Chapter One

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Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Chapter One

1) What is Charlie’s surname?

2) How many people live in the house?

3) What is their house made of?

4) Where do they live?

5) Why was life uncomfortable for them?

6) How many rooms were there in the house?

7) How many beds did they have?

8) Why was it an issue to only have one bed in the house?

9) Who had the bed?

10)Why did the grandparents get the bed?

11)Where do you think Charlie and his parents sleep?

12)Where do Charlie and his parents sleep?

13)Why was it particularly bad at winter?

14)Why was buying a new house out of the question?

15)Who had a job?

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Chapter One

16) Where did Mr Bucket work?

17) How many people in the house worked?

18) Why was Mr Bucket the only person in the house who

19) What did Mr Bucket do at the factory?

20) Does he get paid more for working harder?

21) Why would he work so hard if he doesn’t get extra money?

22) What meals could they afford?

23) Why couldn’t they buy proper food?

24) Why did they look forward to Sunday?

25) What happened on a Sunday?

26) What was the horrible empty feeling in their tummies?

27) Who gave up their food for Charlie?

28) Why did they give up their food for Charlie?

29) What did Charlie want more than anything?

30) When would Charlie see chocolate?

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Chapter One

31) Why would Charlie’s mouth water?

32) What would Charlie do when he saw chocolate?

33) What was pure torture?

34) What happened on Charlie’s birthday?

35) When did Charlie get chocolate?

36) How often was Charlie allowed chocolate?

37) How long did Charlie make a bar of chocolate last?

38) Where would Charlie store his chocolate?

39) How did Charlie treat his chocolate?

40) Why did Charlie only take tiny nibbles?

41) How much was a bar of chocolate?

42) What tortured Charlie more than anything?

43) What was within sight of the house?

44) Why wasn’t it an ordinary factory?

45) Who owned the factory?

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Chapter One

46) Why was Willy Wonka special?

47) Why does the factory have huge iron gates and high walls
surrounding it?

48) How far does the smell of chocolate carry?

49) How often did Charlie walk past the factory?

50) Why did Charlie walk past the factory twice a day?

51) What would Charlie do when he walked past the factory?

52) Why did Charlie slow down when he passed the factory?

53) Summarise the events of the first chapter.

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