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Waste Management 95 (2019) 32–42

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Waste Management
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The effect of recycling bin design on PET bottle collection performance

Qiuhui Jiang a, Takuya Izumi a, Hyuji Yoshida a, Dilinazi Dilixiati a, Nattapon Leeabai a,
Shinya Suzuki b, Fumitake Takahashi a,⇑
Department of Transdisciplinary Science and Engineering, School of Environment and Society, Tokyo Institute of Technology, G5-13, 4259 Nagatsuta, Midori-ku, Yokohama
226-8503, Japan
Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Fukuoka University, 8-19-1 Nanakuma, Jonan-ku, Fukuoka 814-0180, Japan

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Many municipalities in Japan have collected PET bottles as recyclable waste since 1980s. When caps are
Received 28 December 2018 removed from bottles, it reduces collection and transportation costs because bottles can be easily com-
Revised 26 May 2019 pressed by collection trucks. However, PET bottles collected from recycling bins are usually capped and
Accepted 29 May 2019
include other materials. This study designed 10 recycling bins for PET bottle to investigate the effect of
Available online 5 June 2019
design on cap removal efficiency and recycling contamination (foreign waste mixture). Recycling bins
for PET bottle were designed focusing on four design items. They are (1) individual recycling bins specif-
ically for bottles and caps or all-in-one recycling bin for both bottle and cap collections, (2) inside-
Recycling bin
visibility (see-through), (3) signage (wording like ‘‘Bottle” and ‘‘Cap”) near insert slot and (4) insert slot
Cap removal shape. PET bottle collection performance of designed recycling bins was monitored in Suzukakedai cam-
Recycling contamination ratio pus of Tokyo Tech. Perceptive preferences of recycling bin designs and insert slot shapes were measured
PET bottle by online surveys. Experimental results indicate that insert slot with round shape contributed to signif-
icantly lower recycling contamination than bottle-like shape although perceptive preference of insert
slots with bottle-like shape was higher than that of the round shape. Signage and all-in-one design is sig-
nificantly effective to promote cap removal only when it was set with other recycling bins. On the other
hand, signage is effective to decrease recycling contamination in a single setting. This study found that
design effect depended on the setting condition of recycling bins in terms of cap removal and foreign
waste disposal.
Ó 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction capped when they are collected. It makes difficult to compress

PET bottles by collection trucks with compressors and decreases
In Japan, plastic bins and packages cover approximately 60 vol% collection/transportation efficiency. Therefore, cap removal and
of municipal solid wastes. PET bottles are one of the major recy- less recycling contamination (less foreign waste mixture) before
clable plastic wastes (Plastic Waste Management Institute, 2016). PET bottle collection are important for PET bottle recycles.
According to the Council for the PET bottle recycling in Japan, Japan Human perception and behaviors are important for waste col-
has high recycling rate (around 90%) of PET bottles compared to lection and segregation at the early stage of waste management.
the USA (around 20%) and Europe (around 40%) in recent years Previous researches examined how human perception, beliefs,
(The Council for PET bottle recycling, Japan, 2018). For high effi- and attitudes affected recycling behaviors (De Young, 1986;
ciency of PET bottle collection and other waste segregation, the fol- Huang et al., 2011; Nyamwange, 1996; Sia et al., 1985; Vining
lowing four actions are recommended. They are cap removal, label and Ebreo, 1990). People who feel easy to use recycling stations
ripping (removal), bottle washing, and bottle compacting. How- relatively participate in recycling activities more (Vencatasawmy
ever, the quality of collected PET bottles is usually bad because for- et al., 2000). Dupré and Meineri reported that social comparative
eign materials like other plastic bottles, cans, and glasses are feedback could effectively improve people’s enthusiasm for recy-
always mixed with PET bottles. Sorting process is always necessary cling (Dupré and Meineri, 2016). In addition, effective recycling
for PET bottle recycles. In addition, some PET bottles are still mostly depends on proper infrastructure (Malakahmad et al.,
2010; Yoreh and Horne, 2014). The effective promotion, provi-
sion, and availability of appropriate recycling bins can signifi-
⇑ Corresponding author. cantly increase the participation levels in a recycling
E-mail address: takahashi.f.af@m.titech.ac.jp (F. Takahashi). programme and support its success (Perry and Williams, 2007;

0956-053X/Ó 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Q. Jiang et al. / Waste Management 95 (2019) 32–42 33

