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Complete Obturation—Cold Lateral Condensation vs.
Thermoplastic Techniques: A Systematic Review of
Micro-CT Studies
Shilpa Bhandi 1 , Mohammed Mashyakhy 1 , Abdulaziz S. Abumelha 2 , Mazen F. Alkahtany 3 , Mohamed Jamal 4 ,
Hitesh Chohan 1 , A. Thirumal Raj 5 , Luca Testarelli 6 , Rodolfo Reda 6 and Shankargouda Patil 7, *

1 Department of Restorative Dental Sciences, College of Dentistry, Jazan University, Jazan 45412, Saudi Arabia; (S.B.); (M.M.); (H.C.)
2 Department of Restorative Dental Science, College of Dentistry, King Khalid University,
Abha 61421, Saudi Arabia;
3 Department of Restorative Dental Science, Division of Endodontics, College of Dentistry, King Saud
University, Riyadh 11362, Saudi Arabia;
4 Department of Endodontics, Hamdan Bin Mohamed College of Dental Medicine, Mohammed Bin Rashid
University of Medicine and Health Sciences, Dubai Health Care City, Dubai 505055, United Arab Emirates;
5 Department of Oral Pathology and Microbiology, Sri Venkateswara Dental College and Hospital,
Chennai 600130, India;
6 Department of Oral and Maxillo Facial Sciences, University of Rome La Sapienza, 00161 Rome, Italy; (L.T.); (R.R.)
7 Department of Maxillofacial Surgery and Diagnostic Sciences, Division of Oral Pathology, College of
Citation: Bhandi, S.; Mashyakhy, M.; Dentistry, Jazan University, Jazan 45142, Saudi Arabia
Abumelha, A.S.; Alkahtany, M.F.; * Correspondence:
Jamal, M.; Chohan, H.; Raj, A.T.;
Testarelli, L.; Reda, R.; Patil, S. Abstract: To prevent re-infection and provide a hermetic seal of the root canal system, an endodontist
Complete Obturation—Cold Lateral
must aim to produce a void-free obturation. This review aimed to compare the completeness of root
Condensation vs. Thermoplastic
canal obturation between the two most prevalent methods—cold lateral condensation and warm
Techniques: A Systematic Review of
gutta-percha techniques—using micro-CT (PROSPERO reg no. 249815). Materials and Methods:
Micro-CT Studies. Materials 2021, 14,
A search of Scopus, Embase, PubMed (Medline via PubMed), and Web of Science databases was
ma14144013 done without any time restriction according to the PRISMA protocol. Articles that compared both
techniques and were published in English were included. Data was extracted and the risk of bias
Academic Editors: Carlo Bertoldi, was assessed using an adapted tool based on previous studies. Results: A total of 141 studies were
Ivana Miletić and Paolo Cappare identified by the search. Following the screening and selection of articles, 9 studies were included for
review. Data was extracted manually and tabulated. Most studies had a moderate risk of bias. None
Received: 9 May 2021 determined operator skill in both methods before comparison. The data extracted from the included
Accepted: 12 July 2021 studies suggests that both techniques produce voids in the obturation. The thermoplasticized gutta-
Published: 18 July 2021
percha techniques may result in fewer voids compared to cold lateral condensation. Conclusion:
Considering the limitations of the included studies, it was concluded that neither technique could
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral
completely obturate the root canal. Thermoplasticized gutta-percha techniques showed better
with regard to jurisdictional claims in
outcomes despite a possible learning bias in favor of cold lateral condensation. Establishing operator
published maps and institutional affil-
skills before comparison may help reduce this bias.

Keywords: obturation; root canal filling; micro-CT; cold lateral condensation; thermoplasticized

Copyright: © 2021 by the authors.

Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
This article is an open access article
1. Introduction
distributed under the terms and
conditions of the Creative Commons Good obturation is a key requirement in successful endodontic treatment [1]. Cleaning
Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// and shaping of the canals affects proper debridement and removal of tissue remnants—an essential step in endodontic therapy. However, an incomplete filling can jeopardize the
4.0/). success of root canal treatment. Inadequate endodontic filling is linked to the development

Materials 2021, 14, 4013.

Materials 2021, 14, 4013 2 of 15

of periapical pathology and considered a failure of the endodontic treatment [2–4]. In a

