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this video is for those of you who are

taking calculus

regardless if you're in high school or

in college

so i'm going to recommend two textbooks

that i found useful

when studying for this course

so the first one that i'm going to



a calculus textbook


james stewart



now the one that i've used

this is

the old one

it's this one it's the fifth edition of

this textbook now granted there are

newer versions of this textbook that's



for the most part the information is

still the same

now the second textbook that i'm going

to recommend

is another calculus textbook but this is

going to be by larson

and edwards
now the same is true for this textbook

there are

newer versions of it that's available

the one that i've used and i that i

still have is

this one

this is the ninth edition of this

textbook so both of these textbooks are

pretty good

they've they contain a lot of examples

practice problems


that can really help you to understand

the lesson

now regardless if you're taking

ap calculus in high school

or if you're in college and about to

take your first semester of calculus

there are three key areas of this course

that you may want to get a head start in

these are


derivatives and integration

those are the main concepts you're going

to learn in calculus

now the good thing is that you can get a

head start right now

in the description section below this

video i'm going to list three videos

that will teach you these three core


and you could watch this in a day if you

invest one day to watch these three


and take the time to like learn it and

work through the problems

you're going to set yourself up for


when you take calculus this semester

now the next thing that i'm going to


is an ebook i recently created and that

explains what i've done

to do well in math and science classes

when i was in school

so the title of the ebook is how to pass


math and science classes

and you'll see it show up in the search


here it is

now this book is for those of you who

want to develop

good study habits in school

now you could read this uh ebook in

amazon's kindle cloud reader

the paperback is currently

not available at this moment

this book can help you

with classes

that is not limited just to calculus the

principles that are mentioned in this

book can be applied to courses like

algebra geometry trigonometry


general chemistry organic chemistry


you can apply it to like almost any math

and science class that you take

so feel free to take a look at that when

you get a chance

and uh that's basically it for this


so for those of you who want to be

notified anytime i create like a new


post a new video

or jump into podcasts

or create some type of digital course in

the future if you want to be notified

feel free to sign up for my email list

at video dash

so you can find that in the description

section below this video

and don't forget to

subscribe to this channel when you get a


so i appreciate y'all watching

actually before i end this video there's

one more thing i do want to mention

and that is

my playlist you could find my playlist


my youtube channel

or if you go to video dash

uh once you sign up for the email list

you can be directed to a page that have

a list of links

to all of my uh math and science


all in one spot so

you may want to check that out as well

because if you're taking calculus

at least with that playlist you can have

an organized list of videos

that you can access anytime that will

help you with this course

so thanks again for watching

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