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FOais Ipanosa Jim Whalen a Contents Unit 1. Ocooni saiimennmnn, Jliceton0 to be, CrBepARCHHA «....sssssssseeeseeeees Unit 2. [liecnono to be. Banepesenus. Unit 3. 8anuranus 3 nicexonom to be. Koporea Biqnonizn . Unit 4. Bamuranus «Xro ue?» i «Ilo ne?» Unit 5, Mnoomna imenmunis. Cranqaprai samagim Unit 6. Maoxuua imenauxin. Hecranjaprsi sunagKn etna Unit 7. Heosnauennii aprukap a / an ..... Unit 8. 8zisysani ra neanisysani imenaMKH .. Unit 9. Oanavenmii apres the .. Unit 10. Basinui aaiimennuxn this, that, these, those Unit 11. Brasisni pesenma Thisis... These are... That is, Those are..anuranns «Ilo ne?» i «Ilo 10?» ..... 24 Unit 12. Mpwcsiiinmi siqminox imenmuxis ...... Unit 13. Tepegasanua pogosoro siqminka sa JonoMorow npuiimennuxa of. Tharansue coo Whose? ......+ Unit 14, IIpucsiiini saiimennunn. Saterxa opma . Unit 15. Ipucriitui saiimenmxn. A6comorsa bopma .. Unit 16. [pmiimemmxn micns. [nransue cxono Where? Unit 17. [pwiimenmuxu nanpamny pyxy to 7a into. Hopisuauns s npuiimenuuxamn ictus ...... Unit 18. Kouerpyxmis There is / There are. Unit 19. Kouerpyxuia There is / There are, anuvanua, sanepevenus Unit 20. [licenono have / have got. Crnepa>xenus « Unit 21. [iecnono have got. Sammrannst, 3AMePe4OHHA .sssssssssssecssessssseseeeeee Unit 22. Some ra any. [panna poxnpanta. IOpiBHAHHA .....sssesssee Unit 23. Much, many, a lot of. [nranusa How much / How many?....... Unit 24, Tenepimmiit npocruit uac (the Present Simple Tense). Crseparxenus. Unit 25. Tenepimuiit mpocrmii uac (the Present Simple Tense). 3anuvanus. Koporka Bignopias Unit 26. Tenepimniit npocraii aac (the Present Simple Tense). Banepevenus. Unit 27. [puiimenumxn sacy. Hnraspui cxona When?, What time? .. Unit 28. [fiecnono can. Tenepimniit 4c Unit 29. [fiecaono must. Crsepaxenns i sanepevenna Unit 30. [fiecnono should. Craepaxenns, sanepevenna, sammTanns .. Unit 31. Popma giecxosa, mo saxinuyersca Ha -ing. Unit 32. Tenepimuiét rpusannit uac (the Present Continuous Tense). Craepaxenns. Unit 33. Tenepimniét rpusannit aac (the Present Continuous Tense). Sanurauus . Unit 34. Tenepimmiii rpupasnit uac (the Present Continuous Tense). Baneperenust Unit 35. Present Continuous um Present Simple? .....ccsssosssisssesssesssssusssesesensess Unit 36. Haxaaoni pevenus. Koucrpyxnia Let’s do Unit 87. O6'exranit siqminox safimennunis Unit 38. Munyanit mpocrnit sac (the Past Simple Tense) nicenona to be Unit 89. Konerpyxnia There was / There were Unit 40. [licenono can. Munyamit uae .. Aurao-ykpaincekuit cnopnuk .. ‘Yxpaincsko-aurailicekmit crosHaK Irpn. Keys. Kou 70 BpaB vo.seeeeessses tO. IpaHosa, J. Whalen. Kuga rpamatuka aHrnilicekoi mosy. PiBeHb 1 Nho6nkK apyxe! Tu TimbKu DOuMHacm BUBUATH aHTilicbky MoBy? Togi uA KHMxKKa AIH Tebe. Mu cnogisaemocs, m0 8 Hie KAMxXKOI Nepmie aHaiioMcTso 3 aHTniticEKoIw rpa- MaTMKOW IlepeTBOPUTECH Ha CIpaBIKHE 3aOBOEHHA. Tlepeg BUKOHAaHHAM 3aB,aHb yBa2xKHO NpOUMTal NpaBasa, 3a AKUMU Oy,yIOTECA (pasu i pevenua anrsiiicbKoi Mopu. T'apHe 3acBoeHHA MX MpaBu NoermiuT ToOi BUKOHAHHA 3aBfaHb 3 Hiei KHUXKKU, a B MaGyTHBOMy JOMOMOxKe BiIbHO i MpaBUIbHO BUCIOBIIOATH AYMKU wy2KoI MoBoIW. Tu HikomM He MaTUMelI mpo- 6mem 3 HallMcaHHAM KOHTpONbHUX pobiT y UIKOMi, 3i cKaqaHHAM TecrTiB Ta ic- mMTiB. Axujo ru 6yzem posrmagzaTu Temu viel KHMKKU pasoM 3i cBOimu OaTbKaMu, MO%Ke CTaTUCA, N{O eakuii Matepian Tu ONaHyel HABITS WIBUAIIe 3a HUX: an7Ke y TBoemy Billi OBOOAITM HOBOHO MOBOW 3HAYHO pocrTime. Ore, 6axkaemo TOOi ycnixis y BuBYeHHI aHTJiiicbKOi MOBM, 3HaHHA AKO JON0- Moe TOOi sHaiiTH ApysiB y 6yqb-aKiit Kpaini cBity! Wanrosni sunteni 4 6GateKxu! Mu mpononyemo KHuxKKy JIA O3HalioMIeHHA 3 HalimpocTimiow rpaMaTHKOIO aHrsiiicbkoi Mopu. Kawxka Mae viTKo BusHa¥eHy CTpyKTypy. Becb