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Acta 11, 170-178 (1972) I

From the Department o/Applied Mathematics, Indian Institute o/Science, Bangalore (India)

Peristaltic m o t i o n o f a n o n - N e w t o n i a n fluid
By K. K. Ra]u and R. D e v a n a t h a n
With 7 figures and 4 tables
(Received September 15, 1971)
1. Introduction Since it has been realized t h a t blood can be treated
as a pscudqplastic fluid for all practical purposes the
Peristaltic motion is of very frequent occurrence in aim of the present paper is to s t u d y the peristaltic
physiological flows; particularly, peristaltic pumping is motion of a power law fluid in a cylindrical tube with
often used in medical instruments such as the heart a sinusoidal wave of small amplitude travelling down
lung machine, as well as occurring naturally in ureters its wall.
etc. Many authors have investigated the oscillatory Following the analysis of Chow (9), we obtain the
flow problems in tubes considering the pressure gradient solution for the stream function as a power series in
to v a r y exponentially. B u t it is known t h a t the physio- terms of the amplitude of deformation. The streamline
logical flows are not only maintained by pressure p a t t e r n s for Newtonian a n d non-Newtonian fluids are
gradient, b u t are supported b y the motion of the depicted graphically. I t is found t h a t for low pressure
boundaries. I n order to study such flows in detail gradient the streamlines form closed loops a n d for
several investigations have been carried out represent- higher pressure gradient the streamlines run parallel
ing t h e physiological passages as elastic tubes. Skalak to the axis of the tube when considered near the axis,
(1) a n d Rudinger (2) have reviewed different mathe- whereas a considerable deformation is noted when
matical methods t h a t are made use of to u n d e r s t a n d considered near the boundary. This type of streamline
these problems. p a t t e r n is similar to t h e one observed b y Burns and
The theoretical approach for studying peristaltic Parkes (6) for the Newtonian fluid.
motion has been investigated b y Shapiro (3) for the
case of two-dimensional channel and b y Shapiro,
Jaffrin, and Weinberg (4) for a n axisymmetric tube.
Shapiro and Latham (5) have given some experimental 2. Basic equations and formulation of the
results which m a y be compared with the theoretical problem
predictions. Later, Burns and Parkes (6) have discussed
the peristaltic motion in b o t h two-dimensional and The non-Newtonian fluid of a power law
axisymmetric cases under the assumption of small model is characterised by the constitutive
Reynolds n u m b e r and linearised b o u n d a r y conditions. equation
Fung a n d Yih (7) have studied the two-dimensional
problem of peristaltic waves when the flow is induced Ti] = - - P ( ~ i j + I~pOEij, [2.1]
b y a sinusoidal travelling wave motion of the walls of
the tube a t moderate amplitudes. Later, Yin and Fung where Tij and E~j. are the stress and rate of
(8) extended this analysis to axisymmetric flow in a deformation tensors. P is the isotropic pres-
circular cylindrical tube. A perturbation method of sure, #v is the flow consistency index, n is the
solutions in terms of the wave amplitude to tube radius flow behaviour index and
is considered taking the nonlinear convective terms.
Recently Chow (9) has also discussed the peristaltic n-1
t r a n s p o r t in a circular cylindrical pipe. The solution
for t h e axisymmetric case is obtained in the form of a O = ]EijEijl - ~ [2.2]
power series expansion when the Reynolds n u m b e r is
small. Also the solutions are presented when the radius I t is well-known t h a t for n ~> 1, this model
of the pipe to wave amplitude ratio is very small. represents the dilatant, Newtonian and pseu-
Though all these investigations aim a t understanding
the details of blood flow problems, the mathematical doplastic fluids respectively.
complications restrict these theoretical approaches, Consider the axisymmetric flow of a power
and consequently approximate theories only can be law fluid in a circular cylindrical tube with a
developed. I t m a y be mentioned t h a t all these above sinusoidal wave of small amplitude travelling
investigations (1-9) on peristaltic motion have been
carried out b y assuming the blood a n d other physio- down its wall. The wall of the tube is given
logical fluids to behave like Newtonian fluids. B u t so by the equation
far no a t t e m p t has been made to u n d e r s t a n d the prob-
lem for a non-Newtonian fluid. As an initiating approach
to u n d e r s t a n d these problems, in a n earlier investigation R = a [ l + s c o s 2--;-;(Z--Cv)], [2.3]
(10) we considered the steady motion of a power law
fluid in a rigid tube with a sinusoidal deformation at the where 'a' is the radius of the original un-
boundary. The amplitude of the deformation is assumed
to be small a n d t h e solution for the stream function is
disturbed tube, as is the amplitude of the
obtained as a power series in terms of the amplitude of wave, 2 is the wavelength and C is the wave
deformation. speed. R and Z are the cylindrical polar co-
R @ u and Devanathan, Peristaltic motion o / a non-Newtonian fluid 171

