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A case study of contract workers and turnover intentions in Taiwan

Shun Yu Chen
Department of Business Administration, Chang Jung Christian University
396, Chang Jung Rd., Sec.1, Kway Jen, Tainan County, Taiwan, ROC
Li Ju Chen
Department of Business Administration, Far East University
No.49, Chung Hua Rd., Hsin-Shih, Tainan County 744, Taiwan, ROC

A critical labor market issue in all developed economies is the growth of non-
standard forms of labor such as temporary, fixed term contracts and so on. High
employee turnover rate of contract workers has been the most serious problem for
the manufacturing industry. Facing such high turnover rates and recruiting costs,
any firm must respond to and adjust its human resource policy. This paper deals
with the critical factors for unsatisfied employee and reduce employee turnover
rate. There are four main factors (working condition, leadership, training &
development and pay) effect turnover intention. Payment is the important factor
which inversely effect turnover intention. There are some different between junior
and senior groups. In junior workers group, working condition is the important
factor. Improvement actions are proposed, including job rotation, strengthened
leadership and communication, reasonable overtime design, and an encouraging
reward system.

This paper aims to clarify the relationship between human resource practices and
turnover intention of contact workers. Critical factors and reasons for unsatisfied
employees are proposed and analyzed by factor analysis. The research confirms the
negative relation between job satisfaction and turnover intention. Obviously,
satisfied employees tend to be less likely to leave the organization. Offering
compensation and rewards significantly inferior to those offered by other
organizations for the same type of work can trigger employee movement. In a high
turnover culture employees have begun to view exit as a simpler and more viable
solution than exercising voice than to share feelings and ideas, in the hopes of
improving their work environments.
Managers need to discover voice as a viable means through which they alleviate
job problems and initiate improvement and corrections in their work environment.
To decrease turnover addresses through such as the management of workloads,
assignments, rewards, and training and development. Work overload and
exhaustion can therefore contribute to a high turnover. Recent graduates are
typically single and more willing and able to work hours of overtime without being
constrained by family responsibilities. Improvement actions are proposed,
including job rotation, strengthened leadership and communication, reasonable
overtime design, and an encouraging reward system.



Mark Ng
Department of Business Administration, Hong Kong Shue Yan University
10 Wai Tsui Crescent, Braemar Hill Road, North Point


This study was conducted to examine the main effects of employees’

perceived organizational support and external prestige on their turnover intentions,
with the mediating effects of their trust to organization. The sample consists of
402 employees of various levels selected from different companies in Hong Kong.
Those employees with higher level of perceived organizational support and
perceived external prestige may have higher level of trust towards the management
of their company, and hence, less likely to leave the firm. Therefore, the key to
maintain a stable workforce is to make employees perceive the support from the
company, and become proud of their company. The direct and indirect effects of
these constructs on turnover intention are analyzed by structural equation modeling
(SEM). Finally, the limitations of the study, directions for future research, and
implications of the results are discussed


The findings of this study point to several implications for management practice.
Most importantly, this study indicates the possibility that desirable organizational
outcomes might be achieved by both strong corporate communication campaigns
that promote its position in the society, and internal communication strategies
enhance their feelings of support and cares. For example, employee recognition
programs, training programs that incorporate information about the
accomplishments of the organization and its employees, internal newsletters,
company websites, and other ways to enhance the image of the company, are all
effective in building up employees’ trust in organization.

The findings also provide support to the view of incorporating corporate

social responsibility programs in companies as these programs can have positive
effects on employees’ attitudes, and hence their behaviors. By fulfilling the
expectations of society, corporations not only avoid the government’s tighten up of
regulatory actions, but also develop trust of employees to the company. Thus, it is
in the best interests of a company to operate above the moral minimum of the

Jeffrey P. Slattery*
Northeastern State University-Broken Arrow
3100 East New Orleans
Broken Arrow, OK 74014
918.449.6000 Ext. 6558

T.T. Rajan Selvarajan

University of Houston-Victoria
School of Business
14000 Univeristy Blvd.
Sugar Land, TX 77479

* Address all correspondence to Jeffrey P. Slattery

Running Head: Attecedents to Temporary Employee’s Turnover Intentions

Submitted for possible inclusion in the program for the Organizational Behavior and
Organizational Theory track at the March 31-April 2, 2005 Midwest Academy of Managements
Annual Meeting.

