Instruction Sheet: NF EN 15101-1/IN1

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instruction sheet
NF EN 15101-1/IN1

April 2019

ICS: 91.100.60

Classification index: P 75-454-1/IN1

Thermal insulation products for buildings - In-situ formed loose

fill cellulose (LFCI) products - Part 1 : specification for the
products before installation

Produits isolants thermiques destinés aux applications du bâtiment - Isolation thermique formée en place à base
de cellulose (LFCI) - Partie 1 : spécification des produits en vrac avant la mise en œuvre

English Version NF EN 15101-1:2019

Published and distributed by Association Française de Normalisation (AFNOR — French standard institute) — 11, rue Francis de Pressensé —
93571 La Plaine Saint-Denis Cedex — Tel.: + 33 (0)1 41 62 80 00 — Fax: + 33 (0)1 49 17 90 00 —

© AFNOR — All rights reserved Version of 2019-04-P

Instruction sheet for the consolidation of EN 15101-1:2013+A1:2019 (E)

1 Modifications to the European foreword

Replace the term "Directive" with the word "Regulation".
Delete the last words in the 4th paragraph starting with "and supports Directive…".
Delete in the 6th paragraph the words "and the CPD".

2 Modification to Clause 2, "Normative references"

Insert the following reference:
"EN 16733, Reaction to fire tests for building products - Determination of a building product's propensity
to undergo continuous smouldering"

3 Modification to Clause 3 "Terms, definitions, symbols and abbreviations"

Delete the whole term 3.1.9 and renumber 3.1.10 to 3.1.9.

4 Modification to subclause 3.2 "Symbols"

In the definition of the symbols CR and SC replace "class" with "level".

5 Modification to subclause 3.3 "Abbreviations"

Replace the first hyphen
— "ITT is Initial Type Test"

— "TT is Type Testing".

6 Modification to 4.3.4, "Dangerous substances"

Delete the second paragraph.

7 Modifications to, "Cavity insulation, frame constructions and cavity

Delete in the first sentence "classified and".
In the second sentence, replace "classification" with "declaration".
Replace the whole Table 2, including table title with the following:
"Table 2 — Declaration for settlement for cavity insulation, frame constructions and cavity walls

Settlement (%)

Instruction sheet for the consolidation of EN 15101-1:2013+A1:2019 (E)

8 Modification to 4.3.2, "Short-term water absorption"

Add the following line in Table 3:

WS 3 > 2.0 kg/m2

9 Modification to 4.3.5, "Corrosion resistance of the insulation material on

certain metals"
Replace the text in the subclause with the following and delete Table 4. Renumber the remaining tables
"4.3.5. Corrosion resistance of the insulation material on certain metals
Corrosion resistance shall be declared CR after testing in accordance with Annex E.".

10 Modification to 4.3.6, "Mould fungi resistance"

Replace the text in the subclause with the following and delete Table 5. Renumber the remaining tables
"4.3.6 Mould fungi resistance
Resistance to mould fungi shall be classified and declared in accordance with Table F.1 after testing in
accordance with the procedure given in Annex F.".

11 Modification to 4.3.8, "Continuous Glowing Combustion"

Replace the whole subclause with:
"4.3.8. Continuous smouldering combustion
When declared, the continuous smouldering combustion shall be tested in accordance with EN 16733.
If the product does not show propensity for continuous smouldering combustion, NoS shall be included
in the designation code.
If the product shows propensity for continuous smouldering combustion, S shall be included in the
product designation code.".

12 Modification to 5.3, "Testing"

Replace in Table 6, line 4.3.8 "glowing" with "smouldering" and in column "Specific conditions" delete the
footnote a and insert "EN 16733".

13 Modifications to Clause 6 "Designation code"

Delete in the third and fourth hyphen "class".
Replace in the fifth hyphen "class" with "level".
Add after the ninth hyphen
— "Continuous smouldering combustion".

