8 Week Upper Body Powerbuilding Program 1

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Block 1 - 4 Weeks

(Additional Dynamic Warm Up as Needed)

(Rest as Needed Inbetween Sets)

*All exercises RPE 8 unless otherwise noted

Day 1 - Upper A

A1: 4x50 Band Pull Aparts

A2: 4x12 Cable Upright Rows (big squeeze at the top)

B1: 4x10-8-6-6 Pendlay Rows - sets of 6 should be RPE 9.

B2: 4x12 Hanging Scapular Retraction

C1: 4x12-10-8-! Deadstop Dumbbell Rows (use straps) last set drop set to AMRAP - RPE 9

C2: 4x15 Single Arm Standing Dumbbell Overhead Press

D1: 3x8-12 Cable Rope Overhead Tricep Extensions

D2: 3x8 Preacher Curls (5 sec eccentric) - RPE 9

E1: 2x10 ea weight - up to 30lbs Lateral Raise Rack Ladder (go up and down DB rack twice)

Block 2 - 4 Weeks
(Additional Dynamic Warm Up as Needed)

(Rest as Needed Inbetween Sets)

*All exercises RPE 8 unless otherwise noted

Day 1 - Upper A

A1: 4x20 Banded Y Raises

A2: 4x12 Grip Free Face Pulls (use spud strap) - MM

B: 5x10-8-6-6-3 Bench Press (work up to a triple at 80%)

C1: 4x6 Barbell Floor Press - RPE 9

C2: 4x15 Banded Incline Dumbbell Chest Press (do not fully lock out triceps at top)

D1: 3x10-12 Swiss Bar Standing Overhead Press

D2: 3x8 Weighted Tricep Dips - last set do AMRAP with bodyweight

E1: 3x8 Decline Barbell Chest Press

E2: 3x20 Single Arm Cable Chest Fly - big stretch during eccentric, squeeze and hold for a count on concentric
Day 2 - Lower A Day 3 - REST

A1. 3x3 turf lengths (40ft) Banded Monster Walks

A2. 3x45 Second Wall Sit

B. 4x10-8-6-! Back Squat - last set drop set to AMRAP - last set RPE 9

C1. 4x10-12 Pit Shark Squats (2 second pause at bottom)

C2. 4x10-12 ea leg Single Leg Press - RPE 9

D1. 3x8 Bamboo Bar Assisted GHR (3 second squeeze at top)

D2. 3x25 ea leg Single Leg Curl

E. 200 Jump Ropes

Day 2 - Lower A Day 3 - REST

A1. 3x12 Goblet Squats

A2. 3x12 ea leg 2 Up/1 Down Leg Curls (2-3 sec count on the way down)

B. 5x10-8-6-6-3 Back Squat (work up to a triple at 80%)

C1. 4x8-8-6-6 Pit Shark RDL's (use your squat stance)

C2. 4x15 Leg Extension (after each set, drop set of 10 reps) RPE 9

D1. 4x8 ea leg Safety Bar Reverse Lunges

D2. 4x20 Stability Ball Hamstring Curls

E. 100 Weighted Walking Lunges (50 ea leg) non-stop - RPE 9

Day 4 - Upper B

A1: 3x50 Lateral Raises (5lbs) - Get some blood flow & a pump

A2: 3x25 Bent Over Rear Delt Swings

B: 5x12-10-8-6-6 Bench Press - Sets of 6 RPE 9

C: 5x8-8-6-6-! Meadows Rows (last set drop set to AMRAP) use straps

D1: 4x12-15 Wide Grip Pulldowns (big stretch and pause at the top ea rep)

D2: 4x12-15 ea arm Single Arm Rear Delt Cable Pull - RPE 7 MM

E1: 3x12 Incline Dumbbell Hex Press (3 second eccentric) - RPE 9

E2: 3x12 Plate Raises w/ a Twist at the Top

F: 2x30 Partial Dumbbell Shoulder Press (do not fully extend at top) RPE 9

Day 4 - Upper B

A1: 3x20 Cable Back Flys - MM focus on rear delt

A2: 3x25 Reverse Hypers - stay light get a good pump

A3: 3x15 Inch Worms w/ a Push Up

B: 5x10-8-6-6-3 Conventional Deadlift (work up to a triple at 80%)

C1: 4x12 Wide Grip Pull Ups (use weight if needed so RPE 9, 1 rep short of failure)

C2: 4x10 ea Side Renegade Row (with Push Up - hold 1 count at the bottom)

D1: 3x8 Incline Barbell Chest Press - pause for 2 counts at the bottom, explode up

D2: 3x60 Seconds Bus Drivers - use a 15-25lb bumper plate

E1: 3x12-15 Partial Dumbbell Chest Press

E2: 3xAMRAP Overhead Cable Tricep Extensions - at least 20 reps per set
Day 5 - REST

Day 5 - REST
Day 6 - Upper C

A1: 3x20 Banded Y Raises

A2: 3x10 Incline Bench I-T-Y's (stay light, all 3 movements = 1 rep)
B: 5x12-10-8-6-! Seal Rows (big stretch during lengthening phase
ea rep) last set drop set to AMRAP - RPE 9

C1: 5x12 Kneeling Single Arm Cable Lat Pull Down (big stretch during lengthening phase)

C2: 4x12-15 Seated Single Arm Overhead Presses

D1: 3x10-12 Decline Cable Chest Fly (Isohold at contraction 2 sec each rep) MM

D2: 3x15 Cable Straight Bar Tricep Push Downs

E: 4xAMRAP Ab Roll Outs - RPE 9

F: 2x12 6 Way Shoulder Raise (all 6 movements = 1 rep)

Day 6 - Upper C

A1: 3x15 ea arm Single Arm Banded Lateral Raises w/Pulse

A2: 3x10 ea arm Single Arm Banded Shoulder Press w/ External Rotation

B: 5x10-8-6-6-3 Overhead Press (work up to a triple at 80%)

C1: 4x10-8-6-6 Swiss Bar Bench Press (pause for 1 count at bottom)

C2: 4x15 Serrano Band Press

D1: 3x12 ea arm Single Arm Kettlebell Floor Press

D2: 3x12 Cable Cross Tricep Extensions

D3. 3x20 Rope Cable Crunches (full extension and stretch at the top)

E: 3xAMRAP Push Ups (go to 1 rep of failure. If you get over 25 add weight on your back)
Day 7 - REST

Day 7 - REST

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