systematic review, Ng et al., found four factors that significantly improve the outcome of
primary root canal treatment, and one of these was the presence of a root filling with no
voids [5].
An inadequate root filling is a contributor among other factors [6–10]. It has been
demonstrated that bacteria are a primary cause of endodontic treatment failure [9–12].
Lack of a hermetic seal in the root canal system creates a favourable environment for
bacterial proliferation, especially for facultative anaerobes [9,13,14]. Root canals also have
a complex anatomy with the occurrence of oval shaped canals in more than 90% teeth
in some samples [15]. Therefore, even standard protocols for cleaning and shaping—be
it using rotary, reciprocating or the self-adjusting files—can leave areas of the root canal
untouched [16,17]. These areas are dependent on the action of irrigants to eliminate bacteria.
Along with mechanical cleaning and shaping procedures, irrigants reduce the number of
bacteria in the root canals but do not eliminate them [18–22].
A reduced microbial load in the absence of a subsequent apical and coronal seal can
cause recurrence of infection [13]. Persistent bacteria can use tissue remnants from unpre-
pared areas as nutrients, leading to bacterial proliferation that is sustained if tissue fluids
move into the canal from the periapical region [23,24]. This occurs by one or a combination
of these mechanisms: the inability of the immune system to reach these bacteria, a supply of
nutrients from the periapical region, and new bacteria entering from the coronal orifice [25].
Proponents of the multiple visit endodontic treatment favor the use of intra-canal medica-
ments to overcome this problem. However, it is ineffective in eliminating bacteria [26,27].
A dense, complete obturation prevents contact between bacteria and their nutrient source,
thus reducing the possibility of re-infection and re-treatment.

Literature Review
Obturation is the filling and sealing of a prepared root canal with a root canal sealer
and a core material. The core material occupies space while the sealer flows to areas of
irregularities or those unaffected by mechanical preparation. An obturation must achieve a
high level of adaptability to the prepared canal walls and the filling material must penetrate
the dentinal tubules, if possible [28]. Sealers are essential to form an impervious barrier
between the core material and the root canal walls [29]. The importance of sealers was
realized in the early 20th century when obturations with gutta-percha alone frequently led
to apical periodontitis [30]. They can flow into areas where the core filling materials do not
reach and help obtain an adequate seal regardless of the technique used [31]. Sealers can
penetrate dentinal tubules and have inhibitory effects on E. fecalis [32,33]. However, it is
possible that sealer in the dentinal tubules offers no advantage in achieving a hermetic seal
in the root canal [34].
Though the process of obturation involves placing a filling material, preparation
of the root canal to receive the filling starts during biomechanical preparation. Schilder
advised that cleaning and shaping should be carried out as per the root canal anatomy
and obturation technique. He described a continuously tapered tunnel preparation for
root canals that are to be obturated with gutta-percha. The tunnel tapers apically and
must closely follow the shape of the original canal [35]. There are unprepared areas with
modern cleaning and shaping systems, though to a varying degree with each [16,17,36].
They prevent complete obturation regardless of the technique by hindering adaptation of
gutta-percha to the canal walls [37]. This led to a focus on cleaning and shaping methods
as a single important factor in treating endodontic disease. However, such a view may be
detrimental for long-term endodontic outcomes. Both canal preparation and filling need to
be considered in tandem to provide the best outcome for endodontic therapy.
The classic obturation technique, also primarily taught in undergraduate courses in
most dental schools, is cold lateral condensation [38–40]. This technique involves placing
a single cone of gutta-percha (GP) with sealer in the prepared root canal and adding
secondary GP cones that are compacted together with the use of a spreader. The cones stay
Materials 2021, 14, 4013 3 of 15

together due to frictional grip and the presence of a sealer [41]. Although a time-consuming
procedure, lateral condensation is preferred due to its low cost and controlled placement of
GP in the canal [39,40]. The final mass is not homogenous and consists of numerous GP
cones pressed together with the sealer filling most spaces in between [42]. The concept of
heating GP to obtain a uniform tri-dimensional obturation was introduced by Schilder in
the 1960s [1,43]. He aimed to provide a technique that produced a homogenous, stable,
compatible material adapted to the varied and complex anatomy of the root canal system.
This technique condenses heated GP in the canal to adapt it to the prepared root canal walls.
The method uses little amount of sealer. Since the introduction of Schilder’s technique, other
procedures that use heated gutta-percha cones evolved: the continuous wave obturation,
injectable gutta-percha, and carrier-based techniques [44,45].
Studies that compared these two techniques in vitro, used sectioning, radiographs,
weighted acrylic blocks and the double chamber model to evaluate the completeness,
density and microleakage—all of which play a role in successful obturation [46–49]. These
comparisons indicated that thermoplastic techniques were superior to cold lateral conden-
sation. Another study, which compared the filled area in both techniques using microscopic
analysis, found that the void area with thermoplastic techniques was less than the void area
in lateral condensation [37]. However, sectioning teeth is invasive, can result in artefacts,
and destroys the subject tooth. The imaging techniques used provide a two dimensional
picture of a three dimensional problem.
The field of dental research is evolving with the introduction of digital technology.
This has been used to provide better patient care with less invasive methods and less
intensive use of resources. These technologies help create a better workflow for clinicians
and have also helped in basic research such as with stem cells [50,51]. These technologies
can also be used in other clinical aspects of dental research such as in orthodontics where a
digital workflow can aid in accurately studying factors such as rate of tooth movement [52].
With advances in imaging technology and endodontic techniques, one can better assess
the quality of fillings in the root canals. Researchers no longer need to rely on subjective
symptoms or be limited by superimpositions in two-dimensional images. The use of
digital imaging, cone beam computed tomography (CBCT), micro-computed tomography
(Micro-CT), and Magnetic Resonance (MRI) provide detailed assessment and evaluation of
the work. CBCT has been used extensively in all areas of dentistry for three-dimensional
imaging. However, due to the high radiation exposure, guidelines are in place for its
clinical use in endodontics [53,54]. It is also ineffective to assess voids in endodontic filling
due to the presence of artefacts [32]. There are methods that reduce, but not eliminate,
artefact production in CBCTs. This is done by using appropriate settings for scanning and
a metal artifact reduction algorithm [55,56]. The expression of artefacts is variable among
different CBCT machines [57]. MRI also suffers from similar problems in addition to high
cost and long scan times [58,59].
Micro-computed tomography (micro-CT) can visualize root canals and determine
the extent of filling materials at different levels without damage to the subject teeth. It
is a reliable method of 3D imaging of the root canal anatomy [60,61]. This sophisticated
technique is used to evaluate modern methods and experimental studies of root canal
preparation. Its high resolution makes it particularly useful for modern techniques, which
emphasize minimal preparation to preserve as much root dentin as possible [62]. Micro-CT
was initially used to study root canal anatomy and later, root canal preparation [36,62,63].
It shows a high correlation with histologic examination of root canal fillings [64]. Compar-
isons between micro-CT and CBCT images of filled root canals show a higher volumetric
distortion and artefacts with CBCTs [65,66]. Using nano-CT as a reference, comparison
of different CBCT machines and micro-CT demonstrated a significant distortion with all
CBCT machines in filled root canals [57]. Micro-CT is considered as the gold standard in
studies evaluating quality of root canal filling, root canal morphology, evaluation of canal
preparation, and irrigation [65]. Therefore, studies that used micro-CT were chosen for
inclusion in the review.
Materials 2021, 14, 4013 4 of 15