Examining the associations between job satisfaction, organizational
commitment, and turnover intention among temporary employees was the purpose
of this study. Since temporary employees are employed by temporary agencies but
perform their work in client organizations to which they are assigned, this study
examines temporary employee attitudes in relation to turnover intentions for both
the temporary agencies and the client organizations. Based on the extant literature
on work attitudes, we proposed a structural model depicting hypothesized
associations between job satisfaction, organizational commitment and turnover
intention for both the temporary agency and client organization.


The results indicate one interesting pattern: the strengths of the

relationships between variables that are related to client organization are much
stronger than the corresponding relationships between variables related to the
temporary agency. For example, the relationship between organization
commitment and turnover intention is stronger for the client organization than the
temporary agency. Likewise, the relationship between job satisfaction and
organization commitment is stronger for the client organization than for the
temporary agency. This may be because it is common for temporary employees to
seek permanent employment quite often with the client organization. Thus, they
may be disposed to express stronger feelings toward the client organization rather
than temporary agency organization.



Tsang-kai Hung
Graduate Institute of Human Resource Management, National Changhua University of
2, Shi-Da Road, Changhua City 500, Taiwan

I-Jung Tsai
Graduate Institute of Human Resource Management, National Changhua University of
2, Shi-Da Road, Changhua City 500, Taiwan

This study examines the confidant relationship influences employees’ turnover
intentions, and uses employees’ job involvement to be a moderator. In Confucian
thoughts and traditional culture, Chinese emphasize the relationship between
people very much so that it would influence the attitude which they treat each
other. This relationship isn’t a blood relationship certainly. It may be a kindred
relationship that is produced by a leadership for the employees because the
employees perform so good that a leader appreciates them. In that way, the kindred
relationship becomes the confidant relationship. Because the confidant roles are
very major roles in the organization and a leader places importance on confidant
roles, they get involved in their job and don’t have turnover intention. However,
because non-confidant roles are not paid much attention by a leader, they lose a
confident feeling for an organization as well as a leader and produce turnover
intentions. Nevertheless, non-confidant roles get involved in their job, whether
non-confidant roles influence their turnover intention or not. Past researches only
put focus on the effect of confidant relationship on turnover intention. To enlarge
the research range, this research takes the job involvement to be a moderator
between confidant relationship and turnover intention.


If non-confidants are involved in their job, they will care about performances.
Although the relationship between non-confidants and leaders influence non-
confidant’s loyalty for the organization, job is more influential than the relationship
between non-confidants and leaders. For this reason, the more non-confidants get
involved in their job, the less negative relationship between confidant relationship
and turnover intention.
When the relationship between confidants and leaders are good, confidants would
like to maintain in the organization. Moreover, confidants get involved in their job
very much. Because leaders and job are important for confidants, confidants rarely
produce turnover intention. Therefore, the more confidants get involved in their
job, the more they don’t produce turnover intention.

Title: Turnover intention of Korean nurses

Authors: Haejung Lee, PhD, RN, Associate Professor, College of Nursing, Pusan National

University, Pusan, South Korea

Myungsoo Kim, PhD, RN, Full time lecturer, Department of Nursing, Ulsan College,

Ulsan, South Korea

Jung-A Yoon, MA, RN, Master graduates, College of Nursing, Pusan National

University; staff nurse, Pusan National University Hospital

Corresponding Author: Haejung Lee, RN, PhD

Associate Professor, Pusan National University, College of Nursing

1-10 Ami-Dong, Suh-Gu, Pusan, South Korea

Tel: +82-51-240-7756, +82-11-9501-7756

Fax: +82-51-248-2669


Purpose: Internal marketing has been highlighted for its importance in hospital management and its

influence of human resources. However, little is known about the role of internal marketing to the

intention of turnover along with job stress and organizational commitment among Korean nurses. The

purpose of this study was to examine discriminating factors of turnover intention among job stress,

organizational commitment, and internal marketing.

In summary, our consequences suggest that improving institutional internal marketing such as

affair-promotion and reward system, increasing OC and reducing job stress lead to lower turnover

intention. To reduce the turnover intention, we have provided the following conclusions according to

discriminating factors in this paper. Korean hospital manager should change the conservative

organizational climate such as ‘seniority system’ of new promotion policy and valance of effort-reward

should be provided. Improving OC management strategies as career development should be developed,

job related stress due to another nurses’ turnover should be alleviated by work environment renovation.