MaTepias n0- qinenuit na 40 tem. Y koxniii Temi cnouarKy npocto i sposymiso HagqawTEcA 0- sicHeHHa. Bonn 6a3yioTbca Ha *KUBUX CuTyalliax, 0608’ a3KoBO imtocrpytoTsca i cynpoBospKyIoTLCA NpUKayaMu. Tlicaa noscHeHHA 20 KOxKHO! TeMM HaqaloThCA UpakTuUHi saBsaHHA Ha saKpi- menus Teopii. Jlexki 3anqaHHa AOcuTS Mpocti, BOHM AONOMO?KYT BAM BIeBHH- TMC B TOMY, WO AUTMHAa posymie CyTb BUKsageHoro MaTepiany. UactuHa 3a- BaHb Mac Ha MeTi POSBUTOK aHaTiTMUHNX 3fiOHOCTeH ZUTHHU, AKi CIPUAIOTE ycnimHomy OBO0,iHHIO HOBOIO MOBO. Ilpu BukoHaHHi 3aBJaHHA Ba2xKIMBO He MPOCTO MexaHi4HO 3all0BHIOBaTH IIpo- mycKu a6o BuucyBaTu (ppasH. Sax Au MpociT HasaBaTH epeKay yKpaincbKo10 MOBOW, 106 yleBHUTHCA B TOMY, 10 AMTMHA posyMie sHaYeHHA (ppas i peyewb i cBiOMO BxKMBaE Ty 4M inMy aHriiicbKy KOHCTpyKiN. Hanpurinui KHwxKKM HafaeTbCA yKpaincbKo-anrsilicbKui i anrno-yKpain- CbKMH CIOBHUKH, AKi JOMOMOKyTb yHopaTuca 3 MepekaqHUMu BUpaBaMH. Ta- KOK BH SHaiifeTe TaM K104i, ase sBepTaliTecb JO HUX TLIbKM Wicia Toro, AK Qu- THHa BUKOHANa 3aBsaHHA CaMocTiiiHoO. Axkulo quTuHa Oye MpalowaTu Hay MaTepianoM KHWKKU peryJIApHO, BU 3qu- BYCTEC, HACKIIBKM HECK1a{HO B MOOZOMY Billi OaHYBaTH HOBy MOBy Ta HaBun- Tuca BiguyBarty ii, aK piqny. i OcoGosi sait i Unit 1 e Ticchone + Ge einae © Oco6oni saiimennmn. Yepaincpxi | Aurailicoxi Saiimenuuk J sap qu DMMeTECH 3 Be- ; A I JMKOi JiTepu. Bin he - ; P 5 Yci nexusi mpeymeru B anrniitcpKiit BOHa she Mosi He MaioTS poy. Moxkua cKasaTu, BiH, BOHa, BOHO it m0 Bci BOHM — cepeqHBOro posy Ta 3a- (Bce, 1f0 HexKMBe) MiHIOIOTECA 3alimMeHHuKom it. 3aiimeH- man a HMKOM if TaKoox saMiHIOIOTS TBapHH i emoso baby. TH) 1Be you Baiimenunx it rakom More MaTH 3Ha- BOHH they UeHHA «Ie>. © Tliecnoxo to be — «6yru». He oco6nuze giecnoBo, Tomy m0 He EquHe Aiecn0- Bo anruilicbKoi MoBu, m0 BizMinioeTEca 3a ocobamu. Uacrka to nosHauae, Io Ziecx0B0 cToiTE y HeosHaeHiii bopmi. . Iamagirl. SA (e) qipyuuKa. He isadoctor. Bix (e) mixap. She isateacher. Bona (ce) Bunrenpka. O Itisbig. Bouo (ec) sexuxe. Wearechildren. Mu (e) giru. ' a Iambi You are kind, Ta (¢) zo6pai. They areclever. Bonu (e) posymui. ® Aursificbka MoBa Ay2ke WIBMAKa, TOMY B Hilt 4aCTO BxXABAIOTLCA CKOpPO- A SO WeHHSA. Cxopouena cr: Ha cpopMa. Tam=I’m We are = We’re He is = He’s You are = You’re She is = She’s They are = They’re It is = It’s tO. IBaHosa, J. Whalen. Kusa rpamatuka aHrniicekoi MoBu. PiBeHb 1 —— Unit 1. SABAAHHA is We | are is He am They You are tt is are She @ 1.1. 3’equait saiimeHHuKH 3 IpaBUTEHoI cbopmon Aiecnosa to be. 1.2. SanoBau nponycKu UpaBHbHOIW dopmoto Fiecnona to be Ta 3’eqHait KowkHe peveHHA 3 BiANOBIZHAM MAJIOHKOM. 1) She_____a teacher. 2) I_____apilot. 3) We______ children. 4) It___aball. 5) You funny. 1.3. Jl[onosnu peyenua sriqno 3 nigkasKamu. He sa6yqb BuKopucraTu @ mpapuabyy dbopmy siecroza to be. Hanumu nepeknay Wux peweHb yKpain- cbKOW. 1) (Bix). Heis kind. Bin do6puit. 2) (Bonu) funny.. 3) (A) aboy. 4) (Mn) strong. 5) (Tu) agirl. 6) (Bona) small. ® 1.4. Bera npapumbuy cKopoyeny dopmy siecsoga to be. Ilo osHauarTs ni peweHHa? 1) It_’s__abag. from Great Britain. 2) I agirl. from Ukraine. 3) He a driver. angry. Unit 2. Hiecnoszo to be. 3anepeuenua © Ilo6 yrsopuru sanepeuny dbopmy, AocTaTHbO MocTaBuTH COBO not nicia dopmu jiecsosa to be. It is not black. — Bono ue uopue. She is not serious. — Bona He cepitosxa. Iam not aboy.— SA ne xnomauK. They are not kind. — Boun ue ,o6pi. You are not right. — Tu nenpasuit. He is not a teacher. — Bin ne puutemp. © Y sanepeuenni, ak i y crBepgKeHHi, YacTO BxAXMBaeTECA CKOpoyeHa op- Ma. Cxopouena sanepeyna cbopma Tam not = I’m not ‘We are not = We aren’t = We’re not He is not = He isn’t = He’s not You are not = You aren’t = You’re not She is not = She isn’t = She’s not ify are net cney aren = They’re not It is not = It isn’t = It’s not You are not serious. = You're not serious. = = You aren’t serious. — Tu He cepitosnuit. Tam not tall. = I’m not tall. (Tinbku o4uH BapiaHT cKopoyeHHa.) — A ne BucoKuit. 