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This Monster is written for the d20 system.

This free creature is designed for the Hunt: Rise of Evil ™ cam-
paign environment, which is a trademark of Mystic Eye Games ™. Requires the Dungeons and Dragons ®
Players Handbook Dungeon Master Guide and Monster Manual, Third edition, published by Wizards of the
Coast ® for use
Dungeons & Dragons ® and Wizards of the Coast ® are registered Trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, and
are used with permission.

Type: Medium-size outsider

Hit Dice: 4d10 +12
Initiative: +1 (Dex)
Speed: 30 ft, downhill slide 60 ft
AC: 17 (+1 Dex, +6 natural)
Attacks: 2 Claws +6 melee, bash +4 melee
Damage: Claw 1d6+4 , Bash 1d6 +4 plus knock down
Face/Reach: 5ft by 5ft/5ft
Special Attacks: Engulf, Spell-like abilities
Special Qualities: Damage reduction (edged weapons) 15, hide in snow, cold subtype
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +10
Abilities: Str 18, Dex 13, Con 17, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 10
Skills: Hide +6, Listen +4, Spot +5, Move Silently +6.
Feats: Multiattack, Improved Unarmed Strike, Improved Bull Rush

Climate/Terrain: Winter only, Any civilized place where snow falls.

Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 4
Treasure: None
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Advancement: Large (5-6d10)

In the center of town, in the dead of night, a great snow man stood built by all the town’s chil-
dren. A little celebration for the first big snow of the season. A worn hat topped its round head
and stones made up its lop sided smile. The branches that made up the snow man’s arms
were absurdly long and would touch the ground if they hung down instead of sticking straight
out to the sides. The eyes were made of red, broken colored glass as well and reflected the
light of the moon that peeked out from behind the stormy clouds. The townsfolk felt they had
built a masterpiece.
As the moon clouded over again the air turned suddenly much colder around the snow man.
Then, a dull thud sounded though not loudly. The sound came from no discernable direction
but seemed as if it was from all around. Of course, only the snow man would have heard it if it
had ears.
Proceeding the thud by only a second a gray mist wafted up from what appear to be a crack in
the very air itself. The mist swirled around the base of the snow man, climbing upwards and
finally dissipating as the swirl crested the old worn hat.
The Snow man stood still but had a strange presence surrounding it. If one were to look now
at the lopsided smile it had a malicious, sinister edge to it. The glassy eyes appeared to now
have a dull, ruddy glow of their own.
For many minutes more the air around the snow remained colder than the chill air of the night.
Then suddenly but slowly the head of the snow man turned of it’s own accord to gaze at the
soft, warm light from the window of the local tavern. The glass eyes reflected that light along
with their own reddish glow. A glaring hatred becoming obvious. A hatred of the light, of the
warmth of life.
Born of the darkest nightmares of earth, born in the time of the dark rift, the snow man had a
fiendish intellect born to it as well and began to plot how to exact its hatred on this place of its
creation. It never questioned the hatred itself. It knew only that it was driven to this end. To
chase, to stalk and to kill all that held the light of life.

Somewhere on earth a young boy awoke with a start and sat up shaking in his bed. He glanced around his room. The clock told him it was just passed midnight in a
bright glowing red. Slipping from under the covers the boy went to his window and drew the curtain aside, peering out at the snow man he and his family had made
that morning, the morning of the first snow of the season.
The snow man was there of course, by the curb, near the families min-van. The lopsided smile brought ease to the boys mind. His snow man would never chase
him as it did in his nightmare. His snow man was good.
The Snowmare is a fiendish and malicious entity of a terrible nightmare. It is driven by the purest hatred of things that are warm with life. This will
include large animals, Humanoids of all kind that are warm blooded, etc. The Snowmare knows that its time is limited and it will eventually melt
away. Its goal is simply to create as much fear, dread and death as it can without to much exposure so that it can continue its reign of terror for as
long as possible. If it is cold enough the snowmare will remain where it normally is during the day and watch, carefully picking victims to terrorize
and kill in the community. After dark, when all is quiet it will go to work. It is driven to strike fear and not kill right away. If discovered it will fight to
the death since it knows its time is short and those who are aware of it could kill it with a large heat source.

In Combat or when killing a victim that can fight back it will rely first on its spell like abilities listed below. First, it will effect as many as it can with it’s
ability to slow creatures in the area with biting cold. Then it will pelt at a distance with rays of frost, finally relying on Chill touch and then if need be
going to melee.
If on a snowy or icy slope it will use its movement advantage (downhill slide) to “charge” characters or “bull rush” them.

Spell-Like Abilities:
slow (Su) (1/ a day): The Snowmare can target a maximum of five victims to affect with slow( Partial move only, -2 AC, -2 melee rolls) up to 50
feet away. A Fort save (DC 21) will negate the effect. All of those in the area will feel the severe drop in temperature even if they are not affected by
the evil power.
ray of frost (Su) (4 / a day +1 for every hp sacrificed): The Snowmare can hurl icy balls of snow that have the effect of a Ray of Frost (1d3 cold
damage). 4 of these can be hurled a day but for every attack after the 4th the Snowmare is taking from itself and must sacrifice 1 HP to do so. A
touch attack must be made for this spell like ability to hit.
chill touch (Su) (4/ a day): As per the spell. This is not really a cold attack but, like the spell, is powered by negative energy.

Special Attacks:
Engulf: The snow mare can engulf one target that is a Small or Medium-sized humanoid or animal in one turn. A melee touch attack must be made
and the snowmare may make no other attacks while keeping the creature engulfed. It will normally only use this on single targets when complete
surprise is achieved.
Once engulfed the target will take 1d2 Str damage per combat turn. A Fort save (DC 17) will negate the effect for that turn only. The character can
make an opposed Str roll every combat turn in an attempt to break free after the first turn. The reduced Str does impact the opposed roll.
If a creature is reduced to 0 Str it is frozen solid and dead. If the Snowmare is attacked or performs any other action other than a partial move the
character gets another opposed Str check for every combat round the Snowmare is not fully concentrating on the engulf attack, giving a potential
two rolls per turn.

Special Qualities:
Damage Reduction:The Snowmare is nearly immune to edged weapons, reducing all damage from those types of weapons by 15 points. Blades,
axes, etc simply pass through the snowy body of the monster. Arrows, bolts, spears, javelins are also affected by the reduction. Crushing weapons
do normal damage.
Hide in Snow: When not moving and using its hide skill in a snow covered region the Snowmare can become invisible to all vision types until it
moves again.
Cold Subtype: Cold Immunity, Double Damage from fire except on a successful save.

Artwork: Copyright (C) Mystic Eye Games 2000, All rights


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