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Lahore School of Economics

Management: Policy & Practice

Name: ____Halimah Sheikh Section: _______A1____

Date: __13th September,2020 __ Class ID: 20P00067

Case Study No.2


Q1. Identify goals, strategic planning, tactical planning and operational planning.


Goal in a company represents the purpose of the company their goal of work to establish a
specified goals for their employees on which they can work upon. In company goal the
company identifies its employees what it wants to achieve and how this can be possible.
Goals are a fundamental part to any organization, they identify what the business is a what it
wants to achieve. Goals for a company are important to measure the success, for leadership
cohesion and also goals are important to identify the knowledge of power while working
along with competitors. When any company sets goals they should be monitored on the daily
basis to verify that the company is going in right direction.

In this case study: In this case study the goal of British Airways is to attain customer
services and high efficiency.

Strategic Planning:

Strategic planning refers to the process of the organization to define its strategy or direction
and making the decisions regarding the company’s progress by allocating the resources to
pursue the strategies which can help in improving the goals of the company. It is important
because it provides the strategic measures a specific direction and measurable goals.

In this case study: British Airways expected to achieve 50% self service check.
Tactical Planning:

Tactical planning means breaking the wider strategic plans that are made for the company
into shorter terms and specific tactics. Tactical planning emphasis on the current operations
being carried out in various parts of the organization. Tactical planning is important because
it drives the execution plan by all organization in every level of the organization. Tactical
plans are important for tuning the strategies into actions so the company can be successful.
Assume for a second your enterprise sells insurance products in a large metropolitan region.
For example, if you decide one of the nice ways to attain your goal customer is TV
advertising, then the tactical plan desires to carefully spell out the specifics of the TV
marketing campaign.

In this case study: Customers can use the touch sensitive screens to check in, select seats
and ask for upgrades without having to queue at desks. The new system was expected to
reduce check in queue. Optimizing space, installing touchscreens to sell, select seats and ask
for upgrade are things mentioned in this case study.

Operational Planning
Operational planning is a way of planning by which organizational plans strategic goals and
objectives to lay down technical objectives and goals. An operational plan defines the
information that actions your specific groups or departments which need to perform to gain
brief-term goals and goals of the corporation, and is important in powerful workforce
management. This plan is updated relying for your needs like what objectives need to be met
in an effort to attain short-term goals. Operational plans may be subdivided into two
categories: Single-use plans deal with only the present day period or a selected problem

In this case study: In 2003 it was announced that British Airways (BA) would install 190
IBM self service kiosks that will help increase the customers and will reduce the customers to
stand in waiting lines.

Q2. Apply the type of plans to the case.

Different types of management plans exist including breath, time frame, specificity and
frequency of use. In this given case study of British Airways I have implemented all the plans
which we studies.

Starting with the Breath Plan involving the strategic and operational plan as discussed in
question 1 which was that British Airways is to achieve 50% of self-service check in while on
the other hand the operational plan that was discussed is in 2003 it was announced that
British Airways (BA) would install 190 IBM self-service kiosks that will help increase the
customers and will reduce the customers to stand in waiting lines.

Time frame is another type of plan which includes either short term or long term study.
According to the plans of British Airways they will fall in Short Term Plans as the British
Airways have stead fast industry so if they are thinking to make plans for longer run for 10-
20 years then these plans will be included in short term plans.

Third type of plan is Specificity Plan which involves the directional or specificity part to be
included. In this case study the plans are very specific like at first it says that the British
Airways have to achieve 50% of self service check in and then further it specifies the number
190 and after that the exact model of kiosks got installed that is 190IBM.

Lastly, Frequency is another type of plan which includes single-use and standing. So in the
case study, the installation of 190IBM kiosks is a proper plan for single use only however to
properly optimize the space of air terminals could be achieved with different methods that
can be categorized into the standing plan.

Q3. You are working in Sapphire, a textile company as a HR manager. A week before
the Eid is just around the corner. During this time the organizational sales increase to
four times. In order to capture these sales and ensure smooth following of operations,
what goals, strategies and plans will you develop?

Eid is one of the most auspicious festivals celebrated by the Muslims. Most of the people
celebrate by wearing new clothes, visiting their relative and much more. It provides a great
opportunity for the businesses to increase their sales if they implement effective marketing
strategies. Being the HR manager of Sapphire I would develop a strategy to ensure a smooth
flow of sales:


I would develop a strategy offering attractive discounts on different variety of clothing that
satisfies the needs of the customers. Like various promotional offers could be:

 Buy one get one free offer

 Offer a free Eid gift with the purchase of a suit
 Offer a full package on shopping greater than 5000
 Offer half discount on previous designs


Sapphire would focus on selling Eid related things as well. Like a small shelf can be placed
close to the counter offering diverse designs of bangles, jewellery, mehndi and much more.
This would make easier for the customers to shop everything related to Eid under one roof.
Most of the customers want to save their time and they like to shop everything from one
place. So this could be an effective way to attract the customers.


A promotion of the lucky draw can be started few days before the Eid. Like they can offer
their latest design to the winner. This would attract the shoppers and they would definitely be
desperate to become a part of this lucky draw.

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