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what are cool terminal angles coterminal

angles are angles that land on the same

position that they have different angles

for example here we have an angle of 30

degrees now let's say if we travel

around a circle this is 90 let me start

over this is 90 180 270 360 this is also

390 degrees so 30 degrees and 390 are

coterminal angles because they point to

the same terminal rate or terminal side

so anytime an angle differs by 360 there

will always be coterminal angles notice

that if you add 30 with 360 this will

give you the equal terminal angle 390

now here's another example let's say if

we have the angle of 150 we can also

travel in the other direction and land

in the same position and this will be

equal to negative 210 so 150 and

negative 210 are coterminal angles the

angles are different but they end up on

the same position so if you subtract 150

by 360 this will give you negative 210

so anytime you need to find a coterminal

angle all you need to do is add or

subtract by 360 now if your angle is in

radians you can add or subtract by 2pi

now let's work on some examples find a

positive coterminal angle that is

between 0 and 360 degrees so let's say

if the end we were given is 430 degrees

so this is not between 0 and 360 because

this is greater than 360

to find the coterminal angle all you

need to do is subtract 430 by 360 and

this will give you 70 so 70 is a

coterminal angle of 430 so here is 70

degrees it's right there

430 is going to be this is 90 180 270

360 430 so as you can see they end up in

the same location let's try another

example find the coterminal angle

between 0 and 360 if the angle is

negative 150 now negative 150 is lower

and then this range so therefore instead

of subtracted by 360 we want to add 360

to the negative 150 and this will give

us positive 210 so notice that 210 is

within the range so go ahead and find

coterminal angles that's in this range

given these two values 800 and also

negative 500 so because 800 is above 360

we need to subtract by 360 800 minus 360

that is 440 now 440 is still too hot so

you need to subtracted by 360 another

time and then this will give you 80

which is between 0 and 360 so 80 is the

coterminal angle that we want for 40s

another coterminal angle but it's not in

the range negative 500 is not underage

so because negative 500 is less than 0

we want to add 360 negative 500 plus 360

that's negative 140 which is still not

in the range even though negative 140

and then the 500l coterminal angles stay

different by 360 we need to add 360


so this will give us positive 220

degrees so this is the equal termina

angle that we're looking for now find a

coterminal angle that's between 0 and

2pi now let's say the angle that you're

given is 13 PI over 6 now 13 PI over 6

is more than 2 pi because 12 PI over 6

is equal to 2 pi so what we need to do

is subtract this number by 2 pi at 2 pi

as we mentioned before it is the same as

12 PI over 6 to subtract it we have to

get common denominators 13 minus 12 is 1

so this is equal to PI over 6 which we

know it's 30 degrees 2 pi is 360 now

what about this one let's say that the

angle is negative 11 PI over 4 so

because it's negative this time we got

to add 2 pi so instead of adding 2 pi

you want to multiply this by 4 over 4

and this is going to turn into 8 PI over

4 negative 11 Plus 8 is negative 3 now

negative 3 PI over 4 is still not in

this range so we got to add 8 PI over 4

again negative 3 plus 8 is 5 so this

will give us 5 PI over 4 and that's

positive and it's in the range so now

you know how to find a coterminal angle

if it's too high

subtract by 360 to bring it between 0

and 360 or you can subtract by 2 pi if

it's too low add 360 if it's in degrees

or add 2 pi if it's in radians

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