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Biomass Production of Eucalyptus grandis in

South Africa Planted at Various Close Espacements:

Two-Year Results
Wm Kevin Darrow
D.R. de Wet Forestry Research Station
Private Bag X520


A trial was established in the Eastern Transvaal to determine the effect of close espacement on the bio-
mass production of Eucalyptus grandis when harvested on very short rotations. The treatments allowed 1
m,2 2 m,2 3 m2 an d4 m2 per tree of growmg
. space. Weeds were completely suppressed with herbicides and
the trees were fertilised with 50 g of 3:2:1(24) per tree at the time of planting.
At two years the 1 m 2 treatment gave significantly greater biomass production for stem fractions
(bark and wood) and total biomass, but not for branches or leaves. Absolute but non-significant differ-
ences existed between the other treatments. If harvesting methods are considered, the wider espacements
are favoured despite their lower biomass as larger percentages of the biomass are in large trees which will
greatly reduce extraction costs. At present the 3 m2 treatment yields the greatest biomass in trees larger
than 60mm DBH.
Yields of oven-dry biomass (t/ha) were:

Treatment Stemwood Wood and bark Total biomass

1 34,9 39,2 52,0

2 28,5 31,5 42,4
3 25,2 28,6 40,3
4 22,7 25,8 37,6

INTRODUCTION fines from chipping entire trees can be used as a solid

fuel, for liquid fuel production, or in the case of leaves,
Foresters have traditionally thought of "forest pro-
as an animal feed supplement (Keays, 1976). The
ductivity" in terms of the production of solid wood
change in forest productivity studies is therefore from
mass or volume. Since the most usable solid wood is in
trees as producers of stem wood volume to trees as pro-
the stems of trees, very little consideration was given to
ducers of biomass from which a variety of products can
the production of other tree components except by
be made.
forest ecologists who studied plant biomass distri-
Some studies have been done in South Africa on
butions as part of their work on nutrient cycling or simi-
the biomass production of mature pines (Van Laar and
lar studies. Several factors have, however, substantially
Van Lill, 1978: Van Laar, 1982) and of young commer-
changed the field of "forest productivity" studies. First,
cially-grown eucalypts (Schonau and Boden, 1982).
more and more forest products are now made by reduc-
Several articles have also been published about the po-
ing wood to particles of various sizes and then gluing
tential of wood biomass as a fuel source in South Africa
them back together into a huge variety of board pro-
or about methods of harvesting forest biomass (Garbutt
ducts. Secondly, the wood pulp and paper industry is
and Van Breda, 1979; Du Toit, 1980). So far, however,
the fastest growing user of wood. Finally the rebirth of
no work has been published about the use of intensive
wood as a fuel or as a raw material for liquid fuel pro-
forest management, particularly the use of the close es-
duction has created a new market for wood fibre.
pacement and very short rotation, to maximise biomass
Because the requirements of these new wood users
production of forest trees in South Africa.
are considerably different from those of solid wood
Because Eucalyptus grandis is the most widely
users, with a heavy emphasis on low cost per ton of
planted hardwood species in South Africa and is highly
chips, foresters have had to give new thought of grow-
productive and suitable for a variety of uses, the South
ing the maximum mass of wood fibre per unit of area in
African Directorate of Forestry decided in 1980 to es-
as short a time as possible. This wood fibre need, how-
tablish an experiment to test the biomass productivity
ever, not only be stem wood. It can be bark, branches
of E. grandis at various close espacements and at var-
or leaves. Although stemwood chips and bark are the
ious cutting ages.
most suitable for pulping and board products (Einspahr
The desire to keep costs low and to test a range of es-
and Harder, 1980), the branches, leaves and wood

