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GE 2/GE 3: Purposive Communication

Learning Outcomes/Objectives:
a. Discuss effective communication and oral presentations in the workplace.
b. Analyse different communication materials.
c. Write business letters, and Memoranda.





Different professions use different genres. However, you will note that there are communication
materials that cut across professions. They communicate important information about a certain organization,
event, or individual.
Some of these communication materials are the memoranda, minutes of meetings, business letters, and
business proposals. Moreover, with the advent of technology, there are now new forms of communication
materials using social media channels such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. All these communication
materials are considered as genres and they cut across the different professions and/or disciplines.


Business letters are a common form of writing in organization. The traditional parts of a business letter
a. Heading
b. inside address
c. salutation
d. body
e. complimentary close
f. signature

Generally, the business letter follows a certain format. When plain bond paper is used, the conventional
heading incudes the address of the writer and the date when the letter is written. A modern heading uses the
company's stationery which bears the company's logo, address, telephone number, and other information. The
date when the letter is written is simply indicated. The heading is followed by the inside address which
indicates the name of the recipient of the letter, his/her designation/position in a company or organization, and
the company's address. It is also possible that the recipient has no business or company affiliation. In this case,
the letter writer merely indicates the recipient's address. This part is followed by the greeting or salutation, and
the body of the letter which is clear, simple, and focused. The body normally has three paragraphs, the first of
which provides the reason for writing. The second paragraph gives more specific details about the information
provided in the first paragraph while the last paragraph emphasizes the reason tor writing and expresses
gratitude to the reader for taking time out to read/review the letter. The next part is the complimentary close
and the last is the signature.
GE 2/GE 3: Purposive Communication
The following templates illustrate the parts and formats of a business letter.
Template of a business letter with a conventional heading and utilizing the purely block format:

Template of a business letter with a modern heading and utilizing the modified block format:
GE 2/GE 3: Purposive Communication
GE 2/GE 3: Purposive Communication
Note that there is a need for you to adjust the content of you letter depending on the purpose for writing.
As it is, there are different kinds of business letters: letter of application, letter resignation, letter or acceptance,
follow-up letter, and letter of appreciation, among others.
It is also possible that you write professional e-mails when you apply for work or for other business
purposes. Remember that when you write a business e-mail message, you write it the way you write any other
business correspondence. It is important that you always fill in the subject line so as not to leave the recipient of
the message guessing as to what the message is all about. Then begin your e-mail with a professional greeting,
followed by the body, closing, and signature. Include your full name and contact information such as e-mail
address and phone number.
Another communication material is the memorandum. The term memorandum can be shortened or
abbreviated by calling it a memo. A Latin term which means "it must be remembered," the memo is usually
issued and disseminated by those occupying mid-level positions and up in an organızation. It is written to serve
as a reminder to one's constituents who need to do or act upon something. This is done so that the concerned
constituents will be properly guided as to what to do next so that errors in the organizational system/process can
be avoided or if already made or committed, it may or will not happen again.
How do you construct an effective memorandum? As in any form of writing, organize your thoughts very well
so that clarity is achieved in the first instance or at the outset. The first part should contain the most important
information. Thus, indicate the information you want and the reason for such by presenting relevant
information. The succeeding parts may discuss in specific terms what has been indicated in the first part of the
memo. Your conclusion should also be clear so that the readers will know what to do after reading it. Note that
an effective memorandum is one that is written in a powerful manner so that the readers will be convinced to act
upon it. Address the memorandum only to those who are concerned. Review the memo before releasing it
especially if it contains confidential information. Remember that memos, just like any form of writing, can
serve as a permanent record in any office or organization.
Memos have the same structure. This is the template for a memorandum:
GE 2/GE 3: Purposive Communication
Sending a memo via electronic mail is acceptable but you still need to follow the correct format. It is
also better if a memo is sent as an attachment to the e-mail.
A third important communication material is the minutes of a meeting. Organizations, institutions,
agencies, and even smaller units or offices hold meetings from time to time. It is important that things discussed
in the meeting are documented so that you can always refer to them when issues arise in the future. It is possible
that any clarifications on matters that have been previously addressed are found in the minutes of meetings held
in the past. Thus, it is important that records are kept properly. Soft and hard copies are highly recommended.
Below is an example of the minutes of the meeting:


Marilu Ranosa Madrunio, Isabel Pefianco Martin. Purposive Communication. Using English in Multilingual Contexts
GE 2/GE 3: Purposive Communication


Name: Date:

Check your understanding of the input by answering the following questions:

1. Aside from the genres presented above, what are the other communication materials or genres used across
professions? Name at least three and give a detailed structure of each.




















GE 2/GE 3: Purposive Communication





2. How different are these genres in terms of structure when compared to their online counterparts?















3. In what instances would the traditional form of genres be useful? What about their online versions?








GE 2/GE 3: Purposive Communication





GE 2/GE 3: Purposive Communication


Name: Date:

Presume that you are applying for a job. Prepare a letter of application and use either the block or
modified block format. Use the space provided below.
GE 2/GE 3: Purposive Communication

1. There are many communication materials that cut across professions: business letters, memoranda, and
minutes of a meeting, among others. Other genres are the Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn which are
found in social media channels.
2. While traditional genres have their counterparts in the social media, their structures are essentially the
3. One important genre that cuts across disciplines is the business proposal which has three major parts: the
problem statement, the proposed solution, and the costing or pricing.

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