40. IpaHosa, J. Whalen. Kuga rpamatuka aHrniicbkoi Mos. PiBeHb 1 e 2.1. Tlepersopu ui crsepz>*yBasbHi peweHHA Ha 3allepeyHi Ta 3’eqHait OTpuMaHAi peyeHHA 3 BINNOBIAHUMM MasIOHKaMH. 1) This house is big. This house i t big. 2) Iam happy. 3) She is a doctor. 4) They are children. 5) =Itisacar. 6) Heisa pilot. 7) Weare students. Klay, peyeHb. 1) He is not tall. He isn’t tall. — Bin ne eucokuil. 2) They are not happy. 3) We are not children. 4) She is not pretty. 2.2. Hannum ni pesenua y ckopoueniit popmi. Hagait yxpainchruii nepe- | 5) 1am not small. 6) It is not big. SamutTaHua 3 Ziec10B0M to be. e Koporka signosign Are you sick? — Tu xeopuit? Yes, Iam. — Tax. ® Ilo6 yrsopuru sanuTaHHA, AocTaTHbO MpocTo NocTaBurH Bi_nOBi~HY cop- My Jiecnosa to be nepey nigqMeTom. You are happy. — Tu mjacnusuit. a doctor. Ave you happy? — Tu macausuit? Itisacat. — Ie xir. Is ita cat? — Ile kit? © Ha nwranHa MoxHa HagaTH KopoTKy BiANOBITB. Is she funny? — Boua cima? Are you tired? — Tu sromnenuit? Yes, she is. — Tax. No, I’m not. — Hi. Koporka - Koporka 4 CTBepsPKYBANbHA BiAMOBITD sallepedHa BiqnoBinb Yes, Iam. No, I’m not. Yes, he is. No, he isn’t. = No, he’s not. Yes, she is. No, she isn’t. = No, she’s not. Yes, it is. No, it isn’t. = No, it’s not. Yes, we are. No, we aren’t. = No, we’re not. ; Yes, you are. No, you aren’t. = No, you’re not. Yes, they are. No, they aren’t. = No, they’re not. tO. IBaHosa, J. Whalen. Kuga rpamatuka axrniiceKoi Mosu. PiBeHb 1 Unit 3. SABAAHHA 3.1. TlocrapuipevenuaBunranpHy bopmy. Hagait yxpainchKuit nepeksag. 1) I’msad. _Am I sad? — A cymnuit? 2) He’sa driver. 3) Weare from Ukraine. 4) They’re teachers. 5) She’s pretty. 6) It’sariver. 7) You’re happy. 3.2. Hagaii upapumbuy KoporKy BiqnoBiq, (cTBepz»KyBaNMbHy 4M 3ane- peuny), BiqMoBiqHO Jo TiqKas0K. 1) Isitadoll? — Yes, it is. 4) Ishe tired? — No, 2) Isshe a teacher? — No, 5) Are you sad? — No, 8) Are they happy? — Yes, 6) Is he a pilot? — Yes, - a 3.3. Tlocras sanuTaHHa 20 UMX MasOHKiB, 3aKiHdH KOpOTKy BiqnoBiZE Ta cka:KM NOBHUM peyeHHAM, M0 JilicHo 306paxKeHe Ha MaJIOHKy. 3 x 1) Is it a car? No, it isn’t. It is a doll. 2) ? Yes, it -Itisa @) 3) ?.No, lt 4) ? Yes, It @ Who is it? — Xto ye? IIo6 nocraBurTu sanuTanHA «XT0?», BxXMBACTECA anrsilicbKe cnopo Who? To6to Who? nop’ a3aHo 3 KMBAMM ictoramu. Who is it? — Xo ne? It is my brother. (= It’s my brother.) — Ie mii 6par. To6ro What? nop’asaHo 3 HexuBuMH icroTaMH. What is it? — Io ne? as _ It is a pen. (= It’s a pen.) — He pyaxa. (Tlox.nadniwe npo eapianmu sanumanb 3i cnoeom What? due. y Unit 11.) | ® IIpo TBapHH, AK IpaBMio, TAKOK cTaBUTECH : ® Ifo6 nocrasuTu sanuTanna i Gp 3) > ‘eiianinaiinii Sires ld U it 5 Muo:xxuna imenunkis. nl e Crangaprtui sunagku SaxkinuenHa SaxinueHHa TIpasusa Tpuknaqa BOHUHI y MHOKUHI BUMOBU (oqHMHa — MHOxKHHA) [s] nica rnyxux acup — cups yel, KPIM upuronocnux a book — books sasHayeHux Tomaersca s 5 5 [z] nicna y3Bin- atoy — toys HMDKIE KX UpMrosocHux adoll — dolls amatch — matches 8, sh, ch, x nomaersca es [iz] abox — boxes a bus — buses adish — dishes aknife — knives ET. f/fe amimioeTaca ashelf — shelves tfe Ha ves vz] a wolf — wolves [ a leaf — leaves mpurojocunit | y 3MiHioeTBCaA ‘ es ‘ : ea aliesl [iz] a baby — babies : : ' aday — days _ | ronocuuit + y | y He sMinioeTEca [z] a toy = ove a potato — potatoes upuronocumit| so scmsog es tal Ane: +0 AON a photo — photos a piano — pianos a kangaroo — kangaroos ronocnuit + 0 Womaeteca s [z] ° Unit 5. 5.1. Yrsopu MHoxuny 1x iMenuuxis. 3pepHu yBary Ha Npaponuc. 