34 Suid-Afrikaanse Bosboutydskrif- Desember 1984

pacements precluded the use of plots large enough to At two months of age all dead trees were replaced
allow a series of rotational fellings for each age class. and all trees were fertilised with 50 g of 3:2: 1(25) granu-
This experiment was therefore not planned to compare, lar fertiliser to encourage early growth. This dose is
for example, the total biomass production of four fel- much less than is ordinarily recommended for establish-
lings at two-year intervals with one felling at eight ment (Herbert et al., 1982), but was used to avoid too
years. Work mentioned in Cannell and Smith (1980) in- heavy an application on the very densely stocked
dicates that yields after coppice should be 10 to 20 % (10 000 stems/ha) plots. All seedlings used were ob-
better than from seedling stands. Labosky et al. (1983) tained from the Wilgeboom nursery and were grown
point out that the fibre characteristics of coppice wood from State seed orchard seed.
of hybrid poplar are also better than those of first rota- No other attention was given to the trees until the
tion wood. first group of treatments was felled at 26 months' of
The possibility that these points will hold true for age.
Eucalyptus grandis will be tested in a new experiment . Th~ trial consists of a 42 split-plot factorial exper-
to be planted in 1984. iment WIth four replications (see Table 1). Because only
one harvesting age is considered, however, the plot
MATERIALS AND METHODS data wer~ analysed as a simple randomised complete
The biomass productivity trial was planted in March block design. A standard plot size of 20 m x 10 m was
1981 at the Wilgeboom State Forest in the Eastern used, so the number of trees per plot varied with treat-
Transvaal Lowveld zone at an altitude at 945 m. The ment. All measurements and biomass sampling were
site lies on a mid-slope with a south-easterly aspect. done on the trees of a subplot of 24 or 30 trees demar-
The soil is a deeply weathered granitic soil of high fer- cated within each plot.
tility. The mean annual rainfall for the State forest is At the time of felling at 26 months, the quadratic
1 348 mm, but during 1981-82 the mean was only 1 151
mm or 85 % of the normal. In 1982 only 543 mm fell- mean diameter at breast height! (D~H2) was derived
40 % of normal.
The site was previously planted to Pinus patula and from the inner plot trees. Six trees per subplot were
then to Eucalyptus cloeziana, which was killed in the then selected on the basis of this mean. Two trees were
first year by frost. The logging slash was spread manu- selected in the mean 10 mm DBH class and then one
ally as it was very unevenly distributed. The entire area tree each in the next two DBH classes on either side of
was sprayed with a 1 % solution of glyphosate (brand- the mean. Generally only one tree was chosen in each
name Roundup) to kill the dense infestation of setaria of the horizontal rows of the subplot so that the sam-
grass (Setaria megaphylla) and newly germinated bug- pled trees were widely distributed within the subplots.
weed (Solanum mauritianum).

TABLE 1. Design of Eucalyptus grandis biomass trial, Wilgeboom State Forest

Design: Spit-plot factorial with subunits in strips. Randomised complete block with whole units.

Replications: 4


A Plantation Plots Inner Trees

espacement (m) (rows) (rows)

A1 1 x 1 10 x 20 5x6 30
A2 1 x2 10 x 10 5x6 30
A3 ll/z x2 5 x 13 3x9 27
A4 2 x2 5 x 10 3x8 24

B Time of harvest
B1 2 years
B2 4 years
B3 6 years
B4 8 years

South African Forestry Journal- December 1984 35

The stocking of the plot was based on a complete The biomass data for the trees were grouped by
count of all living trees within the full plot. treatment and regression equations of dry biomass on
Each tree was cut off at soil level, carefully lo- DBH (o.b.) were derived for each plant fraction. The
wered to the ground and then measured for height and allometric equation of the form
diameter (to the nearest 10 mm) at 1,3 m above the butt
end of the tree. INY =a+ InX
The various biomass elements were then individu- was used where Y is the dry biomass and X the DBH
ally stripped from the trees, placed in bags and weighed (o.b.). This equation is the most commonly used in
to the nearest 100 g as a more sensitive scale was not studies of plant biomass production (Parde, 1980) and
available. After the bark of the tree was stripped, wood is well suited to conditions such as those in this exper-
samples were removed at 10 %, 25 % and 50 % of tree iment where the variance of Y is positively correlated
height for determination of the moisture content of the with X and thus not uniform across DBH classes (Bas-
wood fraction. Subsamples of all other fractions were kerville, 1972). To avoid the incorredt estimaltion of in-
taken from each tree, sealed in plastic bags and stored dividual biomass caused by the transformation of log Y
that day in a cold room (4°C) until they could be values to scalar, the correction factor
weighed. These samples were then air-dried for one \72
e"2)' recommended by Mountford and Bunce (1073),
week before being oven-dried to constant mass at
was used.
70 °C - the temperature used in recent Australian
studies of eucalypt biomass (Bradstock, 1981; Cromer Estimates of biomass productivity per plot were made
and Williams, 1982). * by summing the estimated biomasses of a plant fraction
The conversion factors between wet and dry bio- for each DBH class multiplied by the percentage of
mass of the subsamples was used to estimate the dry trees in that DBH class in the subplot. This estimate
mass of the biomass components of each tree. Al- was then multiplied by the estimate of the stocking per
though there were differences in moisture content be- hectare for each plot. The result was an estimated bio-
tween the wood samples taken at 10 % tree height and mass (kg/ha) for each plant fraction by plot.
the other samples, the differences were not statistically Estimates of biomass components not measured
significant. The average moisture content of the three directly (e.g. total stem biomass) were derived from
samples per trees was therefore used as a conversion new equations based on the sum of dry biomass frac-
factor for determining the dry biomass of stemwood of tions (bark + stemwood) per tree and not by adding the
each tree. regression estimates of the different fractions (Table 2).
TABLE 2. Regression Constants, Standard Deviation of Regression (Sy.x) and Analysis of Variance of Regression (F)
values for equations to estimate individual tree biomass values

