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the time on an analogue clock reads

12:30 what is the angle between the

minute hand and the hour hand of the

clock so on a clock this is going to be

12 we have three on the right six below

and nine so at 12:30 the minute hand

that's the long hand is gonna be at the

six and the short hand the hour hand is

not exactly at 12 because if it's

exactly at 12 it will be 12 o'clock if

it wasn't 1 o'clock the hour hand will

be at 1 but if it's 12:30

the hour hand which is the short hand

has to be between 12:00 and 1:00 exactly

right in the middle I'm gonna represent

the hour hand and read so that's 12:30

our goal is to find the angle between

those two hands so how can we do so now

first it's helpful to know the measure

of one hour so let's focus on the three

what's the angle between the 2 and the 3

notice that it takes 12 hours for the

hour hand to make a complete revolution

so 12 hours correlates to 360 degrees

because that's the entire circle so one

hour is going to be 360 divided by 12 so

every hour represents an angle of 30 so


from one o'clock it's a 6 o'clock that's

a time period of 5 hours so if one hour

represents 30 degrees then 5 hours is 5

times 30 which is 150 degrees so

therefore from 1 all the way to 6 that

angle is a hundred and fifty degrees so

now we need to find it from this point

to this point this angle here now we

know from 12 to 1 it represents 30

degrees so the red line is right between

12 and 1 because we're at 12:30 were

halfway between 12 1 so if we're halfway

we need to multiply 30 by 1/2 so

therefore the angle on the inside is 15

degrees so we got to add 150 and 15

therefore the angle between the hour

hand and the minute hand is 165 which is

less than 180 because if the our head

was at 12 and the minute hand was at 6

which is impossible that will be a

straight line that will be 180 but it

has to be less than 180 and this answer

is reasonable here's another example

convert to time 122 degrees that is

finding angle between the hour hand and

the minute hand if the clock says 120 so

first let's draw a picture here's 12

this is gonna be three six and nine and

then here's one two four and five so if

it's 120 that means the hour hand is

between one and two the minute hand has

to be at four so I'm gonna use blue to

represent the minute hand which is the

long one and the red to represent the

hour hand

now if the owl hen is one is between one

and two where exactly is it

so focus on the minute-hand

which is at 20 20/60

is a third so what this means is that

the hour-hand

is one-third away from the one o'clock

hour or the value of one and it's two

thirds away from the second hour or from

two so that's why you want to take

whatever your minute value is and

divided by sixty so you can get the

fraction of how far it is from one of

the hours and to find the distance from

the other one it's gonna be one minus

the original fraction so one minus

one-third will give you two thirds so

now with this information we can find

everything we need so keep in mind the

angle between one hour is always thirty

degrees it's 360 divided by twelve so

between three and four is thirty degrees

and between two and three is thirty now

here is where it gets interesting so

this isn't one you want to use this

fraction this angle is two thirds of an


that's the miss in 40 minutes so the

angle for one hour is always gonna be

thirty that's not going to change we got

to find two thirds of 30 30 divided by 3

is 10 times 2 is 20 so therefore this

angle is 20 now all you need to do is

add up these three angles 20 plus 30

plus 30 is equal to 80 so that is the

angle between the hour hand and a minute

hand and that's how you do it so now

it's your turn try this example let's

say the time on an analogue clock is 11

15 go ahead and find the angle between

the hour hand and the minute hand so

feel free to pause the video and work

out this problem

now let's always begin with a picture so

this is 12 3 6 and not the minute hand

is at 3 because it represents 15 Dewey's

for 15 6 is

39 is 45 12 is well is zero so every

increment of five is for each number so

for example let's put down any other

numbers so let's say if was 11:05 the

minute hand will be at five eleven ten

they will be out to 15 is for 320 is 425

is for five thirty this for six thirty

five is four seven and so forth 55 is

for eleven this is 50 45 40 and then

back to zero so just in case you were

wondering those are the numbers that you

need to know so the 15 points to three

now where is the our hand we know that

the our hand is between 11 and 12 but

it's closer to 11

what we need is the fraction so take 15

the value of the minutes and divided by

60 15 over 60 reduces to 1/4

so therefore the our hand is one

forfeits away from the 11th hour which

means that if we subtract one by 1/4

that's 4 over 4 minus 1 over 4 4 minus 1

is 3 so 3/4 is between the hour hand and


so it's 3/4 it's 1/4 of the way it's

going from 11 to 12 it has three fourths

left to get to 11 and 12 so basically

it's 25% of the way between 11 and 12

now that we have that let's go ahead and

calculate the angle so every hour

represents 30 degrees

now the angle between the hour hand and

12:00 it's gonna be 3/4 of 30 so what is

3/4 of 30 30 divided by 4 is seven point

five seven point five times three is

twenty two point five so that's the

missing angle so if we add thirty three

times that's ninety so we got to add

ninety plus twenty two point five and so

that's gonna be one twelve point five so

that is the angle between the hour hand

and the minute hand it's one twelve

point five so here's the last example

find the shortest angle for the time of

ten twenty five so find the shortest

angle between the hour hand and the

minute hand when the clock says ten

twenty five this is gonna be 12 three

six and nine so 25 corresponds to five

that's where the minute hand is gonna be

located now the hour hand is between ten

and eleven so it's very close to the

middle but it's slightly closer to ten

so there's the hour hand now let's find

the fraction of 25 divided by sixty so

25 over 60 25 is five times five sixty

is five times 12 so it's five over

twelve therefore between the hour hand

and ten is five twelve of 30 degrees and

between the hour hand and 11 that's

going to be one minus five over twelve

which is 12 over 12 minus 5 over 12 so

that's seven over twelve so seven twelve

so thirty degrees is the angle between

the hour hand and the 11th hour so now

that we have that we can find the angle

so we're looking for the

of the shortest we're looking for the

shortest angle between the hour hand and

a minute hand this side is clearly the

longer angle that's gonna be more than

180 so we need to find the angle of that

side between the hour hand and the

minute hand that's less than 180 now we

know that one hour and represents 30

degrees so if we find the angle from the

fifth hour to the TEFL that's five hours

10 minus 5 is 5 and 5 hours represent an

angle of 150 degrees so now we just got

to find this angle here which is 512 of


so what's 512 of 30 so 30 times 5 is 150

and 150 divided by 12 is 12.5 degrees so

we need to add 12.5 and 150 which will

give us a final answer of 162 point five

degrees so that is the angle well that

is the shorter angle between the the

hour hand and the minute hand when the

clock says 1025 by the way if you want

to find the longer angle that is this


it's simply 360 minus this answer so 360

minus 162 point five that will give you

the other angle of one ninety seven

point five and keep in mind this is

twelve point five on the inside so all

three of these angles have to add up to


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