Robinson and Read, 2005; Šauer et al., 2008; Wan et al., 2014; 2.1. Recycling bin design
Willman, 2015). Andrews et al reported that commingled recy-
cling bins had the most accurate efficiency of recyclable waste In this research, we focused on four design items to design PET
separation (Andrews et al., 2013). When recycling bins give some bottle bins.
visual impacts, they can function as the best advertisement for a
recycling scheme and their distinctive appearance can serve as a (1) The first is single or multi tasks of a recycling bin. In the case
visual signal of the users’ ethical obligation to participate in of a single task, individual recycling bin was designed only
recycling activities (Lakhan, 2016; McDonald and Ball, 1998; for bottles or caps. Two recycling bins were used to collect
Smith et al.,1999). In this sense, the design of recycling bins bottles and caps separately. All-in-one type was also
and their impact on waste collection and separation perfor- designed to collect both bottles and caps by only one recy-
mances have been concerned. Table 1 shows a brief overview cling bin. It has two insert slots for bottles and caps, respec-
of the prior research for the recycling bin design. Kalatzi et al tively. This design item aims to investigate which design can
found the distance and color have been significant factors for give people a stronger notice of cap removal request.
the selection of the recycling bin (Kalatzi et al, 2015). Aras and (2) The second design item is inside-visibility. The front of a
Anarat suggested the recycling bins should be put near the place recycling bin is see-through so that people can see bottles,
with a higher amount of recyclable material (Aras and Anarat, caps, and other wastes inside recycling bins. It might notice
2016). Keramitsoglou and Tsagarakis highlighted public prefer- people cap removal request and let them easily recognize
ence of recycling bin designs focusing on color, shape, lid, insert recycling bins for PET bottles/caps, not other wastes.
slot, and signage with thorough reviews of previous researches (3) The third design item is signage like ‘‘Bottle” and ‘‘Cap”. They
(Keramitsoglou and Tsagarakis, 2018). According to the question- are shown near insert slots. Wording notice might be more
naire survey with statistical analysis, highly preferred designs instructive to deliver cap removal request than visual design
depend on recycling items individually. They proposed a possible of recycling bins.
connection between preferred colors of recycling bins and those (4) The last design item is insert slot shape. Round and bottle-
of recycling items. Signage with positive message might encour- like shapes were tested in this study. The shape might be
age recycling behaviors. When recycling bins with inappropriate more illustrative than wording notice.
design were used with insufficient capacity, it resulted in poor
collection efficiency (Pattnaik and Reddy, 2010). Duffy and Ten designed recycling bins are illustrated in Fig. 1a. Featuring
Verges reported that a lip/insert hole in the bin could encourage design items in each designed recycling bin are summarized in
people to drop wastes correctly (Duffy and Verges, 2009). Loca- Fig. 1b.
tion of recycling bins is a critical factor which affects waste col-
lection performance of recycling bins (O’Connor et al., 2010). On
2.2. WEB questionnaire survey for perceptive preference quantification
the other hand, recycling bin researches based on on-site exper-
iments (waste collections) are still limited. In particular, the
2.2.1. Questionnaire condition
design effect on waste collection and separation performances
Perceptive preferences of designed PET bottle bins (type 1–6)
are still uncertain.
were measured by binary pairwise comparison method using
In this context, this study focuses on a recycling bin for PET bot-
web questionnaire. Two photos of designed PET bottle bins were
tles. The present research designed 10 different recycling bins for
shown to the questionee. They selected a preferred bin which they
PET bottle in order to explore the design preference of PET bottle
felt easy to remove a cap and drop a bottle into a recycling bin.
recycling bins and its effect on collection performance of PET bot-
According to on-site surveys of collected PET bottles by the
tles. In this study, we focused on cap removal from bottles and
authors, cans and other plastic bottles were always mixed with
recycling contamination ratio.
PET bottles. In order to investigate the effect of insert slot shape
on recycling contaminations, perceptive preferences of insert slot
2. Methodology shapes were also measured by the same method with design pref-
erence surveys. In this study, six different shapes were designed for
In this section, the design concept of recycling bin is insert slot and tested without showing the whole recycling bin (see
described firstly. Quantification method of perceptive preference Fig. 4b). Tested shapes are round, ellipse, rectangle, diamond,
of recycling bin designs and insert slot shapes using web- square, and bottle-like shape. Web questionnaires for perceptive
questionnaire is followed. It aims to investigate connections preferences of recycling bin designs and insert slot shapes were
between perceptive preferences and human behaviors (cap conducted in December in 2012 and to October to December in
removal and recycling contamination). Finally, on-site experi- 2014, respectively (QuickmillÒ, Macromill Co. Japan). Recycling
ments of PET bottle collection performances using designed recy- bin photos or illustrations of insert slots were presented randomly
cling bins and statistical test of monitoring data are described. It to the questionees in the survey. In each web questionnaire,
aims to investigate the impacts of each design item on human answer data of 210 persons were collected. The questionees were
behaviors. adjusted to balance equal gender ratio and equal age distribution

Table 1
Brief overview of prior studies on recycling bins design.

