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Distribusi : regional

Characteristic pattern : asimetry bilateral

Location : pergelangan kaki, pergelangan tangan
Characteristic of lesion : multiple, confluence,
irregular, 0,5 x 0,7 s/d 3x2 cm, well- defined,
depressed, dry
Type of lesion : macula eritem, macula
hipopigmentasi, likenifikasi

Distribusi : generalize
Characteristic pattern : asimetry bilateral
Location : hampir diseluruh tubuh
Characteristic of lesion : multiple, mostly confluence,
bulat hingga irregular, 0,5 x 0,5 s/d 4x7 cm dan 1x2x1
cm s/d 3x2x2cm, well-defined, mostly elevated, dry
Type of lesion : macula eritem, macula
hipopigmentasi, edema circumscript

Distribusi : regional
Characteristic pattern : unilateral
Location : perut
Characteristic of lesion : multiple, mostly confluence,
bulat hingga irregular, 0.2x 0.2cm s/d 4x6 cm dan 0.3 x
0.2 x 0.2 cm s/d 12 x 8 x 3 cm, well-defined, mostly
elevated, dry
Type of lesion : macula eritem, papula, skuama kasar
berlapis lapis

Distribusi : regional
Characteristic pattern : simetry
Location : pipi, dagu (glabrous)
Characteristic of lesion : multiple, confluence,
irregular, 3x5 cm s/d 5x6 cm, well-defined, depressed,
mostly wet
Type of lesion : macula eritem, erosi
Distribusi : regional
Characteristic pattern : unilateral
Location : telinga dan pergelangan tangan
Characteristic of lesion : multiple, confluence, bulat
hingga irregular, 2,5x2,5 c, s/d 2,5x3 cm, well-defined,
depressed, mostly wet
Type of lesion : macula eritem, erosi

Distribusi : generalized
Characteristic pattern :
Location : hampir seluruh tubuh
Characteristic of lesion : multiple, mostly confluence,
bulat hingga irregular, 0,5x 0,5 cm, s/d 40x 40 cm dan
0,3x0,3x0,1 s/d 2x3x0,1 cm, well-defined, mostly
elevated, mostly dry
Type of lesion : edema, macula eritem, vesicle, bullae,
erosi, krusta sanguinolenta

Distribusi : regional
Characteristic pattern : unilateral
Location : pipi (glabrous). KALO PICT YG PAS UJIAN
pipi(exposed area)&jidat(glabrous)
Characteristic of lesion : multiple, mostly confluence,
bulat, oval, irregular, ,2 x 0,2 cm s/d 2x2 cm dan 0,2 x
0,2 x 0,2 s/d 0,5 x 07 x 0,2 cm, well-defined, mostly
elevated, dry
Type of lesion : macula eritem, papula, pustule,
terdapat excoriation

Distribusi : regional
Characteristic pattern : asimetry bilateral
Location : bokong, paha, mons pubis, lutut, perut
Characteristic of lesion : multiple, mostly discrete,
mostly irregular, 1x1 cm s/d 4x5 cm dan 0,5x0,5x0,1
s/d 1x1x0,1 cm, well-defined, mostly depressed, dry
Type of lesion : macula eritem, papula
Distribusi : regional
Characteristic pattern : mostly bilateral
Location : dada, pinggang,paha, lengan atas
Characteristic of lesion : multiple, confluence, bulat
hingga irregular, 5x3 cm s/d 7x8 cm dan 2x2x0,1 s/d
2x4x0,3 cm, well-defined, mostly depressed, dry
Type of lesion : macula hiperpigmentasi, bullae

Distribusi : regional
Characteristic pattern : unilateral
Location : kuku dan kulit sekitar kuku
Characteristic of lesion :
- Kuku : onikodistrofi, subungual debris
- Kulit : single, irregular, ukuran 4x7cm,
Type of lesion : macula eritem, skuama

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