Use of English

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1. however-although-because-whereas

2. camp-settlement-establishment-foundation.

3. image-emblem-brand-name.

4. lies-exists-locates-reaches

5. people-volume-total-population

6. any-some-much-few.

7. do-pay-have-find

8. grand-big-main-key


Madrid has been the capital of Spain since 1677. ALTHOUGH there has been a SETTLEMENT on the site
since prehistoric times,the city is first mentioned in historical documents dating from the 9th century.
Madrid's EMBLEM shows one of the many bears that used to be found in the local forests in the Middle
Ages eating from a locally grown madrono tree.

The city LIES in the geographical centre of Spain. The community of Madrid has a POPULATION of some
6 million people. it boasts a modern public transport system and international airport; it has several
wonderful public parks and SOME of the best art museums in the world. You would be well advised to
take in the Picassos at the Reina Sofia Museum or PAY a visit to the P[rado Museum to see the works of
Velazquez, among others,

For those who are more interested in popular culture, Madrid offers wonderful shopping on any of the
streets on or off Gran Via, the MAIN street


Born to rock.

I'm the lead guitarist IN a rock band. When I was a young girl I WENT to a concert where the music was
so loud it hurt my ears. I loved every moment and, when the band finished playing and THE crowd
screamed for more, I knew then what I wanted to do with my life.

I started PLAYING the guitar and worked at it really hard all through my teenage years. When I finished
school, I went to university where I studied Music (classical guitar) and Music Technology, the science of
recording sound. I learnt a LOT about the technical side of music and performance.
Now, when I AM not playing the guitar in my band, I teach children HOW to play. Music is in my blood,
and I was born to rock


Working in a call-centre


My first job, after I left school, was in a call-centre in Dublin, Ireland. At the time, there was plenty of
work in the teleworking industry, due to a recent increase in mobile phone OWNERSHIP. My role was to
provide telephone numbers to people who DIALLED 192 from their handsets. They would come through
to me and tell me the name of the person or business they wished to be CONNECTED to. I would then
select the appropiate number from a large database and put them through, MAKING sure to be polite all
the time.

It must be ACKNOWLEDGED that I did not like that job very much: the hours were long ( I worked a 12
hour night shift, from 9pm to 9am),the environment was EXTREMELY busy and the pay was not very
good, However, that call-centre was where I met my future wife. In fact, I was her manager! At first, we
did not connect: She thought I was BORING and I thought She was ANNOYING, but after some time, we
ended up developing a close FRIENDSHIP. Then, one morning, after our long shift, we walked home
together and stopped for a coffee.

The rest, as they say, is history...


1. The driver said we were going to be late.AS

Im sorry to say it SEEMS AS IF WE/ LOOKS LIKE WE/ APPEARS AS THOUGH We are going to be late, said
the driver.

2. You must call beforehand to reserve time with the therapist.MAKE.

You have TO MAKE AN APPOINTMENT to see the therapist before you come

3. It is a shame you werent able to be more understanding about his problem. COULD.

I think you COULD HAVE BEEN more understanding about his problem

4. I described the problem to him in detail. DETAILED.


5. Very few people were at the match on Saturday. CAME.

Hardly ANYONE CAME TO the match on Saturday.

6. Because the exam was so easy more pupils passed than expected. DUE.

More pupils passed than expected DUE TO THE EXAM BEING so easy


Multiple choice.
1. got-gained--achieved-scored

2. cast-staff-crew-team

3. possibilities-odds-probability-evens

4. established-tried-tested-proven#

5. until-following-before-prior.

6. achievement-history-record-story

7. went-seen-been-gone.

8. say-tell-show-announce.

Leicester City Football Club has ACHIEVED the greatest team-sports upset of British footballing history by
winning the 2016 English Premiership. At the start of the season, the TEAM, which comprised of players
rejected by other Primiership teams and others from lower leagues, was given gambling ODDS of 5000;1
to win the league. Elvis Presley being found alive and the Loch Ness monster being PROVEN to exist
were given similar probability.

UNTIL four seasons prior to joining the club, its stop striker, Jamie Vardy, had been playing football in non
professional leagues. In May 2012 Leicester City bought Vardy for 1 million, a record for a player
purchase from a non- league club.

With Vardy's help, Leicester City was quickly promoted to the top division and, two years later, WENT on
to win the English Premiership. The achievement is so remarkable that people will TELL Leicester's David
and Goliath story for years to come


The London Marathon.

The long-distance race KNOWN as the London Marathon was first staged in 1981. The route snakes
through the streets of the British capital WITH spectators lining the way to cheer on the brave
competitors. The 42 kilometre course was run by 7,741 entrants in its first year and, in 2015, a record
number of runners- 38.262 participated IN the race. In 2016, the millionth runner will CROSS the finnish

The event is one of six World Marathon Majors, the MOST important annual marathons around the
world. The world record has been SET/BROKEN four times during its 35 year history and it is also the
largest annual fundraising event in the world, according TO Guinness World Records. Since its launch, it
HAS raised some 700 million.


