of the word cinket? BOOK RESPONSE: Character Changes ‘Reade fiction book at your recaing level and respond fo below Book Title: Name of Main Character: What was the main event or challenge in this book? How did the main character respond to the event or challenge? BOOK RESPONSE: Beginning, Middle, End * Real «Flin book at your reading evel and respond to It belo Book Title: THE BEGINNING OF THE STORY: “THE MIDDLE OF THE STORY: IRREGULAR PLURAL NOUNS Complete the sentences using the words nthe bo, But WATCH OUT because there are some wordsin the box that are not used correctly inngch. Cross out the incorrect words, feeth fish person fables houses mice mices house dogs feet child footh dog mouse people fishes children fooths chills table 8. This morning while | was eating watermelon, my. fell out. That means!have lost 4 now! My camp counselors a very nice who loves to teach how to have fun in nature. Hove to pul my, in the sand and wiggle my toes. When | was swimming in the ocean, Isow seven____ they were colorful with pretty fins old my mom that Isaw a iil, grey _ _ sneaking a piece of cheese in the kitchen. Right whien | told her, Iwo more ran crass the room! Allof the __ on that sireet have pretty yards. We have two but my mom won't et us get one more because she is worried! ‘about them borking foo much There are five__ siting at the dinner lam the oldest _ in my family Put the word that competes each phrase onthe ne. IF youneedt «lite hc oF the words araincaded in the word box, but net dll words from the word box are used, had fel forgot brought ran lost knew opaned deaned got sold wached asked played pushed jumped folded found knocked hid brushed stomped thought kicked fold pall Today | jump. Yesterday | Today | clean. Yesterday ! Today! find. Yesterday | Today | fold. Yesterday | Today think. Yesterday | Today! have. Yesterday | Today |telll. Yesterday | Today | stomp. Yesterday | Today | lose. Yesterday | Today | push. Yesterday | Today | get. Yesterday |__ Today Irun. Yesterday |__ Today | sell. Yesterday | _ Choose c book and fin! M lifferent nouns (person, pace thing, ‘or enimal. Write the nouns in the space below. Book Title: Author: REFLEXIVE PRONOUNS Complete the senfence using @ word! from the werd box. you ourselves. yourselves. it himself she itself myself he _themsehes I 1. [know how fo make fruit salad all by 2. My brother prefers to surf by eae knows how to braid her hair by herself, Keep your hands to * said the lifeguard Ig the kids. Sometimes my computer tums ___ off. knows how to tie his-own shoes. . We prefer to walk to the beach without the parents, __ know how to choose a good book by myself. I think are good at reading to yourself. 10.My sisters locked _ in the bathroom by mistake. __felloff the table ail by itset VERB SEARCH! ta tent me net Author: ROOT WORDS Allof the words below have « “root word! Write the root word, For example, uncomfortable ~ "comfort fs the root word. additional carefully unhappy unsuitable Faithful precaution freezer Take cook these root word” How meny new wards on yo"arow from each reat word? For exemple, rom ig you can grow Bla an ~~ PREFIXES Compare the fwo words. How dll the meaning oF the word ~ change when the prefix was axed? How did adding "UN" chonge the “meaning oF he word? How did adiaing “RE” change the meaning of the word? How did ading "DIS" change the ‘meaning of the wore? dlsconnect How did adding "MIS" change the ‘meaning of the word? ‘mibunderslane PROPER NOUNS Read the words fr ecch box, Cre the word or phrase in each box thas «proper noun end ‘needs « copie latter: His amas oF people, products names, ond proper names of places are all proper nouns nintendo doll car mop moria marbles beach california sand susie surfboard saltwater disneyland waterpark slide lemonade driving spring street chipmunk simon singing pepsi water ice cube miss swonson feacher vacation \irite« sentence that incleos we proper noune SENTENCE OR FRAGMENT? Cire the COMPLETE sentences, Cross out the incomplete sentence FRAGMENTS. HINT There are FIVE compete senfences and SEVEN Fragments The kitten is. playing. At the swimming pool On the white porch. Kyle turned of the TV. De you like waterslides? Drippy ice cream. Fran's favorite shoes. Fran's shoes are on the porch The huge red beach ball, Do you have shorts? Outside by the big barn. Laughing and playing at the beach, CONTRACTIONS Road the sentence. Cree the contraction. Below write the contraction endl the two words that make the contraction, Example: Sydnay ond Asa Gao colt doy don't = do + not 1. Nacho can't wait fo see his cousin, 2, Andre doesn't ike to go camping without his special sleeping bag. 3. They're both excited for the play date. 4. Sometimes I'm a nervous when | go swimming in the ocean 5. 