Reference Place Recycling bins Method Design items

Andrews et al. (2013) Chicago, USA Original bins Collection experiments Setting location, signage, all-in-one or separated
Duffy and Verges (2009) USA Designed bins Collection experiments Lid
Keramitsoglou and Tsagarakis (2018) Didimoticho, Greece Designed bins Questionnaires Lid, insert slot shape, color, signage
Kalatzi et al. (2015) Greece Designed bins Questionnaires Color, distance
O’Connor et al. (2010) USA Original bins Collection experiments Number, location
Aras and Anarat (2016) Istanbul, Turkey Designed bins Collection experiments Location (placement)
34 Q. Jiang et al. / Waste Management 95 (2019) 32–42

Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Type 4 Type 5

Type 6 Type 7 Type 8 Type 9 Type 10

Type Separated bin Inside visibility Signage Insert slot shape

Fig. 1. 10 types of recycling bins designed for investigating the visual effect: (a) illustration of 10 recycling bins, (b) featuring points in 10 recycling bin designs.

with a 10-year interval (20 s, 30 s, 40 s, 50 s, and 60 s). It should be to describe the relation between selection ratio and the difference
noted that web questionnaires were conducted in Japanese lan- of perceptive preference. In this study, it is assumed that the con-
guage and respondents were only Japanese citizens. In addition, tinuous dispersion of perceptive preferences of two objects in ‘‘dis-
there should be a large age gap between the web questionnaires criminal processes” are uncorrelated and have a common variance
and on-site experiments in Suzukakedai campus of Tokyo Tech. (case V in Thurstone’s classification). Therefore, the relation
In the on-site experiments, major participants were undergraduate between selection ratio and the difference of perceptive preference
and graduate students with the age of less than 30. Therefore, is described by Eq. (1) (Thurstone, 1959)
design preferences of only 20 s persons were also calculated for
the comparison. The checklist for web questionnaires, proposed Z
by Angeliki et al. (2016), were answered and listed in the supple- 1 Z AB
ðZ A  Z B Þ2
F ðAÞ ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffi exp dZ A ; ð1Þ
mentary information (see Table S1). 2pr 1 2r2

2.2.2. Perceptive preferences of recycling bin design and insert slot where F(A) is the selection ratio of object A (recycling bin design or
shape insert slot shape). r is the standard deviation and assumed 1.0. ZA
According to answer data of web questionnaires, the selection and ZB are preference degrees of object A and object B, respectively.
ratio of each recycling bin design or insert slot shape were calcu- ZAB (=ZA-ZB) is the difference of perceptive preference between
lated. They were transformed into the degree of perceptive prefer- object A and B. Each selection ratio data (F(A)) was inversely trans-
ence by Thurston’s law of comparative judgment (Thurstone, formed to the difference of perceptive preference (ZAB). All of the
1927). It is assumed that selection ratios correspond to the differ- perceptive preference differences including a target object were
ence of perceptive preference between two objects presented to summarized and the average was calculated. Perceptive preference
the questionee. In this case, they are recycling bin design or insert degrees of all objects are relative with each other. Therefore, it is
slot shape. When the questionees feel higher preference to a cer- assumed that the average of perceptive preferences of all objects
tain design or slot shape than the other, selection ratio of the pre- is zero. Owing to this assumption, the average of perceptive prefer-
ferred design or the preferred slot shape will increase ence differences between the target object and the others is equal to
correspondingly. On the other hand, the selection ratio of less pre- its preference degree (e.g. ZA). Using this method, perceptive prefer-
ferred design/slot shape will decrease. Thurston’s law of compara- ence degrees were calculated for six designs of PET bottle bins (type
tive judgment assumes cumulative Gaussian normal distribution 1–6) and six shapes of insert slots.
Q. Jiang et al. / Waste Management 95 (2019) 32–42 35