The aim of this review was to examine the evidence on the three-dimensional com-
pleteness of root canal fillings produced by cold lateral condensation versus the warm
gutta-percha techniques of obturation.

2. Materials and Methods

This systematic review was conducted following the Preferred Reporting Items for
Systematic Review (PRISMA) guidelines [67]. The review was submitted for PROSPERO
registration (249815).

2.1. Inclusion Criteria

The studies were included according to the PICOS format as follows:
− Participants (P)—teeth that had undergone root canal preparation followed by en-
dodontic obturation.
− Intervention (I)—obturation done using heated gutta-percha techniques.
− Comparison (C)—obturation of the root canal using the cold lateral condensation
(CLC) technique.
− Outcome (O)—assessment of root canal filling or voids on a micro-CT.
− Studies (S)—studies that compared two or more techniques, one of which was cold
lateral condensation and another which was a heated gutta-percha technique.
− Those studies that objectively assessed and compared the obturation using micro-CT
were included in this review.

2.2. Exclusion Criteria

Those that did not report the volume or volume fractions of the entire root canal were
excluded. Studies that did not compare the two methods of obturation and were only
descriptive towards one were not included due to the inability to compare techniques. Nar-
rative reviews, case reports, opinion pieces, conference abstracts, and letters to the editor
were excluded from the review. Articles in languages other than English were excluded.

2.3. Focus Question

This review aimed to answer the question: “Does gutta-percha used with the cold
lateral condensation and warm condensation techniques objectively produce complete
obturation of the root canal radiographically in three dimensions?”

2.4. Search Strategy

The search was conducted according to the PRISMA extension guidelines for reporting
literature searches [68]. The PubMed, Scopus, Embase, and Web of Science databases were
searched on 3 April 2021, without placing any time restrictions. The details of the search
queries placed in the databases are given in Table 1.
The results obtained from these queries were exported to EndNote (Clarivate™,
Philadelphia, PA, USA). Any duplicates were removed using the software. This was fol-
lowed by an initial screening of titles and abstracts to identify relevant studies. This was
done independently by two reviewers. After resolution of any ambiguity by discussion
with a third reviewer, the studies identified during the initial search were independently
evaluated by both reviewers with full-text reading. Any disagreements in the inclusion
of studies were resolved by discussion with a third reviewer. Those satisfying the in-
clusion criteria were hand searched for additional studies. A hand search of prominent
journals, based on data analysed by independent researchers, was also done to identify any
additional studies [69]. These included the (1) Journal of Endodontics, (2) International
Endodontic Journal, and (3) Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology,
and Endodontology.
Materials 2021, 14, 4013 5 of 15

Table 1. Search queries used in the databases.

