Affidavit Against Shariff Nine Feathers Bey Compress

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THE MOORISH NATIONAL REPUBLIC MOORISH DIVINE AND NATIONAL MOVEMENT OF THE WORLD Aboriginal and Indigenous Natural Peoples of Northwest Amexem / North America Affidavit of Truth Deformation of Character and Appellation Dyami Ali Bey, Authorized Representative, Natural Person, In Propria Persona: [Ex Rolatione RODNEY HOLLINGSWORTH: All Rights Reserved, In Full Life (Clo XianXian Lu 1225, XianXia Dajun Community, Changning District Shanghsi ‘Shanghai, Republic of China Territory [200336] To: Light Taji Bey “Moorish American Supreme Judiciary West Amexem Territory ‘Care of Southwest 314 Place, Near [Federal Way Washington Republic] ZIP EXEMPT (34)294-9828, Shariff Nine Feathers Bey ‘Moorish American Commissioned Consul atthe People’s Republic of China Tectitory Founder of Bey Roy~Al atthe People’s Republic of China Territory SAE ee AL YP RCD AZ He 426 15105160716 1 affirm that | am Dyami Ali Bey, Natural Person, In Propria Persona: Ex Relatione RODNEY HOLLINGSWORTH; All Rights Reserved, [also affirm that [am Moorish American, aborginal and indigenous to North America) Northwest Amexem, Iam natural descendent ofthe great Pharzohs of Kemet, ‘ancient Moabites and Canaanite, 1am adressing the matter that Shariff Nine Feathers Bey, appointed Commissioned Consul st the People’s Republic of China Territory by the Moorish American Consulate has been ongoinaly defaming my appellation and eharaeter to Moorish Americans and foreign nations across social media since July 92019. Any issue that Shariff Nine Feathers Boy has or as had towards me has never been acklressed to me via direct conversations, yer through social media attacks. The most insulting ofall his accusations is that I und Jaleel-Hiu El, 2 fellow Moorish American National here at Shanghai People’s Republic of China territory are ‘what he coasiders to be “dirty Moers”. [for my part have been silent about his constant insults though much aware of them vis my own eyes. So has Jaleo-Hu El, ‘Though he has deleted and blocked one of my Instagram accounts, I reckon he is unaware that I have another cone, to which ho has yet to deleted or block. ‘Therefore I am able to see his posts and videos, inchiding ones ‘where he is calling out my appellation. 1 also reckon he is unaware that words travel and reaches ‘whomever it may concer. Perhaps he is upset that JlecI-Hu 1 and myself are continuing to help fellow Moorish Americans apart from his Bey Roy~al organization, a Moorish American group he started on WeChat, which isa social media applicationed device here ai China. Myself and Jaleel-u Fl, apart from Shariff Nine Feathers Bey, have developed a platform to which we could assist fellow Moors with our knowledge and skis in reas of our expertise, In addition via our platform, Moors at their free will build ‘with one another, without any involvement of Jalce-Hu El nor myself. There is not competition with Shani Nine Feathers Bey, Bey Roy~Al, nor any organiation and individual for that mate. ‘An additional issue he may be having coneeming ws is about the Moorish American Travel Document that he had created, Some comments [ made to & fellow Moor who goes by the appellation Taraca El were fabricated, twisted and reported back to Shariff Nine Feathers by. admit my statements were not well articulated as I was angry about the slander being done towards me. Concerning the Moorish American Travel Document, it has not been recognized at China by customs and immigrations because if that i to be the case, then al nationalized Moorish Americans domiciling at China, including myself would have rescinded the PASSPORT instrument belonging tothe UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORPORATION, COMPANY and would be using the MATD rather developed by Sharif Nine Feathers Bey or any Moorish American National for that matter, To add, we would be recognized in China in our free national name and, nationality. Whatever issues Shrff Nine Feathers Bey have with me did not start with the matter ceanceming the Moorish American Travel Document that he has developed. It started extly July, 2019 because of petty debate via a group chat discussion on @ China communication media mobile phone device, He did not me like me voicing my concems in the group and felt that because he is founder of Bey Roy~Al, he should not be challenged. He then started