1) a flower flowers 7) aphoto 2jadog 8)apianoo 8)aplay 9) amonth A)alorry 10) acopy 5) arose 11) atomato 6) a potato 12) aboy ( 5.2, Buumm upasuapny dbopmy Aiecnosa to be B sanexuocri Big wucna 9] imenuuka (due. Unit 1). 1) The girls__are___ sad. 4) The boys tired. 2) The balls red. 5) The boy tall. 3) Ice cream cold. 6) The bus small. 7) Cats small, tigers big. @® 5.3. Hanumm aurmiiicpKow, jo s06paxteno Ha MX MAJIIOHKAaX. 1) __ tomatoes I (LL ick 6) } | J : ; . i e NT nn ae ay Brush your teeth: Tlouuemp ay6u! Unit 6. Brush your teeth! Muoxkuna imenunris. Hectangzaprui BunagKu © Teaxi aurszitichxi imexHuku yTBOpIOwTb MHOKMHY He 3a UpaBusamMu. SmintoeTEca KopeHesa rosocna. aman_|__ [men] womOBIK men [men] you0BiKu awoman |_[‘’wumon] oKinka women [‘wimin] 2KinKM Kopeuesi 00 nepeTsopro1wrTsca Ha ee. a foot [fut] Hora feet Horu atooth [tu:6] sy6 teeth syou agoose [gu:s] rycak geese rycu SMinroeTECA COBO WisKOM. a mouse [mavs] Mumia mice [mais] Mui + as suoquHa, aes a person ['p3:sen] Santis ae ['pipl] m0nn loqactsca «HecTtanjapTHe» 3aKinuenHa. achild [‘tfaild] aquTuna children [‘tfildren] aiva Sin He BiqGyBaeTEca. asheep [ip] BIBI sheep Bisni . pu6a (y sHaveHHi pHa (y sHayeHHi olen {fN) | comiapaunay) | i! {ff] |" carano pu6u») Unit 6. SABAAHHA ® 6.1. Yrsopu MHoxKuHy Hux imMeHHuKis. Tlepexnagu ix yxpaincpKow. 1) tooth teeth 6) man 11) person 2) woman 7) sister 12) sheep 3) goose 8) fish 18) lesson 4) toy 9) candy 14) foot 5) mouse 10) child 15) box 6.2. Tlocras mi imewauxn 8 oguuny. Hanuum nopag yxpainceKuit papianr. wea 6 Ua 1) children child — dumuna 5) mice 2) people. 6) copies. 3) geese 7) potatoes 4) teeth. 8) feet @® 6.3. Hanumm anrsificbKow, ufo TH 6auyHI Ha MX MaJIOHKaXx. Wowie i) ee ini ilies salad alas HeosHayennii aprukipa / an Tama boy. — It's a pen. — Le pyuxa. She is a teacher. — A xnonuun. (Mu ne ronxpemusyeno, Bona exumeavxa. siKa came pyrxa, Mu npo- emo nidxpecarmemo, wo yeit npedmem — pyxa, a ne oni ey, emi mowo.) (Xaonuuxie na esimi Gazamo, ia auwe oun 3 Hux.) (Buumenie na ceimi Cazamo, ieona odua 3 Hux.) © APTUKJb a TOxoguTs Bix COBa One («oquH»). Tomy Heit apruks BoXHBA- €TbCA TINBKM 3 THMM peqMeTaMy, AKi CTOATD B OfHUHI i aKi B IpuHuMTi MO%KHa NopaxyBaTu: Give me a pen, please. — [lait Meni pyaxy. (Byap-axy odny pyany.) Ilike apples. — Meni nogo6arornca a6nyKa. (izersca mpo a6nyxKa Baarani, Mu He KOHKpeTUsyeMo, AKi Came AOnyKa MeHi ToxoGar0TEcs, ase cnoBo apples croirb y MHO*KuHI, TOMy HeOsHAYeHUA ApTUKIB TYT He BKUBACTECA.) © Tlepea ronochumu sByKaMu a HepeTBOploeTbca Ha an: an orange an apple an hour (A ne sumosasertsca: [an’ava]) Aue: a year, a university (nouMHaoTECA 3 IpUronocHOro aByKy [j]). tO. IBaHosa, J. Whalen. )Kusa rpamatuxa axrniiceKol mosu. Pipe 1 SABAAHHA 7.1. Tlocrasnpapunpauit apruksb nepey croBpamu (aa6oan)aGonosHauky x, AKIO BBAKAEII, 10 aPTUKIb He NOTpidHuit. Hanait ykpainchKuii Mepeknag. 1)_a_ river __piuxa 4) boys 2 hour 2) aunt 5) orange 8) uncle 3) apples 6) university 9) bridge 3 7.2. Tlogqusucb Ha Ui MamIOHKY Ta Ham, UMM 3aiimatioTsca mi OAH. He sa6ysaii mpo apruxap! doctor dentist WaloTEcs HwKYe, Ta Hamu peyenua. lam’ Arai mpo apruKs! animal flower game toy bird frei 1) anapple It’s a fruit. 4) arose 2) adog 5) adoll 3) football 6) a parrot nn 1) He is a painter. 4) 2) 5) 3) 6) ® 7.3. [jo axoi rpynm HanexarTs ui copa? O6epu BiqmoBige 3i cris, m0 Ha- U n it 8 SaiuyBani Ta HesntiayBani [ e imeHHuKku i. © Imenuuku noginaorsca Ha alidyBani Ta Heamti4yBani. ] 3idyBaHi HesmidyBaHi p (MookHa MopaxyBaTu) (ae moxxHa NopaxyBaTu) I L MOKYTh BKUBATUCA He MOXKYTS BRUBATUCA 3 HeO3HaYeHMM apTuKsiem a / an 3 HeO3sHadeHUM apTHKseM a / an I C a (one) car — (oqHa) MammuHa milk — monoKo two cars — 7Bi MamimMHH honesty — uecuicrb © To nesniuysanux imenuukis HanexaTs: salt cinb Ginputicrs npogyxris bees aes milk MOzI0KO : npupomsi apmma rain. ba! 4 aGerpaxrni nonsrta Fee || aera : eski ini phe ae ; . E | © Tesxxi cnopa, mo € sniuypaHumu B yKpaincDKiit Moi, ¢ HesniuyBaHuMu BanraiitcpKiit. news (Hesiuyeane) — advice (neaniuyeane) — HoBMHa (s1iuyeane) mopaja (3.1i4yeane) a lot of news — 6araTo HOBAE: a lot of advice — 6araro nopay ® Uncoo imenuuka B yKpainceKiit i anrmiiicpKiit MoBax Tex He saBIKAM cHiB- mayae: furniture (odxuna) — me6ni (mHoncuna) This furniture is beautiful. — Ili me6ni rapui. 