'm ready fo go to the swimming pool 6. Sometimes she's annoyed when her sister plays loud music. 7.1 looked for my sandals, but they weren't in my closet. PERFECT SUMMER DAY... Write bout the perfect eurmer‘cay from morning un igh bnclude at le! four senfences, $ ° ° 8 0 g picture to match your writing, #400 000000 vo y0d000 840 c00K Review Identifying and Counting Money Use any combinations of coins cnd bils to make the Following amounts, Review Identifying and Counting Money Use any combinations of coins to show four ways To make: $100, Review Diane and Solid Shapes Deconstruct and describe the sold shapes. cube rectangular prism Z How many faces does How meny faces does ‘this shape have?_ Draw them here Draw them here: How many cides? ___ How many sides? ___ How many vertices? __ How many vertices? _ ‘triangular prism pyramid How many Faces does aX How many faces does Sy ‘this shope have?____ ‘this shape have?___ Draw them here: Draw them here: How many sides? How many sides? _ i How many vertices? ____. How many vertices? ___ Review Skip Counting ‘Folow the number pattems ond Firin the missing numbers. iss Beo’s class goes to lunch at TLOO, Lunch What time does lunch end? “Tom's favorite T.V. show starts at 8:00. The show is an hour long. What time does Tom's Favorite show end? start time ‘Chris sits down fo read a book at 4:30. He Finishes the book 2 hours later. What time does Chris Finish reading his book? ‘Rob arrives at the library at 8:00. At 12:00 he goes home for lunch. How long was he at the fibrary? start time end time He was at the library for ___ hours. Name: Review 3 Digit Addition With Regrouping ___ Solve the problems below. Show regroupng where needed. 768 50g 357 +123 +46 | +226 685 770 894 Zoe +359 <1 6a 488 9749 6q2 tal 3 +252 +598 Name: What Time is it? Telling Time to the Nearest Minute | Directions: Look at each clock. Wuhite the time to the nearest miute e 3 Review 2 and 3 Digit Expanded Form write each number in digits, written out, andin expanded Form, 38 a2 D oO ¥ oO 5058 forty two seventy nine on 36 Cone ‘Twohundrednnety P__[o02on Subtractin “Across Zeros a | | | 0 0/0 6,02 Slt OL) = Be) | 5S 410 SOS 4}0]0 2) 216) ols | =| lols 0/0 O};O 2/0/3 Flo 4|6] | o1 7 | lio LE] Ie] 2/0 |6 a 7 1] 2|7 6 a | 7010 u 0 512.2 ZC 374 856 . 737-524 =284 -669 -568 572 743 ° 884 -448 732 965 =375 -399 =399 Sa a) 3 a i at 6060006 000000006 0090000 Qo ° ° ° PLACE VALUE REVIEW 2 ° ° ~~ Wutas has these blocks: Andre gives him 5 more tens and five more ones. How many ©© blocks does he have news Oraw your enswer ond vite the numberin the box. °° ° ° oO ° ° oO ° ° o ° ° ° oO ° ° S ° © © ° ° ° } o ° ° ° ° Now iscas hes ° 6 S ° ° ° ° ° ° 2 Now Lucas wants to have 500 blocks. How many more does he need to get to 500% 2 © Draw your answer and write the number in the box, ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° oO 3° ° ° oO ° ©0600 06 000 000 000 00.900006 060 00060 $°° 0000 000 000000 00 puo00e00 eps, °° } ° ° PLACE VALUE REVIEW ° °o ° ° ° ° ° ° YS ° oS a A Py 2 WHAT TS JOSEPHINE'S HOUSE NUMBER? . ° BS2 625 cis osc ° oO ° 2 The number is greater than 820. o = Itis less than 890. . 3 There is a 5 in the tens place. ° S Josephine's house number is: __ e ° —— ° ° ° ° ° ° ° S Yoyo bd ° ° o WHAT 1S NATE HOUSE NUMBER? c ° ° G48 GéE2 CAT 654 ° 5° °° 2 The numbers less than 660. a ; ° Ss The number has a 4 in the-tens place = ° Itis the same as 600+40+345 is e Nate’s house number is ° ° ° ° ° ° oO ° ° 2 ° 206 00 90.000.000 000 00900006060 00.060 2000006 000 0000006 POQO00000.90 ic PLACE VALUE REVIEW (2) Sydney has these blocks. She gets 8 more ones and two more tens. How many blocks does she have now? Draw your answer and write the total number of blocks in number form and expanded form, Number Form ‘° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° } ° ° fo 6 ° ° ° ° ° ° oO ° ° ° ° oO Expanded Fom FG ° oO ©60:0006000 000000 290000006060 00000 220006000 000006 00 pov00a06 c PROBLEM SOLVING (4) ° ° 1. Lucy put 19 towers on the sandcastle. . Molly put 25 towers on the sandcastle. 