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1. Materiały zostały wykonane przeze mnie i są objęte prawami autorskimi

2. Materiały przeznaczone są tylko dla Twojego użytku i na potrzeby zajęć z

uczniami. Zabrania się wykorzystywania materiałów w celach komercyjnych.

3. Jeśli chcesz udostępnić moje materiały na swojej stronie, profilu, blogu czy

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(na mojej stronie howareyouenglish.pl lub na facebookowym fanpage’u).

4. Jeśli masz jakieś pytania lub wątpliwości, skontaktuj się ze mną.

How are you? Natalia Kołodziej

What happened? What happened? What happened?

While I was doing the shopping … While my dad was painting the room … While she was reading a book …

What happened? What happened? What happened?

While they were walking the dog … While I was watching tv … While we were dancing …

What happened? What happened? What happened?

While my dad was working in the garden
While I was having a shower … While we were having dinner …

What happened? What happened? What happened?

While my sister was cooking dinner … While I was crossing the street … While I was doing my homework …

What happened? What happened? What happened?

While I was running … While he was driving … While he was tidying up his room …
What happened? What happened? What happened?

While I was waiting for a bus … While he was fixing his bike … While they were playing football …

What happened? What happened? What happened?

While I was watching tv … While she was picking fruit … While he was doing the washing up …

What happened? What happened? What happened?

While we were sitting in a restaurant … While I was getting out of the car … While we were climbing a mountain …

What happened? What happened? What happened?

While my mum was parking the car … While I was sunbathing in my garden … While we were having a party …

What happened? What happened? What happened?

While she was talking on the phone … While I was chatting to my friend on
While I was surfing the Internet …
Facebook …
What was happening? What was happening? What was happening?

I lost my wallet while … I met an old friend while … The lights went out while …

What was happening? What was happening? What was happening?

I found an old school photograph while
Our car broke down while … He had an accident while …

What was happening? What was happening? What was happening?

My mum called me while … My friends came while … She cut her finger while …

What was happening? What was happening? What was happening?

He twisted his ankle while … I fell asleep while … They heard the noise while …

What was happening? What was happening? What was happening?

It started to rain while … I saw a rat while … I entered the room while …
What was happening? What was happening? What was happening?

A bee stung me while … He fainted while … He had a heart attack while …

What was happening? What was happening? What was happening?

I dropped my mobile phone while … Somebody stole my mobile phone while … My computer crashed while …

What was happening? What was happening? What was happening?

I hit a street light while … He fell down while … I got up while …

What was happening? What was happening? What was happening?

I burnt my hand while … I saw an accident while … He hurt his leg while …

What was happening? What was happening? What was happening?

The fireworks started while … They told me the bad news while … They told me the good news while …

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