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7 Reading A.Discuss. + What's your favorite dish? What's in it? + Would you ever eat the things shown in the pictures? If you had to, in which order ‘would you try them? fo eas Een EX C. Read again and write T for True, Ffor False or NM for Not Mentioned. 1. The writer saw duria advertisement for the a =a ‘Look at the table below and check (Y) the appropriate columns for cake and pizza. r coffee | lemons | cake | pizza sweet v Foner | V saity { | = “spicy T [ | fresh eg Seer ee ast a ee ee one) ‘Read the examples and notice the words in old. Then match them with a 7 While | was traveling on the subway, I saw a strange sign. 2 Iwas looking at the merchant while he was cutting the fruit in hall. 2. As soon as I finished eating the piece, the ‘merchant offered me some more. Oo 2 The two actions were happening at the same time. © The two actions happened one after the other. € One action was in progress when the ‘other happened Go to Grammar Reference D. Look at the highlighted words in the text and match them with their meanings ae 1. merchant 2. handed 3. raising 4 entire 5 response What d 'b. moving something upwards c. whole 4. gave ‘a person that sells things experience? Would you ever try durians? Why?/Why tS eae. Sa 4 Practice ‘Complete the text with the Past Simple or the Past Progressive of the verbs in parentheses. 1 ae bag, There were snails in it! She (3) (want) to make something different for dinner. (watch) a DVD when my sister (walk) into the house with a paper She (4) __ __(leave) the bag on the table, (5) (open) the refrigerator and o (start) taking out some vegetables. “You're going to love this!” she a (say). As she (8) (take) the vegetables out of the refrigerator, some of the snails (9) _(get) out of the bag. ‘As soon as | (10) (ee) them, | 0 ueee __(begin) shouting “They're moving! They're alive!” and my sister «2 (answer): “Of course, they are. That's how you cook them! 5 Speaking arn cal goes ies ace HSo3 alm eymat anlage ria alesdriata deers cttisace eet \Where were ou? What happened? How dla you feel before end wir tell the foc? What athe food tare ke? jo you think of the writer’s

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