ordinates with Z measured along the axis of 3. S o l u t i o n for the s t r e a m f u n c t i o n

the t u b e and R is in the radial direction. ~ is
the time. The solution for ~0 is o b t a i n e d as a power
The simplified non-dimensional equation series in t e r m s of the amplitude of the wave
of c o n t i n u i t y and the m o m e n t u m equations, e, b y expanding ~ and p in the form
in cylindrical coordinates are: ~~
Continuity e q u a t i o n [3.1]
P = P o + ePx + e~P.~ + .J
Ou u Ow Substituting [3.1] along with [2.11] a n d
O~ + r - + ~-z = O. [2.41 [2.12] in [2.5] and [2.6] and collecting t h e
M o m e n t u m equations coefficients of various order t e r m s we o b t a i n
the differential equations for ~Vo, ~01, V2. . . . .
Ou On On Op 1 I n the absence of peristaltic wave along
the b o u n d a r y of the tube, we obtain the usual
u Ou O0 Ou aw]OO] Hagen-Poiseuille t y p e flow of a power law
X [O(V2u--fi)+ 2 ~ r ~ r r + ( ~ z +~-r/-~zj, fluid in a cylindrical t u b e of circular cross-
section. As the axial velocity in this ease is a
[2.5] function of r only, we find t h a t ~00 is a function
Ow Ow Ow Op 1 of r alone, and hence
0--{- + u ~ + w Oz Oz + Re
0~, - 0vo o. [3.2]
[ (Ou Ou,~ O0 Ow 0 0 ~ Oz Ot
• OV2w+ O~z + Or ] Or + 20zz O z ] ' [2.6]
We obtain the solution for % as
where r, z, t, u, w and 0 are all dimensionless
-- tic /O~lln n n r 3+l/n
quantities r e n d e r e d dimensionless with the
help of the characteristic length 'a' and the where
characteristic velocity ' C ' . u and w are the
velocity components in r and z directions k o = Re 01Oo [3.4]
Oz '
respectively and
~po/(?Z being the constant axial pressure gra-
dient. In other words, 1%is a non-dimensionM
O= 2\ar! + -OTz+ ~ 1 i , I2.7] p a r a m e t e r in t e r m s of the pressure gradient.
I t can be seen t h a t for n = 1, [3.3] reduces
02 1 0 03 to the widely k n o w n H a g e n - P o i s e u i l l e profile,
V~ ~ ~r~ + r - O r + ~Oz ,
]% ~ r4
Vo(r) = ~ - ~ - ---r2)9 [3.5]
an+a c2-no
~e , [2.8] W e obtain the following first order equa-
tions for Y~I and PI from [2.5] and [2.6]:
the generMised R e y n o l d s number.
1 02~,1
T h e b o u n d a r y conditions are + 1 dy)0 02~/)1 Opl l
r OzOt r ~ dr Oz2 Or Re
U n 1
)< [ ( 1 d2Y~'~~ r-1 dF~
n 03~pl n 2 O~yh 2 n ~ 02~
2~a Oz~ + r Or20z n r 2 OrOz
a~ 2 [2.10] x -- r +