chasetizing me in his Bey Roy~All group forum, to which I have been excommunicated from. I didn’t respond nor listen to much of the his comments as { was busy with my family nd neither did I want to have any type of arguments with him. Itwas this reason alone why he excommunicated me from his group and nothing more. Despite his continuous deformation of my characier, Ihave asked people who are in constant contact wit Sharif Nine Feathers Bey, to have him to contact me via telephone so that we could dialogue. He has yet t0 doo, On Thursday, October 10, 2019 Christian Calendar Year, he was served with a letter of Cease and Desist concerning the Deformation of my character and appellation and was demanded to reply by Friday, October 11,2019, He has yet to reply to that as well [ demand that Shariff Nine Feathers Bey give an immediate response to this affdavit by showing any evidence proving to be true that [am indeed a “dirty Moor”. Witnesses whom agree to his claim must autograph thelr appellation. However, if there is no evidence of such claim(s) against me, Shariff Nine Feathers Bey isto immediately decease from his acewsations agzinst me. In addition, he must apologize to me immediately concerning the deformation of my character and my appellation. He isto immediately apologize to me in both public and private matters, including a formal letter and committ to never defame me again. Privately, [ want a phone call from Shariff Nine Peathers Bey so that I can hear his apology. ‘The call mist have two of more witnessess. He isto also give a formal apology to me by email, forwarded to the Moorish American Consulate and Jalecl-Hu El. He must do the same on all social media. platforms 5 thet he presently and previously used to defame me and must tag me in the video and add me to all group chats to which he has done committed to act. If Sharriff Nine Feathers Bey continues to artack me or threaten to harm me, my family and Jalee-Hfu Elin anyway, I will result to other matters 19 Settle this situation. [affirm that such matters taken will not be a threat to is being by any means for he stil my brother inthe Moorish Divine and National Movement ofthe World. Pursuant to Amticle VI, The Zodiac Constitution © AA222141, ...Should a Moorish American who has this Constitution and Book 1 and Book 2 indulge in erime, such as; narcotics, robbery, forgery, prostitution, illegal whisky or alcohol, legal schemes, gambling, peace breaking, violence and disrespect forthe law of the City, Country, State and Federal, they thea have incriminated themselves and therefore will be penalized...” Pursuant to Anticle VI, The Zodiac Constitution © AA222141,...A Moorish American cannot be convicted 1 false accusation frame-up charges. The evidence agninst a Moorish American must be concrese proof beyong a shadow of doubt.” Pursuant to Amendment I, The Constitution forthe United States of America North Continent, “Congress ‘hall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the ice exercise thereof: ebridging the freedom of speech, oF ofthe pres; or the right ofthe peopl peacefly 1 asemble, and t petition the government fora redress of grievances, Islam! Am: Dyami Air ‘Natural Ex Relatione RODNEY HOLLIN All Rights Reserved: People's Republic of China Territory XianXia Da Jun Community, XianXia La 1225 ‘Shanghai, People's Repubic of China (200336) ‘Autograph of Witness hhp-lla sonweane ata psy (On Sun Aug 11, 2019 at 1235 PM Shariff Feathers Bey cbeyicyaleautlaok com> wrote: ISLAM. to Al, Inthe Name of Aah /AllLaw Im reaching cut tothe Moorih American Consulate in hobs thatthe leaders can help the Post Heads at Asa to establish protocol fr Diplomate mectings. The Online meeting that was held on ‘August 8, 2019 (Asa time) was done at time of organizational conflict, without the prior consent ‘andl agreement ofall assigned Post Heads |, sharif 9 feathers Bey, being Post Head et China Territory have the responsibilty to protect the integrity of our Moorish Nation. Know that being 2 Post Hand for the Moorish American Consulate signifies that we are responsible for hanaiing [Mootsh affairs at a particular Post/Tersterialjuiseetion that tho Consulate assigns. Like inthe reals of Security or Miltary, being assigned toa particular post means that one should not eave that post unless ts requested by superiors; In this case, being the Moorish American Consulate. A Post sindeed a stationery position. Im simply requesting