2.3. PET bottle collection experiments using designed recycling bins statistical test, the words ‘‘significant” or ‘‘significantly” are always
described in the text.
2.3.1. Experimental condition
Ten types of designed recycling bins for PET bottles were made
using hardboard and set in Suzukakedai campus of Tokyo Institute 3. Results and discussion
of Technology in Yokohama city, Japan. They were colored by red
spraying to let them look like usual recycling bins made of plastics 3.1. Perceptive preference of designed PET bottle bins
or metals. However, it should be noted that they might still have
looked strange bins and affected participants’ recognition and their Six designed PET bottle bins are ordered based on their prefer-
behaviors. This limitation should be taken into consideration for ence degrees and are illustrated in Fig. 4a. The preferences of six
data analysis and discussions. Participants included the students, recycling bin designs are ordered as type 3 > type 6 > type 1 > type
University staffs, and visitors to the campus. Designed recycling 2 > type 5 > type 4. The most preferred PET bottle bin is type 3. It is
bins were located alone near PET bottle vending machines or with two separated and inside-visible bins with signage near the insert
other recycling bins for combustible wastes, incombustible wastes, slot. The second most preferred PET bottle bin is type 6, which is an
and cans as shown in Fig. 2. In the case of ‘‘inside-visible” designs ‘‘all-in-one” type with the signage and invisible front (inside-
(type 2, 5, 9 and 10), some uncapped bottles and some caps were invisible). Type 1 design, which is a separated and inside-
put inside recycling bins before experiments in order to notice par- invisible bin without signage, has the third highest preference.
ticipants cap removal request and only PET bottle drop. During the The worst preferred design is type 4, which is all-in-one and
experiment campaign, more than 100 PET bottles were collected inside-invisible recycling bin without signage. When all-in-one/
by each type of recycling bin excluding the type 10. Collected separated design item is focused on, separated bin designs always
PET bottles were sorted to capped bottles and uncapped ones. have higher preferences than all-in-one designs (type 3 > type 6,
The numbers of PET bottles with/without a cap, removed caps, type 1 > type 4, and type 2 > type 5). In terms of inside-visible/
and other wastes were counted. PET bottles collected by designed invisible design item, its effect on design preference is unclear.
recycling bins were monitored once or twice per week. When recycling bin is separated design (type 1 and 2), inside-
invisible design (type 1) is preferred more than inside-visible
design (type 2). On the other hand, inside-visible design (type 5)
2.3.2. Data analysis of PET bottle collection experiments
has higher preference than inside-invisible design (type 4) when
Using the numbers of bottles with/without caps, removed caps,
recycling bins are the all-in-one type. Signage (‘‘bottle” and ‘‘cap”)
and recycling contaminations collected by each type of recycling
near the insert slot are effective on design preference. All bin
bin, cap removal ratio and recycling contamination ratio were cal-
designs with signage (type 3 and 6) have higher preference than
culated by Eqs. (2) and (3), respectively.
the other designs without signage. According to the results of
Nnon web-questionnaire, it is concluded that signage and separated
CRR ¼  100% ð2Þ bin designs increase design preference but inside-visibility is
Ncap þ Nnon
unclear in terms of design preference.
Perceptive preferences using questionnaire data sorted by gen-
Nwaste der of age are listed in supplementary Table S2. Gender gave small
RCR ¼  100% ð3Þ
Ncap þ Nnon differences in the preferences. Female prefers Type 3 and Type 6
designs more than male. However, the order of design preferences
where CRR and RCR are cap removal ratio and recycling contamina- is not changed. Small differences by age were also found. For exam-
tions ratio (other waste mixture ratio), respectively. Ncap and Nnon ple, the 20 s persons preferred the type 6 (all-in-one bin) more
are the numbers of bottles with and without a cap, respectively. than type 3 (separated bin). However, the separated designs are
Nwaste is the number of all wastes, excluding PET bottles, collected (type 1 and type 2) still preferred more than all-in-one designs
by designed PET bottle bins. (type 4 and type 5). In addition, bin designs with signage (type 3
In order to evaluate the effect of each design item on cap and type 6) are always preferred more than other designs. There-
removal ratio and recycling contamination ratio, three recycling fore, it is considered non-necessary to change the conclusion men-
bin designs including the same target design item were grouped tioned above even when only 20 s data are focused on.
for a statistical test. For example, in order to investigate the effect
of ‘‘separated” bin design, a group of type 1, 2, and 3 were com-
pared to the ‘‘all-in-one” type group (type 4, 5, and 6). They are 3.2. Perceptive preference of insert slot shapes
shown in Fig. 3. The differences of cap removal ratio and recycling
contamination ratio were tested by one-sided paired t-test with 5% The preference degrees of insert slot shapes are illustrated in
of significance level. When significant differences of cap removal Fig. 4b and summarized in supplementary Table S3. The bottle-
ratio or recycling contamination ratio were accepted by the like shape has the highest preference degree. The round shape is
the second most preferred. Square and diamond have the worst
preference degrees. The highest preference of bottle-like shape
agrees with the expectation because it is noticeable for bottle dis-
posal. Higher preferences of round and eclipse shapes than square
and other box shapes might be explained by cross-section shape of
PET bottles (usually round shape). Round or round-like shapes
might inspire bottle disposal more than square or square-like
shapes. These preferences are not affected significantly by gender
and age. As shown in Table S3, perceptive preferences of insert slot
shape for 20 s persons are very similar to those for all age persons
shown in Fig. 4b. Therefore, the age seems to give no significant
impact on the discussion on associations between PET bottle col-
Fig. 2. Setting condition of recycling bins in this experiment. lection performances and design preferences of insert slot shape.
36 Q. Jiang et al. / Waste Management 95 (2019) 32–42

(1) Effect of separated bin (2) Effect of inside visibility

(3) Effect of signage (4) Effect of insert slot shape

Wording in the front works as signage?

