Unit 1 and 2 Task 2 Writing Assignment 1

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Unit 1 and 2. task 2: writing assignment.

(Discussion forum)


Inglés b1


Marisol Orjuela Liévano. Código: 1069713527

Lina Adelehiden Olivares. Código: 1002269843
Andrea Díaz Flórez. Código: 1070594046

Marilyn Garzón León

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia UNAD

Programa de Psicologia


Unit 1 and 2. task 2: writing assignment..........................................................................................................1

STEP 2: Check Exercises on the Knowledge Environment.............................................................................3
STEP 3: Develope Grammatical Topics..........................................................................................................7
STEP 4. Write a letter to your best friend........................................................................................................9
Referencias Bibliograficas.............................................................................................................................12

Step 2: Check Exercises on the Knowledge Environment.

Group has to check “Knowledge Environment” and develop all the Writing exercises. There are 5
students in the group for five parts in writing exercises. Each student develops two writing
assignments in the Forum.

Student 1: ANDREA DIAZ

You will develop writing exercises first and second and then share them in the forum.



STEP 3: Develope Grammatical Topics

-Each student will select ONE topic to develop:
a. Imperatives
b. Modal verbs
c. Simple past tense.
d. Gerunds after prepositions
e. Superlatives.
You cannot repeat topics.
After student chooses the topic, he should look for a video that explains its grammar usage with its
rules and write five sentences as an example of its use. The video and the sentences will be post in
the forum

Topics Video and sentences

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lu9FG_NlZ-M
-Five sentences as an example of its use

1.Please, let´s play soccer in the park

2. Let´s study english in the school, please!
3. Please, Let´s not dance in the house
4. Please, do not vote garbage here!
5. Please, let´s not sing here!

b. Modal Verbs.
Video: https://youtu.be/IT_V4wPx5Wo

Five sentences as an example of its use:

1.I can play soccer in the park, because I can not play soccer in the house
2.She would not work in the restaurant, because she is sick
3.Nicolas should dance Colombia folklore, because he does it very well
4.You must study English, because it is very import
5.Juan Camilo, you must not run fast in the park, because you can fall

c.Simple past
tense. Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=moYDA4jbPy4

Five sentences as an example of its use:

1.They ate a delicious chicken and drank wine.

2.We went to New York but we didn't visit the central park.
3.On Monday, jimmy studied French, listened to music and cleaned her
4.My father didn't get up late because he began his activities at 6 am.

5.I rode a horse on my vacation.
d.Gerunds after
prepositions Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3AKXJbVu5sc

five sentences as an example of its use

1.She dance in the park, before sleeping

2.Juan Camilo go to play in the park with friends, after doing homework
3.He always eat fruit, before lunching.
4.I play volleyball after studing English
5.Luciana does exercises for dancing better.
Video: https://youtu.be/4GW-Jds8Q3

Five sentences as an example of its use:

1.My mom is the most beautiful.

2.Juan is the worst test in the class.
3.Psychology is the best career.
4.Laura is the smartest.
5.My aunt Lola is the highest.

STEP 4. Write a letter to your best friend

-You will write a letter to your best friend to tell him/her about you have a new job. As a group
choose a job to develop. Each student must develop a paragraph about that job. It means that each
student will select one paragraph, one color and develop it as in this instructions.

Topic Paragraph

Hello dear Josephina, how is you,

I tell you that I feel very well
Happy to be in this new city
This has received me with much love
There are thousands of things that I want to tell you
Paragraph one: And I want to share with you
Describe the Through this letter I will let you know.
job. (Use
images for do To begin I want to tell you that I live in the city of New York,
it) It is a fantastic city in which there are many tourist sites,
Now I work as a teacher and fashion designer at FIT, Fashion Institute of
Technology. I teach design and fashion art, I have to work 8:00 a.m. at 12:00
p.m. and from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., in my free time I take him and read a
book, I go out with my friends. I tell you how wonderful it is to work and
share with students from other countries who also bring new experiences. I tell
them that the place is large, that it has very soft colors on the walls and has
beautiful fashions that decorate the room and coincidentally has a museum. I
tell you that I design my clothes myself.

Paragraph two: Fashion Institute of Technology is a fantastic place is located in the south east
Describe of New York 30 minutes from Manhattan, there are many students,
workplace : approximately 1000 students, from different areas of the world and therefore I
see many cultures that enrich my knowledge, I teach design and in the we see
workshops of fashion, cuts, confection and production, has accommodation for
students, restaurant, recreation sites such as soccer fields, tennis and
basketball, but the best of all is that it has a huge library !!!!! !!! A universe of
As for my co-
workers, they are
very kind and I
feel very
comfortable with

Paragraph I love teaching design to my FIT students, I love that they learn and show me
Three: Say why their designs. I like how they are dressed for the class, I like to be able to make
you like it. my own clothes and I also like to design other people's clothes. I like that FIT
gives new spaces to students, I like to see them when you practice each of the
sports. I really like to go out with my co-workers, I like to spend time with
them and I really enjoy working with them.

Paragraph Dear I tell you Josephina, that I did not like to be far from my family and my
Four: Say why friends, I feel lonely, I do not like leaving work late because they are very long
you dislike it. working days, I did not like to change the customs of this new city As it is
New York, I have also struggled English but I have learned, everything has
been a process to improve the quality of life.

Paragraph five: Dear Josefina, I have received a response from the letters sent to Colombia. I
Say whether can tell you how great my work is in New York City. I also imagine that you
you best friend like this city because of the places and tourist places. you are welcome to my
think would new home so you can enjoy the city of New York.
like your job. I say goodbye, dear Josefina, a big hug.

Your friend, Marilian

Referencias Bibliograficas

Herramientas Audiovisuales:

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lu9FG_NlZ-M
Video: https://youtu.be/IT_V4wPx5Wo
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=moYDA4jbPy4
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3AKXJbVu5sc
Video: https://youtu.be/4GW-Jds8Q3


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