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now the angle can be measured in degrees

or radians so you need to be familiar

with both so if you see a little circle

on top then you know the angle is in

degrees if you don't see that circle

then the angle is in radians for example

if theta is equal to two then you know

that is in radians so this is two

radians so anytime you see a number

without this little circle it's radians

now what is a Radian exactly what's the

definition of a Radian a Radian is

basically the measure of the central

angle of a circle where the arc length

is equal to the radius of a circle so

let's draw a circle okay that is a

terrible circle let's do that one more

time so let's say this is the center of

the circle the radius is the distance

between the center of the circle and any

point on the circle now let's say if we

draw the length of the radius but as an

arc let's say that distance is also R if

we connect the center to the edge of

that point then that's also the radius

so whenever you have a situation like

this where the arc length is equal to R

and it's the same as the radius of the

circle then the angle that forms is one

Radian so this angle is one Radian so

that's the definition of a Radian a

Radian is the angle that occurs whenever

the arc left which is basically this

distance here is equal to the radius in

fact if you want to find the angle theta

you can divide the arc length which is

known as s by the radius and that will

give you the angle in radians so keep

this in mind

let's say this is our and this is our

and here's s the our class so if we need

to find the angle theta simply divide

the arguments by the radius so let's say

if we have a circle and let's say the

arc length is 12 centimeters so that's

the distance between these two points

let's call it point a and point B and

let's say Point C is the center of the

circle now let's say that the radius of

the circle is 6 centimeters so that's

the distance between the center and a

point on a circle what is the angle

theta in radians what is the angle so

the finding angle is the arc length

divided by the radius so it's 12

centimeters divided by 6 centimeters and

so this will give you 2 or 2 radians

personally I'd like to think of the

radius as being the less per unit Radian

I think of it as being 6 centimeters per

Radian and that way you can see how the

units centimeters will cancel and in the

end you should get radians so that's how

you could find the angle let's work on

another example

so let's say the radius is 4 inches

and let's say the arc left s let's say s

is equal to 16 inches calculate the

angle theta as indicated in the drawn so

the angle theta is going to be s divided

by R so in this case it's 16 inches

divided by 4 inches per Radian so this

will give you 4 radians so now you know

how to calculate the angle in radians if

you're given the arc lift and the radius

now let's talk about how to convert

angles from degrees to radians so what

you need to know is that let's say if

you have a circle one full revolution of

a circle is equal to 360 degrees and

that's equal to 2 pi radians

now if 360 degrees is equal to 2 pi

radians and if we divide both sides by 2

we can see that 180 degrees is equal to

pi radians and this is the conversion

factor that you want to use to convert

from degrees to radians so let's see if

we have the angle 60 degrees and we want

to convert it to radians here's our

willing to do take your angle and

multiply it by pi divided by 180 you

want the unit degrees to cancel so

what's 60 divided by 80 for one thing we

can get rid of a zero so become 6 over

18 so we have 6 PI over 18 but we can

write 18 as 6 times 3 and we can cancel

a 6

so therefore the final answer is PI over

3 so 60 degrees is equal to PI over 3

radians let's try another example

convert 150 degrees into radians so free

to pause the video

and try this problem so just like before

we're going to multiply by pi divided by

180 so let's begin by getting rid of 0

so now we have 15 pi divided by 18 15 is

5 times 3 18 is 6 times 3 so we can get

rid of a 3 so therefore the final answer

is 5 pi divided by 6 try these two

examples convert negative 225 degrees

into radians and also negative 30 so I'm

going to start with negative 30 let's

multiply that by PI divided by 180 so

once again we can get rid of a 0 so this

is going to be negative 3 PI + 18 I'm

going to write it as 6 times 3 so we can

cancel a 3 so the final answer is going

to be negative pi divided by 6 that's

equal to negative 30 degrees now in this

example let's multiply negative 225

degrees by pi divided by 180 now it's

helpful to know that 225 is 45 times 5 +

180 is 45 times 4 so now we can cancel

45 which will give us a final answer of

negative 5 pi divided by 4 so now you

know how to convert angles from degrees

to radians and that's all you need to do

which is multiply by PI over 180 now

what about converting radians into

degrees so let's say if we have 2 PI

over 3 radians what should we do to

convert this angle into degrees well

this time instead of multiplying by PI

over 180 we're going to multiply by 180

divided by PI we need to flip it now you

want to write it in such a way that the

PI letters can't

so this is going to be 2 times 180

divided by 3 now 180 is 60 times 3 so we

can get rid of 3 and so we're left with

2 times 60 which is 120 degrees and so

that's the answer let's try some more

examples try this one

convert 11 PI over 6 into degrees so

once again let's multiply by 180 divided

by PI and let's cancel PI now we can