Impact of Organizational Justice on Employees Outcomes:

An Empirical Evidence
Dr Gohar Zaman1
Nadar Ali2
Nazim Ali3

Employees' dissatisfaction with their job gives rise to many serious problems for
the organization. For example, dissatisfied employees often involves in counter-
productive behaviors such as theft, poor service, destructive rumors and sabotage
Dr Gohar Zaman, Chairman Department of Management Sciences, Islamia College University, Peshawar
Student of Master of Development Studies, Abasyn University, Peshawar
Lecturer, Department of Management Sciences, Abasyn University, Peshawar
of equipment (Spector, 1997). It has also been found that when employees are not
satisfied, they report physical disturbances such as tension, depression, lassitude,
apprehension and sleeplessness (Frese, M., (1985; Spector (1997) Dissatisfied
employees also complain of stiffness in muscles and joints (O'Driscoll & Beehr,


This study was conducted to investigate the relationship between organizational

justice and employees’ outcomes which are job satisfaction, employees’
commitment and turnover intention amongst the teaching staff of private sector
schools of KPK, Pakistan. The result of Pearson Correlation found a significant
positive relationship between distributive justice and job satisfaction, procedural
justice and job satisfaction, distributive justice and employees’ commitment,
procedural justice and organizational commitment and a significant negative
correlation between distributive justice and turnover intention and procedural
justice and turnover intention. The management is strongly recommended to
improve organizational justice policies so as to increase job satisfaction,
organizational commitment and to decrease turnover intention.

Internal Marketing Practices and Employees’ Turnover Intentions in Tourism

and Leisure Hotels
Institution of technological and vocational education and human resource development
Southern Taiwan University, Taiwan

In recent years, the government has actively promoting the 2008 National Development Plan and the overall policy
of opening the island for tourist from Mainland China. This effort increases the importance of the leisure service
industry. The hotel industry is typically a service industry and the service object is “human;” therefore, service
quality is decided based on “human” qualities. Thus, the human element is a key resource for the hotel industry. The
employee turnover rate of the hotel industry is on the higher side, which causes higher personnel expenditures and
training costs and increases the probability of losing potential employees. The hotel industry as a whole, therefore,
should strengthen its internal marketing efforts aimed at ensuring employees to establish a high level of customer-
service consciousness, promote service quality, and decrease turnover rates. This study attempts to integrate and
discuss the existing results and concepts proposed by previous scholars. According to the literature review and
questionnaires, this paper will discuss the correlation between internal marketing practices and the employees’
turnover intentions. In addition, this study inserts the concept of work adoptability to discuss the relationship
between internal marketing practices and employee turnover intentions at different levels.

Organizational Climate of Staff Working

Conditions and Safety—An Integrative Model
Patricia W. Stone, Michael I. Harrison, Penny Feldman,
Mark Linzer, Timothy Peng, Douglas Roblin,
Jill Scott-Cawiezell, Nicholas Warren, Eric S. Williams

Objectives: This project sought to compare measures of organizational climate in
ongoing patient safety studies, identify similarities and setting-specific dimensions,
develop a model of climate domains that are hypothesized to affect outcomes
across settings, and test aspects of the model. Methods: Investigators who had
surveyed health care workers’ perceptions of organizational climate in six studies
funded by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) were invited
to participate. Survey items from each study were classified using four climate
domains found in a prior literature review. The authors discussed subconstructs,
proposed additional constructs, developed an integrative model, and independently
tested selected aspects of the model. Results: The investigators who participated
had studied acute care, home health care, long-term care, and multiple settings; two
investigators had studied primary care. More than 80,000 workers were surveyed.
The model’s core climate domains included leadership (e.g., values) and
organizational structural characteristics (e.g., communication processes and
information technology), the impact of which was mediated by four process
variables: supervision, group behavior (e.g., collaboration), quality emphasis (e.g.,
patient centeredness), and work design (e.g., staffing). These factors affect health
care worker outcomes (e.g., satisfaction and intention to leave) and patient
outcomes. Overall, the full model explained 24 to 65 percent of the variance in
employee satisfaction, but was not as effective at predicting intention to leave.

While some of these domains appeared in prior models, new domains—quality

emphasis, new subconstructs, information technology, and patient centeredness—
are emerging. Our model invites dialogue among researchers and informs agenda-
setting for future research into organizational climate and the safety of patients and
health care employees. This integrative model will facilitate cross-study
quantification of associations among variables in these important domains.

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