(English (Auto-Generated) ) Physics - Homopolar Motor Explained (DownSub - Com)

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in this video we're gonna talk about the

hormone polar motor and how it works so

to get this project started what you

need is a strong magnet

ideally a rare-earth neodymium magnet

and you need a battery I'm gonna use the

double-a battery but you could use a

triple a battery of C battery or a D

sized battery they can all work and then

finally you need copper wire you could

use the 18 gauge or the 20 gauge sized

copper wire and you need to shape it

into a coil as the picture shows so what

we're gonna do right now is watch a

demonstration of this motor in action

now let's talk about what causes the

motor to spin let's say if you have a

conductor or a wire and there is a

current flowing in this wire the

currents represented by the symbol I and

this current is flowing in the presence

of a magnetic field represented by the

symbol B in this case the magnetic fill

will exert a magnetic force on the

moving charges and that force is

perpendicular to both the magnetic field

and the current and the formula that

describes the magnetic force on a

current carrying wire is this equation

it's equal to the magnitude of the

current times the length of the wire

times the strength of the mimetic field

times sine of the angle between and the

current and a magnetic field the

magnetic force or also known as the

Lorentz force acting on a current

carrying wire is at its maximum value

when the magnetic field and the current

are at right angles to each other that

is when they're perpendicular to each

other when a magnetic field and the

current are parallel to each other the

force will be equal to zero so there's

not going to be any magnetic force sine

of zero degrees is equal to zero so this

whole thing becomes zero however sine of

ninety degrees is equal to one so to

generate the maximum magnetic force you

want the magnetic field and the current

to be perpendicular to each other now

let's talk about how this homopolar

motor actually spins you need to be

familiar with something called the right

hand roller which I'm going to talk

about shortly

but first let me just get rid of a few


now let's focus on this magnet we're

gonna say that the top part of the

magnet let's assume that that's the

North Pole and the bottom part is the

South Pole if you reverse the polarity

of the magnet if you flip it the

direction of the rotation will reverse

but let's assume that the North Pole is

facing the battery so this is n this is

s the magnetic field leaves the North

Pole and flows towards the South Pole

it goes from north to south like that

now let's focus on this part of the wire

current flows from the positive terminal

of the battery all the way through the

magnet and back to the negative terminal

of the battery which is here at the

bottom now keep in mind though that

conventional current represented by I is

opposite to the direction of electron

flow in actuality the electrons are

flowing from the negative term of the

battery towards the positive terminal of

the battery but when dealing with

conventional current it's in the

opposite direction so just keep that in

mind let's call this point a at Point a

the current is flowing in the negative y

direction the magnetic field you can see

it's pointing towards the right it's

flowing in the positive x direction now

what we want to do is determine the

direction of the force at Point a we

need to use something called the right

hand rule so use your right hand what

you want to do is you want to point your

thumb in the direction of the current

and then the remaining four fingers

pointing in a direction towards the

magnetic field and then notice where the

palm of your hand opens up towards if

you do this correctly you'll see that

the palm of your hand it opens out of

the page that's gonna meet the direction

of the force out of the page is in the

positive z direction so I'm gonna

represent that with a dot inside of a

circle it turns out that anywhere along

this line if you apply the right-hand

rule the force is coming out of the page

which means that the magnetic force is

causing this particular motor to turn in

this direction that is if you view it

from the top it's turning in the

clockwise direction now let's use the

right hand rule to determine the

direction of the magnetic force at point

B so at point B the current is still

flowing in the same direction that is

it's flowing in the negative y direction

the magnetic field however is no longer

flowing in the positive x direction but

now it's flowing in the negative x

direction so using the right hand rule

what you want to do is you want to point

your thumb in a direction of the current

and then your four fingers my drawing is

kind of terrible so you just have to

make the best of it but you want to draw

your four fingers in the direction of

the magnetic field that is toys right so

using your right hand and this time the

palm of your hand is facing into the

page so that's where the magnetic field

will be coming out of it's gonna be

going into the page

so in this case to represent that we are

going to use a circle and with an X

anywhere along this wire if you follow

the same process on the left side the

magnetic field is going into the page I

mean nothing man I filled the magnetic

force or the Lorentz force which means

that the left side is turning in this

direction which is still the clockwise

direction so when orient in the magnet

like this if we have the North Pole

facing towards the battery the rotation

will be clockwise if we reverse the

polarity of the magnet it's going to be

counterclockwise or if we reverse the

polarity of the battery if we put the

positive terminal at the bottom the

rotation is going to change as well it's

going to reverse now let's talk about

some other things for instance how can