8 How many more towers did Molly put than o Lucy? Number Sentence Answer oO o ° oO 3° e ° ° ° ° ° 2. Clara has 32 water balloons. She gives $ 20 away to her friends. How many does 8 she have left? o ° ° o ° ° ° ° o oO ° ° oO umber Sentence Answer 090000000006 000 000000 29900006000 000000 yvoo ©0006 000 000000 00900006060 0006 o ° 3 ° }° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° 3° 6 3° ° ° ° ° ° oO ° ° ° 2 2 2 > > °° 90 00 000 000000 cog 0000000 ope, PROBLEM SOLVING (5) 1. Luke threw 30 water balloons at-his older brother. 17 of his water balloons missed his brother. The rest hit him. How many hit hime umber Sentence newer 2. Thirteen kids can be in the swimming Class at one time. 24 kids want to be in the swimming class, How many kids will not be able to join the swimming class? umber Sentence Answer 20.0006 000 090006 oo 090006060 o90 g ‘° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° o ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° 3 ° ° ° ° ° ° oO ° ° ° ° ° ° °} oO 00 000006000 000006 .00 9000060 Ne/' oc ° oo = ° PROBLEM SOLVING 6 ° ° ° ° Add. Add. Add. ° ° ° ° oJ -— —- }-y—- ° oO ° iS 38 18 3d 2 o o ° #25 #29 so) 6 °o ° oO ° ° 3° © |. Witeamaichng Wile amatehing Witeomatcting | © | susTRACTON problem SUBTRACTION problem: SUBTRACTION prebiom. | © ° ° ° ° ° _jo ° ° 2 Subtract. Subtract. Subtract. 2 ° ° ° ° ° ° ° 43 62 85.- Io 3° 3° ° -16 =27 “36 ia o o ° ° ° ° © | witeematching Wale o matching Wie amaiching | © 2 | AddTON protien ADDIION problem, ADDITION probiem. | oO oO ° ° ° ° ° ° 200 0006000 000000 00900006000 00 000 a i £0000 06 000 000000 00 go000006 ° 3 aoe ° ° ° } © |}. There are 6 students in the outdoor club. The leader gives each stud pencls How many pencis did the leader give fo the students? a Include @ drawing of ah aray fo match this question, Wile addlifon sentenceio JO © | represent yourwork ° ° ° oO o Oo oO oO io oO oo 3° oO o Io °o o 2 |__eteting Adin Sentence [are] J ° ° ° lo 2 3 ae fe} S 6 | 2, Fores gave away 25 pleces of candy fo § suds: How many pieces of candi © | cid each student get? ° oO oO © | eit g crning of on ana to match is queson Wn adeion sentence to [2 represent your work, oO oO °o fo} oO oO ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° Matching Adon Sentence | answer] | °o oO ° 3° ° / O 2960006000 000006 00 090006060 00000 ©0006 000 000006 00 go0000, GEOMETRY 1, Draw a shape with five angles. 2. What solid figure could you make@ Name of figure a Number of equal faces, What co you call this shapee How mony sides does it have ? 3. Color all of the quadiilaterals BLUE, Color all of the hexagons RED. NM a2 LO OE, i Y What are the names of the shapes have you not colored? o °} 3 ° } ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° 3 ° ° ° ° ° ° 6 ° ° ° o ° ° oO ° ° ° ° ° ° ° Oo > ©00006000000000 00 000006900600 00 O00 ©6000 06 000 000 006 00 gD0006.9 60 ARRAYS (oop 1. Four children are roasting marshmallows, Each child has 6 marshmalows on a stick How mony marshmalows are there® show your thinking wath an array. [_] rostmatons aE LYN 2. Miss Cork is making snacks forthe Ks. There are three plates. she puts fouroppie sees on each plate, How mony apple slces cre therein a [Jomo seer ot 3. Four cooks moke'a pot of spaghetl. Each Pot makes four plates of spaghetti. Draw a picture or array to match this sry. Then waite the addition sentence. Wille cn acletion sentence to match this corr, 06.00 000000000000 4; Show @ rectangular ortay for 1S squares. Write on adtion sentence to match ths conray, ©0600006000060006 000000006 20 500000000 ¢, 0900006000 00000 G00 00 06 000 000006 CO g00006. ° } “e_. “PROBLEM SOLVING ane Sarah has a box of 36 crayons. Her sister has a box of 48 crayons. How many they have in all? Number Sentence Answer There are 18 girls and 24 boys at the soccer game. How many boys and girls are there altogether? F Tamer Sentence “Answer ©00000000060006 000000006 00 000006 ©00006 000000000 00 g00006000 000600 ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° °} ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° 3 ° ° ° ° ° ° oO ° ° ° ° ° 9 9 ° > Add. 47 +15 PROBLEM SOLVING £20 0006 000 000000 00 gonoo e060 bee ° é +29 Wille @ matching SUBTRACTION prablem, Wille a matching SUBTRACTION problem, Wie o matching SUBTRACTION problem, Subtract. 62 225 Subtract, 51 =Iq Subtract. 70 =23 Write @ malching ADDITION problem, Wie o matching ADDITION problem, ©2900 06000 000000 c0 g00000 060 0000 So sec I Wille 6 matehing ADDITION problem, ‘°° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° a ° ° °} } ° ° ° ° ° ° 3S ° ° ° ° ° ° oO ° ° ° ° ° ° ° oO 0. | |

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