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QUESTION SET No._____6_____- STUDENT:____Catherine Chen____.

GRADE & HOMEROOM:______12 B____________________.

TOPIC:_______Does slumber take an important place in human health? ___________


Question: How to know if I have insomnia?
Answer: You have insomnia if you regularly: find it hard to go to
sleep; wake up several times during the night
lie awake at night; wake up early and cannot go back to
sleep; still feel tired after waking up
find it hard to nap during the day even though you're
tired; feel tired and irritable during the day; find it
difficult to concentrate during the day because you're
If you have insomnia for a short time (less than 3
months) it’s called short-term insomnia. Insomnia that
lasts 3 months or longer is called long-term insomnia.

Link or links where you found Insomnia - NHS (

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Question: What you should do for treat the insomnia?
Answer:  go to bed and wake up at the same time
every day
 relax at least 1 hour before bed, for example,
take a bath or read a book
 make sure your bedroom is dark and quiet –
use curtains, blinds, an eye mask or ear
plugs if needed
 exercise regularly during the day
 make sure your mattress, pillows and covers
are comfortable

Link or links where you found Insomnia - NHS (

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Question: What you shouldn’t do to treat insomnia?
Answer:  do not smoke or drink alcohol, tea or coffee
at least 6 hours before going to bed
 do not eat a big meal late at night
 do not exercise at least 4 hours before bed
 do not watch television or use devices, like
smartphones, right before going to bed,
because the bright light makes you more
 do not nap during the day
 do not drive when you feel sleepy
 do not sleep in after a bad night's sleep and
stick to your regular sleeping hours instead

Link or links where you found Insomnia - NHS (

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Question: How pharmacist can help with insomnia?
Answer: You can buy tablets or liquids (sometimes called sleeping
aids) from a pharmacy that may help you sleep better.
Some contain natural ingredients (valerian, lavender or
melatonin) while others, like Nytol, are an antihistamine.
They cannot cure insomnia but may help you sleep
better for 1 to 2 weeks. They should not be taken for any
Some of these products can have side effects, for
instance, they may make you drowsy. This could make it
difficult for you to do certain things like drive.
Check with your doctor before taking anything for your
sleep problems.

Link or links where you found Insomnia - NHS (

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Question: Are all insomnia the same?
Not all insomnia is the same; people can  experience the condition in

. Short-term insomnia happens only over a

distinct ways1

brief period while chronic insomnia lasts for three

months or more. For some people, the primary
problem is falling asleep (sleep onset) while others
struggle with staying asleep (sleep maintenance).
How a person is affected by insomnia can vary
significantly based on its cause, severity, and how it
is influenced by underlying health conditions.

Link or links where you found What Causes Insomnia? | Sleep Foundation
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Question: Can debuty of medicine be a reason of causing
Sleeping problems and insomnia can be side effects
of many types of medications. Examples include
blood pressure drugs, anti-asthma medications, and
antidepressants. Other drugs may cause daytime
drowsiness that can throw off a person’s sleep
It’s not just taking medications that can interrupt
sleep. When someone stops taking a drug,
withdrawal or other aspects of the body’s reaction
can create difficulties for sleep.

Link or links where you found What Causes Insomnia? | Sleep Foundation
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Question: Can Neurological problem be a reason of causing
Problems affecting the brain, including   and

neurodevelopmental disorders, have been found to

be associated with an elevated risk of insomnia.
Neurodegenerative disorders, such as dementia and
Alzheimers dementia, can throw off a person’s
circadian rhythm and perception of daily cues that
drive the sleep-wake cycle. Nighttime confusion can
further worsen sleep quality.
Neurodevelopmental disorders like attention-
deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) can cause
hyperarousal that makes it  hard for people to get the sleep they need13
Sleeping problems are  common for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder14
and may persist into adulthood.

Link or links where you found What Causes Insomnia? | Sleep Foundation
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