Database Query
(quality) AND (((root canal) AND ((obturation) OR (filling))) AND (technique)) AND (micro-CT)
(“qualities”[All Fields] OR “quality”[All Fields] OR “quality s”[All Fields]) AND ((“dental pulp cavity”[MeSH Terms] OR (“dental”[All
Fields] AND “pulp”[All Fields] AND “cavity”[All Fields]) OR “dental pulp cavity”[All Fields] OR (“root”[All Fields] AND “canal”[All
Fields]) OR “root canal”[All Fields]) AND (“obturate”[All Fields] OR “obturated”[All Fields] OR “obturating”[All Fields] OR
“obturation”[All Fields] OR “obturations”[All Fields] OR “obturator”[All Fields] OR “obturators”[All Fields] OR “obturing”[All
Fields] OR (“filled”[All Fields] OR “filling”[All Fields] OR “fillings”[All Fields] OR “fills”[All Fields])) AND (“methods”[MeSH
Subheading] OR “methods”[All Fields] OR “techniques”[All Fields] OR “methods”[MeSH Terms] OR “technique”[All Fields] OR
“technique s”[All Fields])) AND (“X-ray microtomography”[MeSH Terms] OR (“X-ray”[All Fields] AND “microtomography”[All
Fields]) OR “X-ray microtomography”[All Fields] OR (“micro”[All Fields] AND “ct”[All Fields]) OR “micro-CT”[All Fields])
((quality) AND (((root AND canal) AND ((obturation) OR (filling))) AND (technique)) AND (micro AND ct))
Embase quality AND root AND canal AND (obturation OR filling) AND technique AND micro AND ct
Web of
ALL FIELDS: ((quality) AND (((root canal) AND ((obturation) OR (filling))) AND (technique)) AND (micro-CT))

Data extracted from the studies included the type of study, sample size, the method
of warm vertical compaction used, the use of irrigants for smear layer removal, use of
sealers, measurements made with micro-CT, their differences, and the results. The data
was extracted by two reviewers independently, discussed, and tabulated. The details
were tabulated to allow comparison between the studies regarding the completeness of
obturation (Table 2).

Table 2. Data extracted from selected studies.

Values Obtained

S. No Author, Year, Samples Used Thermoplastic Final Measurement Cold

Sealer Lateral Thermoplastic Results
(Country) (Size per Group) Technique Used Irrigants Method
Condensation Technique

Volume of voids and No significant differences were

filling (in mm3 ) observed between techniques of
calculated for both preparation and obturation. In
3.11 ± 2.06 mm3 3.81 ± 1.87 mm3
Mesial root canals Thermoplasticized techniques using the filling techniques,
Simsek et al., 17% EDTA, (SAF) (SAF)
1 of mandibular injectable gutta- AH plus micro-CT for canals independent of the
2017 (Turkey)
first molars (10) percha (TIGP)
2.5% NaOCl
instrumented using 2.78 ± 1.20 mm3 3.43 ± 0.90 mm3 instrumentation, more voids
self-adjusting files (Rotary) (Rotary) were in the thermoplastic GP
(SAF) and technique, but the differences
rotary files. were not statistically significant.

Filling density and adaptation

The interface void was inferior in CLC filled canals
volume ratio of the with significantly higher
Permanent Continuous wave main canal was also interface void volume ratios.
Oh et al., 2016 17 % EDTA,
2 mandibular first of condensation AH plus calculated as a 0.77 ± 0.16% 0.27 ± 0.12% * The gutta-percha volume ratio
(Korea) 3.5% NaOCl
molars (20) (CWC) percentage of the was also significantly lower in
main canal volume CLC than in CWC, but the sealer
for the apical 5 mm. volume ratio was significantly
higher in CLC than in CWC.

The overall gutta-percha volume

Warm Vertical The overall mean was significantly lower in the CL
Compaction fraction of the root group than in the other groups.
Ho et al., 2016 (WVC) with Ther- 3% NaOCl, canal volume filled 68.51 ± 6.75% Within the CL group, the volume
3 mandibular first None 88.91 ± 5.16% filled *
(China) moplasticized 17% EDTA with gutta-percha for filled fraction was the same in all
molars (11)
injectable gutta- each group segments while in WVC, it
percha (TIGP) was determined increased towards the
coronal aspect

Using 2D slices, the

Thermafil had the smallest void
root filling volume
volumes (both types) but
percentages, the 0.5 ± 0.2 (internal)
Core carrier Endo- 2.5% NaOCl, 17% 0.4 ± 0.2 (internal) significantly differed at the
Celikten et al., First mandibular volume of internal, 0.8 0.5 (external)
4 technique Sequence EDTA, 0.7 ± 0.4 (external) apical level only when compared
2015 (Turkey) premolars (10) external and 0.6 ± 0.3
(Thermafil) BC distilled water 0.6 ± 0.3 (combined) to CLC. The overall volumes
combined voids in (combined)
were not significantly different
materials was
for both techniques.