Cap removal Contamination

Fig. 3. Paired comparison to evaluate the effect of recycling bin design on cap removal encouragement and contamination decrease.

According to the highest preference of bottle-like shape, three There is a large difference between the highest cap removal
additional designs of recycling bins with insert slot of bottle-like ratio (79.8% for type 10) and the lowest one (50.9% for type 4).
shape (type 7, 8, and 10) were added to the original six designs When the average of cap removal ratios is focused on for each
(type 1–6) for on-site experiments for PET bottle collection as well design group shown in Fig. 6, the all-in-one recycling bin (type 4,
as type 9 design. 5, and 6) has 9% higher ratio than the separated bin (type 1, 2
and 3). ‘‘Inside-visible” recycling bin (type 2, 5, 9, and10) has 5%
3.3. The effect of recycling bin design on cap removal ratio higher ratio than ‘‘inside-invisible” bin (type 1, 4, 6, and 7). The
average ratio of the recycling bin with signage near insert slot
All results of collection experiments are summarized in Fig. 5. (type 3, 6, 7, and 9) is 9% higher than that of ‘‘no signage” bin (type
To investigate the effect of each design item (separated/all-in- 1, 4, 8, and 5). Insert slot with bottle-like shape (type 7, 8, and 10)
one, inside-visible/invisible, signage/no signage near insert slot, is better than round shape slot (type 4, 6, and 9). However, one-
and round/bottle-like insert slot) as shown in Fig. 3, the averages sided paired t-test with 5% of significance level suggests that these
of cap removal ratios and recycling contamination ratios of each differences are not significant. Signage effect on rap removal ratio
design group are shown in Fig. 6. might be masked by inappropriate designs of recycling bins. Type 1
Q. Jiang et al. / Waste Management 95 (2019) 32–42 37

a Six designed PET bottle bins

Type 4 Type 5 Type 2 Type 1 Type 6 Type 3

-0.60 -0.40 -0.20 0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60

Low High
Preference degree

b Insert slot shape

-0.40 -0.20 0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60

Low High
Preference degree

Fig. 4. Preference degree of tested designs: (a) six designed PET bottle bins (type 1 to 6), (b) the insert slot shape.

and 3 designs have large size wording (Cap) in the front. Because 9 design. Type 10 design, which is also inside-visible and has sig-
caption with larger font size has higher preference than smaller nage near inset slot, had comparative recycling contamination
one (Grobelny and Michalski, 2015), they might work as signage ratio with other designs excluding type 2 and 5. It also supports
primarily and make the small size signage near insert slot negligi- signage contribution to low recycling contamination. It would be
ble in type 3 design. In magazine advertisement analysis, signifi- discussed again in this section. Accidental events should be also
cantly larger attention was received with increase of surface size considered. If other wastes are dropped incorrectly to the inside-
of text element (Pieters and Wedel, 2004). In fact, type 1 design visible recycling bin, they might discourage people from waste
(no signage near insert slot) has higher cap removal ratio than type separation and correct disposal. When this cycle starts, recycling
3 (with signage). On the other hand, other designs with signage contaminations will be accelerated and let people less conscious
near insert slot (type 6, 7, and 9) always have higher removal ratios to waste separation. Berger and Hevenstone also report that the
than their counter designs (no signage: type 4, 8, and 5). When signs of disorder; a littered condition of recycling bin might
type 1 and 3 are excluded from signage comparison group shown weaken norm maintenance and increase scattered waste disposal
in Fig. 3, significant differences of cap removal ratios between recy- (Berger and Hevenstone, 2016). This negative cycle might have
cling bins with signage and no signage were regarded (p = 0.0328). happened at the early stage of PET bottle collection experiments
Therefore, this study suggests no clear effect of recycling bin using type 2 and 5 design bins but not happened in the experiment
designs excluding signage on cap removal. However, it should be using type 9 and 10 recycling bins. If this mechanism really occurs,
noted that experimental data in this study might be too small to the design effect of separated/all-in-one bins on recycling contam-
identify design effect beyond experimental biases/errors. ination ratio should be carefully evaluated. Fig. 6 shows that the
average ratio of recycling contaminations of separated bin group
3.4. The effect of recycling bin design on the ratio of recycling (type 1, 2, and 3) is clearly higher than that of all-in-one bin group
contaminations (type 4, 5, and 6). However, this difference is not regarded as sig-
nificant by the paired t-test. When data of type 2 design and its
Experimental results of recycling contaminations for all counter-design (type 5) are excluded, average ratios of recycling
designed bins are summarized in Figs. 5 and 6. As shown in Figs. 5 contaminations are comparable (19.9% for separated bin design
and 6, type 2 design, which is inside-visible with round insert slot and 18.9% for all-in-one design). Therefore, it can be concluded that
and no signage, had greatly higher ratio of recycling contamina- the effect of separated/all-in-one bin design is negligible on recy-
tions than other types. The other ‘‘inside-visible” recycling bin cling contamination ratio. Owing to higher preferences of recycling
(type 5) has the second highest recycling contamination ratio. On bin designs with signage shown in Fig. 4a (type 3 and 6) and lower
the other hand, type 9 design had almost equal ratio with contamination ratios of type 9 and 10 designs (inside-visible with
counter-design bin (inside-invisible; type 6) although it is also signage) than those of type 2 and 5 (inside-visible without sig-
inside-visible design. This difference might be contributed by sig- nage), a significant effect of signage on recycling contaminations
nage and/or accidental events. Type 2 and 5 designs have no sig- was expected. However, the paired t-test suggests no significant
nage but type 9 design has signage near insert slot. Signage effect (p = 0.302). It is inconsistent with previous researches
might have contributed to low recycling contamination for type reporting that encouraging/motivational signs could be a simple
38 Q. Jiang et al. / Waste Management 95 (2019) 32–42

