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FaсtuaI Gonditionals:


Сirclе T (Truе)or F (FoIsе).
т F Baker is defrnitely going
to raise taxеs.
-::-,--=>- т F Small businesses are
definitely going to leave.
will leavе.
lf Bakеrralsеs taxеs,sma|Ibusinеssеs

сI]АRтсHEсК AFFIпlliAтlvЕ sтAтElli ЕNтs

Сhеck thе сorrеct lг Cиusв: Pпвsвшт Rвsul.тCиusв: Fuтuвв
аnswеr, '
hе,ll raise taxеs.
Use the simple lf Bakеrwins,
hе,s going to fight сrimе.
present tеnse in
П tьe ff сlausе'
NЕGAтlvЕ sтAтЕшlЕNтs
П tь" result сlausе.
lг Cиusв: Pпвsвшт | Rвsul.тCцusв: Fuтuпв
Use a сomma bеtweеn
thе two сlauses |f hе doеsn,t lowеr taxes, I businessеs
won,t return'
t whеn the if сlause
сomеs frrst. YEs/NoQUEsтloNs
П when the rеsult Rвsul.тClдusв: Fuтuпв | lг Cиusв: Pпвsвшт
сlause сomes first.
WIII hе lowеr taxes
if he wins?
ls hе going to fight сrimе

Aггlпмдтlvп l Ntслтlvв

wi l l . won't.
Yes, he No, hе
ls. isn't.

Faсtual Gonditionals; Futurе l 2a3

wH- QUЕsтIoNs
Rвsul-тCиusв: Fuтuпв l l, с.ousЕ: PRESENт
will he do
W hat if hе wins?
is hе going to do

Unscromblethеse words to form o sеntencе.Add o comma if nеcеssory,

fight. she о сrime о shе'll о If o wins

nr ffixрlamfttЕФffis
&raffi fiTfr Еxamplеs
1. Usе fцturе faсtual сonditional sentenсesto if сlause rеsu|tс|ausе
talk about what will happеn under сertain l lf Bakегwins, he,ll raise taxеs.
сonditions.Тhe if сlausеstatеsthe сondition. (t,s o rеalpossibilitythot Bakеrwillwin,)
The rеsultс|ausestatеsthe result.

Usе the simple рresent tеnsе in thе if сlause. r |f Soto wins, she,ll improve housing.
Use the futurе wtth will or he going to in thе r lf Soto wins, she,sgoin$ to improvе housing.

You сan also use a modal in the rеsultсlausе. l lf you want to votе, уou must rеgistеr.
t l |f you don,t vote, you might rеgret it.

thе future, usе thе simple pгesenttensе. Noт {f*hе+vill*мiн

2. You сan bеgin сonditional sеntеnсes with r lf you vote for Soto, you won,t rеgrеt it.
thе if сlauseor the rеsu|tс|ause.Thе meaningis oR
thе samе. l You won,t rеgrеtit if you votе for Soto.

Usе a Gomma betweеn the two с|ausesonly

whеn the ffсlauseсomesfirst

l. lf and unlessсan both bе usеd in сonditional l If уou votе, you,||havе a say in thе futurе
sentenсes,but thеir meaningsarе Very diffеrent. of our сity.

Usе иnless to state a nеgativeсondition. l Unlessyou votе, you won,t havе a say in the
futurе of our сity.

Unlessoftеn has the same meaning l lf уou don,t votе,you Won,thave a say in the
asif...not. futuгeof ouг сity.
2a4 l i-#вtit6s

o Еoch сondition will hovе o result,Motсh thе condition with the

аppropriotе rеsult.

Condition Result
f t. If Soto wins. she a. won't stay out of trouble.
e 2. If shе lowеrs taхes, business peoplе b. won,t have a say in the
c 3. If thе eduсation system improvеs' we
G. an еduсated
a 4. Unless young people have hope for ::ч'.nfl"e
WorK Iorсe.
the future, tйe
g d. won't be ablе to votе.
5. If сrime deсrеases. this
е. will move their сompaniеs
d 6, Unless you registeц you
baсk to the сity.
b 7. If you don't vote, you
f. will lower taxеs.