The number, size,

percentage of volume CLC produced voids mainly
and distribution of between the canal wall and the
0.21 ± 0.18% (HI) 0.11 ± 0.12% (HI) **
ZOE-based 17% EDTA, 2% voids-internal (I) and filling. With thermal compaction,
Kiekerlo, Mandibular Continuous Wave 0.69 ± 0.41% (HE) 0.14 ± 0.13% (HE)
5 sealer NaOCl and external (E) was the internal voids were more
2015, Poland premolars (10) of Condensation 0.27 ± 0.28% (RI) 0.20 ± 0.30% (RI) *
(Tubli-seal) saline solution measured for groups common, except for the apical
0.52 ± 0.38% (RE) 0.55 ± 0.48% (RE)
instrumented with third of the canal where mostly
hand (H) and rotary parietal voids were present.
(R) instruments
Materials 2021, 14, 4013 6 of 15

Table 2. Cont.
Values Obtained

S. No Author, Year, Samples Used Thermoplastic Final Measurement Cold

Sealer Lateral Thermoplastic Results
(Country) (Size per Group) Technique Used Irrigants Method
Condensation Technique

The presence of
voids at the interface Less empty spaces were
between the root observed when GP was heated
Nhata et al., Mandibular Continuous wave 17% EDTA,
6 AH plus canal dentin and the 0.019 ± 0.005% 0.004 ± 0.003% * within the root canal on
2014 (Brazil) incisors (10) of condensation Distilled water
filling material in all continuous wave of
filling techniques in- condensation compared to CLC.

The volume of The WVC group had a

gutta-percha, sealer significantly lower percentage
Single rooted Thermoplasticized
Keleş et al., and voids was volume range of voids (p < 0.05)
7 maxillary injectable gutta- AH plus Saline solution 4.26 ± 0.74% 0.57 ± 0.44% *
2014 (Turkey) expressed as the overall but the difference was
premolars (12) percha (TIGP)
percentage of the insignificant for the techniques
root canal volume in the apical thirds

The TIGP group had the least

Warm vertical volume of voids, which was
condensation, significantly less than both CLC
Expressed as the
Naseri et al., Maxillary first Thermoplasti- AH26 17% EDTA, 84.8 ± 6.0%—WVC and WVC. Both thermal
8 percentage of the 80.4 ± 1.6%
2013 (Iran) molars (5) cized injectable sealer 2.5% NaOCl 92.7 ± 2.4% *—TIGP techniques showed better fill
root canal volume
gutta- volumes than CLC, which also
percha (TIGP) had a higher percentage of sealer
than any other technique.

2D slices were A high frequency of voids was

compared for the found for both techniques,
presence of voids in increasing coronally. CLC
root fillings by resulted in fewer voids in the
Moeller et al., molars,
Hybrid Thermafil 17% EDTA, assessing each 65.9% of the 66.9% of the sections apical part of the root filling. The
9 2013 premolars, and AH plus
Technique (HT) 0.5% NaOCl section (672 µm sections had voids had voids opposite was true for HT which
(Denmark) canines (34—CL
apart) using a binary had more voids cervically.
and 33 in TH)
value—void Overall, the two techniques did
present/void not differ significantly in the
not present percentage of voids.

* significant difference between groups, ** significant difference between all groups, EDTA—Ethyline Diamine Tetra-acetic Acid, NaOCL—
Sodium hypochlorite.

2.5. Risk of Bias

A customized criteria for assessment was devised based on previous systematic
reviews on in vitro studies, but were adapted to include relevant factors that affect the
success of root canal treatment [70,71]. The criteria used are listed in Table 3. Evaluation of
the risk of bias was made by two reviewers individually. Any ambiguity in the results was
resolved by discussion with a third reviewer.

Table 3. Assessment of risk of bias.

Was a
Was the Morphology Was the Did a Was the Was the
Root Canal Was the Ob-
Were Human Same for All Root Were the Rationale for Single Operator Entire Root
Author, Year Preparation and server/Evaluator Risk of
S No. Teeth Used as Canals and without Groups the Sample Operator Skilled in Canal
(Country) Disinfection Blind to the Bias
Specimens? Any Root Perforation Matched? Size Perform All Both Volume
Protocol Groups?
or Fracture? Mentioned? Procedures? Techniques? Considered?
Followed for
Both Groups?

Simsek et al., Not Not Not

1 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Moderate
2017 (Turkey) mentioned mentioned mentioned

Oh et al., 2016 Not Not Not

2 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No High
(Korea) mentioned mentioned mentioned

Ho et al., 2016 Not Not Not Not

3 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Moderate
(China) mentioned mentioned mentioned mentioned

Celikten et al., Not Not Not

4 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Moderate
2015 (Turkey) mentioned mentioned mentioned

Kiekerlo, Not Not Not Not

5 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Moderate
2015, Poland mentioned mentioned mentioned mentioned

Nhata et al., Not Not Not Not

6 Yes Not mentioned Yes Yes Yes High
2014 (Brazil) mentioned mentioned mentioned mentioned

Keleş et al., Not Not

7 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Low
2014 (Turkey) mentioned mentioned

Naseri et al., Not Not Not

8 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Moderate
2013 (Iran) mentioned mentioned mentioned

2 operators
Moeller et al.,
Not alternated
9 2013 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Moderate
mentioned between

Studies that reported 7–9 of the items were classified as low-risk studies, those which report 5–6 items were considered as moderate bias
studies and those with less than 5 reported were considered as having a high risk of bias.
Studies that reported 7–9 of the items were classified as low-risk studies, those which report 5–6 items were considered as
moderate bias studies and those with less than 5 reported were considered as having a high risk of bias.
Materials 2021, 14, 4013 7 of 15

3. Results
3.1. Identification of Studies
3. Results
The workflow of the process used for study selection, according to the PRISMA
3.1. Identification
guidelines, of Studies in Figure 1.
is presented
The workflow of the process used for study selection, according to the PRISMA
guidelines, is presented in Figure 1.