2(n-- 1) O~pl]
H e r e the b o u n d a r y condition on the w a v y nr 3 Oz ] '
wall of the t u b e is o b t a i n e d b y taking the no- and
slip condition. 1 0~1 + 1 d~o 02~ 1 d2~0 0~1 + 1 d~o O~t
We introduce the stream function ~0 b y r OrOt r 2 dr OzOr r 2 dr 2 Oz r 3 dr Oz
t h e following substitutions, so t h a t the
equation of c o n t i n u i t y [2.4] is identically
satisfied, Oz + Re - - dr ~ rz dr ] ]
1 0~ [n Oa~l 2 n 03~1 1 0~
u [2.11]
r Oz ' X [r Or3 + r OrOz~ r ~ Ors
1 --n 0~1 1 0~1]
w = -10~f
---. [2.12] [3.7]
r Or + r2 Oz2 + r ff Or J "
172 Rheologica Acta, B a n d 11, Heft 2 (1972)

Eliminating p~ from these equations we and

obtain the differential e q u a t i o n for ~ as
nr*a .... - 2 r a G ' " + [2n: 1 r 3 + (2n--4)cc3r '] G"
dy~o [ 1 0a~ 1 0a~ 1 03~ 3 0~]
dr [ r 3 Oza + r3 Or~Oz r a OrOz r ~ Oz [2n+l 2n--4 ]
~ r + n cr G'
3 d3~o 0~o~ 1 da~o 0~o~ 1 ~3~
r ~ dr ~ Oz r ~ dr ~ Oz -- ---i
r -~r~t
+ [na*r" {n--n 1)3 a ' r ' ] G
+-7- ~-~t + -r Oz30t - Re (k~ n
--*-1 n 2 ~+a.
n--1 : - - Re (k0/2) n a In+i- (rn+" --rn )F'"
+ -2 n-+ 1 03~0~
Or 4 r2 Or S n r~ Or3 2
n , ~+e ~+a. n - - 1 n +2
2 n + 1 3 ~ + 2 n - - 4 03~])1 + n~-T (rn --rn ) F' + - n r
nr ~ Or n r ~ OrOz~
n 04~a~ ]
nr z Oz3 r Or30z3 + r--0~-z~ J " [3.8]
The b o u n d a r y conditions on ~0~as obtained
+ Re(ko/2)- ~ cr
1--n [) +8 F " -- r:+2
1+3a 3 F ] ,
from [6.8] and [6.9] are -- r

O~pl ~ __ (ko/2)lm cos~ (z -- t)
Or where primes denote differentiation w . r . t . r .
at r 1. [3.9]
0~_ ~ ~ - - a s i n a ( z - - t )
Using the b o u n d a r y conditions [3.9], the
Oz b o u n d a r y conditions on F(r) a n d G(r) are
given b y
These b o u n d a r y conditions suggest t h a t we
can obtain the solution for ~ in the form F(1) : 1, F'(1) (k,/2) lm]
a(1) = 0, a'(1) = O j [3.13]
yh(r, z) = F(r) cosa(z -- t) + G(r) sina(z -- t), [3.10] and
F(0) = 0, ~'(0) = o]
where F(r) and G(r) are functions of r only, a ( o ) = o, a'(o) = o j" [3.14]
to be d e t e r m i n e d from [3.8] and [3.9].
Substituting for ~0 from [3.3] a n d for ~ I t m a y be r e m a r k e d here t h a t the dif-
from [3.10] and collecting the coefficients of ferential equations for F(r) and G(r) are
cos ~ ( z - - t) and sin ~(z - - t) on b o t h sides of v e r y complicated with the presence of the
[3.8], we obtain the following differential flow b e h a v i o u r index n and c a n n o t be solved
equations for the functions F(r) and G(r): in closed forms, even in the case of Newtonian
fluids (n = 1).
nr'F'"'-- 2 r 3 F ' " + [ 2 n + l r2 + ( 2 n - - 4 ) a 2 r * ] I n order to visualize the flow field, follow-
ing Chow (9), we introduce f u r t h e r simplifi-
cations assuming t h a t the -Reynolds n u m b e r
-- - - r~ n a2r 3 F"
for the flow is v e r y small and accordingly
represent the functions F(r) and G(r) in the
-~- [ ~ 0r (n --n 1)3 c~3r3] F form of power series in terms of Re. The solu-
tions for F(r) a n d G(r) are t a k e n to lie in the
= R~(k~ l ~-~i-[ r -- ~ a" F(r) = Fo(r ) + -Re2. F3(r ) + . . . ]
G(r) Re" Gl(r ) + O(Re ~) J"