9. will be a safer plaсe to live.

o Reod this interview bеtwееnPo|itiсs Тoday (PT) аnd moуorаI condidаtе

Doniel Boker(DB). Сomplеtеit with thе correctform of thе verbsin porеnthesesаnd
if or unIеss.

'll do
PT: What's the first thing you you
1. (do) 2, $ l unIеss)
get еleсtеd?
3. (gеt)
DB: Wеll, lt's beеn a long, hard сampaign. - If I win
5. (win)
I will take a short vaсation beforе I begin my new job.
6. (tаkе)
PT: Sounds gоod. Wherе to?

DB: Sorry, but I,d rather not say. If I become mayoЦ

,f,ш/ U'ilеФ *o..".",
will try to keep my personal life privatе. Even mayors need privaсy.
9. (trу)
PT: I сan understand that. Now, evеry eleсtion has a winnеr and a loser.

What will \/nI r _

do if
1 o .( d o ) 1 1 . ( i fi u n | е s s )
you lose
12. (Iosе)
DB: If lose this elесtion, I will continue to be
1 3 . ( | f/ U n | е s s ) 14. (losе) 15. (сontinuе)
aсtive in politiсs aS a private citizen. Unless both partiеs
16. 0f / Unbss)
cooperate , this сity won't be as gтеat as it сan be.
(сoopеratе) l8. (not bе)
Finally, _ If the pеоple - don't elect me to offiсe this timе,
19. (if / un|еss) 2o. (not е|есt)
I will be baсk in four yеars to try again!
2.l. (bе)
Faсtual cоnditionalsl Future I zas

с0If,BINE.Yuko Tomori is trуing to decide whеther to go to lаw school. She modе o

dеcision treе to hеIp her decide. ln thе trеe,orrows connесt the conditions аnd the
rеsults,Writesеntencеsobout hеr decisions.Usе futurеfoctuol sеntеnces.

bе in debtforyеаrs)

nothаveto dеpеndi
putmvsistеr \
goto lawsсhool?
bе ablеto improvеt
- lifefor othЬrs )

l. |f I go t,o |aw эchoo|, |'||iake out эtudent, |oanэ,

2. |f I take out эtuden| loanэ, |'l|be in deb| for уearэ,

3. If I take out student loans, I won't have to depend on my family.

4. If I go to law school, I will earn more money.

5. If I go to law school, I will go into politics.

6. If I earn more money, I will pay back loans quickly.

7. If I pay back loans quickly, I will put my sister through college.

8. If I go into politics, I will be able to improve life for others.

9. If I go into politics, I will get elected to the city council.

1 0 . If I get elected to the city council, I will run for mayor.

EDIT.Reod thisjournol entrу.Find ond correct siх mistаkеsin the usе of futurеfoctuol
conditionols,Thе first mistokeis olreodу corrеcted,Don,t forgеt to chеckpunctuаtion!

I am
Shou|dI campаtgntor stцdеrft
counci| to dеcidеsoonit |ж ____
fu run.ltl,ttbe
а prob|еm,
I wonthаuеmuchtirnеto studу.Thаt,s
won't get
bеcацsе|,mnotgoinqto qеt into
don't get
if I __
а goodco|Iеgе get goodgrаdеsthisуеаr.Оn thе othеrhаnd,thеrе'sso rnцchta do in this schoo\
аnd nothing
will get
is gе\tingdonеit ToddLаkerbеcomes knowthat.gиt
аgаin'A |otot vеop|е

wil{l knowwhаtIo do if _
|,ttgеtthе1ob?Nеvermind'|,I|dеа|withthat prob|еm,
if l win'

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