a Ratio of cap removal

Alone Together Total









Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Type 4 Type 5 Type 6 Type 7 Type 8 Type 9 Type 10
Alone 70.89 61.59 57.28 52.07 64.43 65.78 68.29 45.78 68.75 85.26
Together 38 47.83 45.9 55.97 73.18 78.87 82.14 68.71 83.21 82.19
Total 62.98 55.64 55.1 55.22 70 73.67 74.53 57.14 76.54 83.77

b Ratio of recycling contamination

120 113.91

Alone Together Total




39.51 39.16
40 35.12

28.93 28.57
25.24 24.5
21.19 22.52
21.2 20.17 20.36
18.51 17.72 18.93
20 15.65 15.07
10 10.69
4.1 3.83 3.17 4.11

Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Type 4 Type 5 Type 6 Type 7 Type 8 Type 9 Type 10
Alone 21.2 113.91 25.24 28.93 102.01 45.99 35.12 39.16 28.57 43.59
Together 10 15.65 4.1 15.07 3.83 3.17 7.14 1.23 10.69 4.11
Total 18.51 71.43 21.19 17.72 39.51 20.17 22.52 20.36 18.93 24.5

Fig. 5. Ratio of cap removal (a) and recycling contamination (b) of 10 designed PET bottle bins.

and low-cost method to enhance recycling (Verdonk, et al., 2017; Insert slot shape is effective on recycling contamination ratio
Becker et al.,2014). As described in Section 3.3, large size wording (p = 0.038). Round shape designs (type 4, 6, and 9) generated sig-
(PET bottle) in the front for type 1, 3, 4, 7, and 8 design bins might nificantly lower ratios of recycling contaminations than bottle-
have worked as primary signage and masked the effect of signage like shape designs (type 7, 8, and 10). Because bottle-like insert slot
near insert slot. When only type 5 and 9 designs (inside-visible and has greatly higher preference degree than round insert slot (see
no large size wording in the front) are compared, recycling bin Fig. 4b), this result is contradictory to perceptive preferences of
with signage near insert slot (type 9) has much lower contamina- round insert slot and bottle-like insert slot. It might be possible
tion ratio than the bin without signage (type 5) (see Fig. 5b). In to explain the gap between perceptive preference of insert slot
addition, when type 1 and 4 design bins (large size wording ‘‘PET shape and waste separation behavior using the Theory of Planned
bottle” in the front) are compared to type 2 and 5 (no word in Behaviour (Ajzen, 1991). Xu et al included ‘‘perceived moral obliga-
the front owing to see-through window), the average of contami- tion” and ‘‘past experience” to extend this psychological model (Xu
nation ratio of the former group (=18.1%) is greatly lower than that et al., 2017). In household waste separation behaviors of Hangzhou
of the latter group (=55.5%). Although this study partially supports residents in China, past experience contributed to ‘‘behavior” as
signage contribution to lower contamination, it failed to verify the much as ‘‘intention”. On the other hand, ‘‘attitude” has no impact
significant effect of signage on waste contamination statistically on intention. The round shape is common for conventional
owing to inappropriate designs. recycling bins for PET bottles and cans in Japan. Therefore, Japanese
Q. Jiang et al. / Waste Management 95 (2019) 32–42 39

80 80

60 60

Ratio(%) 40 40

20 20

0 0
Separeted bin All-in-one Inside invisible Inside visible
(Type 1,2 ,3) (Type 4,5,6) (Type 1,4, 6, 7) (Type 2,5,9,10)
80 80.0