10. IBaxosa, J. Whalen. KuBa rpamatuka axrnivicbkoi mosu. PiBeHb 1 @ 8.1. Poagine nj imeummxn na gpi rpynm — azivysani ra nesnivysani. | love pen Parrot meat apple honesty | snityBaHi HesityBaHi ® 8.2. Tloqueuc ypaxxuo na i cnosa. Aki 3 Hux MOoKHA NopaxyBaTH, a AKi ; Hi? Buumu aprukns a nepeg 3niuysanumu imenuuKamu i nosHauky x ne- peg HeamiuyBaHuMnu. 1)__x__ sugar 4) bread 12) door 2) pencil 5) book 8) salt 3) boy 6) room 9) doll : e @ 8.3. lommmm norpi6ue aurmiiichKe cm0z0 srigqHo 3 MamioHKom. Yeara! J[e- aki cnoBa OyfyTb croaTu B O_HMHI (Hesni4yBaHi), a JeaKi y MHOKUHI (37i- uyBaHi). (19) Please give me the apple. (Ts Please give me an apple. — Please give me the apple. — Tait neni, 6ydv nacka, 20nyko. (Bydv-axe.) Tait meni, Cyd» xacra, abayxo. (Came ye.) © Mu soxusaemo the, kom viTKO 3HaeMO, Ipo m0 came HiyeTECA: ‘The pen is on the table. — Pyuxa na croni. (Came 1.4 py4ka Ha Wbomy crTosi.) ‘The books are interesting. — Kumxxu nixasi. (Came ni KHuxKu.) © Mu poxvsaemo the 3 Tamu iMeHHuKaMH, AKi M0sHadal0Tb M0Cb yHikambHe: the moon — micas (Toit, m0 Ha HeOi) the sky — He6o the sun — cone the Earth — 3emna © Mx xxusaemo the 3 yuu iMeHHMKaMn: the cinema /the theatre | Weare at the theatre now. | Mu sapas y Tearpi. the morning / the evening _Tget up early Ht rigmineatee paso in the morning. spanni. the piano / guitar / violin Tcan play the violin. Al Moxy rparu Ha ckpumni. Ane: football / basketball | _Ioften play football. SL uacto rpaio y byr6ox. : Toften listen to the radio. | uacto emyxaio pazio. the radio fae ° ae I watch televisionevery | A qupmocp Tenesisop Kox- a Ane: television ’ evening. Horo Beyopa. i London is the capital of Jlonjzon — crommusa the capital Great Britain. Benuxoi Bpuranii. the beginning /the end | 12° beginning of the film | Tlowarox hinswy ne ayace f is not very interesting. nixasuit. the truth Talwaystell the truth! | A sanxqa Kaaxy npapgy! tO. IpaHosa, J. Whalen. )Kuea rpamatuka axrniicekoi mosn. PiBeHb 1 Unit 9. 3ABAAHHA 9.1. Tlocras siqnosiquuit apruxk. (a un the). Tlepexnagu pesenusa yKpain- cbKOW. a 1) The_ floor in my room is brown._ITid.u it KimHami 4He6a. 2) Thave sister. 3) Itis car. car is red. 4) Look at door. 5) Itis house. house is big. i 6) table is oval. 7) = Kyivis capital of Ukraine. 8) Itis chair. 9) My father isin garden now. 10) moon is round. 11) Tell truth! 12) It’s liel 13) sky is blue. ® 9.2. Hagait nignucy 70 mux MamonKis. 1) _the sky _ 2) 3) @ 9.3. Tlocras signosigquuit apruksb (a un the) a6o nosHadky x , AKIO ap- THKJIb He NOTpi6unit. 1) play guitar 6) tell lie 2) at theatre 7) tell truth 3) listen to radio 8) play tennis 4) livein city 9) watch television 5) goto cinema 10) in middle Unit 1 Bxasisui 3aimenuuxu this, that, e these, those , that boy — TOW xnonunk — this book — ys kHura © Mu kaxxemo this mpo oguu npezMer a6o 2KuBy icToTy, Ij0 sHaxoquTEca Gina Hac. This pencil is black. — [ei onisen sopHuit. —_ Mz kaxxemo that mpo of“H mpesmert abo *xuBy icToty, U0 3HaXOAMTECA Janeko Big Hac. That pen is blue. — Ta pyaxa 6naKuTHa. ee © Mu kaxemo these mpo Gararo nperzmeris a6o *xMBUX icToT, {0 3HaxOJATECA GisA Hac. ~~ Mu kaxxemo those mpo 6araTo upeszmerTis a6o *KuBUX icror, M0 3HaxOATECA AanexKo Big Hac. : These books are interesting. — Ili tawxKu nikaBi. Those cats are white. — Ti koru Gini. A 10. IBaxosa, J. Whalen. Kuga rpamatuka aHmilicbkoi MoBi. PiBeHb 1 Unit 10. SABAAHHA (9) 10.1. Buumu nepey imeHHukamu UpaBusEHi coBa this a6o these. 