+T+I ( --
- - r
(7 Substituting [3.15] in [3,11-3.14] a n d separat -
ing various order terms we obtain the follow-
ing differential equations for F 0, G1, F~ . . . .

nr~F~176 [[ 2 n n+ -1- r ' ~_+ ( 2 n - - 4) cr3r4] Fo"

~-~n r A A+2
4- Re(ko/2) n a [ _ r n + a G , , +r n G' _ _ 2n--4 ]
--[2~1 r+ ~--a3r~JFo '
[3.11] + [nc~ar 4 (n- ]
1)3 c~2r2|/~0
+ r~+~. ~,3. GI [ = 0, [3.16]
J 2
Ra]u and Devanathan, Peristaltic motion o~ a n o n - N e w t o n i a n fluid 173

nraGl,,,,2r3Gl,,,~_ [ 2 n ~ n l r 2 + ( 2 n - - 4 ) a 2 r 4 ] GI" solve the two point b o u n d a r y value problems

for F 0 and G 1 b y making use of a numerical
__ _ _ or 3 G 1'
n + n 1
4. N u m e r i c a l m e t h o d
~- [ n ~47.a (T~--n 1)2 5r ~1
T h e i m p o r t a n t feature of these b o u n d a r y
2_ 1 value problems is t h a t t h e y h a v e regular
~ - r --r Fo" singular points at r = 0. We m a k e use of the
Runge-Kutta-Gill integration procedure to
solve for F o and G 1. The equation for F o is
+ ~ --r + n r F0 solved first, for different values of the flow
b e h a v i o u r index n, with the above integra-
tion method, starting from the point r = 1
+ n + [ +r 1 [