1. Summary
Figure of
Figure 1. Summary of the workflow.
the workflow.

An initial search of databases using the search terms revealed a total of 141 articles in
An initial search of databases using the search terms revealed a total of 141 articles
the databases. After the removal of duplicates, 81 studies were screened using the titles and
in the databases. After the removal of duplicates, 81 studies were screened using the titles
abstracts. The two reviewers involved in the screening were in almost perfect agreement
and abstracts. The two reviewers involved in the screening were in almost perfect agree-
(k = 0.90). The ambiguity was resolved by discussion with a third reviewer and a total of
ment (k = 0.90). The ambiguity was resolved by discussion with a third reviewer and a
12 articles were selected for full-text reading. Out of these articles, 3 did not satisfy the
total of 12 articles were selected for full-text reading. Out of these articles, 3 did not satisfy
inclusion criteria [72–74]. Reviewer agreement was absolute (k = 1). The remaining articles
the included
were inclusionincriteria [72–74]. Reviewer agreement was absolute (k = 1). The remaining
the review.
articles were included in the review.
3.2. Assessment of Risk of Bias
The criteria used to assess the risk of bias were determined based on the methodologi-
cal requirements to perform an experiment with control over possible factors in an in vitro
environment. Factors such as the use of root canals of similar morphology, matching of
groups, and the operator skill levels—all of which can influence obturation quality were
considered. Standardization of the protocol for both groups was also taken into account.
Materials 2021, 14, 4013 8 of 15

Of the included studies, only 1 had a low risk of bias. A maximum number of studies had
a moderate risk of bias (6) and the remaining had a high risk (2).

3.3. Studies Examining the Completeness of Obturation

A total of nine studies were included for qualitative analysis [75–83]. These compared
voids seen in obturation with thermoplastic techniques versus cold lateral condensation.
The studies did not follow a uniform methodology for the assessment of the results but
were able to objectively assess the outcome. Some used the volume of the voids present
while others used the volume of the filling in the prepared canal. Measurements were
made in the form of mean volumes of the filling or voids in similarly prepared canals or as
volume percentages.
Neither technique produced a void-free obturation in the root canals. Of the nine stud-
ies examined, seven found significant differences between the two techniques, favouring
the use of thermoplastic gutta-percha obturation techniques. However, two of these found
significant differences only in the apical third [76,78]. Two studies found a greater number
of voids with the thermoplastic technique but these differences were not significant [75,83].
A summary of the data extracted from the studies is given in Table 2.

4. Discussion
This study reviewed the completeness of obturation using heated gutta-percha in
comparison to cold lateral condensation observed radiographically in three dimensions by
micro-CT. We observed that heated gutta-percha techniques were a more favorable method
of root canal obturation compared to the more widely taught cold lateral condensation but,
further studies with better control over factors that can potentially influence the outcome
are needed. The data extracted from the studies did not lend itself to quantitative analysis
as the methods used for assessment varied among studies.
In vitro studies are done in a controlled environment and do not accurately resemble
clinical settings. A number of variables such as patient’s oral and systemic health, level of
co-operation; determinants related to teeth such as the case selection, type of pathology
or tooth morphology and professional related conditions such as experience, stress or a
new technology cannot be accounted for with in vitro studies. The assessment of bias in
studies included in this review aimed to identify factors that could introduce bias in the
research. This systematic review addressed studies that compared two different procedures
of obturation. The use of extracted human teeth with complete root canal obturation were
checked to create a condition that resembled clinical setting to an extent. The morphology
of the canal can determine the presence of unprepared areas with different root canal
preparation instruments. Thus, it was necessary that both groups were matched for canal
morphology and cleaning and shaping procedures were similar for all teeth. To overcome
bias related to operator skills, it was determined if the same operator performed both
procedures and was adequately trained in them. For a significant comparison of the
techniques, it is important that the sample size is calculated according to statistical methods
and the groups are matched for characteristics such as canal length. The latter also helps
eliminate selection bias among the groups. To avoid detection bias, it is necessary to blind
the outcome assessor. Therefore, the nine criteria depicted in Table 3 were chosen to assess
the risk of bias in the studies included in this review.
The included studies used micro-CT images to calculate voids with both obturation
techniques. This non-invasive technique is inadequate to visualize filled root canals. It can
be difficult to distinguish between materials, as the CT value of the same material may
change at different locations and materials with close CT values can appear similar [84].
This makes detection problematic. To reduce these artifacts, attenuation filters can be used
externally or optimal scanning parameters can be determined using different variables,
i.e., imaging parameters and materials used. Mathematical filters such as a Gaussian filter
in software can also be used to smoothen micro-CT images. Many studies in this review
included a software that provides such mathematical filters [75,76,78,81,82]. One study
Materials 2021, 14, 4013 9 of 15

