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now I want to take a few minutes to talk

about how and that circuit works the

circuit that you see on the board is not

the exact circuit that I use in the

demonstration before I can talk about

the circuit that I actually used to get

up to a hundred volts you need to

understand the basics of how a boost

converter circuit works so here I'm

using a six volt battery that is in

series with an inductor

but the inductor that I'm using is

actually a transformer since it has a

large number of coils you also need a

diode I'm using a silicon diode and also

a high voltage electrolytic capacitor

the one that I'm using is a four hundred

volt capacitor because we're dealing

with high voltages here and it can store

a charge of a hundred microfarads and

parallel to that we have a voltmeter to

read the voltage of the capacitor so

initially while the switch is open

current is gonna flow from the battery

through the inductor to charge up the

capacitor to a voltage of 6 volts now

when a switch is closed current from the

battery that is conventional current

keep in mind electrons flow in the

opposite direction conventional current

is going to flow through the inductor

through the switch back to the battery

now whenever you apply an electric

current to an inductor or another device

that has coils of wire a magnetic field

will be created the strength of the

magnetic field depends on the number of

coils of wire that the inductor has and

also the amount of current flowing

through the inductor as the current

increases the strength of the magnetic

field increases keep in mind when the

switch is open after the capacitor is

fully charged there's no current flowing

from the battery but once you close the


the current doesn't go from zero to 100%

it increases gradually that happens fast

but it doesn't increase like this it

increases over time this is a current

time graph so as the current increases

the magnetic field expands during this

process the inductor is storing energy

from the battery now when the switch is

released this is a momentary switch so

after you press the button and release

it the circuit is now open so there's no

more current flowing in the circuit or

in in this segment of the circuit

so in that case once that happens the

current that is flowing through the

inductor decreases dramatically and as a

result the magnetic field decreases it

collapses as a magnetic field collapses

in the energy that was stored by the

inductor is now being released and that

inductor will generate a high voltage

across its terminals and that high

voltage that electric current will flow

through the diode charging the capacitor

and that's why the capacitor can gain a

higher voltage than the battery so

energy is delivered to the inductor and

during the charging process as an emetic

field expands when a magnetic field

collapses that energies release and the

inductor creates a high voltage that is

stored by the capacitor and that's how

the circuit works you can think of

current as being converted into voltage

but during the first part that is during

the part where the current is increasing

the inductor is store in energy so the

sign will be positive on the Left

negative on the right so the sum total

of the voltage by the inductor and the

battery will be less than 6 volts now

when this switch is open and the current

decreases that's when we have case two

the polarity across the inductor changes

so now the voltage of the inductor and

the battery is combined they're not

going against each other it's additive

and so you get a higher voltage which

will translate across the capacitor now

let's talk about the diode the purpose

of the diode is to allow the inductor to

charge the capacitor but to prevent the

capacitor from losing and that stored

energy as the capacitor gains a higher

voltage than the head of the battery if

the diode is not there the capacitor can

discharge back into this direction until

the voltage of the capacitor equals the

voltage of the battery we don't want

that a diode allows current to flow in

one direction so this diode will allow

current to flow from the inductor

charging the capacitor but it's going to

block current in the other direction

prevent the capacitor from losing that

stored energy by preventing current from

flowing back to the left side of the

circuit so without the diode this

circuit will not work it's very

important to have that diode now let's

talk about how we can increase the

voltage induced by the inductor the

voltage induced by the inductor is equal

to negative L times Delta I over delta T

the triangle means change so it depends

on the rate at which the current is

changing how fast the current changes

with time so if you can increase out the

inductance of the inductor you can

increase the induced voltage so that's

why I chose to use a transformer because

a transformer has a high inductance it

has a lot of coils of wire the second

thing that's going to impact the induced

voltage is how fast the current is

changing if you can increase the rate at

which the current is changing you can

increase the induced voltage a constant

current will help us a constant current

will yield a constant magnetic field and

that's not going to generate any induced

EMF the magnetic field has to be

changing in order to create an induced


mortal force so the faster the current

is changing the faster the magnetic

field will be changing and thus we can

generate a greater induced voltage now

let's talk about the function of the

momentary push-button if you push the

button and hold it closed the currents

going to increase and then it's going to

be constant so the voltage across the

capacitor will get a small boost but

then it's going to stop so you

constantly have to press and release the

momentary push-button so as you turn the

switch on and off the current is going

to be changing its gonna increase and

decrease and increase and decrease every

time the current decreases the inductor

will generate a high voltage and that's

going to boost the capacitor so every

time the current goes down the voltage

of the capacitor is going to go up

eventually it's going to reach a steady

state or a state of equilibrium and

that's going to be the maximum voltage

that the circuit can generate but to

mechanically presses button constantly

to increase the voltage that's really

not an effective way to make a DC

step-up voltage circuit one thing that

you could do that works a very simple

design is to replace the switch with a


as current flows through the motor the

motor has coils that will generate an

induced EMF so the current that is

flowing in this circuit is not constant

it's constantly changing it's increased

and decreasing so let's say this is the

current of the battery the current will

be oscillating around some fixed point

so because the current is decreased in

an increase in Derna parts when it's

decrease in the inductor will generate a

voltage that will charge up the

capacitor and I've tried this I remember

the exact number but I believe I got a

voltage around 5060 volts just put in a

motor in that position and you could

actually try it out it actually works

but now the circuit that I've used in a

demonstration that you saw earlier in

his video here it is so I have a battery

and a transformer being used as an

inductor and then I have the motor here

followed by the diode now attached to

this motor is a transistor but before

that I have a light bulb

there wasn't enough current for the

light bulb to light up but I was hoping

that it would but nevertheless the

circuit still worked so I have the light

bulb between the base of the transistor

and the motor the emitter is connected

to the ground now the collector I

connected it between the light bulb and

the motor so this is the collector of

the transistor this is the emitter and

this is the base and here is the

electrolytic capacitor and the voltmeter

that is parallel to that so with this

circuit design as you saw in the

demonstration the voltage went up to 100

but if you keep the circuit on the

voltage will continue to climb the

maximum voltage that I got with this

circuit was actually 140

so that was the highest voltage that was

achieved with this circuit but a funny

thing started to happen my digital

multimeter began to act strange I'm not

sure why maybe I thought the battery was

running out I mean the reasons can be

different but nevertheless this circuit

still works

you could still generate a high voltage

across the capacitor in fact if you

would a short circuit the capacitor a

very strong spark will be generated

so that's basically it for this video so

now you have a simple way of how you can

create a circuit that can boost a six

volt battery to well beyond a hundred

volts something else that you could do I

do wanna mention is you can connect the

collector of a transistor to the

inductor and connect the emitter to the

ground and then the base you can connect

that to another circuit like let's say

the 555 timer circuit where it's gonna

send a pulse constantly turn in the

transistor on and off and the frequency

of that pulse will have an impact on the

voltage generated because if you can

increase the frequency you can increase

the rate at which the current is

changing thus increase in the voltage

that will be stored on a capacitor but

this will require more circuit elements

but nevertheless that's another option

you could use in order to create a

better circuit if you wish to do so

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