Equation form 1nY = a + b 1nX where Y = tree fraction mass (in kg) and X = DBH (o.b.) in mm/lO

Dead Live Stem- Total Total

Treat- branches branches Leaves Bark wood stem tree
ment (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (4+5) (1+2+3+4+5)

1 a= -2,709 -3,310 -3,274 -3,042 -0,962 -0,836 -0,333

b= 1,347 1,396 1,544 1,444 1,491 1,483 1,344
Sy. x = 0,446 0,567 0,509 0,483 0,281 0,294 0,298
F= 0,46 0,38 0,42 0,43 0,59 0,54 0,58
2 a= -3,452 -5,034 -5,553 -4,550 -2,163 -2,082 -1,824
b= 1,871 2,510 2,855 2,285 2,139 2,157 2,190
Sy. x = 0,270 0,239 0,263 0,223 0,108 0,113 0,114
F= 4,30" 4,34" 4,23 4,44" 5,95' 5,05' 4,96'
3 a= -3,347 -5,017 -4,845 -3,284 -1,556 -1,395 -1,289
b= 1,886 2,594 2,556 1,723 1,862 1,846 1,965
Sy. x = 0,275 0,221 0,178 0,199 0,123 0,122 0,128
F= 3,15 3,36 3,52 3,44 3,74 3,71 3,72
4 a= -4,499 -4,958 3,308 -4,182 -2,236 -2,102 -1,788
b= 2,405 2,637 -3:308 2,173 2,187 2,185 2,215
Sy. x = 0,271 0,214 U,139 0,121 0,098 0,098 0,100
F 10,19" 11,83" 11,78" 11,99" 12,18" 12,11" 12,18"

F.05 (1,22) = 4.30; F.01(1,22) = 7.95

• To convert the listed dry mass to bone-dry (105°C) biomass multi-

ply the components by the following factors:
dry branches x 0,919; live branches x 0,973; leaves x 0,912; bark x
0,945; stemwood x 0,920

36 Suid-Afrikaanse Bosboutydskrif- Desember 1984

TABLE 3. Analysis of Variance for differences between treatment means for various biomass fractions

Biomass values (kg/ha)

Dead Live Stem- Total Total

branches branches Leaves Bark wood stem tree
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (4+5) (1+2+3+4+5)

F value 2,82"' 2,72"' 1,86"' 7,66** 9,74** 9,36** 6,65*

1 5060 3233 4111 4367 34849 39180 52041
2 4465 3044 3382 3073 4244281
284581 315311
3 4515 3437 3751 3438 25157 28604 40277
4 3826 3860 4177 3156 1 22695 25842 37640

Note: Treatment values connected by a solid line are not significantly different at P>0,95

TABLE 4. Distribution of different biomass fractions as percentages of total tree biomass by treatment


