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Name:_Joyce Cyrazille Eugenio ____________

Section: __11 STEM - Cepheus___ Date: _04/13/21______________

Mini-Performance Task 3

Methods of Separation


A. Sand of time
1. Prepare 1 kg soil from the backyard and sieve.
2. Transfer the 1 kg soil into the sieve. Measure the mass of the sand and the
materials left on the sieve.

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B. Pass it through the cloth

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1. Measure 100 mL water from the bottom of your water container.
2. Cover the top of a glass with a piece of cloth then pour the 100 mL water unto it.

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3. After pouring the water, observe the surface of the cloth. Note any observation
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that you will make.

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The soil I sieve is then 1 kg after I sieve the soil, only 1 kg of ground is 0.65 kg and 0.35
kg of soil left behind.
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I saw some dirt on the cloth after I poured the water on the white cloth.
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1. What material passes though the holes of the sieve? Why?
Sieving allows the fine soil/sand particles to pass through the holes of the sieve while

the bigger particles or impurities remain on the sieve.


2. What did you find on the surface of the clothe? Is it safe to drink before
passing through that clothe? Why?
I found some dirt from the water on the surface of the cloth. In my perspective, drinking

water directly from the faucet is not safe, because it has dirt.

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