1)__this chair 4) girl v0) picture 2) tables 5) car 8) trains ( 3) children 6) toys 9) men 10.2. Bnumu nepeg imenHukamu upaBusbHi cosa that a6o those. 1)__that_ tree 4) mice 2 goat 2) houses 5) women 8) cow 3) horse 6) trousers 9) boys @ 10.3. 8po6u niqnucu yo ux MamioHKiB. YBara! Y ubomy saBzaHHi Tobi sHa- yo6naTECA yci yoTupH cuoBa: this, that, these, those. ES & 5 so « < wa those dogs oesce *. oe & dy 6) oe @) 10.4. Tonopun pexenua sriquo 3 Mamonxom inimxaskamn, 1) Ilike this apple (a6nyKo) 2) Ilike (ura) 3) Ilike (xBiru) 4) Ilike (moposuso) 5) [like (top) Brazisui pesenua This is..., s anes are..., That is..., Those are... 0 a ESS HLUELS What is this? — Io ye? What are these? — Ifo ye? This is a doll. — Ie aanvxa. These are houses. — Le 6y@unxu. Yxpaincbke uuranua «Ilo ue?» nepegaetsca anrnificbkow nuTaHHAMM What is this? (= What is it?) ana ogHmuu i What are these? y18 MHOmKuEH. Bignosigua BiqnozigD Ha Wi nuTaHHa Oyze This is... (= It is...) ra These are... (= They are...). What is this? (= What is it?) — Io ne? This is a train. (= It is a train.) — Ie noisg. What are these? — IIo ne? = They are toys.) — Ile irpamxu. SOS eT eT = a een What is that? — Io mo? What are those? — I{o mo? That is a car. — To mawuna. Those are trees. — To depeea. YxpaincpKe uutranHa «Ilo To?» nepegacTbca anrmificbkoi nuTaHHAMA What is that? ana ogHuHu i What are those? n12 MHomuHU. Bignosigna Biqnonig, Ha Wi nMTaHHa Gyge That is... (= It is..) i Those are... (= They are...). What is that? — Io ro? That is a book. (= It is a book.) — To kHumxa. What are those? — IIo to? Those are shoes. (= They are shoes.) — To ryai. 10. IBaHosa, J. Whalen. Kua rpamatuKa aHrniicbKoi MoBu. PiBeHb 1 SABAAHHA @® 11.1. Tlepersopu ni pevenua Ha sanuTaHHA sriquo 3 sarambHuM UpaBusioM yTBOpeHHA sanuTaHb AA fiecnosa to be (due. Unit 3). Mepexnagu sanu- TaIbHi peveHHA yKpaiHCbKow. 1) This is a doll. Is this a doll? — Ife nanvxa? ( 2) These are trains. 3) Those are cars. 4) This is a boy. 5) Those are children. 6) That is a wolf. 11.2. Yrsopu sanuTaHHa Ta Hagait BiqnOBITi Ha HX, BAKOPUCTOBYIOUN CJI0- } ® Ba B AyxKax. He sa6yab BxXUTU UpaBUILHy dopmy Fiecnosa to be Ta FoAATH © apTUKAb, Je ye HeoOxiqHo. 1) (what / this / train) What is this? — This is a train. 2) (what / that / flower) 3) (what / those / boys) 4) (what / these / children) 5) (what / this / pen) « ® 11.3. Tlocras sanuranua «IIo ne?» ado «Io To?» Hayat Ha Hux BiznosBizi . sriqHo 3 MasioHKamnu. Ysara! Y ybomy 3aBsaHHi TU Macl BUKOpucTaTH BCi 3 uorTupy crosa: this, that, these, those. — 1)_What are those? — Those are cats. ae = Ivan’s house — Ieanie 6ydunox (Oyduxox Ieana) © B anrsificpxiii Moni imenuuk Mae ABa Bi4MinkM — saranbHuit (the Common Case) ta upucBiiinuit (the Possessive Case). Saranbuuit BigMinoK BigmoBi- Hae BciM ceMu Bi{MinKaM yKpaiHcbKoi MOB — HasMBHOMY, POAOBOMY, a- BaJIbHOMY, 3HaxiqHOMY, OpyHOMY, MicljeBOMy, KIM4HOMYy: The girl is pretty. — J[isauuxa rapna. Isee a boy. — A 6auy xnomuuKa. © IIpucsiiiuuit Bigminok nop’asanuit 3 nutTaHHam Whose? («Unit?»). Yrsopenua: imeHuuk + ’s. 8akinueHHA ’S BAMOBJIAETECA 38 THM CAMUMIL TpaBunamMu, m0 i 3aKinuenHa s y MHOKUHI iMeHHuKis (due. Unit 5). Ax UpaBuso, ’s BKMBACTLCA 3 iMeHamu ado 3 iMeHHUKaMH, DO MosHayaIOTD 2xusi icrorm: my brother’s car — Mamimua moro 6pata acat’s tail — xorsuniit xBicr © Ilpucsiiinuit siqminox imenuuxis y MHooxMHi yrBoploeTEcA MpocTuM joma- BaHHsM arocrpoda ”: my friends’ house — 6yMHOK Moix ApysiB these girls’ dolls — naupKu uux JiByaToK Axe: Axio imenHuk yTBOpuB MHOKMBY HecTaHJapTHo (6e3 sakinweHHaA Ss), To upucBiinnit BiqMinoK Gyfe yTBOpIOBaTHCA 3a JONOMOTOW ’s: 3 children’s room — avraga ximnara men’s clothes — uonosiunit onar 10. IpaHosa, J. Whalen. )KuBa rpamatuka aHrniiicbkoi MoBu. PigeHb 1 Unit 12. SABAAHHA @® 12.1. Hanumm cnosocnonyyeHHA 3 UpucBiiHUM BiMiHKOM, BAKOpHCTOBy- youn copa B Ay*KKax. Hagait ykpainchKuii mepeknag. 