60 60.0

40 40.0

20 20.0

0 0.0
No signage Signage Round shape Bottle shape
(Type 1,4 ,8,5) (Type 3,6 ,7,9) (Type 4,6 ,9) (Type 7,8 ,10)

Ratio of cap removal Ratio of contamination

Fig. 6. Comparison of design effects (4 design items) on cap removal and recycling contamination (the average ratio) (note: error bar is 95% confidence interval).

citizen should have rich experiences that they dropped PET bottles recycling contaminations accidentally happens, ‘‘together” setting
to a recycling bin with a round insert slot. Perceptive preference of of recycling bins might guide people to drop their wastes correctly.
insert slot shape can be included in attitude. In this sense, the
result in this study agrees with the structural model proposed by
Xu et al. However, it should be noted that contributions of model 3.5.2. The combined effect of setting condition and design item on cap
variables to ‘‘behavior” depend on cultural context, social pressure, removal
and others (Klöckner, 2013, Oreg and Katz-Gerro, 2006, Stoeva and The averages of cap removal ratio under each setting condition
Alriksson, 2017). Further study is still necessary to verify the signif- are shown in Fig. 7. When a PET bottle bin was set alone, no signif-
icant effect of insert slot shape on recycling contamination. icant difference was found for each design item (separated/all-in-
one, inside-visible/invisible, with/without signage near insert slot,
and round/bottle-like insert slot) in terms of cap removal ratio. As
3.5. The combined effect of setting condition and recycling bin design described in Section 3.3, however, type 1 and 3 should be excluded
on PET bottle collection in the statistical test of signage effect owing to large size wording
(Cap) in the front of recycling bins. When they are excluded, a sig-
3.5.1. The effect of recycling bin setting condition on PET bottle nificant difference of cap removal ratio was still not detected but
collection its p value got close to significance level (p = 0.062). On the other
In order to carefully analyze the design effect of recycling bins, hand, significant differences caused by design items were found
the authors focused on the setting condition of recycling bins. As in the case of ‘‘together” setting. Signages are effective to increase
described in the previous Section 2.3.1, a PET bottle bin was cap removal ratio (p = 0.013). In addition, all-in-one design bins
set alone or together with other recycling bins for combustible also have significantly higher average ratio of cap removal than
wastes, incombustible wastes, and others in this experimental separated design bins (p = 0.014). It is contrast to design preference
campaign (see Fig. 2). All data of cap removal ratio and recycling measured by the web questionnaire (see Fig. 4a). Although sepa-
contamination ratio were separated by the setting condition rated design was preferred more than all-in-one design, all-in-
(‘‘alone” or ‘‘together”). Separated results are summarized in one design produces higher cap removal ratio than separated bin
Fig. 5. The paired t-test using all data of type 1–10 designs suggests design. Because a small recycling bin for caps was smaller than
that ‘‘together” setting gave no significant impact on cap removal other recycling bins, ‘‘together” setting might let the cap bin less
ratio (p = 0.387) but significantly decreased recycling contamina- noticeable. It is supported partially by the results that all separated
tion (p = 0.0015). This finding is similar to previous researches design bins (Type 1, 2, and 3) had lower cap removal ratios than all
(Andrews et al., 2013, Heathcote et al., 2010). Waste separation of other design bins at ‘‘together” setting (see Fig. 5a). All-in-one
was promoted with the increase of recycling bin combination. In designs required a shorter action to drop a cap into the insert slot
the previous Section 3.4, it is proposed that incorrectly disposed than separated designs. It might also have contributed to this dif-
wastes might have promoted recycling contaminations for ference. Kalatzi et al. also reported that shorter action was pre-
‘‘inside-visible” design bins. Fig. 5b and the statistical test suggest ferred to drop a waste. People chose the nearest recycling bins
that this ‘‘waste-invite-waste” mechanism can be inhibited when a from the place in which a plastic bottle was found (Kalatzi et al.,
PET bottle bin was set together with other recycling bins. Even if 2015). On the other hand, when separated design bins were
40 Q. Jiang et al. / Waste Management 95 (2019) 32–42

Alone setting
on recycling contamination might be decreased when recycling
bins are set with other bins. As described in Section 3.4, recycling
100 100 bins with large size wording in the front (type 1 and 4) are com-
80 80 pared to those with no-wording bins (type 2 and 5) when wording
in the front is considered as primary signage. Under ‘‘alone” setting


condition, the average of contamination ratio of wording bins
40 40 (=25.1%) is greatly lower than that of no-wording bins (=108%).
The paired t-test also suggests a significant difference between
20 20
wording bins (type 1 and 4) and no-wording bins (type 2 and 5)
0 0 (p = 0.038). On the other hand, the difference becomes less than
Separtated All-in-one Inside invisible Inside visible
(Type 1,2 ,3) (Type 4,5,6) (Type 1,4 ,6,7) (Type 2,5, 9,
3% points under ‘‘alone” setting condition. They are 12.5% for word-
100 100 10) ing bins and 9.74% for no-wording bins, respectively. The depen-
dency of signage effect to setting condition might be explained
80 80
by its noticeability. When several recycling bins are set, wording
60 60 in the front of the bin receives less attention and thus gives less