used an external filter to control beam hardening artefacts [79]. Synchrotron facilities
produce controlled and coherent X-ray beams depending on the spatial arrangement of
magnetic fields. They help obtain micro-CT images with a combination of high resolution
and different contrast modalities. The high resolution phase contrast X-ray imaging
allows for observation in the sub-micrometer range and has been compared to histology
in three dimensions [85]. In one study, these phase contrast enhanced (PCE) micro-CT
reconstructions were compared to different methods for imaging endodontically treated
teeth [86]. This study indicated that the PCE micro-CT was able to detect the GP, sealer,
dentin and voids better than electron microscopy and laboratory micro-CT. The observers
were unable to distinguish sealer from the GP in micro-CT images. It was seen that
micro-CT underestimated areas compared to PCE micro-CT, which were attributed to
dehydration during sample preparation. The micro-CT was especially unreliable to study
the interface of dentin and root canal filling. The use of filters, external or mathematical,
was not mentioned in this study. A disadvantage associated with the use of synchrotron
facilities is the high cost and limited availability.
Studies used different methods to assess the completeness of root canal obturation,
i.e., filling or voids, mean volumes, numbers, or size of voids—with many using multiple
measurements. The void fractions or percentages were preferred as all studies did not
distinguish between gutta-percha and sealer when considering the fill volume. When only
fill volume was reported, the volume percentage was used instead of mean volumes to
allow comparison regardless of the initial volume of root canal preparation. Removal of
the smear layer is known to have a positive effect on the quality of obturation [87]. All
studies in this review removed the smear layer before obturation except for one [81]. It
is, therefore, not possible to state if the smear layer has any effect on the completeness of
obturation with either technique.
An ideal obturation needs to be well adapted, void-free, provide an adequate seal
for all canals connecting the pulp to the periodontium, and adapt to the prepared canal
walls. [41] Neither technique can provide an obturation free of voids in the root canal
according to the findings in this review. The quantitative measurement of voids differed
among the techniques. The results of one of the studies differed from the rest—it found
fewer voids in the cold lateral condensation group [75]. These differences were not sig-
nificant. Two other studies that found no significant difference between the techniques
did not measure the volume of voids directly but derived it based on cross-sections of the
root [78,83]. One of these studies found significant difference in the apical third of the canal
and fewer voids—internal and external—with the thermoplastic technique [78].
Studies examined the sealer volumes in the root canals [76,81] and found a greater
proportion of sealer in the lateral condensation groups. Sealers undergo shrinkage after
setting, which can contribute towards more voids observed in the lateral condensation
groups. Another reason is the presence of spreader tracts in this group. These remnants
do not fill up with sealer or GP. The warm gutta-percha techniques had lower volumes of
voids between sealer and GP inside the filling as well as along the canal walls. This was
superior to the lateral condensation and the single cone technique [78].
One study analysed the distribution of voids in a prepared canal, inside the filling (s-
voids) and along the interface of the filling (i-voids) with the different obturation methods
and cleaning and shaping techniques [79]. The lowest volume fraction and size of internal
voids was observed with thermal techniques regardless of the system for cleaning and
shaping—hand or rotary—but the voids were smaller in size with use of hand instrumenta-
tion. The number of voids at the interface was less with the thermal technique. The lowest
volume of both types of voids was found with a combination of hand instrumentation
and thermal obturation. However, in contrast to other studies [78,81], this study found
more voids with the thermoplastic technique in the apical thirds of the root canal. Overall,
there was a greater number of internal voids, but of a smaller size, with the thermoplastic
technique. Voids at the dentin interface were higher in the lateral condensation group.
The presence of voids at the interface may promote bacterial proliferation from untouched
Materials 2021, 14, 4013 10 of 15