Replace the example with

"EXAMPLE LFCI EN 15101—SC0% – WS2 – CRmm2 – BA1 – AFr5 – …Reaction to fire………".

Instruction sheet for the consolidation of EN 15101-1:2013+A1:2019 (E)

14 Modification to Clause 7, "Evaluation of conformity"

Replace the whole clause with the following:
"7 Assessment and Verification of Constancy of Performance (AVCP)
7.1 General
The Assessment and Verification of Constancy of Performance (AVCP) shall be carried out in accordance
with EN 13172.
The compliance of the In situ formed loose fill cellulose (LFCI) with the characteristics of this standard
and with the performances declared by the manufacturer in the DoP shall be demonstrated by:
— determination of the product type

— Factory Production Control (FPC) by the manufacturer, including product assessment.

If a manufacturer decides to group his products, it shall be done in accordance with EN 13172.
7.2 Type Testing
All performances related to characteristics included in this standard shall be determined when the
manufacturer intends to declare the respective performances unless the standard gives provisions for
declaring them without performing tests. (e.g. use of previously existing data, CWFT and conventionally
accepted performance).
The type testing (TT) shall be carried out in accordance with Annex I.
7.3 Factory production control
The manufacturer shall establish, document and maintain an FPC system to ensure that the products
placed on the market comply with the declared performance of the essential characteristics.
The minimum frequencies of tests in the factory production control (FPC) shall be in accordance with
Annex I.
When indirect testing is used, the correlation to direct testing shall be established in accordance with
EN 13172.
7.4 Initial Inspection
The initial inspection of the factory and of the FPC shall be carried out in accordance with EN 13172.
7.5 Continuous Surveillance
The continuous surveillance of FPC shall be carried out in accordance with EN 13172.".

15 Modification to Clause 8, "Marking and labelling"

Delete the whole clause.

16 Modification to A.1, "General"

Delete the first and second sentence.

17 Modification to A.2, "Input data"

In the first paragraph, replace the first sentence with the following: "At least 10 test results for thermal
resistance and thermal conductivity shall be obtained from external direct or from internal direct
measurements in order to calculate the declared value.”

Instruction sheet for the consolidation of EN 15101-1:2013+A1:2019 (E)

18 Modification to C.1.4.7, "Field of application"

Delete the first sentence.

19 Modifications to E.6, "Classification of the results"

Replace in the clause title “Classification” with “Declaration”.
Replace in the first sentence “classified” with “declared”.

20 Modification to F.7.1, "General"

Replace in the last sentence of the first paragraph and in the table header the word “class” with

21 Modification to Annex I, "Factory production control"

Replace Table I.1 with the following:

Instruction sheet for the consolidation of EN 15101-1:2013+A1:2019 (E)

"Table I.1 — Minimum product testing frequencies

TT Minimum testing frequency
Clause Title
Minimum number of tests Indirect testing
Direct testing
Test method Frequencya
1 per day - —
Thermal resistance and
4.2.1 4 or one every three months for each Manufacturer´s method, 1 per day
thermal conductivity
product group and indirect testing e.g. blown density
Settlement (open blow) Horizontal applications, loft 2 indirect testing B.3 4 per year
and floors
Settlement Cavity insulation, frame constructions and cavity 1 indirect testing Manufacturer´s method 1 per day
4.2.3 Reaction to fire See Table I.2 See Table I.2
4.3.2 Short-term water absorption 1 1 per month and indirect testing Manufacturer´s method 1 per day
4.3.3 Water vapour diffusion factor 1d — — —
Release of dangerous b
4.3.4 2 — —
4.3.5 Corrosion resistance TTc — — —
4.3.6 Mould fungi resistance TTc — — —
4.3.7 Airflow resistivity 1 1 per year — —
Continuous glowing
4.3.8 TT — — —
4.3.9 Sound absorption TTc — — —
a The minimum testing frequencies shall be understood as the minimum for each production unit/line under stable manufacturing conditions. If, for example, the production
per day is only 8 h, every day is a new start. In addition to the testing frequencies given above, testing of the relevant properties of the product shall be repeated when changes
or modifications are made that are likely to affect the conformity of the product.
b Frequencies are not given, as test methods are not yet available.
c TT, see EN 13172.
d Alternatively, design values as cited in EN 10456 may be used.