thatthe Post Heads at Asia respect each ‘others Post and diplomatic missions, and to not medle in the afars ofthe Moors outside of their ‘own assigned territory without the expressed, written, prior permission from the Post Head of ‘that particular terstoral jurisdiction. To engage in activities inside of another's territorial juriietion nas the abil to kl a solid Diplomatic relationship between foreign corporate fovernments, Here at China Corporation, the ciplomatsc and pottical arena is extremely sensitive But with the curent trade wer ond ether police, we have the best chance now to estabish solid relationships and to put this country corporation on notice of our facts and current mode of ‘operations. October 1 of this year wil be China's 70th year anniversary and it’s right and exact on the number 7I!! Know that what | have areacy established here by Alah’s wil atthe East Gate Is Divine. simply could not happen without Divina Intervention and the halp of our Ancestors. Thee Moorish American Consulate and the other Post Heads would be wise to trust my eyes, e2r5, and spirit here because | have domiclled at this land for almost 11 years and my works atthe East Gate speaks for itself. have already interface with one of the China government Departments here years ago. im familar withthe culture, larguage, and socal customs. Ivealy know how to bulld relationships with them. | have aso created my own team of secretaries, treasurer, et Within side of the Bey Roy"Al International Moor Organization. | havea soli Team of Moors! | stand to lose a sold platform for the Moocsh Nation by other Pest Heads meddling in and not respecting my assigned Post here. To al Post Heads, please do not try to assign postions to Moors that are not fram your tector Post hecause you dont know them! And they dont know you! Know that Cointalpro has 2 worldwide iniiatvel Before the Online meeting on August 82019, Post Head ofthe Southeast Asia Territory, TreLeon ey was informed by me to nat include 2 troublesome Moors that domicile t China into the ‘meeting to dscuss Internationa fas. Even though | expressed to him many times thet those ‘Moots were not in goad-standing, are out offending unconscious Moor, and have been causing trouble here at China in regards to puching the Moorish Movernant, he chose to ignore my request. Tiss very damaging behavior for our diplomatic missions. Qur duties as, ‘Amtbassadors/Consuls sto inform each other there fs someone in our midst that has the ‘potential to saver the diplomat relations, and that wort uphold the divine princibies of our Nation To make matters worse, he chose to offer these Dirty Moors: Dyam Al Bey (China) and Jaleel-tu El (China) Consular postions, which he isnot the Post Head of China, and has ro ‘authority to assign or promote consular positons to Moors within the China Terstert |, Shariff Feathers Bay am ALL LAW/ALLAH ABIDING, and wil not cross the lines and meddle in the Diplomate affairs or go agtnst a Post Head's wishes at Southeast Asia Territory or any territory. | think the best sohtion for the other Post Heads is to do what have already done with the Bey FoyA\ Orgorization; GET BUSYH Start developing their own team of helpers so that they can build ‘a Moorish Consulate inthe future! This mode of operations of dlarespect for one's post can be Super damaging to our Nation's progress and undermines our individual Diplomatic Missions at rospected territories. mgs oct recom msnousAGRAADAWATYSEn AEDS TEIOUNOCTANCQAONNE ATV EBALIO sesiz0n atop iy Cot ‘Yo the Leaders atthe Moorish American Consulate, know that! didnot attend the Online meeting due to the situation 3 stated. The 2 Moors that were invited to the metre apaist my wishes are ttt time telling Moors to not purchace the MOORISH AMERICAN TRAVEL DOCUMENT: 2 Divinely inspired document that supports our Nationality ané Freedom of Movement, anc are turning unconscious Moors away from taking Moorish American classes that were setup for the ‘people's Salvation, They are at this time sill pushing negative vibes withthe intent to destroy the IMATD company and the works of Noble Drew Al at the fast Gate. Know that this message is sont tou out of Supreme Love for the Moorish Nation, and| simply want us all to mae prowess without dsrespecting each other. t's best to get this all cut on the Consular record now before it's {co late! To all ofthe Post Head's atthe East Gate, Let's respect one ancther and work