++') Fo ] and going up to a point near a b o u t r = 0.
The b o u n d a r y conditions at the point r = 0
are made to be satisfied b y e x t r a p o l a t i o n and
+ (k0/2) ~ - a r Fo" -- r n F o" -- r n a~Fo , are modified b y f u r t h e r iterations.
The solutions of F 0 are made use f u r t h e r
[3.17] to solve the differential equations for G 1 in
the same procedure as described above. The
nr4F2 ,,/+ -- 2 r 3 F 2 ' " + [ 2 n + -1- r 2 + (2n -- 4) a~r 4] F2" solutions are obtained b y making use of a
CDC-3600 computer. The numerical values
2n--4 of the solutions for F o and Gt are p r e s e n t e d
in tables I - 4 for different values of the flow
b e h a v i o u r index and for different values of
~2r2 F~
the non-dimensional p a r a m e t e r / c o. Since the
values of F 2 and higher order terms are v e r y
2 ~ ~_
----1 [ n (rn+a +3) small we are not recording the same here.
:(]c0/2) n -a" -n+ 1 --r GI"
5. D i s c u s s i o n o f the results
-- n - 1 ~-~2
"Jr- =n +n 1 \''-+2
~rn r~+a) GI' + - - - r 2 G1 T h e peristaltic m o t i o n of a power law
fluid in a t u b e with a sinusoidal wave travel-
ling down its b o u n d a r y has been considered
n o~2.(r~+3rn 51)G1 ]
+ n~" u n d e r the assumption t h a t the a m p l i t u d e of
+ @o/2)~ a - - r
+3 G ( ' + r n !+. 2G ~ ' + r n + 3 a 2.G 1 ,
l ] the wave is small. The s t r e a m function a n d
the velocity components are o b t a i n e d as
power series in terms of the amplitude of
[3.18] The streamlines are p l o t t e d in figs. 1 and 2
T h e b o u n d a r y conditions are for the Newtonian a n d non-Newtonian fluids
F0 l, F 0' = -- (]c0/2)1In] respectively for low pressure gradient. Fol-
G1 = 0 , GI'=0 j on r = l , [3.19] lowing B u r n s and Parkes (6), and for con-
venience, we have t a k e n Z = z - - t and p l o t t e d
F0 : Fo' ~ O]
G 1 G 1' = 0J on r = 0. [3.20] the streamlines for different values of Z. I t is
seen t h a t the streamlines form closed loops
The differential equations for higher order with Z-axis being a ~v = 0 streamline and the
t e r m s can be o b t a i n e d similarly, b u t as t h e y streamline with ~ = 0 runs a p p r o x i m a t e l y
are l e n g t h y and complicated we are not re- perpendicular to the Z-axis as shown in figs.
cording t h e m here. These differential equa- i a n d 2. This t y p e of streamline p a t t e r n has
tions for the case of n : 1 can be solved in been observed b y B u r n s and Parkes in their
closed forms in t e r m s of modified Bessel investigation of peristaltic m o t i o n of N e w -
functions, as given b y Chow. B u t the pres- tonian fluids.
ence of the flow b e h a v i o u r index n makes The streamlines for a higher pressure gra-
these equations, for the non-Newtonian dient are p l o t t e d in the fig. 3 for the Newtonian
fluids e x t r e m e l y complicated and t h e y can- fluids. W e find t h a t the streamline p a t t e r n in
not be solved in closed form. Thus we have to this case is entirely different from figs. 1 and
174 Rheologica Acta, Band 11, Heft 2 (1972)

2, which are for lower values ofk 0. I n t h i s case, deformation in our previous investigation
the streamlines r u n parMlel to the axis of the (10). The region m a y be considered to be
t u b e when t h e y are considered near a b o u t consisting of two parts - one the central core
the axis, whereas a considerable d e f o r m a t i o n region of the t u b e and the other near the
is observed when t h e y are considered near b o u n d a r y - the b o u n d a r y layer region. I n
the b o u n d a r y . the case of low pressure gradient, the effects of
The physical explanation for this sort of the wave travelling along the b o u n d a r y of
behaviour of the streamlines can be given in the t u b e are more d o m i n a n t and hence we
a similar way to t h a t which we have given obtain the closed streamline p a t t e r n s us
in the case of a rigid t u b e with sinusoidal shown in figs. 1 and 2.

Table 1

n 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4

r Fo G1 Fo G1 Fo G1 Fo G1 Fo G1

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0.1 0.014596-0.000004 0.017584-0.000027 0.019485-0.000132 0.020832-0.000356 0.022054-0.000708
0.2 0.058434-0.000010 0.069655-0.000108 0.076305-0.000491 0.080950-0.001298 0.084849-0.002565
0.3 0.131985-0.000020 0.154355-0.000223 0.167136-0.000983 0.175865-0.002546 0.182906-0.004960
0.4 0.234882-0.000031 0.268212-0.000347 0.286701-0.001476 0.299089-0.003741 0.308834-0.007174
0.5 0.364599-0.000041 0.405442-0.000443 0.427520-0.001823 0.442088-0.004522 0.453367-0.008537
0.6 0.515170-0.000046 0.557377-0.000478 0.579673-0.001899 0.594224-0.004608 0.605400-0.008563
0.7 0.675787-0.000043 0.711843-0.000425 0.730517-0.001633 0.742644-0.003877 0.751974-0.007092
0.8 0.829156-0.000030 0.852442-0.000286 0.864332-0.001060 0.872112-0.002461 0.878215-0.004432
0.9 0.949488-0.000012 0.957692-0.000104 0.961902-0.000373 0.964795-0.008476 0.967234-0.001503
1.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0
/co ~ 0.01.