Instruction sheet for the consolidation of EN 15101-1:2013+A1:2019 (E)

22 Modification to Annex ZA, "Clause of this European Standard addressing the

provisions of the EU Construction Products Directive"
Replace the whole Annex ZA with the following:
Annex ZA

Relationship of this European Standard with Regulation (EU) No.305/2011

(When applying this standard as a harmonized standard under Regulation (EU) No. 305/2011,
manufacturers and Member States are obliged by this regulation to use this Annex)

ZA.1 Scope and relevant characteristics

This European Standard has been prepared under standardization request M/103 concerning thermal
insulating products given to CEN and CENELEC by the European Commission (EC) and the European
Free Trade Association (EFTA).
When this European Standard is cited in the Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU), under
Regulation (EU) No 305/2011, it shall be possible to use it as a basis for the establishment of the
Declaration of Performance (DoP) and the CE marking, from the date of the beginning of the co-
existence period as specified in the OJEU.
Regulation (EU) No 305/2011, as amended, contains provisions for the DoP and the CE marking.
Table ZA.1 — Relevant clauses for In-situ formed loose fill cellulose (LFCI) products and
intended use Thermal Insulation of Buildings and industrial installations

Product: In-situ formed loose fill cellulose (LFCI) products

Intended use Thermal Insulation of Buildings and industrial installations
Clauses of this European
Classes and/or
Essential Characteristics Standard related to Notes
threshold levels
essential characteristics
Reaction to fire 4.2.3 Reaction to Fire Euro classes A1 to F
Short term water absorption 4.3.2 Short term water — Classes
Rate of release of dangerous 4.3.4 Release of — —
substances dangerous substances
Acoustic absorption index 4.3.9 Sound absoprtion — Levels
Thermal resistance 4.2.1 Thermal — Declared
conductivity and thermal lambda
resistance Declared R
Water vapour permeability 4.3.3 Water vapour — Declared Mu
diffusion resistance
Direct airborne sound insulation 4.3.7 Airflow resistivity — Levels

Instruction sheet for the consolidation of EN 15101-1:2013+A1:2019 (E)

Product: In-situ formed loose fill cellulose (LFCI) products

Intended use Thermal Insulation of Buildings and industrial installations
Clauses of this European
Classes and/or
Essential Characteristics Standard related to Notes
threshold levels
essential characteristics
Continuous smouldering 4.3.8 Continuous — Smouldering or
combustion smouldering combustion no smouldering
Durability of reaction to fire Durability of a

against ageing/degradation reaction to fire against

Durability of reaction to fire and 4.3.6 Mould fungi — Declared class
thermal resistance against resistance
biological agents
Durability of thermal resistance Durability Levels
against ageing/degradation characteristics
4.2.2 Settlement — Declared class
(in accordance
with the EU
Regulation (EU)
2017/959 b
a The fire performance of loose fill cellulose does not deteriorate with time. The Euro class classification of
the product is related to the organic content, which cannot increase with time.
b Thermal conductivity of loose fill cellulose products does not change with time, experience has shown the
fibre structure to be stable and the porosity contains no other gases than atmospheric air.