The origin of Paella


There are many DIFFERENT varieties of the Spanish national dish, Paella, with every region CLAIMING
their recipe to be the most authentic. It ORIGINATED in Valencia, in Eastern Spain, which is its
undisputed home and where rice has been produced for more than 1000 years.

Traditionally,farmers and farm labourers cooked Paella over a wood fire for their midday meal and the
dish then MOSTLY contained rice, as well as whatever else was available at the time, such as tomatoes,
onions and beans. Rabbit and duck were often included and chicken would be used for special ocassions.
Paella is TYPICALLY eaten straight from the pan in which it was cooked, with each person USING their
own spoon.

Valencia's COASTAL location makes it inevitable that seafood is used in the dish but "true" Paella
Valenciana contains no seafood but instead a MIXTURE of chicken,rabbit and snails, with white and
green beans.


1. There isn't enough time to finnish all the work today. TOO.

There is TOO MUCH WORK to do to finish everything today

2. Iam going to the hairdressers today for a haircut. HAVING.

Iam HAVING MY HAIR CUT BY the hairdresser today

3. "I'll see you later," She said. WOULD

She told me that SHE WOULD SEE me later.

4. A babysitter is a person who looks after your baby for you. TAKES

A baby sitter is someone who TAKES CARE OF YOUR BABY for you.

5. He was asked directly by the teacher if he had stolen the phone.ACCUSED

The teacher ACCUSED HIM OF STEALING the phone

6. I only said it to you because I thought you would be interested. TOLD.

i would NOT HAVE TOLD YOU if i thought you werent interested.


Multiple choice
1. ultimate-last-since-final

2. solo uniquely-only-singularly

3. touching-tactile-sensitive-emotional

4. like-where-such-much

5. converted-started-became-developed

6. enrichment-increase-elaboration-boom.

7. raising-deflating-inflating-lowering

8. want-order-demand-consume

The home computer

The personal computer has become commonplace in our homes in the LAST 20 years. Most homes in
the UK not ONLY have at least one desktop or laptop computer connected to the internet, but may have
TACTILE devices, too, such as tablets and mobile phones.

PCs, SUCH as the Sinclair ZX Spectrum, were first sold in the early 1980s and were intended solely for
playing games. It wasn't until the second half of the 1990s that the home computer BECAME used for
personal record keeping and document writing.

With the rapid INCREASE in internet connection speeds, the improvement in functionality of machines
and the LOWERING of retail prices as a result of increased DEMAND, the computer has become
indispensible in recent times.

Open cloze

The Queen of Crime.

Agatha Christie (1890-1976) IS/WAS the world's most succesful author,having sold
an unbelievable two billion books. Her work has BEEN translated into 103
languages and she is considered by MANY/MOST/MILLIONS/SOME to be the
queen of Crime, as her mystery fiction has been so pupular and so influential.

Her play The Mousetrap is the longest-running production in the West End of
London. It opened in 1952 and can STILL be seen at the Ambassadors Theatre
near Leicester Square.

In 1920 her first book, The Mysterious Affair at Styles, introduced the Belgian
detective Hercule Poirot. Although he was loved BY readers, Agatha Christie
herself hated the character and longed to kill HIM off. She also created another
famous detective, the elderly lady Miss Marple, WHO uses her knowlede of
human nature TO solve crimes.

Word formation


The tube

The London Underground is a fast public transport system situated under the
streets of London and is affectionately KNOWN by Londoners and VISITORS to the
city as "The Tube".

Opened in 1863, it is one of the OLDEST rapid transit systems in the world and in
2015 it carried 1.3 billion passengers. Despite its name,only 40% of the system is
ACTUALLY underground, though in places the tunnels run very deep beneath the
city. The LONGEST escalator is situated at Islington Station and is 60 metres in
lenght. During the Second World War, the INHABITANTS of certain areas of
London would hide in the tunnels during air raids by the German air force.

Currently,new tunnels are being added to the network and the oldest parts of the
system are CONSTANTLY being renewed. Its work that will never end but which
must be done in order that the city can keep moving. Without "The Tube", London
would SIMPLY not function as it does today.

Key word transformation

1. Do you think there is a chance it will rain tomorrow? LIKELY.

How LIKELY IS IT TO rain tomorrow?

2. Every week a cleaner comes to my house. HAVE.

Every week I HAVE MY HOUSE CLEANED by a cleaner

3. Please contact me if you need more information. TOUCH

Please feel free TO GET IN TOUCH IF you need more information

4. I cannot fit a double bed in the spare room. BIG

The spare room isn't BIG ENOUGH TO FIT a double bed in it.

5. It's a pity it was so expensive. WISH.

I WISH IT WASN'T so expensive.

6. He invited us to his house for dinner and he wouldn't take no for an answer.

He INSISTED ON US having dinner at his house.

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