write 180 as 30 times 6 so let's get rid

of 6 so we just got to multiply 11 times

30 11 is basically 10 plus 1 and if we

just should be 32 it 30 times 10 is 330

times 1 is 30 so our final answer is 330

degrees here are some examples that you

can try convert negative 7 PI over 4 in

2 degrees and also negative 3 PI over 2

I'm going to start with this one let's

multiply by 180 divided by PI 180 is the

same as 90 times 2 so we can get rid of

2 & 3 times 90 is 270 so the final

answer is negative 270 degrees now what

about negative 7 PI over 4

well let's do the same thing let's

multiply by 180 over PI and cancel PI

now keep in mind 180 is 45 times 4 so we

can cancel 4 so now we need to multiply

it 45 times 7 so that's the same as 7

times 40 plus 5

now seven times 40 if 7 times 4 is 28 7

times 40 is QA 7 times 5 is 35 if we add

to 80 and 35 this is going to be 315 so

the final answer is negative 315 degrees

now for those of you who are access to

my complete online trigonometry course

is where you can finally go to udemy

calm and then in the search box you

could just search for trigonometry

and you can see my course is basically

the one with the black background and

then here is it I'm still adding more

lectures but his way I have so far

introduction for angles drawn angles

converting degrees into radians linear

speed and low speed problems hourglass

information on the unit circle how to

evaluate trigonometric functions using

the unit circle a right triangle

trigonometry things like sohcahtoa even

you can have video quizzes as well

solving word problems like angle of

elevation problems and then you have

next section graphing sine cosine

functions secant tangent inverse trig

functions pretty much all the common

stuff that you'll see in a typical

trigonometry of course even solving

Berens verifying trigonometric

identities sum and difference formulas

double angle half angle and some other

things too and as I mentioned before I'm

going to add some other things as well

so so if we check it out when you get a

chance and let's continue back to the

video now you need to be able to draw

angles in standard positions if it's

given to you in radians with cover

degrees already so let's say if we have

the angle PI over 4 how can we graph it

in standard position well for one thing

it might be helpful to convert this into

degrees 180 divided by 4 is 45 degrees

and you know 45 is between 0 and 90 so

we're going to draw the Ray right in the

middle between those two so therefore

this is how you graph the angle PI over

4 let's try another example 7 PI over 6

where should we graph it well let's

begin by converting it into degrees

180 is 30 times 60 and 7 times 30 is 210

now q10 is between 180 and 270 but it's

closer to 180 so it's right there

therefore this angle is 7 pi divided by

try this one negative PI over 6 so let's

convert it to degrees first 180 divided

by 6 is 30 so this is 0 and this is

negative 90 so negative 30 should be in

this region in Quadrant 4 so this is

negative 30 degrees now let's talk about

some common angles that you need to know

in radians and their locations let's

start with PI over 4 so PI over 4 is

located in Quadrant 1 it's between 0 and

90 the next one that's similar to it

they need to know is 3 PI over 4 3 PI

over 4 is 135 PI over 4 is 45 so 45

times 3 is 135 in Quadrant 3 the next

angle is 5 PI over 4 which is 225 and

quadrant 4 has the angle 7 PI over 4 7

times 45 is 315 now this angle here is 2

PI over 4 to PI over 4 it reduces to PI

over 2 and whenever you see PI remember

pi is equal to 180

so when 80 divided by 4 is 45 so that's

how you can remember PI over 4 is 45 3

PI over 4 45 times 3 that's 1 35 5 PI

over 4 5 times 45 that's 225 which is in


now the next one for pi over 4 reduces

to PI and pi is 180 here we have 6 PI

over 4 which reduces to 3 PI over 2 so

you want here 2 PI over 4 6 PI over 4 4

PI over 4 because the reducible

fractions just know where they're

located and that the fact that they're

going to reduce to PI over 2 3 PI over 2

or pi but these are the main ones you

need to know PI over 4 3 PI over 4 5 PI

over 4 and 7 PI over 4 now the next

thing you'll need to be familiar with is

PI over 3 so PI over 3 is about 60

degrees so this is 1 PI over 3 and then

2 PI over 3 is in Quadrant 2 so that's

about 120 so remember pi is 180 so PI

divided by 3 180 divided by 3 that

correlates to 60 so 2 PI over 3 is 60

times 2 which is 123 PI over 3

simplifies to PI which is 180 C 1 C 3 PI

rafi age of speed pi

next you have 4 PI over 3 which is 4

times 60 that's 240 and then 5 PI over 3

that's 5 times 60 which is 300 so in

terms of PI over 3 so those are the

common ones you'll see one time it's 3 2

PI over 3 4 PI over 3 and 5 PI over 3

next we have pi over 6 so 1 PI over 6

which is 180 divided by 6 that's 30 and

then we have 5 PI over 6 that's 5 times

30 which is 150 and then 7 5 to 6 that's

in Quadrant 3 that's 7 times 30 which is

2 10 and finally 11 PI over 6 which is

11 times 30 or 330 and don't forget the

angles that are on the x and y axis this

is zero degrees PI over 2 which is 180

divided by 2 that's 90 degrees pi is 180

3 PI over 2 that's 3 times pi over 2

which is 3 times 90 that's 270 so now

you know where the common angles are

located and so you can easily place them

in their appropriate location if you

understand everything that we just went

over so those are the common angles that

you'll see later in the unit circle so

just make sure you remember those


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