ZA.2 System of Assessment and Verification of Constancy of Performance (AVCP)

The AVCP system(s) of In situ formed loose-fill cellulose (LFCI) products indicated in Table ZA.1, can be
found in the EC legal act(s) adopted by the EC: EC decision 95/204/EC of 31.04.95 revised by the
decision 99/91/EC of 25.01.99 amended by the decision 01/596/EC and as given in Annex III of
mandate M/103 as amended by M/126,M/130 and M/367.
Micro-enterprises are allowed to treat products under AVCP system 3 covered by this standard in
accordance with AVCP system 4, applying this simplified procedure with its conditions, as foreseen in
Article 37 of Regulation (EU) No.305/2011.
ZA.3 Assignment of AVCP tasks
The AVCP systems of In situ formed loose-fill cellulose (LFCI) products as provided in Table ZA.1 is
defined in Tables ZA.3.1 to ZA.3.3 resulting from application of the clauses of this or other European
Standards indicated therein. The content of the tasks assigned to the notified body shall be limited to
those essential characteristics, if any, as provided for in Annex III of the relevant standardization
request and to those that the manufacturer intends to declare.
Taking into account the AVCP systems defined for the products and the intended uses the following
tasks are to be undertaken by the manufacturer and the notified body respectively for the assessment
and verification of the constancy of performance of the product.

Instruction sheet for the consolidation of EN 15101-1:2013+A1:2019 (E)

Table ZA.3.1 — Assignment of AVCP tasks for In situ formed loose-fill cellulose (LFCI) products
under system 1 for reaction to firea

AVCP clauses
Tasks Content of the task
to apply
Factory production control Parameters related to reaction to
(FPC) fire

Tasks for the Further testing of samples

manufacturer taken at the manufacturing
plant by the manufacturer in Reaction to Fire 7.3
accordance with the
prescribed test plan.
An assessment of the
performance of the
construction product carried
out on the basis of testing
(including sampling), Reaction to Fire 7.2
calculation, tabulated values
or descriptive
documentation of the
Tasks for the
notified product Parameters related to essential
certification Initial inspection of the characteristics of Table ZA.1,
body manufacturing plant and of relevant for the intended use which 7.3, 7.4
FPC are declared, namely reaction to fire.
Documentation of FPC
Parameters related to essential
Continuing surveillance, characteristics of Table ZA.1,
assessment and evaluation relevant to the intended use which
of FPC are declared, namely reaction to fire 7.3, 7.5
– Documentation of FPC

a Products/material for which a clearly identifiable stage in the production process results in an improvement
of the reaction to fire classification (e.g. an addition of fire retarders or a limiting of organic material).

Instruction sheet for the consolidation of EN 15101-1:2013+A1:2019 (E)

Table ZA.3.2 — Assignment of AVCP tasks for In situ formed loose fill cellulose (LFCI) under
system 3 for reaction to fireb and under system 3 for other characteristics

AVCP clauses to
Tasks Content of the task

Parameters related to essential

characteristics of Table ZA.1
Task for the Factory production
relevant for the intended use 7.3
manufacturer control (FPC)
which are declared but not
reaction to fire
Essential characteristics of
The notified laboratory
Table ZA.1, relevant for the
shall assess the
intended use which are
performance on the basis
declared, and as indicated in
of testing (based on
Tasks for a Annex III of the standardization
sampling carried out by
notified request 7.2
the manufacturer),
laboratory Reaction to fire
calculation, tabulated
values or descriptive Thermal resistance
documentation of the Release of dangerous substances
construction product.
Water permeability
b Products/materials not covered by footnote as described in ZA.3.1.

Table ZA.3.3 — Assignment of AVCP tasks for In situ formed loose fill cellulose (LFCI) under
system 4 for reaction to firec and system 4 for other characteristics

AVCP clauses to
Tasks Content of the task
An assesment of the
performance of the
construction product on
the basis of Essential characteristics of
testing,calculation, Table ZA.1 relevant for the 7.2
Task for the tabulated values or intended use which are declared
manufacturer a descriptive
documentation of that
Parameters related to essential
Factory production
characteristics of Table ZA.1 7.3
control (FPC)
relevant for the intended use
c Products/materials that do not require to be tested for reaction to fire, e.g. products/material of class A1
according to the Decision 96/603/EC, as amended.



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