1 Parable of The Wedding Feast

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The Two Trademarks of an Authentic Christian

(Luke 14: 7 -14)


 Many Christians don’t know How to humble their self, many Christians don’t know how to put
Generosity in their life, (pride of life and meanness) And they don’t know that this things will
going to be Hindrance why we can’t fullfil our walk to the Lord and why we can’t complete being
an authentic Christian. So what are the trademarks of an authentic Christian to fullfil our walk
with the Lord.

Points :


1. Place ourselves to the lowest part (v7-9)

> Placing ourselves into the lowest part shows humility.

>Humility is not thinking of ourselves at all; it’s

Thinking about other People rather than ourselves

 Jesus is perfect example of “Genuine Humility”, that’s willing to think for other people and put
them first.p

The effect of putting ourselves in the lowest place: ☑ He will exalt us (v11b)

The effect of putting ourselves in the Higher place:

☑ He will humble us (v11a)

Not to do :


 Ito Ang kaugalian nating mga Christian punong Puno ng Pride ang sarili natin, at Hindi Tayo
marunong magpakumbaba but this verse wants to tell that we Christians must humble ourselves
in order us to Grow spiritually at para maayos Ang pakikipaglakad natin sa Panginoon.


 Piliin natin kung ano yung nais ng Panginoon at hindi yung nais natin. Mapapahiya lamang tayo.

What to do :

 Placing ourselves in a lowest place, nagpapakita lamang na mapagkumbaba tayo. Sapagkat
napakaraming nais na umaangat ngunit naibaba sapagkat silay nagiging mapagmataas.


 When we choose what God’s will, we feel comfortable, magiging matagumpay tayo at mago
-grow pa tayo sa Pananampalataya.

2. Showing humbleness can exalt you (v10 – 11)

> Because God will Carry you up the lord will take care of where he will going puts you sa mataas ba or
sa mababa(if we have self humility)

> Humility is in fact, one of the most powerful and important attributes of growth, both in and out of the
ring. Being humble helps to build trust and facilitates learning, which are key aspects of leadership and
personal development. ... Great peacemakers are all people of integrity, of honesty, but humility.”

> This is the result of being Humility, itataas ka nang Panginoon. Kaya nga sabi ng Panginoon na mas
mainam na piliin natin yung pangkaraniwang upuan sapagkat kung ganoon ang ating gagawin ay
maaring maparangalan tayo sa lahat ng panauhin.


3. Think of the welfare of others (v12 – 14)

> Means Don’t do anything only to get ahead. Don’t do it because yu are proud. Instead, be free of
pride. Think of others as better than yourselves. – Philippians 2:3

> one of the most important trademarks of being an authentic Christian is being Generous to others

> Remember that showing humility is same as being Generosity.

> And being Generosity is thinking of the welfare of others.

> Thinking of the welfare of others, nagpapakita na mahal natin sila at nagiging “Selfless” tayo. Kailangan
din nating isipin ang kapakanan ng iba sapagkat ang pagiging “makasarili” ay nangangahulugang
“mayabang”. Ngunit kaakibat ng kabutihang - loob ay iniisip ang kapakanan ng iba.

> Being Generosity can help us to grow in our spiritual life.

> Kaya nga sabi ng Panginoon, kapag maghahanda tayo ay huwag na nating imbitahan ang mga pamilya,
kaibigan, etc. Bagkus ay imbitahan natin yung mga nangangailangan, walang pag – asa dahil ito’y
nagpapakita na totoong Kristiyano tayo — sa pamamagitan ng pag-iisip sa kapakanan ng iba.


 Therefore as I will end up this messenge having a self-humility and Generosity will purify and
clence our walk with the Lord and this, and this will also help us to grow in Spiritual life. Self
Humility and Generosity are the trademarks that proves that we are truly an authentic Christian

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