Sifat Fisik DAN: Batuan

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Handoyo, S.Si., M.T.

Petrofisika dan Sejarahnya
• Petrofisika adalah cabang ilmu kebumian yang mempelajari sifat-
sifat fisik batuan.
• Usaha memahami sifat-sifat fisik batuan berpori sudah dimulai sejak awal
munculnya industri migas.
• Para pelopor penelitian mengenai sifat-sifat fisik batuan berpori: Kozeny
(1927), Tickel et al. (1933), Schlumberger et al. (1936), Hassler et al. (1936),
Wyckoff and Botset (1936), Leverett (1941), Benner and Bartell (1941),
Archie (1942, 1950), Patnode and Wyllie (1950).
• Aliran fluida dalam media berpori (Darcy, 1856, saringan pasir;
Slichter, 1899, ground water).

• Mempelajari teori mengenai:
• sifat-sifat fisik batuan reservoir dan konsep
pengukurannya di laboratorium;
• karakteristik batuan berpori; porositas;
• permeabilitas absolut, efektif dan relatif;
• saturasi fluida;
• kompresibilitas batuan; interaksi fluida-batuan;
• tekanan kapiler;
• resistivitas batuan berpori yang mengandung fluida;
• pengaruh tekanan dan temperatur pada sifat-sifat fisik


• Pekerjaan rumah (TUGAS) : 30%

• Ujian Tengah Semester : 35% (bahan ujian dari
awal kuliah sampai dengan bahan kuliah
menjelang UTS)
• Ujian Akhir Semester : 35% (bahan ujian semua
bahan kuliah yang dibahas setelah UTS)

Pustaka Acuan

• Petrophysics MSc Course Notes (Glover)

• Petroleum Reservoir Engineering: Physical
Properties (author: J. W. Amyx, D. M. Bass, Jr.,
and R. L. Whiting).
• Properties of Reservoir Rocks: Core Analysis
(aouthor: R. P. Monicard)
• Coring and Core Analysis Handbook (author: G.

Pustaka Acuan

• Petrophysics MSc Course Notes (Glover)

• Petroleum Reservoir Engineering: Physical
Properties (author: J. W. Amyx, D. M. Bass, Jr.,
and R. L. Whiting).
• Properties of Reservoir Rocks: Core Analysis
(aouthor: R. P. Monicard)
• Coring and Core Analysis Handbook (author: G.

What is Petroleum?

• Petroleum is a naturally occurring hydrocarbon

(composed of hydrogen and carbon atoms) that can
exist as a solid, liquid, or gas. The physical state of
the hydrocarbon is a function of the pressure and
temperature to which it is exposed as well as its
structure (chain length/molecular weight).
• However, most of the hydrocarbons found within the
ground are either liquid or gas, and are referred to as
crude oil and natural gas, respectively.
1. Pendahuluan

Origin of Petroleum?

The organic theory is the commonly accepted theory.

1. Pendahuluan
Petroleum System
• Source rock is the rock containing
organic matter in sufficient quantity, and
is under suitable conditions for the
formation of hydrocarbons.
• Migration path is the pathway that the
hydrocarbons take to move away from
the source rock to the point where they
can find a suitable trap.
• Reservoir rock is the rock that is able to
store hydrocarbons in its pores. The
hydrocarbons will continue migrating
upward until they reach a seal. This is
an impermeable layer of rock that
blocks the hydrocarbons from further
• Finally, a trap is a configuration of rocks,
ensuring that the hydrocarbons are
stored in it. Traps can be structural,
stratigraphic, or a combination of both.
1. Pendahuluan
What is a Reservoir?

• Reservoirs can be classified into three types: oil, gas, and gas-oil.
• Natural gas, if present in a reservoir, is always on top because it has the lowest density, while water is
always at the bottom because it has the highest density among the three reservoir fluids (gas, oil, and

1. Pendahuluan
Lithology of Petroleum Reservoirs

• Lithology is the study of the general physical characteristics of a rock. Reservoir rocks can be divided into two
lithological types, namely, sandstone and carbonates.
• Sandstones are formed from grains that have undergone sedimentation, compaction, and cementation.
• Carbonates are principally formed on carbonate platforms by a combination of biogenic and abiogenic processes.
1. Pendahuluan
What is Petrophysics?

• Petrophysics is the study of rock properties and rock-fluid properties.

• These properties, which we will study extensively in the following chapters, include:
porosity, rock compressibility, single-phase permeability, fluid saturation, electrical
properties of reservoir rocks, wettability, capillary pressure, and relative permeability.

• Rock samples are extracted from the reservoir through cuttings or coring, can be
subjected to two categories of laboratory analysis: routine core analysis and special
core analysis.
1. Pendahuluan
Routine Core Analysis (RCAL)

• Routine core analysis attempts to find the basic properties of

the reservoir rock such as porosity, grain density,
permeability, and fluid saturation
1. Pendahuluan
Special Core Analysis (SCAL)

• Special core analysis is an extension of RCAL, and attempts to measure data that is
more representative of the reservoir conditions. These measurements include
electrical properties of reservoir rocks, wettability, capillary pressure, and relative
1. Pendahuluan

Why Do We Need to Understand Petrophysics?

• Estimating the quantity of hydrocarbons present in the

reservoirs (e.g. porosity and fluid saturation).
• Understanding how the hydrocarbons will flow from
the reservoir to the well during production (e.g.
permeability, wettability, and relative permeability
Sumber Data Sifat Fisik Batuan
Sifat-sifat fisik batuan diperoleh
• pengukuran langsung atas
contoh-contoh batuan (core
samples), atau Core Data
• cara tidak langsung dg memakai
alat Well LOGS yg mengukur
sifat fisik tertentu dari batuan
untuk kemudian dianalisis dan

Log Data

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