(English (Auto-Generated) ) Potential Energy - The Siphon (DownSub - Com)

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here is a question for you how can you

transfer liquid from one container into

another without physically lifting his

container off the ground and pouring it

in to the first container how can you do

that well you could use a pipette and

literally draw out fluid out of the

first one and pump it into that one but

there's also another way and it is using

the concept of potential energy what you

could do is raise the height level of

the second container so let's say this

is the ground level so let's put

something here it could be a book or a

table or maybe another cup and then put

the first cup or rather the second cup


now what you could do is you can

literally siphon fluid at a higher level

and pour it into the one at a lower

level so by using like a straw or a

plastic tube you can literally pull

fluid out of the first one fluid is

going to go up against a gravity

initially and then it's going to come

down pour it into the first container

and that's the the concept of a siphon

you can live the siphon fluid from one

container to another with the help of

gravity in order for this to work one

container has to be higher than the

other one if they're at the same height

it's not going to work there's not gonna

be any driving force because whenever

you place an object at a high position

it has a tendency to fall under the

force of gravity so anything that is

placed above ground level has potential

energy it has stored energy the ability

to farm here's the formula for potential

energy that is gravitational potential

energy there's different forms you have

chemical potential energy elastic

potential energy electric potential

energy but gravitational potential

energy is mg H mass times gravitational

acceleration times height so the more

water that you have at a high position

the more potential energy that will be

the second thing is how high you place

it the higher in the cup that is the

second container the higher that it's

placed above ground level the more

potential energy it will have and so

it's gonna be a lot easier for a fluid

to come down the straw or the plastic

tube now in order for this to work you

can't just place an empty straw between

the two containers it will only work if

the straw initially contains fluid

and I'm gonna show you a demonstration

of that shortly

as you saw in the last clip the green

straw initially contained no fluid and

so that's why it wasn't pulling up water

out of the container that was a place

above the table the table would be the

ground level in in that particular

demonstration but let's look at it

another demonstration

in that demonstration the pinch draw had

water in it as a result it was able to

pull up fluid and then bring it down so

here's one theory in terms of how it

worked or why it worked so let's say

that's the first container and let's say

this is the ground level and here is

let's put the second container here so

originally the water level was somewhere

around there and we had a straw that had

a shape that looks something like this


so here's one explanation in terms of

why this one worked

so because there was fluid already in

the straw water began to fall on the

left side due to the influence of

gravity you know objects tend to fall

that's what they do as a result and that

following water pulls down more water

and that falls as well and because water

have cohesive forces they tend to be

attracted to each other water molecules

on the left begin to pour water

molecules on the right and those

molecules will pull the other molecules

up against gravity thus water is gonna

flow out from the second container into

the first container until equilibrium is

established so once the level of water

fell to this level

it wasn't able at that point to draw up

any more water to the straw in this

particular demonstration so now let's

move on to another demonstration where

fluid is pulled up at a much higher

level above the second container I use

the mixture of water and orange juice

for this one and I realize that when you

do that it's not as effective compared

to if you use pure water but

nevertheless here is the demonstration

it did work so I'm gonna show to you


so it really doesn't matter how high

this straw can be well maybe it does but

you can get it pretty high above the

second container as you saw in the last

demonstration the purpose of the red cup

was to stabilize the plastic tubing

because once the water comes out of the

second container if you don't have that

red cup to stabilize it it's gonna fall

so you want to have that red cup to

stabilize the whole piping system that

actually happened in my first

demonstration it fell and that was a


they won't do that again so just want to

give you the heads up in case you decide

to try that demonstration

now here's an another final

demonstration that I'm going to show as





now as you saw in that last

demonstration the straw for some reason

wasn't effective at removing all of the

water in the second container I'm not

fully sure I understand the reason why

asked to that so I'm just gonna leave it

as it is but nevertheless it did work to

some extent so that's a cool experiment

that you could try if you want to now

for those of you who want videos on

other demonstration type projects like

this one on chemistry physics I'm gonna

post a few links in the description

section below of this video so when you

get a chance

feel free to take a look at that and I

do have some other videos like how to

boost the voltage of a six volt DC

battery or how to convert heat into

electricity so those are some of the

topics that I've created videos on that

is similar to this type of demonstration

type a video so for those of you who are

interested feel free to take a look at

that and also if you haven't done so

already feel free to subscribe to this

channel and if you're not getting my

latest updates on any new videos I'm

posting make sure to click on that

notification bell so that when I do post

a new video on one of these topics you

could receive it so that's it for this

video that is all the information that I

have to say about it and thanks again

for watching and once again don't forget

to subscribe it doesn't take that long

just hit that red button and subscribe

to this channel so thanks again for


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