40 40 effect on recycling contamination. It is proposed that object-

based attention decreases with increase of object set
20 20 (Janiszewski, 1998; Peschel et al., 2013). Because the number of
0 0 objects in a scene create visual clutter or visual crowding, it inhi-
No signage Signage Round shape Bottle shape bits the identification of target object (Levi, 2008, Rosenholtz
(Type 1,4 ,8,5) (Type 3,6 ,7,9) (Type 4,6 ,9) (Type 7,8 ,10)
et al., 2007, Whitney and Levi, 2011). In ‘‘together” setting, graph-
Together setting ical signage is recommended rather than wording. Wu et al
100 100 reported that graphical signage was better than wording in terms
of waste sorting performance (Wu et al., 2018).
80 80


3.6. Limitations of this study and recommendations for further study
40 40

20 20 Limitations of this study is small diversity of persons involved

in on-site experiments. The most of recycling bin users were
0 0
Separtated All-in-one Inside invisible Inside visible University students and staffs in Tokyo Tech. They were young,
(Type 1,2 ,3) (Type 4,5,6) (Type 1,4 ,6,7) (Type 2,5,9,10) highly educated, biased to male majority, and might have stronger
100 100 consciousness on waste recycling than general people. Because
these properties can give some impacts on waste separation per-
formances (Liere and Dunlap,1980; Samdahl and
60 60


Robertson,1989), the collected data might be biased compared to

40 40 experiments in public spaces. It might also have caused the non-
20 20 negligible gaps between perceptive preference of recycling bin
designs and PET bottle collection performances to some extent.
0 0
No signage Signage Round shape Bottle shape This study found that it was difficult to explain human behaviors
(Type 1,4 ,8,5) (Type 3,6 ,7,9) (Type 4,6 ,9) (Type 7,8 ,10) (cap removal and waste separation) using only perceptive prefer-
Ratio of cap removal Ratio of foreign materials ences of recycling bins. An approach using expanded models in
the Theory of Planned Behavior might be promising to quantita-
Fig. 7. Comparison of design effects (4 design items) on cap removal and recycling
contamination (the average ratio in two setting conditions) (note: error bar is 95% tively evaluate contributions of design preferences to waste sepa-
confidence interval). ration behaviors in psychological processes (Conner and
Armitage,1998; Xu et al., 2017; Stoeva and Alriksson,2017). On
the other hand, this study also found that the design effect on
set alone, the smaller recycling bin for caps is noticeable. Its contri- cap removal and waste separation had a dependency to setting
bution to cap removal might be comparable to the effect of shorter condition of recycling bins. It might be explained by the noticeabil-
action requirement on cap removal for all-in-one design bins. ity of design items. The theory of competition of attention, pro-
posed by Janiszewski (1998) and modified by Peschel et al.
(2013), might be useful to verify the attention to design items, in
3.5.3. The combined effect of setting condition and design item on
particular wording/signage, quantitatively. In terms of rational
recycling contamination
designing of recycling bins, not only psychological approaches
No significant design effect was found on recycling contamina-
but also sensing/monitoring technology-based approaches might
tion ratio under both two setting conditions. The effect of signage
be taken into consideration. Sensorized recycling bins are effective
on recycling contamination and its dependency to setting condi-
for routing optimization of collection trucks (Rovetta et al., 2009;
tion needs careful discussion. When only type 5 and 9 designs
Wen et al., 2018). Appropriate design for accurate sensing of recy-
(inside-visible and no large size wording in the front of the bin)
cling bins is also a promising approach.
are compared, recycling bin with signage near insert slot (type 9)
has 72% lower contamination ratio than the bin without signage
(type 5) under ‘‘alone” setting condition. Signage contribution to 4. Conclusion
lower recycling contamination is consistent to previous researches
(Verdonk, et al., 2017; Becker et al., 2014). On the other hand, the This study investigated the effect of PET bottle bin designs on
recycling bin with signage (type 9) has 1.8 times higher contami- cap removal and recycling contamination. Although bottle-like
nation ratio than the bin without signage (type 5) under ‘‘together” shape was more preferred for insert slot than round shape, recy-
setting condition. These contrast results suggest that signage effect cling bin with round insert slot had significantly lower recycling
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