1) (Jane / room) _Jane’s room — Kimnama Jein 2) (dog / tail) 3) (my brother / trousers) 4) (these children / toys) 5) (my mother / dress) 6) (Jack / book) @ 12.2. Hanumm, xomy nanemars uj pesi. my brother IlepeqaBaHua poxoBoro BiqMinKka Unit I 3 3a JOMOMoror0 IpHiiMenHuka of. IIutampue cnoso Whose? © Ockinnxu imeHHUKH B anrsiiichKiit Mosi, Ha Biqminy Bin yKpaincEKoi, He Bigmimio10TECA, TO anrmiiti sHalimiu inmuit cnoci6 nepefasanua BigMin- ka iMeHHuKis — 3a JONOMorow UpuimeHHUKiB. Tak, 11a iMeHHUKiB, 10 OsHayaloTb HasBy peyelt, Mictib TOMO, posoBuii BiqMiHOK MepefacTEca 3a onomorow mpuiimenuuka of: the roof of the house — yax 6yqunKy the capital of France — cronuya ®panuii the beginning of the film — nouatox dinpmy SpepHu yBary Ha BUKOpUCTaHHA O3sHayeHoro apruKsa: the roof of the house (izeTbca Ipo KoHKpeTHUM 7ax came UbOrO 6yquHKy). © Is imeHHuKaMH, IJ0 MosHayaioTb *uBi icroTH, AK UpaBUO, BKUBAcCTECA upucsittnui BigmMinox imenuunis (due. Unit 12), ane KoncrpyKuia 3 upu- HMeHHUKOM Of TAKOOK MOKIMBA!: the girl’s name = the name of the girl — im’s zipyunKn » ; Kyiv is the capital of Ukraine. — This is the door of the room. — Kuie — cmoauya Yxpainu. Te deepi ximnamu. IMo6 nocrasuru sanuranusa «Unit?» («Una?»>, «Une?», «Uni?»), BxuBa- eTbca nuTambHe c0B0 Whose? Whose house is this? — Unit ne zim? . Whose doll is this? — Uns ue 1ambKa? ‘Whose books are these? — Uni ne kauxKu? tO. Ipaxosa, J. Whalen. Kua rpamatuka aHrniiiceKoi mosu. PipeHb 1 Unit 13. SABAAHHA 13.1. Cknagu cnosocnony4eHHa 3 UpviimMeHHUKOM of, BAKOPHCTOBy1OUn cuoBa y Ayxkax. He 3a6yfb Ipo BxKMBAHHA O3HAYEHOTO APTUKIIA. 1) (walls / house) the walls of the house 2) (middle / room) 3) (centre / city) 4) (colour / dress) 5) (capital / Great Britain) 6) (children / group) OO ® 13.2. Tlepexnaqu anrsificbko1o i cioBocnonyyeHHA, BHKOPUCTOBy1OUn upuiimenunk of. AKujo HeoOxiqHo, ckopuctyiica coBHMYKOM Ha CT. 86. 1) Kinen, dinpmy the end of the film 2) cronuua Yxpainn 3) xosip ne6a 4) cepequna cany 5) = uigsora KimnaTu 6) uexrtp Jlosz0Ha ® 18.3. Hanait Bigqnosigi na sanMTanHa, KopucTy4Nce DizKasKamu. Whose cap is this? Whose hat is this? Whose jeans are these? (Jack) ~ (John) 1)_ This is Jack’scap. 2) 3) Whose blouse is this? Whose jacket is this? Whose bag is this? (Kate) (Jim) (Mary) 4) 5) a= 7 6) (29) 7 Unit 14 Ipucsiini saiimenunkn. e 3anexHa cdbopma | ® Banraiiicexitt moni, ax is yxpainesxiii, icnyrors mpnepiiini aaiimennn- KM. : Oco6osui | pucsitiunit salimenuux | 3alimeHHuK aos De Pepnan I m My room is bigs Mii, Mo, Moe, Moi ” Mos kimuata Beauka. : Pipe His sister is ten. — he his Yoro cecrpi qecaTs po- toro Kis. Her hair is long. — a she her ti er oae, ii {i Bonoces AoBre. a Ihave a cat. Its tailis | foro, ii (BxmBaersca is it its white. — Y meneekir. | Heaupumu icroramu, E Yoro xsicr 6inuit. TBapuHamu) we our edad cmt retas Halll, Hala, Halle, Hamti E Tle nam yim. t p . Your pen is black. — TBilt, TBOA, TBOE, TBOI, you your 7 TBoa pyuka yopHa. Ball, Balla, Balle, Balti . Ss Frigg? ‘ ixniit, ixua, ixue, ixui ( Their friend’s name is (uneaeretip ane 3 they their Jack. — Ixusoro zpyra 2 : BUMH, Tak is HexXMBAMH 3ByTb J>Kek. - "i icroramu, TBapHHaMH) IIpucsiiini saimennuxu my, his, her, its, our, your, their pxn- BalOTBCA 3aB2K1M 3 iMeHHAKOM, TOOTO 3aslexKaTb Bi HEOTO. Tomy 14 cbopMa salimMeHHUKiB HasMBacTECA 3asexKHOW. 10. IpaHosa, J. Whalen. Kuga rpamatuka aHrnivicekoi MoBu. PigeHb 1 SABAAHHA ® 14.1. Hanumu nopag 3 oco6onuM 3aimeHEuKoOM BiqnoBiqHMK upucBiitnni 3aHMeHHUK. 