Table 2

n 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4

r Fo G1 Fo G1 2"0 G1 Fo G1 Fo G1

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0.1 0.014616-0.000009 0.017730-0.000053 0.019692-0.000137 0.021212-0.000271 0.022596-0.000432
0.2 0.058510-0.000019 0.070050-0.000199 0.077110-0.000521 0.082362-0.000990 0.086899-0.001564
0.3 0.132154-0.000061 0.155142-0.000410 0.168856-0.001048 0.178829-0.001943 0.187185-0.003022
0.4 0.235174-0.000112 0.269492-0.000635 0.289535-0.001574 0.303901-0.002852 0.315724-0.004366
0.5 0.365033-0.000159 0.407248-0.000811 0.431497-0.001944 0.448749-0.003445 0.462817-0.005187
0.6 0.515741-0.000187 0.559643-0.000873 0.584601-0.002024 0.602362-0.003505 0.616836-0.005192
0.7 0.676451-0.000181 0.714367-0.000777 0.735915-0.001739 0.751436-0.002944 0.764210-0.004289
0.8 0.829814-0.000131 0.854841-0.000522 0.869369-0.001127 0.880201-0.001864 0.889363-0.002671
0.9 0.949962-0.000052 0.959349-0.000190 0.965312-0.000396 0.970195-0.000640 0.974603-0.000903
1.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0
]co ~ 0.2.

Table 3

n 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4

r Fo GI Fo G1 Fo G1 Fo G1 Fo G1

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0.1 0.014904-0.000034 0.018321-0.000096 0.020624-0.000182 0.022422-0.000287 0.024057-0.000401
0.2 0.059642-0.000117 0.072399-0.000358 0.080700-0.000682 0.086998-0.001051 0.092389-0.001433
0.3 0.134637-0.000246 0.160342-0.000735 0.176512-0.001368 0.188606-0.002061 0.198632-0.002759
0.4 0.239420-0.000399 0.278039-0.001137 0.302141-0.002052 0.319803-0.003022 0.334147-0.003975
0.5 0.371264-0.000539 0.419468-0.001449 0.449185-0.002530 0.470776-0.003641 0.488078-0.004706
0.6 0.523850-0.000619 0.575077-0.001558 0.606508-0.002626 0.629283-0.003692 0.647403-0.004691
0.7 0.685816-0.000588 0.731619-0.001383 0.759911-0.002247 0.780529-0.003086 0.796918-0.003856
0.8 0.839044-0.000423 0.871269-0.000925 0.891751-0.001449 0.906969-0.001943 0.919160-0.002387
0.9 0.956574-0.000165 0.970707-0.000335 0.980463-0.000506 0.988066-0.000663 0.994299-0.000801
1.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0
ko ~ 0.5.
Ra]u and Devanathan, Peristaltic motion o/a non-Newtonian fluid 175

Table 4

n 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4

r 2'0 Gi Fo Gi Fo Gi Fo Gi Fo Gi

0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0.1 0.015492-0.000009 0.019377-0.000143 0.021773-0.000245 0.237011-0.000342 0.025411-0.000435
0.2 0.062049-0.000168 0.076207-0.000547 0.085175-0.000911 0.091903-0.001253 0.097524-0.001559
0.3 0.140047-0.000415 0.168379-0.001127 0.186074-0.001823 0.198957-0.002455 0.209356-0.003002
0.4 0.248840-0.000710 0.291625-0.001744 0.317893-0.002730 0.336638-0.003596 0.351414-0.004321
0.5 0.385283-0.000984 0.438875-0.002222 0.471293-0.003360 0.494095-0.004324 0.511760-0.005108
0.6 0.542300-0.001143 0.599592-0.002385 0.633891-0.003478 0.657785-0.004374 0.676064-0.005080
0.7 0.707309-0.001093 0.7590300.002110 0.789907-0.002966 0.811329-0.003644 0.827586-0.004162
0.8 0.860375-0.000786 0.897385-0.001405 0.919731-0.001903 0.935307-0.002285 0.947099-0.002567
0.9 0.971939-0.000306 0.988770-0.000506 0.999405-0.000661 1.006987-0.000776 1.012770-0.000858
1.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0
ko = 1.0.


