(English (Auto-Generated) ) Battery Powered Electric Motor - The Lorentz Force (DownSub - Com)

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in this video we're gonna talk about how

to create a battery-powered electric

motor a very simple design and we're

also going to talk about how it works so

what you need is a 1.5 volt double-a

battery you could use a Duracell or an

Energizer battery or another Brandes as

long as it's one of those high

performance double-a batteries and you

need a light screw or a light metal pin

and also a magnet preferably a powerful

neodymium magnet now before we continue

I do want to mention that if you haven't

subscribed already to this channel feel

free to do so and also I'm gonna post

some links in the description section

below of this video with more science

projects and demonstrations so feel free

to take a look at that when you get a

chance now once you setup this design

once you connect the battery the metal

pin and the motor what you need to do

next is take a wire attach it to the

positive terminal of the battery and

then connect it to the magnet once you

tap the magnet with it it will begin to

spin now the direction in which it

rotates depends on the magnet

orientation whether you have the north

pole facing up or the south pole facing

up if you reverse the polarity of the

magnetic field by flipping the magnet

the direction of rotation will reverse

as well but let's see a demonstration of

this entire experiment in action let's

go ahead and wash a clip

now let's talk about how this works

there's something called a Lorentz force

which is a essentially a magnetic force

and this magnetic force is exerted by

the magnetic field on a moving charge so

let's say we have a positive charge and

it's moving in this direction and

there's a magnetic field represented by

the symbol B there's gonna be a magnetic

force acting on this charge which is

known as the Lorentz force that magnetic

force is equal to the strength of

magnetic field times the magnitude of

the charge Q times the velocity of that

moving charge if the charge is not

moving the magnetic field will not exert

a magnetic force on that charge in the

case of a current carrying conductor if

we have a current flowing through a wire

represented by the symbol I in the

presence of a magnetic field the

magnetic field will exert a magnetic

force or a Lorentz force on the moving

charges in this conductor and the formal

for this is the magnetic force is equal

to the strength of the magnetic field B

times the current I times the length of

the conductor times sine of the angle

theta is the angle between the magnetic

field vector and the current vector when

the angle is 90 the magnetic force is at

its maximum value the reason for this is

sine 90 is equal to 1 if the angle is

zero sine zero is equal to zero so that

tells us that if the magnetic field is

parallel to the current the force the

magnetic force acted on a current or on

a conductor where the moving charges are

will be equal to zero so to get the

maximum Lorentz force you want the

magnetic field and the direction of the

current to be perpendicular to each

other so let's apply this information to

the motor that we have in this

experiment current is going to flow from

the positive terminal of the battery to

the negative terminal of the battery

this is conventional current keep in

mind that electron flow is actually in

the other direction but we're going to

make use of conventional current so the

current is flowing to the motor in that

direction now let's assume that the top

part of the motor is the the North Pole

of it and the bottom part is a South

Pole the magnetic field flows upward

from the North Pole around the magnet to

the South Pole and it does the same on

the other side as well but we're going

to focus on this point here we're going

to try to find the magnetic force the

direction of the magnetic force at that

point so at that point we can see that

the current is going in the negative

x-direction the magnetic field outside

of the magnet is going in the negative


so we can put a magnetic field vector

here now using the right hand rule we

can determine the direction of the

magnetic force at that point so to use

the right hand rule you want to point

your thumb in the direction of the

current and then your remaining four

fingers you want to point it in the

direction of the magnetic field so this

is the current this is the mimetic field

and make sure to use the right hand in

this case now the direction in which

your right hand opens up to that's where

the force is coming out so if you do

this correctly the force should be

coming out of the page or out of the

part of your hand so to represent out of

the page or in a positive z direction we

use a dot inside of a circle so what

that means for this particular motor is

that it would be spinning in this

direction that is in the clockwise

direction but if you flip the magnet

where the South Pole is facing upward

then the rotation will change it will no

longer be in the clockwise direction but

in the

a clockwise direction so now you know

how this battery powered electric motor

works so that's basically it for this

video by the way for those of you who

want to see more science projects and

demonstrations feel free to take a look

at the links in the description section

below of this video I'll be posting some

more videos there for those of you who

have an interest in this type of stuff

so that's it for this video thanks again

for watching

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