we increase the speed of rotation how

can we make this motor spin faster there

are a few things that we can do number

one is we want to increase the magnetic

force acting on the coil because if we

can increase it we can increase the

speed of rotation so one way to do that

is to increase the current the current

that's flowing through the coil is

directly related to the magnetic force

acting on the coil and so in order to

increase the current what you want to do

is use a high-performance double-a

battery or battery that can release a

lot of current because not all double-a

batteries are the same some batteries

they have there are the of the low

performance type others are you know

they perform very well they can generate

a lot of current they have a very low

internal resistance so to get a lot of

current flowing through this coil use a

very very good double-a battery

number two the second thing you could do

to increase the magnetic force is you

can adjust the left of the coil

according to that equation if you

increase the left of the coil the

strength of the magnetic field acting on

that wire will increase so for instance

if we increase the length of this

segment of the coil we should get a

stronger magnetic force acting on the

coil as long as the magnetic field is

still acting in that general area

number three is increase in the strength

of the magnetic field if we can do that

we can increase the strength of the

magnetic force so instead of using one

magnet what you could do is maybe use

two or even three magnets or maybe even

four so each magnet will increase the

strip of the magnetic field that's

acting on the coil so that's one thing

you can do the second thing is you can

increase or rather decrease the distance

between the coil and the magnet so let

me draw two pictures to illustrate this

so here we have the magnet at the bottom

and this is the coil of wire so

the strength of the magnetic field is

going to be stronger when you're very

close to the magnet this coil here is

very far away from the magnet so

therefore the magnetic force at this

point and will be weaker than the

magnetic force at a distance closer to

the magnetic field so put in the coil of

wire very close to magnetic field you're

gonna have a stronger effect the

magnetic field is stronger when you're

closer to the magnet

compared to when you're further away so

this coil should spin faster because the

copper coil is very close to the magnet

and this one should spend slower because

it's further away so number four has to

do with a distance if we can decrease

the distance between the coil and the

magnet we can increase the strength of

the magnetic field acting on de the coil

and so thus we can increase the magnetic

force another thing has to do with the

concept of inertia and the conservation

of angular momentum to illustrate this

imagine a skater who is currently

spinning with her arms stretched out in

this case the inertia is large but she's

not spinning very fast when her arms are

stretched out she spin in very slowly at

this point however if she crosses her

arms like brings it inward while she is

spinning you'll see that her speed her

angular speed will increase and so she's

gonna spin at a higher ring and this has

to do with the conservation of angular

momentum I won in his case not the

current but the inertia times w1 the

angular speed is equal to i2 times w2 so

by decreasing the inertia

that is by bringing her arms closer to

her Center the angler speed will

increase the same is true for this

particular homopolar motor on the left

because the coil of wire is close to the

center it has less inertia and as a

result it could spin at a higher angular


now for the homopolar motor at the

bottom right the mass of the coil it's

further away from the center and so it

has more inertia inertia is equal to

mass times R squared so R has to do with

the distance of the mass away from the

center so the mass of a rotating object

if it's further away from the center the

inertia is gonna be higher whereas if

the mass is close to the center the

inertia is gonna be lower so inertia is

not only related to mass or the quantity

of matter in an object but it's also

related to how that mass is distributed

around that object so for this coil of

wire the mass is further away from the

center so it has a higher inertia which

means it's harder for it to spin quickly

so objects with a very low inertia can

spin at a higher rate whereas objects

with a higher inertia tend to spin at a

lower rate so that's another reason why

I decrease in the distance between the

magnet and the coil in this case the

coil on the center you can increase the

speed of rotation now let's look in on a

demonstration of two different homopolar

motors one in which the mass of the

copper wire is very close to the battery

and the other in which the copper wire

is further away from the battery notice

the difference in the speed of rotation



as we saw in the previous two

demonstrations the homopolar motor with

the copper wire that is closer to the

center of rotation spend at a much

higher speed therefore if you want to

increase the speed at which the motor is

spinning you want to decrease the

distance of the copper wire from its

centre of rotation and perhaps increase

the strength of the magnetic field by

use more Madness and increase the

current flowing through the wire by

using a very good battery and so that's

it for this video now for those of you

who want to see more demonstrations or

more designs of holding on polar motors

that I've created I'm gonna post a link

in the description section below of this

video that you can take a look at or you

can go to the youtube search bar type in

homopolar motor organic chemistry tutor

and it should also come up that way as

well so that's it for this video thanks

again for watching

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