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in this video we're going to focus on

something called

the feynman technique

this is a technique that can be applied

whenever you wish to not only learn

something new

but also to understand it

now there's four key areas in the fame

and technique

number one the first thing you want to

do is you want to define

what exactly it is that you wish to


and then take action by studying

that subject or topic

what's interesting is that you can learn

anything that you set your mind to

for instance if you want to learn math

physics or algebra you could do that you

just have to take action and start


so that's the first part of the fame and

technique defining what it is you want

to learn and then start studying

the second step

involves teaching others

once you learn the subject what you want

to do is you want to try to explain

to yourself

what you've learned

you could do this verbally or by writing

down notes on a sheet of paper

but you can also even better try

explaining it to someone else

because if they don't get it they'll ask

you questions to see you know if you can

help them understand it and if you can

explain it

in a way that they understand it then

that shows that you have a decent grasp

of the topic

now i know this to be especially true in

my case

even though i've learned subjects such

as chemistry and physics in high school

my understanding of these topics

they would greatly improve

after i began working as a tutor

teaching it to other people

it's been said that as you teach others

you teach yourself

in fact the process

of explaining what you learned to

yourself or someone else

is very useful

it can help you to determine whether or

not you understand your material to a

reasonable degree for instance i've

heard it been said that

if you can't explain it well to someone


you don't understand it yourself

now the third step

of the famine technique


to identify gaps in your understanding

after you try explaining the subject to


or someone else's stuff too

chances are you're going to pick up on

some gaps in your understanding that you

didn't know were there the first time

you learned the material once that

happens you want to go back and review

the subject a second time to fill those

gaps that you've identified

so whenever you're reading a book

or let's say if you watch a movie

whenever you do it a second time

don't you notice additional details that

you missed the first time you read the

book or watch that movie

i know this is true for me

therefore whenever you learn anything

new it's always good to review the

material a second or third time to gain

a better understanding of the subject

because once you understand it it's

going to be difficult for you to forget


i know in school

what i like to do is i like to learn the

material ahead of time before the

teacher teaches in class

because once i'm exposed to material the

second time

it deepens my understanding of the


so anytime you review a topic you look

at it a second or third or fourth time

you're going to gain additional details

that you probably didn't notice were

there before

so that third step reviewing

to like fill in the gaps

of what you don't understand that's part

of the fame and technique


as you try to explain

what you've learned to someone else in

step two

when they ask you questions and if you

feel like you can't answer it that's how

you can identify gaps in your

understanding and that's when you go to

step three to review the material again

to fill in those gaps

that you've missed

now the fourth step is to simplify

your explanation

you want to understand the material so


that you can not only break it apart

down into its fundamental elements but

also make connections with other similar


once you get to a point where you can

explain it simply to a kid

that's when you reach a point where

you've acquired a reasonable

understanding of the

subject so

whenever you wish to learn something new

or even understand something

try explaining it to yourself or even

better to someone else

this will help you to know if you have a

good grasp of the topic or if you need

to go back and study some more

so that's the basic idea behind feyman's

technique of learning something new and

understanding it number one you want to

study it number two teach to others

number three once you've identified gaps

your knowledge

go back and review the material

number four

simplify your explanation

develop the ability to explain what you


in such a simple way that anyone with a

limited vocabulary can understand

so that's the basic idea behind famous


and hopefully you found this video to be


now i'm going to take a moment

to discuss an ebook that will be very

useful for those of you who want to

improve your study skills so if you go

to this website video dash

and you click on my ebook

here you'll find a page that talks about

this ebook that i have on amazon

entitled how to pass difficult math and

science classes

so in this ebook i'm going to go over

some strategies that you can use

that can help you

to do well in your next course

you can click on the image or this link

the buy now button

and it will take you to the amazon page

where you can

buy the ebook so feel free to take a

look at that when you get a chance

and that'll be it for this video so

thanks for watching

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