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Test for the Digestion of Starch


To test for the presence of starch


tripod, Bunsen burner, wire gauze, 100 mL beaker, 2 test tubes with stoppers, Lugol’s solution
(dilute iodine solution), corn starch, water, diastase/amylase powder


1. Add a pinch of corn starch to a beaker containing 75 mL water,

2. Heat the mixture gently, but do not boil.
3. Allow the mixture to cool and divide it equally into test tubes A and B.
4. Add a drop of Lugol’s solution to test tubes A and B
5. Add a pinch of diastase/amylase powder to test tube B.
6. Put a stopper on both test tubes and gently shake the tubes for about one minute each.
7. Warm both tubes by holding them with your hands for about 10 minutes. Observe
8. Record all your observations.

Test Tube Changes in Color

Test Tube A Dark blue
Test Tube B No change in color

Questions and Analysis

1. What color changes did you observe after adding iodine solution?

The substance turned dark blue which spread throughout the tube.

2. What is the color of each test tube after 10 minutes?

Test Tube A was still dark blue and Test Tube B remained white.

3. What difference did you observe between test tubes A and B?

Test Tube A possessed a blueish color while B remained unreacted.

4. Why was there a color change in test tube B?

There was no color change.

5. What is the purpose of using test tube A?

Test Tube A tests the presence of starch in a solution.

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