1) he—__his _ 4) we— 7) you— ( 2) it— 5) they — 3) I- 6) she— J TEESE eEEeeEe>>09@OO9SS_—_—_—_ DSS ® 14.2. Hanwum nopay 3 upucsiituum 3saiimMenunkom Biqnosigquuit ocobosnit saliMeHHMK. 1) his—__he 4) her — 7) their — ; 2) my— 5) our — 3) your—___ 6) its— ® 14.3. Tlepexnagu aurmiiichko1w copocnomyseHHs. 1) Moa pyuka my pen 5) nami kHuru 2) Tit onipenb 6) ixuico6axn 3) toro rato 7) iximxa 4) Hatta Mama 8) Moi ta1pKH 14.4, Sanuraii, uni ne peui. 1)_Whose T-shirt is this? 2) 3) i TI itni sai . Unit 15 .aecinorns gop Aurnificbka Mosa, Ha Biqminy Big yKpaincbKoi, Mae ABi cbopmu npucBil- HMX 3aliMeHHUKiB — 3arexKHy Ta abcomTHY. SanexKHa POpMa BKUBACTECA TIIbKM 3 iMeHHMKOM, TUM4ACOM AK aOCONIOTHA BKUBACTECA Ges imeHHUKa. Yxpaincpkorw moso sasexkuHa i abcomTHa opMu TepekapzaiwTECa OfHa- KOBO. georos0 ax /saiiMeHHuk % Z HS MRSS ‘ This room is mine. — Mii, Moa, Moe, I my mine . i Ia KimHaTa — Moa. Moi This house is ours. — Hall, Hama, we our ours aie f Tei zim — nam. Halle, Hai TBiii, TOA, oul ou rd That book is yours. — | rsoe, Tsoi, Bam, y 7 4 Ta Kura — TBOS. Balla, Balle, Bai 7 ; This coat is his. — he his his ane toro Ile nanbto — foro. Thi: is hers. — 7 she her hers his bag is — ii Ila cymka — ii. it its He BOKMBACTECH oro, ii These children are ixnid, ixna they their theirs | theirs. — Uren ey aor a ixne, ixni Ii airu — ixni. © Tlopisuai upucsiiini saiMeHHukn B 3anexHiit i abcomoTHi @opmax: This is my pen. — Ife moa py4ka. This pen is mine. — Ila pyaka — moa. My pen is blue but yours is black. — Moa pyyxka cuua, a TBOA — 4OpHa. These are their books. — Ie ix#i kawxk: These books are theirs. — Ii tauxKu — ixui. 10. IBaHosa, J. Whalen. Kuga rpamatuka aHrmiiicbkol MoBM. PiBeHb 1 Unit 15. SABAAHHA @® 15.1. Hanumu siqnosiguy abcomorny dopmy upucsiiinux saliMenHuKis: 1ymy— ___ 8) his — 5) their — 2) your — 4) our — 6)her — @® 15.2. Tlepenumu ni pevenua Tak, ul06 BuKopucToByBamach abcomioTHa dopa mpucsiitHoro saliMenuuka. 1) That is their dog. That dog is _ theirs. 2) This is his table. This table is 8) These are our houses. 4) Those are my pencils. 5) This is his book. 6) These are her dolls. 7) This is my work. ® 15.8. ai xoporny Bignosig, Ha ui sanMTaHHa srigquo is 3aimenaukamu y ayeKax. 1) Whose jacket is this? (I) — t's 2) Whose glasses are these? (she) — They are 3) Whose money is this? (they) — 4) Whose bags are these? (we) — 5) Whose pencils are these? (he) — 6) Whose cat is this? (I) — 15.4. Tlocras nuranusa 70 uux BiqnoBizeli, BAKOPHCTOBYIOUM MAJIOHKH. 2) 4) Yes, it’s his. Is it yor 2 1) ur ball: 3) Yes, it’s mi Yes, it’s hers. i Iipuii ica. Unit 16. ttnrame cxovo Where? (Q) _To6 olvcaTH, WO Ae 3HaXOAUTECA, MM BKMBAEMO IpUiMeHHUKH MiciA. under at/near The eee is at/near the door. — The dog is behind the tree. — oe between the cats. — Co6axa Cina eee Co6axa 3a depesom. oe mine kiuKamu. 3BepHM yBary Ha BKMBAHHA O3HAYeHOTO aPTUKJIA B IIMX PedeHHAX: The flowers are in the vase. — Ksiru sHaxoyatsca y Basi. (Mu ropopu- MO IIpo fi KOHKpeTHi KBITH, i BOHM 3HAXOJATCA B iii KOHKpeTHiii Basi.) yBary Ha BKMBaHHA OsHadeHOro Ta HeosHayeHoro apTuksiB. Y jeaKux BU- pasax apTHKJIb He BXKMBACTECA BOBCIM. in bed — y aimxy at home — syoma in the street — na Bynmui at work — na po6ori in hospital — y nixapni at / in school — y mxoni L ina / the picture — na MamoHKy at the station — na cranuii ina / the photograph — na @oroxapTui at the airport — 8 aeponopty ___ina/ the car — y mamuni at a / the concert — Ha KonueprTi in the middle of — ycepequni ata / the party — na seuipni | b ; (by pba erene in Ta at BxXMBAIOTLCA B JEAKUX yCTaIeHHX BUpasax. SBepHu 10. IpaHosa, J. Whalen. Kuga rpamatuxa axrniiceKoi MoBn. PipeHb 1

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