Observation Tool Based On Danielson's Rubric Domain 3: Instruction

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Observation Tool Based on Danielson’s Rubric

Domain 3: Instruction

Remember the absence of Evidence is Evidence

Component 3a: Communicating with Students
Unsati sfactory Basic
1. Instructi onal purpose is unclear. 1. Attempt to explain instructional purpose has only limited
2. Explanation of content has errors. success.
3. Spoken or written language contains errors 2. Explanation of content is a monologue, no invitation for engagement.
4. Teacher’s vocabulary is inappropriate, vague or incorrect. 3. Teacher’s spoken language is correct; vocabulary is limited, or not
appropriate to students’ ages or backgrounds.

Profi cient Distinguished (in addition to Proficient attributes)

1. Purpose is clear, including where it is situated within 1. The purpose is linked to student interest.
broader learning. 2. Possible student misunderstanding is anticipated.
2. Directions and procedures are clear. 3. Students contribute to explaining concepts to peers.
3. Explanation of content is appropriate and connects to students’ 4. Teacher finds opportunities to extend students’ vocabularies.
knowledge and experiences.
4. Teacher’s spoken and written language is clear, correct, and appropriate.
Proficient Sample Evidence Distinguished Sample Evidence
_____Writes and verbally explains purpose of lesson. _____Teacher weaves student interests into the lesson.
_____Teacher calls on a few students to restate purpose of lesson. _____Students write about a connection to the lesson’s purpose.
_____Spirals back to lesson purpose during the lesson. _____Teacher individualizes directions to accommodate student’s learning
_____Uses questions to help connect to previous learning. differences.
_____Clear limits are set. _____Teacher indicates the most challenging aspects of direction, with some type of
_____Language is audible, legible, correct usage, and spelling. symbol in written directions.

o _____ Goal/ Objective Posted o _____Directions clear to all students
o _____Goal /Objective Stated o _____Procedures clearly Explained
o _____Goal Appropriate o _____Directions/Procedures clear of errors
o _____Explanation of content is clear
Additional Observation Notes

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