root areas and lead to failure of treatment. Another study compared the self-adjusting file
system to rotary techniques [75] and found fewer voids with rotary instruments in both
obturation techniques (though statistically insignificant). It is known that the technique
of instrumentation affects the completeness of obturation [36]. The comparison of canal
preparation and obturation as a whole with different combinations between techniques
can be researched further. Establishing combinations of techniques better suited for use
together will aid clinicians to make better decisions during treatment.
Despite the introduction of several methods of obturation, cold lateral condensation
of gutta-percha and the vertical condensation of thermoplasticized GP are two widely
prevalent techniques [40,88]. Lateral condensation has been considered as a gold standard
for comparing newer obturation techniques to determine their efficacy and is recommended
to obturate teeth with open apices [1,45,89]. The rationale behind the introduction of the
heated gutta-percha (GP) technique was to allow the plasticized GP to adapt to the varied
anatomy of the canal to provide a void-free filling [43]. Though theoretically possible,
practical in vitro studies presented here do not confirm this. Studies that evaluated the two
techniques and found significantly fewer voids in thermoplasticized GP also demonstrate
that the filling of isthmuses and lateral canals occurs with the sealer [77,80].
The survival of an endodontically treated teeth depends on biological and mechanical
factors. It cannot be denied that the dentist’s skill—diagnostic and practical technique—is
essential for treatment success. Most practitioners are taught and clinically use the lateral
condensation technique for obturation. Recent studies on the prevalence of obturation
techniques show that this technique is more prevalent than warm vertical compaction in
many clinical and teaching institutions [90–93]. Operator skills play an important role in
the quality of obturation [5]. As a dentist becomes more experienced in a technique, he/she
is more likely to provide an improved result. Only one study in this review [83] matched
the operator’s skill level in both techniques. This could make the studies biased, most likely,
in favour of the cold lateral condensation technique—which was demonstrated as inferior
in most studies—and could also be a cause for the contradictory results in some studies.
Future comparisons of the obturation techniques can help eliminate the bias by ensuring
that the operator has equal experience in both techniques. Despite detailed protocol,
results and skills between operators may vary [94]. Since this review addressed established
techniques of obturation which were evaluated using a current imaging technique, a single
operator with adequate training in both will allow better comparison of the techniques by
not introducing variation in skill levels.
Previous in vitro studies comparing these two techniques found an increased inci-
dence of apical extrusion of gutta-percha with the thermal techniques of obturation [46,89],
others showed no difference [95] or a higher incidence with the lateral condensation tech-
niques [88]. A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials by Peng et al., showed a higher
incidence of extrusion with the thermal techniques but the factors that could avoid this
were operator-skill related—accurate determination of the working length, avoiding the
destruction of the apical foramen, and controlling the insertion rate of warm GP [96]. None
of the studies in this review reported the over extrusion of gutta-percha. This could be due
to increased experience of dental professionals with the thermal techniques—resulting in
better understanding compared to when it was newly introduced—or the development of
modern, convenient tools for thermoplasticised GP obturation.
Recently, the idea of minimal preparation of root canals is becoming popular [45,62]. In
one study, the preparation of the root canals with instruments of similar taper and differing
apical enlargement found a higher amount of untouched dentin with the less invasive
method (apical enlargement to 0.25 mm) [97]. These findings make it important that the
subsequent steps in endodontic treatment are more reliable and predictable to ensure
treatment success with minimally invasive techniques. Technological innovations have led
to the development of materials with properties such as the ability to chemically bond with
dentin. These might be adopted with minimally invasive techniques. In this review, two
included studies compared filling materials that were not gutta-percha dependent. One
Materials 2021, 14, 4013 11 of 15

study compared Ortho-MTA [76] and the other GuttaFlow [82] to conventional obturation
techniques. Both produced significantly fewer voids than the cold lateral condensation
group but the difference between these two methods and the thermoplasticized gutta-
percha techniques was not significant. Ortho-MTA was able to flow into the canal isthmus,
which was accomplished by the sealer in thermal compaction technique and not at all in the
cold lateral condensation technique. Neither of the two—OrthoMTA or GuttaFlow—was
able to produce void-free obturation.
Gutta-percha might not have the ideal properties of an obturating material according
to Grossman’s or Sundquivst and Figdor’s criteria as it lacks the adhesive quality needed
to seal the root canal microscopically. It undergoes shrinkage as it cools after heating for
adaptation to obturate the root canal, due to phase transitions. However, it satisfies the
remaining requirements and is the preferred filling material for most dentists today [90–92].
Being a low-cost, well-studied material, it is no surprise that dentists tend to use gutta-
percha more often. This review examined in vitro studies using gutta-percha. It is difficult
to extrapolate the results to a clinical setting. However, based on the findings, we can
suggest that the commonly used technique of lateral condensation, to obturate root canals
with GP may not be ideal and thermoplastic techniques may produce better results. By
introducing the thermoplastic techniques as part of the curriculum in more dental schools
at the undergraduate level, dentists can be made more adept at using the material better.
This could lead to lower failure rates and better, more complete obturations.

5. Conclusions
Neither technique of obturation—cold lateral condensation or warm gutta-percha—
produced a void-free complete root canal obturation when examined using micro-CT. The
thermoplasticized techniques, however, did have significantly fewer voids in most studies.
Most studies had a moderate risk of bias and thus the interpretation should be considered
with caution. Future studies need to keep in mind the operator skills when comparing
techniques such as obturation and introduce blinding in evaluation to achieve less biased
results. The introduction of the thermoplastic technique into the dental school curriculum
as a pre-clinical exercise may help promote the use of this technique and allow better
comparisons in studies.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, M.M. and S.B.; methodology, A.S.A.; M.F.A.; software,
M.J.; H.C.; validation, A.T.R.; L.T.; S.P.; formal analysis, M.M.; R.R.; investigation, A.S.A.; M.F.A.;
resources, M.J.; H.C.; data curation, A.T.R.; R.R.; S.P.; writing—original draft preparation, M.M.; S.B.;
A.S.A.; M.F.A.; M.J.; H.C.; writing—review and editing, A.T.R.; L.T.; S.P.; visualization, M.M.; S.B.;
supervision, L.T.; S.P.; project administration, A.S.A.; M.F.A. All authors have read and agreed to the
published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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