together. {Get Busy in your respective Territories. There are plenty of sleepy head, mentally dex4, ‘unconscious moors at your own Territory that need you! Know that with the § principles of Light and Respect, Im stil hereto assist you belng your Noble Brot. ISLAM ‘Your Brother in the promotion of Love, Truth, Pace, Freedom, and Justice Everywhere, Noble sharif 9 Feathers Bey Founder of Bey Roy~Al- The international Wing of the Moorish Divine and National movement of the World 461 OK/s@ --- 19:48 AAHD & 55% Cie < Comments v7 Te EAD! VATE, let ine games begin 4 4likes Reply bustacallout @beylerbeyroyal seeees like — Reply are using their previous affiliations with Bey Roy~Al to steer people away from our divine mission and to turn people away from the purchase of our products. They are putting all sorts of false/negative propaganda out there. Noble Drew Ali was once faced with the same kind of issues. Know that he told the Moors "In the future, your Brother from the East is gonna have to help you." | assure you, | AM that Brother from the East, Shariff 9 Feathers Bey. The following Moors have NO A\ @ beylerbeyroyal There are Moors that until further . |G: Brotherroyalchina IG: faleelhushanghai * 6likes Reply Eul rT) Can Ti Respect Goes A Long Way v 9 view: we 9 > = - 2 3 Share Save Report } MoorSecret - Bey Roy Al... @ SUBSCRIBE 53 subscriber Eutl 1023.7K/s 3% ++ 00:00 0 6 A53% Ge Posts, 144 views * Liked by thatsiriusbarber and kem_reign_Supreme beylerbeyroyal BEY ROY~AL - The Moorish Vanguard Leader has an announcement * Unveiling some Dirty Moorish politics at China Corporation. What happened to Dyami Ali Bey and Jaleel-Hu El's affiliation with Bey Roy~Al? #MoorishAmericans #ISLAM@® #AmericanMoors #Moors #Muurs #nationalitymatters #nationalityistheorderoftheday #iselflawammaster #Islamism #MoorThanBlack #ImNotAnAdjective #imNotACrayon #MoorLivesMatter a a oO @ ‘THE MOORISH NATIONAL REPUBLIC MOORISH DIVINE AND NATIONAL MOVEMENT OF THE, WORLD Aboriginal and Indigenous Natural Peoples of Northwest Amexem /North America Dyami AW Bey, Authorized Representative, Natural Person In Propria Persona [Ex Relations RODNEY HOLLINGSWORTH: All Rights Reserved, In Pull Lite To: Shariff Nine Feathers Bey “Mocrish American Commissioned Consul at China Territory Founder of Bey RayAl atthe People’s Republic of Chins Tersitory CEASE AND DESIST DEFORMATION OF CHARACTER AND APPELLATION has come fo my attention of you, Commissioned Consul at China and Bey Roy~Al founder, Shariff Nine Feathers Bey, inthe making of verbal inssts and alse allegation against myself and Jaleel-Hu El by the ‘advertising videos verbally insulting us via social media. You have blocked ‘me anid JaleI-Hu El fom all areas of social media so that we cannot see the posts showing you mentioning the appellation of myself and Jaeel-Hu El However, whai you must lean about social media i that there isa way from secrcey. Todd have an additional Instagram account to which Tcan see CEASE AND DESIST DEMAND. hat you are stating about us whether on vidso or audio, We have snap shot proofs of your actions against ws. Your ations are very cruel and inconsiderate ofthe harmful eects this could have upon me, Salee-Hu or families, businesses and daily airs. you continve to insult me and Jalel-Hw Elin anyway upon receiving this eter, be it in public and private, your ations willbe evident of your continuous disrspect towards your fellow Moorish American brethrens and disregards for the security ofour lives and well as our families. Remove my appellation from you previous poss and videos on all social media platforms ‘of your use giving by Friday, October |, 2019, Otherwise, Iwill have to resort to other measures o resolve the issue. Yet, being Your Moorish American brethren, commit to pot engage nor seek harm about your whole being CEASE AND DESIST ALL FALSE ALLEGATIONS ‘You claim that I and Jalel-Hu El are wha is ealled “ity Moors” without showing solid evidence proving your statements to be te. AL this time, I demand that you immediately remove such allegtions from the web, ad all social media platforms, not limited to Instagram and WeChat and cease and desist from making any false allegations or pessing any false comments about us. I will not be saying your appellation or bringing you up a al ‘others as wel Tong as you all can revolve this peacefully by Priday, (October 11, 2019. AllRights Reserved

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