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1. How many people are there in your family?

There are 4 people in my family

2. Does your family live in a house or an Now, my family is living in a house
3. What does your father do? My famer is worker
4. How old is your mother? She is 47 years old
5. Do you have any siblings? What’s his/her Yes , i have one elder brother , His name is
name? Duy Linh
6. Are you the oldest amongst your brothers No , I’m not .Actually i’m the youngest
and sisters? person in my family
7. What do your mother and father like? Well , I think my father likes reading book
and My mother loves cooking
8. Do your parents let you stay out late? No , They don’t . They are very strict ,but i
think it is good for me
9. Do you stay with your parents? Yes , i do
10. Does your family usually have dinner Yes, we do

1. How often do you eat out? Who do you go i sometimes eat out with my friends
2. What restaurant do you usually visit? Korean restaurant is the familar place where i
usually visit
3. What type of food do you enjoy to eat? For me , i think Asian food is always my
Western or Asian? option
4. How much do you usually pay when you I usually eat out with my friends , we chip
eat out? in ,and i don;t have pay too much , it is about
under two hundreds thousand dong
5. Do you enjoy spicy food? Yes , i do
6. Are the servers there friendly to you? Yes,they are
7. Have you ever tried Italian food? Not , i haven’t yet , but i will try it in the
8. Are you concerned about calories when No , i’m not ,because i’m a thin person
eating out?
9. Are fast food restaurants like KFC or Well ,actually they don’t because i think
McDonald’s famous in your country? Vietnamese food is so great ,
10. Do you often drink alcohol when eating Yes , i do

1. Where is your hometown? My hometown is Thanh Hoa
2. Is it the city or the countryside? it is countryside
3. What’s it known for? My hometown is famous for Nem Chua , it is
so great
4. What do people do there? People in here cultivate rice
5. How is the atmosphere there? It is so comfortable , warming ,and clean
6. How are people there? They are so friendly , belovent and hard-
7. Would you like to live in your hometown For me , my hometown is the best place in the
or somewhere else? world so i abosolutely like to live in it
8. Is it easy to find a job there? Yes ,it is .It you are student , you can teach
the children here , thery are so cute
9. Is it a good environment for young people? yes , it is
10. Is traffic congestion a big problem in your No ,it isn’t

1. What is your hobby? My hobbies are listening music,and watching
2. Is your hobby common in your country? Yes ,it is
3. Is your hobby the same as when you were a No ,it isn’t .Because when i was a child ,
child? smart phone isn’t popular because my parent
don’t have enough money to buy it so we
don’t have a chance to approach to my hobby
4. When did you start practicing that hobby? I think it is in my teenager
5. Is there anybody in your family who you Yes , my parents also like watching movie
share your hobby with?
6. How much time do you spend on your Three hours a day
7. What benefits do you get from it? I can improve my english from listening
America ,English songs and movies
8. Have you ever heard of someone having a Yes , i have .He is my friend , his hobby is
very unusual hobby? What was it? colleting rocks
9. What do you think about someone having I think they are their personal hobbies so i
weird hobbies? shoud respect them
10. What hobbies are usually expensive in I think they are collecting some luxurious
your country? things from famous brands like gucci , lv,...

1. How many places have you travelled to? 3
2. Who do you usually go with? I usually go with my parents
3. What’s your favourite tourist attraction? I think it is Sapa
4. Have you ever been abroad? No ,i haven’t
5. What language do you use when traveling? Vietnamese
6. What do you usually do during your trip? I visit the famous places and eat food ,take
7. What do you do to prepare for your trip? I prepare personal belongings
8. What do you usually bring when you They are luggages , phone ,and moneys
9. Do you prefer traveling by car, train or i like treveling by car
10. Do you prefer traveling alone or joining a I prefer treveling alone
guided tour?

1. On what occasions do people in your I think they are tet holiday , mid autum ,.
country celebrate parties?
2. Are you a party animal? (Do you like No, i’m not
3. When do parties often start and finish? It start about at 8’00 pm at night and finish
about 3 hours later
4. Where the parties are usually held? In my hobby
5. What do you usually wear when you come I usually wear casul clothes , it is comfortable
to a party? and free
6. What do people do in the parties you They sing ,eat together ,and talk a lot
7. Do you enjoy drinking alcohol at the No ,i don’t
8. Do people have to bring anything to the They bring the happiness ,and joyful to the
party? party
9. Why do people, especially the youth, love Because they can make friends with new ones
going to parties? , share everthings they like and somehow
,they can find the lover
10. When did you last have a party? 1 month ago

1. Who is your favourite teacher? My favorite teacher is mr ,Karper , he is my
english teacher
2. Is she/he a foreign teacher? Yes , he is
3. What do you like about his/her lessons? His lessons is extremely funny
4. What’s she/he like? He is very funny but also strict
5. What does she/he usually wear when He usually wear T shirt
coming to class?
6. Do you love his/her subject? Yes ,i do
7. Do students in your class like him/her? Yes , they absolutely do
8. Do you want to be a teacher like him/her? Yes , i do
9. Have you ever been punished by him/her? No , i havent’t beacause i’m a good student
10. Do you want to see him/her again? Yes, i do .I like him so much

1. Who’s your best friend? Ngoc is my best friend
2. What does s/he look like? She is beautiful ,tall and lovely
3. How and when did you meet? We met when we at grade 1
4. How often do you see this friend? I see her everydays
5. What’s s/he like? She is generous and she sometimes have a
quick temper
6. Do you and her/his share anything in Yes ,we do
7. What do you and her/his do together? We chat together , eat ou together and
understand toghether
8. Does s/he know how to cook? Yes , she does
9. Do your parents like her/his? Yes , they like her very much
10. Why is a friend important in life? Because she will lend you a simpathetic ear
when you sad ,and share with you her

1. What kind of music do you like? Electronic dance music
2. Is that the kind of music preferred in your Not really , because i think it is not much
country? popular
3. Who is your favourite singer? Son Tung
4. What piece of music do you like? Who It is Unstoppable , Sia sang it
sang that song?
5. How much time a day do you spend 1 hour a day
listening to music?
6. Do you feel relaxed listening to music? Yes , it is so chilly
7. Why is music important to us? They can heel the hurt , make fun and cut
down the stress
8. Do you usually go to bars or clubs? never
9. What do you think about the teenagers’ It is so fresh ,energetic and funny
music style?
10. Have you ever thought of forming a music Oh , i haven’t ,because i don’t have confiden
band? in my music ability

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