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Name: Gabriel Felipe Polania Bravo Result: /100

UNIT 6 – Work and Money


1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in the box.

apply for be earn fill in get (2x) go have lose work

a My father lose his job at the car factory last year.

b Now he get part time as a taxi driver.
c The only problem is that he won’t have a pension with this job.

Score /6


2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses.

a If I see John, I will give (give) him the message.

b If I have (have) time, I’ll visit my grandparents this weekend.
c If she don´t get (not get) a job, she won’t earn any money.

Score /6

3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in the box.

not buy do earn have offer meet

a What would you say if you meet a famous movie star?

b What would you do if you had a million dollars?
c If I earn a million dollars, I’d buy a luxury yacht.

Score /6

4 Complete the sentences with the gerund or infinitive form of the verbs in parentheses.

a We can’t afford buying (buy) a new car.

b We have decided go (go) to Italy during our vacation this year.

c My brother spends a lot of time Surfing (surf) the internet.

Score /6

5 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in the box.

go join meet move read spend

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a I’ve arranged meeting my friends in the main square this evening.
b My younger brother is going to apply to join the police force.
c You need spend more time at home studying for your exams.

Score /6


6 Read the text and choose the correct answers.

If you want to visit the United States and travel across the country for free, why not consider a
‘driveaway’? Australian student Dave Robinson, who did this, tells his story.

‘It was absolutely fantastic. I was in Los Angeles, California, and I needed to get to Boston on
the east coast to get my flight back to England ten days later. A friend told me that I could do
this for free if I drove someone’s car across the country for them. I called an agency, and two
hours later I was sitting in a Cadillac heading east across the USA. The owner was a
businessman who had moved with his family from LA to Boston and didn’t want to drive his car
such a long distance. It’s nearly 3,000 miles (4,800km) from LA to Boston, and the agency gave
me eight days to complete the trip. I drove around 400 miles a day. They don’t let you drive in
the dark, so I got up at half past six every morning and started driving at seven. I took a break
around midday every day and drove for a total of eight hours a day, which is the maximum
driving time allowed by the agency. It was a bit boring at times but I enjoy listening to music and
there are hundreds of different music radio stations in the USA! I arrived in Boston on schedule
and delivered the car to the owner’s house. He was really pleased to see me and his car. It was
my first ‘job’ and I enjoyed it so much that I might do it again next year!’

a How far is it from LA to Boston?

( x) 3,000 miles ( ) 4,800 miles
b What time did Dave get up each morning?
(x) half past six () seven o’clock
c How many miles did he drive each day?
( ) around 40 (x) around 400
Score /3

UNIT 8 – Communicate


7 Complete the definitions with the words in the box.

bearable inflexible invisible irresponsible reliable

sensible silly unacceptable unreliable visible

a A person you cannot rely on or trust is unreliable .

b Something you can see easily is visible .
c A person who shows a lot of common sense is sensible .

Score /6


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8 Complete the sentences with the time expressions in the box.

ago at the moment earlier on Saturday since while

a My friends arrived while I was doing my homework.

b I’m meeting my friends on Saturday .
c The movie was boring so we left ago .

Score /6

9 Complete the sentences with the simple present or present progressive form of the verbs in

a At the moment, many European governments investing (invest) a lot of money in upgrading
internet connections.
b Experts believe (believe) that advances in computer technology will continue to be made in the
next few years.
c How many students in your class owning (own) a computer?

Score /6

10 Complete the sentences with the present perfect, simple past or past progressive form of the verbs in

a I started (start) to read an interesting article in the newspaper but then my friends arrived so I
didn’t finish it.
b What were you doing when your teacher arriving (arrive)?
c (you send) any text messages yesterday?

Score /6

11 Complete the sentences with will, going to or the present progressive form of the verbs in the box.

buy give go meet have not do

a I already know what I going have my sister for her party.

b We going meet our friends at nine o’clock outside the movie theater.
c I’m not sure what I want to drink, but I think I going a cup coffee.
Score /6

12 Complete the questions with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses.

a When she answered (she / answer) your question?

b What he listening (he / listen) to at the moment?
c What does your friend (your friend / do) when you called him?

Score /6


13 Read the text and choose the correct answers.

Many people use dictionaries in their everyday life and work, but how many people know that
the first ‘dictionaries’ (lists of words) were written in what is now Syria more than 4,000 years

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ago? Dictionaries of the Arabic language were written between the 8th and 14th centuries,
using the rhyme of the last syllable to put the words in order. The first dictionaries used in
Europe were bilingual dictionaries of Latin and local languages. The first dictionaries in English
contained French, Italian or Latin words, and definitions in English. The first monolingual
dictionary of English was written in 1604 by an English schoolteacher called Robert Cawdrey.
However, many people believed that this dictionary and several which followed it were
unreliable and incomplete. The first reliable English dictionary was ‘A Dictionary of the English
Language,’ which was written by the author, critic and poet, Dr. Samuel Johnson, and was
published in 1755. This dictionary was the standard for almost 130 years until Oxford
University Press began publishing the Oxford English Dictionary in 1884. This enormous work
was first published in short sections, and was finally completed in 1928, when the whole
dictionary was published in 12 huge volumes. The Oxford English Dictionary contains
approximately 600,000 words and is still the most comprehensive and reliable monolingual
English dictionary, being revised and updated every three months. Thousands of bilingual
dictionaries are published each year, and in addition to these there are numerous specialized
dictionaries, such as dictionaries of legal, scientific and medical terms. More and more
dictionaries are being published in electronic format and can easily be found on the internet.

a When was ‘A Dictionary of the English Language’ published?

( ) 1604 (x) 1755
b When did Oxford University Press begin publishing the Oxford English Dictionary?
( x ) 1884 ( ) 1928
c What kind of dictionary is a medical dictionary?
( x ) a bilingual dictionary ( ) a specialized dictionary
Score /3

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