Treatment Dead Live Leaves Bark Stemwood

branches branches

1 9,80 6,26 7,96 8,46 67,52

2 11,33 7,72 8,58 7,80 64,57
3 11,20 8,53 9,31 8,53 62,43
4 10,14 10,23 11,08 8.37 60,18

in leaf biomass was progressive, not constant, from one

espacement to another.
Changes in the biomass of all other plant fractions
The growth of the trees in the experiment was very with changing espacements could not be adequately re-
good despite the below average rainfall experienced in lated to linear, quadratic or cubic effects, indicating
1982-83. Mean tree height at 26 months was 11,7 m that, in this case, a polynomial model with espacement
(S.D. 1,13) with 10 % of the trees taller than 13 m. as the independent variable was not useful in describing
The 1 m2 espacement gave the highest biomass biomass production. The allometric equation In Y = a
production for all plant fractions except that of live + b l n X may therefore be the best method for describ-
branches and leaves (Table 3). This espacement was ing the biomass production of major plant fractions.
also not significantly better than the others for dead Table 4 shows that the percentages of live branch
branch biomass. and leaf biomass increased with increasing espacement,
The advantage in biomass production for the whereas that of stemwood declined. So the 1 m2 espace-
major plant fractions was substantial at the closest es- ment not only had the highest biomass per hectare, but
pacement. There was 37 % more stemwood, 37 % also had the largest percentage of stemwood. The per-
more stem biomass and 30 % more total biomass than centage of bark biomass remained the same among
the mean of the other three treatments. There were no treatments despite the large differences in mean tree
significant differences in biomass production of any DBHs.
plant fraction between the other three treatments, al- Most of the biomass of the 1 m2 espacement was
though absolute differences generally favoured the found in small trees (Table 5). If one takes the 60 mm
closer espacements. DBH class as a reference point, only 40,9 % of the total
An analysis of the effect of espacement on the pro- stem biomass of the 1 m2 espacement was found in
duction of biomass of the various plant fractions DBH classes 60 and over. For the other three treat-
showed that dead branch and live branch biomass were ments the percentages were 81,4 %, 94,5 % and
linearly related to espacement, but leaf biomass had a 98,8 %, respectively. The values for total biomass were
significant quadratic component, indicating that change similar.

South African Forestry Journal- December 1984 37

TABLE 5. Distribution of biomass among DBH classes for different sums of fractions

% Mass by DBH class

DBH classes (mm)

Biomass Treatment 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

1 0,38 3,21 12,00 13,06 30,45 25,43 8,85 6,62

Total 2 0,D2 0,25 0,78 5,73 11,80 26,19 33,04 16,11 6,06
stem 3 0,03 0,22 0,70 0,39 4,13 13,92 36,54 29,83 14,25
4 0,13 0,26 0,83 7,46 22,83 36,56 22,61 9,32
1 0,47 3,63 12,83 13,42 30,34 24,71 8,42 6,18
Total 2 0,D2 0,24 0,76 5,65 11,71 26,14 33,13 16,23 6,12
tree 3 0,02 0,19 0,63 0,36 3,96 13,61 36,41 30,19 14,63
4 0,13 0,25 0,81 7,40 22,75 36,57 22,70 9,39

DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS trients from the site through the utilisation of the foli-
Much of the good growth of this trial came from proper age as part of the crop. Very little information exists
weed control. An experiment with E. grandis on a simi- about the nutrient content of very short rotation tree
lar site at the Frankfort State Forest showed that at 21- crops in semi-tropical or tropical areas. Poggiani et at.
month-old trees growing in plots where weeds had been (1980) do point out, however, that in Brazil the total
completely controlled by spraying with glyphosate were dry biomass of 2,5-year-old E. grandis planted at 5 333
71 % taller then trees in the control plots (Kvitza and stems/ha consisted of 9 % leaf, 7 % branch and 83 %
stem biomass, but that the leaves contained 37 % of the
Darrow, 1983).
Although the 1 m2 espacement had the largest total total nutrients in the stand, the branches 10 % and the
biomass production for most plant fractions, the distri- stems 53 %.
bution of this biomass in the small DBH classes will Although it is possible to replace the lost nutrients
have a profound effect on the viability of short rotation by fertilisation, Zobel (1979) doubts whether the bio-
biomass production systems. At present the harvesting mass material gained through the harvesting of leaves is
of biomass in the form of numerous small stems is still worth the cost of replacing the nutrients lost. Consider-
in the experimental stage and will need considerable ing that the leaves of this trial contained only 8 to 10 %
work before such trees can be economically harvested of the total biomass and had a moisture content of
without damaging the stumps that are expected to cop- 283 %, the cost of obtaining a small extra amount of
pice for the new crop (Mattson, 1983). If more conven- dry, but poor quality, fiber could scarcely be worth the
tional harvesting methods are used, such as would be value of the nutrients contained in them.
the case at present, the cost of the biomass delivered to Since it would do little good to extract whole trees
the point of use increases rapidly as stand stocking in- from a stand and then to remove the leaves, harvesting
creases and mean tree DBH decreases. Mattson (1983) methods would have to be devised that would remove
estimates that a ton of green chips from 10-year-old the leaves in the stand. The simplest method would be
hybrid poplar (Populus) planted at 0,6 x 0,6 m is 2,5 to cut off the stem where the living crown begins and to
times as expensive as a ton harvested from a stand of leave it all in the plantation. The loss of stem, bark and
the same age planted at 2,4 x 2,4 m. Felling costs alone branch biomass from such a practice cannot be esti-
are 12 times higher per ton for the closer espacement. mated from this study, but considering the small and
shallow crowns that form on trees at dense stockings,
If one is limited to conventional harvesting
the loss of stem biomass would be relatively small.
methods, the use of espacements larger than 1 m2 offers
If a mobile chipper can be used when harvesting
considerable advantage. Although no costing data are
the stand, then the "commercial foliage" (leaves and
available, in the present experiment the 3 m2 espace-
twigs <6 mm) separator could be used, although about
ment looks most promising at two years of age. One
30 % of the foliage biomass removed would be stem-
would harvest 10,8 % more stemwood than at the 4 m2
wood and bark (Isebrands et al., 1979).
espacement and 6,0 % more in the DBH classes 50 mm
A more drastic alternative would be to spray the
and larger. When compared with the 2 m2 espacement,
stand with a contact herbicide to defoliate the trees
the 3 m2 treatment yields 9,3 % less stem biomass, but
before harvesting. Waugh (1977) successfully defoli-
2,6 % more stemwood in trees of 60 mm and over. The
ated mature E. regnans in an attempt to reduce growth
exact value of these differences would depend upon
stresses in the standing trees without killing them. Such
how much changes in the number of tons of chips pro-
a defoliated eucalypt stand would be in the same advan-
duced per hectare would offset differences in establish-
tageous position as a stand of temperate hardwoods
ment and harvesting costs.
after autumn leaf fall with much of its nutrient content
A matter of great concern about such "biomass
in t~e litter layer and not liable for removal during har-
farming", as has been discussed, is the removal of nu-

38 Suid-Afrikaanse Bosboutydskrif- Desember 1984

As the first of this type of trial planted in South
Africa, the yields shown here do not represent the
"working maximum" (Cannel and Smith, 1980) for bio- At the age of two years the closest espacement tested (1
mass yield of Eucalyptus grandis grown under intensive m per tree) yielded the largest biomass for all plant
management. The use of clonal planting material from fractions except for leaves. A larger percentage of this
superior E. grandis breeding stock, the ploughing or biomass was in stem wood and bark than in the other
ripping of the site, a heavier application and more three treatments. Most of this biomass, however, was
precise choice of fertiliser and perhaps irrigation during in trees of less than 60 mm DBH.
the dry periods would have resulted in a very much The 2 m2 espacement yielded the next largest total
higher yield. Schonau et al. (1981) has already shown biomass and the 3 m2 espacement the largest tonnage of
the benefits of intensive site preparation in the growing stem biomass in trees larger than 60 mm DBH. If con-
of E. grandis in plantations and Van Wyk (1983) has vential harvesting methods must be used to harvest
shown the immense potential for genetically improving trees of this age, the 3 m2 espacement appears to offer
the species to achieve greater yields per tree. the best prospect for biomass production.
The next set of treatments will be felled at four Very short rotation intensive biomass production
years' of age. for fiber or fuel is a new field of research and many de-
cisions must be made and new techniques developed
before the obvious potential of such methods can be


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South African Forestry Journal- December 1984 39

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