0. c.







Fig. 1. Streamlines 0,1 -- ~0 ~..0

for the Newtonian
fluids a t l o w p r e s s u r e
gradient 0 I I I I I [~=~ I [ I
-ff 31- 0 W "IT 331" 3"1- 5W 331- 7~" ZII"

B u t as the pressure gradient increases, we The streamline p a t t e r n given b y Burns a n d

find t h a t the streamlines in the central p a r t Parkes for Newtonian fluids is similar.
of the region are more influenced b y it, t h a n F r o m the numerical calculations we find
b y the motion of the b o u n d a r y and hence t h a t this change in the behaviour of the
t h e y r u n more or less parallel to the axis streamline p a t t e r n s occurs depending on
while in the region near the b o u n d a r y , the the values of k 0, e a n d Re. J u s t for the sake of
flow is influenced b y b o t h the wave a n d the u n d e r s t a n d i n g the n a t u r e of peristaltics, we
pressure gradient and thus we obtain the have t a k e n some typical values of the para-
p a t t e r n s of streamlines depicted in fig. 3. meters and calculated the critical value of k o.
176 Rheologica Acta, Band 11, He/t 2 (1972)








.~,-o Fig. 2. Comparison of

streamlines for pseu-
0.1 - -
doplastie (n ~ 0 . 8 - - - )
i a n d dflatant
I ,.,/-o = (n ~ 1.2 ) fluid
i 3TI"
5"ff 3"11"
at low pressure gradient

For example, when s ~-- 0.01, Re ~ 0.01, The axial velocity profiles for the IVew-
~ 1, /co is found to be approximately 0.2 tonian fluids are presented in figs. 6 and 7 at
for the Newtonian fluids, i.e. for values of/c o low and high pressure gradients respectively.
less t h a n 0.2, the streamlines form a system It is noted t h a t the axial velocity for the case
of closed loops whereas for /co > 0.2 the of low pressure gradient drops to a minimum
streamlines are continuous curves running on the axis of the tube as shown in fig. 6, while
along the axis of the tube. for higher pressure gradients the axial ve-
Similarly the critical values of/co for dif- locity profiles form more or less parabolic
ferent fluids can be determined depending on curves with small deviations on the axis of the
the particular values of the flow behaviour tube. This type of behaviour is the resultant
index n and other parameters involved. For of the effects of pressure gradient and the
further understanding of the problem we wave, and can be observed from the stream-
have shown the radial velocity profiles in line patterns depicted in the figures and dis-
fig. 4 for the Newtonian fluids. In fig. 5, a cussed earlier. The amplitude of the wave
comparison of the radial velocities for also is found to influence the axial velocity
pseudoplastic and dilatant fluids is given. We to a certain extent. These results are in
find t h a t these profiles for a particular Z, for agreement with those presented by Yin and
both Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids, Fung (8). Recently, Yin and tfung (11) have
attain the maximum value on the boundary, given the comparison of theory and experi-
while the radial velocity is zero on the axis ment in peristaltic transport of Newtonian
of the tube. Also it may be mentioned t h a t fluids. However, experiments for non-New-
the general qualitative nature of the profiles tonian fluids have yet to be considered.
is not much affected by the amplitude of the Further details about the influence of the
wave travelling along the boundary except Reynolds number, the amplitude of the wave
t h a t they are either slightly elongated or and the parameter ~ can be easily understood
contracted. by choosing various values of these para-
Raju and Devanathan, Peristaltic motion o/ a non-Newtonian fluid 177




o 03



~ -0.0089


0.1L- --0.0010
Fig. 3. Streamlines for
t h e Newtonian fluids
when ]co = 1.0 0 I I I 1 I 0 I l I I
_~_.. o
3w _ 5W 3"11" 7IT

