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Q1. Please share with us how you became a fan of PILI budaixi?

At the end of 2019, I was watching 陈情令 on Netflix. When I finished it, I saw PILI Fantasy: War of
Dragons as a recommendation to watch. At first I was so surprised, the story was so amazing but
so fast! I was curious about watching a puppet show, but after a few episodes, I couldn’t stop
watching, so I tried searching for more seasons, I tried learning about the characters and
everything. When I saw all the different kinds of characters and stories, I really loved it! Not having
English subtitles made it kinda hard to watch it, but finding the scripts of the episodes made it a
little bit easier, a more accurate translation would be really appreciated

Q2. What is your most memorable experience as a PILI budaixi fan?

I think it was when I made 素还真’s cosplay. I was so nervous, and the costume was so big I
needed help to put it on! But the best part of everything is how much people liked the costume.
Here in Chile, budaixi is really unknown, and people were so shocked when I told them it was a
cosplay of a puppet, not to mention the complexity of the costume and how beautiful the design
is! A lot of people asked me what show was it, and I was very happy to tell them it was PILI
Fantasy: War of Dragons, a show available on Netflix

Q3. How do your friends and family view your interest in budaixi? How do international fans
usually discuss budaixi?

As I said before, budaixi is unknown here in Chile. Hand puppet shows are usually shows for kids,
so my friends laughed a long time about it, after a year, they got used to it. As for my family, they
were impressed, but when they saw how gorgeous the scenes were, they understood perfectly.

As for International fans, at first I saw a forum on Crunchyroll, I was really happy to see new
people talking about it in there! Everyone was excited about the second season Doom of Dragons.
A year ago I found a few servers on the Discord APP, where a lot of people join to talk about
budaixi, there are Taiwanese people, Japanese, Vietnamese, Germans, even people from Latin
America like me! Everyone is paying attention to all the news of Pili, we do livestreams to watch
the episodes, we discuss about the plots, and the people who understand Chinese even translate a
few things for those who don’t know Chinese, and those who don’t know are excited to learn
Chinese to watch the series, anyway, we were so happy when Pili finally started making content in

Q4. Who are your top 3 favorite PILI characters?

通瑶池 is definitely my favorite character. She doesn’t has a lot of story shown on PILI Fantasy:
War of Dragons, but I liked her a lot more when I watched a few her scenes on 霹雳剑魂 and
learned about her story; it wasn’t so long, but I really enjoyed it. Since she was one of the first
characters I knew of PILI, I really treasure her.
素还真, he is such a lovable character, really smart, very charming, what I loved most of him was
how hard he tries to keep peace in the world, how he interacts with his teammates, even his
enemies, how he talks, everything about him is so elegant and gorgeous

阴川蝴蝶君, I saw him for the first time on the game 霹雳无双, when I saw his story with 公孙月,
I thought he was such a cute character! I liked him so much that I also cosplayed his version of the
game 霹雳无双 before the game closed, I’m trying my best to watch the seasons where he is!

Q5. Can you tell us about the PILI budaixi scene that impressed you the most?

The scene that impressed me the most was at the end of PILI Fantasy: War of Dragons, when 素还
真 left 不夜天. It was so heartbreaking and shocking to see a character so elegant like 素还真
being so desperate, without knowing what to do. I think it really makes the viewer feel the pain he
is feeling, as it gives a lot more deep understanding about him and the complexity of the plot.

Q6. Is there any budaixi element that you're particularly interested in? (Like weapons and tools
props, music, special effects, etc.?)

Everything is properly integrated, it mixes really well. But the music, and how mixes with the
scenes, it can really change the viewer’s feelings quickly, to the point the scenes can make
someone feel really excited, sad, happy, even nostalgic.

Q7. Is there any PILI character you want to be? Why?

捲殘雲! His story with Dan Fei is the cutest, I really loved seeing him and Dan Fei together,
especially that scene at the end of the third season when she knew right away he wasn’t Lin Xue
Ya but his husband

Q8. Is there anything you want to tell your favorite PILI characters?

通瑶池, you were always so stubborn, always standing your ground, I don’t blame you at all, you
had to protect your position as Empress! Screentime wasn’t enough for you, it is a little sad, but I
really enjoyed watching you until the end, thank you!

Q9. What is your most special PILI-related collection?

I don’t have a lot of PILI official merchandise, because not a lot of shops can ship items to
overseas, but I managed to get PILI Fantasy: War of Dragons photobook. I love how it shows a bit
of all of the characters from the season, their weapons, their costumes. Specially 琉璃仙境, I
really liked how it looks on the season, and taking a look of how it is really makes the reader think
about how beautiful it would really be

Q10. What is your impression of Taiwan’s culture?

I love it! I’ve been really interested in it since I knew budaixi. I tried Taiwanese cuisine here in Chile
and it's so diverse and delicious! As for the culture, I love how they preserve their traditional
customs, making it more beautiful every day, sharing their knowledge and now, letting people
from abroad learn about it, it really makes me happy to see Pili interested in making content in
English, its so beautiful, I know people from abroad will love it!

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