(English (Auto-Generated) ) Ohm's Law (DownSub - Com)

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in this video we're gonna talk about

Ohm's law so what is Ohm's law Ohm's law

describes the relationship between

voltage current and resistance perhaps

you've seen this equation V is equal to

I times R V stands for voltage I stands

for the current r is resistance voltage

is measured in the units of volts I

which represents the current is measured

in amps and are the resistance is

measured in ohms now you need to know

that as the voltage in a circuit

increases the current will increase

provided that the resistance stays the

same if the resistance goes up the

current will go down if the voltage is

held constant so voltage and current

they are proportional to each other and

resistance and current they're inversely

related to each other

now let's work on a practice problem

let's say if we have a 12 volt battery

connected across a four ohm resistor

what is the current flowing in this

circuit conventional current flows from

the positive terminal the battery to the

negative terminal of the battery this is

the opposite direction to electron flow

so to find the current in a circuit we

can use Ohm's law V is equal to IR

so the voltage is 12 we're looking for

the current the resistance is 4 so we

need to solve for the variable I let's

divide both sides by 4 12 divided by 4

is 3 so the current is going to be 3


now let's say if we have three resistors

connected in series like this let's say

this is r1 r2 and r3 and it's connected

across a 60 volt battery now let's say

that r1 has a value of 3 ohms and r2 is

4 ohms and r3 is 5 ohms so what is the

current flowing in a circuit in order to

find the current flowing in a circuit

where the resistors are connected in

series you need to find the total

resistance and the total resistance is

going to be r1 plus r2 plus r3 you just

need to add the values of the three

resistors so 3 plus 4 plus 5 that's

going to give us 12 so the total

resistance in a circuit is 12 ohms next

you need to calculate the SIRT on the

current so we could use the formula V is

equal to IR so V is 60 that's the

voltage across the three resistors we're

looking for the current and then the

total resistance is 12 so you can treat

this as if it's one big resistor and you

have a 60 volt battery source across a

12 ohm resistor what is the current in

that resistor so what we need to do is

divide both sides by 12 to get the

current by itself 60 divided by 12 is 5

so we have a current of 5 amps flowing

in this circuit now once we have the


we can calculate the voltage drop across

each resistor what is the voltage drop

across the first resistor now in this

series circuit the current that flows in

a circuit is the same as the current

flowing through r3 r2 and r1 because

there's only one path for the current to

flow it's going to be the same five amps

so to find the voltage across the first

resistor we can use the current that

flows through the first resistor times

the resistance to the value of that

resistor so we're using Ohm's law but in

a different way I 1 is going to be the

same as I because that 5 amp current is

flowing through each resistor but r1 is

different r1 is going to be 3 so it's 5

times 3 so we have 15 volts across r1

now what about across r2 what is the

voltage across r2 well we could follow

the same pattern so we can say v2 is

equal to i2 times r2 so the current is

still going to be 5 amps but this time

the resistance is 4 ohms so 5 times 4

that's going to give us 20 so we have 20

volts across r2 now across R 3 it's

going to be v3 is equal to I 3 times r3

so I 3 is going to be the same as i2 and

i1 so that's 5 amps r3 is 5 so 5 times 5

is 25 so notice that if you add up 15

plus 20 plus 25 it gives you 60 and so

the voltage of the battery is equal to

the sum of all of the voltage drops

across those resistors and there's

something called Kirchhoff's voltage law


basically states that as you go around a

circuit in a loop the total voltage will

be zero and make sense because the

battery it increases the energy of the

circuit because it supplies energy to

the circuit so increases it by 16 the

resistors consume energy from the

circuit so they decrease it does they

have a negative value so if you add a

positive 60 with a negative 15 negative

20 and negative 25 you get zero because

the energy that flows into a circuit

must equal the energy that comes out of

your circuit thus kirchoff's voltage law

it always applies whenever you have a

closed loop so the sum of all the

voltages in a closed loop will always

add up to zero now what's going to

happen if we connect three resistors in

a parallel circuit let's calculate the

current in such a circuit

in the series circuit the current

flowing through the resistors that are

connected in series is the same because

the current only has one path and what

you could flow in the parallel circuit

the current has multiple paths and so it

could vary however notice that whenever

resistors are connected in parallel the

voltage across those resistors is the

same so let's say if we have in this

case a 12 volt battery each resistor is

connected across that 12 volt battery

and so all of them have 12 volts across

their terminals let's call this r1 r2

and r3 and so let's say that r1 has a

value of 3 ohms and r2 is going to be 4

ohms and r3 is going to be 6 ohms what

is the current flowing through each

resistor so we can use this formula V 1

is equal to i1 times R 1 so remember in

a parallel circuit the voltage across

the resistors connected in parallel is

the same but in the series circuit the

current flowing and resistors that are

connected in series will be the same in

this case V 1 is 12 because we have 12

volts connected across R 1 and to find

the current flowing through this

resistor we need to use that formula R 1

s 3 so the current is going to be 12

divided by 3 so we have a current of 4

amps flowing through R 1 now let's do

the same for R 2 so let's use the

formula V 2 is equal to i2 times R 2

it's basically owns a labo of different

subscripts so V 2 is still 12 and R 2 is

not 4 so it's going to be 12 divided by

4 which will give us a current of 3 amps

now to calculate I 3 it's going to be 12


by 6:00 following the same pattern and

so that's a current of two amps now

notice that as the resistance increases

the current decreases as we mentioned in

the beginning of this video here notice

that our one has the lowest value and it

has the highest current our three has

the highest value but it has a lowest

current so as you increase the

resistance the current decreases if we

increase it to six the current decreases

the two and if we decrease the

resistance the current will increase if

we decrease it to three the current goes

up to four provided that the voltage is

held constant and so you'll see this

relationship in a parallel circuit as

you can see it here or in a series

circuit - you can see that relationship

there as well now what is the current

that leaves the battery how can we

determine the current that's leaving the

battery the total current in the circuit

which we'll call I T that leaves the

battery it's going to be the sum of the

individual currents so it's going to be

four plus three plus two four plus three

plus two is nine so the total current

here is nine amps now let's focus on

this point what is the current that is

flowing through that branch right here

along let's say this wire what is the

current in that region so now we need to

use something called Kirchhoff's to

current law we saw in a last example

that kirchoff's voltage law which

basically states that the sum of all the

voltages around the loop adds up to zero

while kirchoff's current law is very

similar the current that enters the

junction is equal to the current that

leaves the junction now let's draw a

so we have 9 amps of current flowing to

this point and we have 4 amps that's

leaving it now the current that is

flowing to a junction must equal the

total current that is leaving the

junction so we have to have current

leavin in this direction and it has to

be 5 amps because 5 plus 4 is 9 so we

have a total of nine amps of current

that answers disjunction and 9 amps a

current that leaves it and so that's the

basic idea behind Kirchhoff's current

law so we have five amps flow into the

right in this direction now out of those

five amps three amps is going this way

so that means the other two amps flows

in this direction and you can see how

it's like a river splitting off into

three directions so in this section we

still have two amps of the current

that's traveling here and then when it

joins up with a three amp current three

amps you will add up to five and so we

have five amps flowing in this region

and then the five and four will get

together and so we're gonna have a total

of nine amps of current flowing in this

region and so as you can see the current

that's going this way it's gonna be the

same as this current here not amps and

so hopefully this all makes sense it's I

want to give you a basic idea of how to

use Ohm's law in a simple circuit in a

series circuit and also in a parallel

circuit so that's it for this video

hopefully you found it to be helpful and

they gave you a good understanding of

kirchoff's voltage law and its current

law as well thanks for watching

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