0[ 1 1.0

08t /


--=~--- 0.4

0.2 0,2

01d ~ I I I 0 ~ I I I I I
0 a2 E4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2

Fig. 4. Radial velocity profiles for t h e Newtonian case Fig. 5. Comparison o f radial velocity profiles for non-
Newtonian fluids. I)seudoplastic (n = 0.8 . . . . ) a n d
d i l a t a n t (n ~ 1.2 - - ) fluids
meters except for the tedious computation
work involved.
Thus we have presented a theoretical ap- tic motion present in the problems of phy-
proach to study the peristaltic motion of non- siology is very complex, the present analysis
Newtonian fluids. Although, the real peristal- can serve as a model which may help in
178 Rheologica Acta, Band 11, Heft 2 (1972)

1.( understanding the mechanics of physiological

flows. From the point of view of mechanics,
it is interesting to note how the peristaltic
0.8 motion is influenced b y the applied pressure
In conclusion, we mention that this ana-
lysis being the first attempt made in literature
~i ~ v _ 0
to understand the peristaltic motion of non-
Newtonian fluids, further aspects and de-
0"#"/ velopments on these problems can be in-

0.01 0102 0.03 0.04 One of us (K.K.R.) thanks C.S.I.R., Government of
w India for the financial assistance.
Fig. 6. Axial velocity profiles for the Newton- 1.0
ian fluids at low pressure gradients


_ z-~



Fig. 7. Axial velocity profiles for the Newton-

Jan fluids at higher pressure gradient 0 I I I i
0 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.16 0.20 0.24 0.28

Summary 4) Sho/piro, A. H., M. Y. Jaffrin, and S. L. Wein-

To understand theoretically the flow properties of berg, Fluid mechanics laboratory publication No. 68.5,
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts
physiological fluids, we have considered as a model Institute of Technology, Sept. 1968.
the peristaltic motion of a power law fluid in a tube, 5) Latham, T. W. and A. H. Shapiro, (Abstract)
with a sinusoidal wave of small amplitude travelling Proc. Annual Conf. on Engg. in Medicine and Biology,
down its wall. The solution for the stream function is San Francisco. (Ed.) G. G. Vurek, vol. 8, 1966, p. 147.
obtained as a power series in terms of the amplitude 6) Burns, J. C. and T. Parkes, J. Fluid Mech. 29,
of the wave. The stream function and the velocity 731 (1967).
components are evaluated by solving numerically two 7) Fung, Y. C. and C. S. Yih, J. App. Mech.,
point boundary value problems with a singular point Trans. ASME., 35E, 669 (1968).
at the origin. The influence of the applied pressure 8) Yin, F. and Y. C. Fung, J. App. Mech., Trans.
gradient along with non.Newtonian parameters on the ASME., 36E, 579 (1969).
streamlines and velocity profiles are discussed in detail. 9) Chow, T. S., J. App. Mech., Trans. ASME., 37E,
901 (1970).
10) Kanaka Baju, K., Flow of a non-Newtonian
fluid in a tube with sinusoidal deformation. (To ap-
•e]erences pear in 1972 Proc. Phys. Soc. Japan
1) Skalak, R., Proe. Symposion on Biomechanics, 11) Yin, F. and Y. C. Fung, J. Fluid Mech. 47, 93
ASME. (Ed. Y.C. Fung, p. 20.) (p. 20. 1966.) (1971).
2) Rudinger, G., Biomedical fluid mechanics
symposium, sponsored by Fluid Mechanics Committee,
ASME, 1966, p. 1. Authors' address:
3) Shapiro, A. H., Proceedings, workshop on Urete- K. Kanaka Ra]u and Rathna Devanathan
ral Reflux in children, Washington, D.C., National Dept. of Applied Mathematics
Academy of Science, Natural Research Council, 1967, Indian Institute of Science
p. 109. Bangalore 12 (India)

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